
Tabula Rasa



8 Years
02-12-2017, 05:54 PM
I just wanna be by your side
So many changes in so little time. It was a little hard for Solveiga to wrap her little head around it all. But that was why she had left in the first place. To explore and have some time alone to wrap her head around everything that had happened. Her life was so different now. She was so different now. But maybe that was a good thing.

Her small, cream colored paws seemed to blend in with the sand as she picked her around little rocks and shells. Solveiga may have changed a lot, but she was still a curious soul, and couldn't resist stopping from time to time to sniff at a particularly colorful shell or to watch a crab scuttle from one side of the land bridge to the other. She was in no hurry; she had all the time in the world. It may not have been certain at what point she would reach the other side of this shimmering bridge of sand, but one thing was certain: she was going home. Wherever home may be.

Now if only she had a little company to make her long walk more interesting...



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-12-2017, 06:09 PM

This was the first time she was traveling alone. Okami never did venture much from pack lands, but now that her sister Charm was gone, and the healer that had joined last season was absent, she decided to take it upon herself to try and figure something out. Course...she didn't tell her brother what she was up to, and normally she would. But she didn't want to bother him with something that might put more burden on his shoulders. The large girl walked towards the direction they had traveled from a couple seasons ago, the only land bridge that connected her land to the mainland. Auster seemed quiet, less inhabited compared to Boreas. Talis was the only pack there as far as she knew.

She flicked her ears with uncertainty as the water around her lapped at the sands. Bringing with it, shells and other bits of debris. Crabs scuttled away as she drew closer to them, but she only stopped a couple of times to watch as they dove back into the water or buried themselves in the sand. One crab decided to be bold and blew bubbles at her! This was a curious place, and she definitely wanted to get out and explore more after this.

The yearlings blue gaze soon picked out a faint shape ahead of her. Her eyesight wasn't the best, and with all the reflection of the sun on the sand and water around her, things appeared brighter to her, and it started to hurt her eyes some. She lowered her head closer to the ground and continued forward, whoever was up ahead she didn't know. The scent was unfamiliar, but maybe...that wolf could keep her company as she trekked across this sand bridge. If they were friendly, of course. The closer she got, she could pick out the scent of a female. Smaller than her too, that was for sure. Maybe she didn't have anything to worry shy as she felt, she didn't really want to keep traveling this bridge on her own. "Um...e-excuse me!" Hm...she hadn't really thought beyond that. What else did she say? She hesitantly stopped where she was, squinting to better see who she had just bothered.

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



8 Years
02-12-2017, 08:15 PM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2017, 08:17 PM by Solveiga.)
I just wanna be by your side
Solveiga sighed contently as the warm wind from the waters around her blew through her fur. Spring was such a beautiful time of year. And what a perfect time to be starting fresh. She paused again to let another crab scramble past, laughing a bit at the way it plopped back into the water on the other side. She lifted her paw to take the next step forward when suddenly a voice reached her ears. She flinched a tiny bit, evidence of her old self and her old habits still hanging on. But then she lifted her chin a bit and assumed a very confident look as she glanced back over her shoulder. There in the distance, so bright she nearly got swallowed up in the mirage above the shimmering sand, was another female. Solveiga turned completely to face the stranger, curiosity in her eyes and a friendly smile on her lips.

"Yes?" she called back. It looked like the other female had stopped where she was. Solveiga followed her own footsteps back in the direction she'd come, wondering if maybe the stranger was in some sort of trouble. "Do you need help?" Solveiga asked.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-08-2017, 04:03 AM

For a fleeting moment, she had thought about just turning the other way again. But before she could make that decision, the other woman responded. "Yes?" Well crap. There went her chance. Assuming she would have made the decision to turn around and run. Her heart pounded in her chest, ears flicking with uncertainty as she lowered her head. Why the heck was she such a scaredy cat? Especially around this woman when she was so much smaller!? Okami didn't quite understand herself sometimes, and she often struggled with it. She gritted her teeth almost, as the woman decided to approach her. "Do you need help?" She swallowed. What did she tell the woman? "I...uh...n-no..." Her soft voice fell even quieter as she seemed to fumble for an answer. What if the woman refused to want to accompany her? Okami had never traveled this far alone before, and she wasn't sure what she was even thinking in the first place. I knew this was a bad idea... She shuffled her paws in the sand, the silence that hung in the air felt suffocating. She knew she couldn't leave the woman hanging with an improper response, however. It just wasn't polite now, was it? "I uh...wanted to maybe...see if...I mean, I just saw you and...figured that if we're going the same way...that maybe we together?" She looked shyly at the female, who she noticed now that they were closer to each other, was really pretty. She found herself blushing for a moment. Luckily her skin was already pink! "U-unless you don't want to! That is uh...s-sorry for bothering you..."

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



8 Years
03-10-2017, 11:50 AM
I just wanna be by your side
Solveiga continued to walk back across the land bridge toward the bright young female who had called on her. Really, though, she was bright. In the light of midday, out here were there were no trees or mountains to provide shade, she looked like a fragment of the sun that had broken off somehow and fallen down to earth. Solveiga had only seen fur so white and luminescent once before, and that was with Báine. This young woman must have been born with albinism as well.

She said that she didn't need help, meaning she wasn't in any sort of trouble. And that was a good thing. But certainly she'd called out to Solveiga for some reason, and as the girl stumbled through her words, it became clear what that reason was. It was almost surreal, listening to the girl shyly fumbling for the right words. She was so much like the girl Solveiga used to be. But now she was becoming more confident, making herself into a new and hopefully better woman one step at a time. Maybe this could be one of those steps, helping this girl that reminded her so much of herself. Solveiga smiled and swished her sand colored tail from side to side. "Traveling is always better with company," she said, gesturing with her head for the two of them to continue on together.

"I'm ready whenever you are," she said with a smile. "My name is Solveiga, by the way. What might I call you?"



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
04-12-2017, 01:52 AM
ooc// totally didn't forget about this, i'm sorry T^T

"Traveling is always better with company," Okami's ears perked up, tail wagging nervously as the smaller woman came closer. "R-really?" She was glad that the woman had said yes, because Okami wasn't sure she could keep going across on her own. For one, she had never traveled this far on her own. The farthest she had gone was at most two territories away from home. She was afraid to go any further, despite her size. She didn't have a companion like her brother or her mom, and she had no clue about the potential dangers of the world out there beyond pack borders. Or at least, whatever didn't lie in the immediate area. Where she would go or what she would do after she crossed the Bifrost was beyond her, and she wasn't sure if she would go further or turn into a scaredy cat and run back home.

Well, she supposed she'd find out when she got to the other side, now wouldn't she? The small woman smiled at her, and in turn, Okami smiled back. She decided to quickly move tot he woman's side as the other started to walk, and Okami matched pace with her. She was both excited and nervous to have a traveling companion, however temporary it might be. Though she wondered if she might make a new friend in the process, or maybe even learn something new! That was a fun thought, though it of course, made her nervous as well. She glanced at the woman as she introduced herself, asking for her name in return. "Solveiga? That's a pretty name! Um, my name is Okami. It's nice to meet you!" She smiled, eyes closing for a moment as she grinned but it was short lived, for as soon as she did that, her large paws tripped over a shell in the sand. She stumbled clumsily, but recovered as quickly as she could. "S-sorry! It's weird walking in...sand. Ehe..." She cleared her throat, blue eyes looking out over the water, "It's so...weird, being surrounded by water like this..."

"Talk" "You" Think

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



8 Years
05-05-2017, 04:08 PM
I just wanna be by your side
Solveiga certainly didn't mind the company. And this girl was just so sweet. Every little mannerism, the way she stumbled, both figuratively (over her words) and literally (in the sand). Solveiga couldn't keep the smile off her face as she walked with her. She said that Solveiga was a pretty name, and then said that her name was Okami. "Okami," Solveiga repeated, looking at the girl and smiling, her tail swaying in the open air behind her. "That's very unique. And pretty," she added with a laugh.

As for the stumble in the sand, Solveiga hardly noticed. Not everyone could be light on their feet. She just smiled at the girl, nodding in complete agreement at both of her statements. "Yes, sand can be tricky sometimes," she said, and continued with: "I find it easier if I shorten my stride, but that's just me. As for the water, I completely agree. I've never seen anything quite like this land bridge... amazing, though, isn't it?"

The two pale women were nearly halfway across by now. Perhaps she should ask Okami where she planned to go after they made it to the mainland. Maybe they could continue to travel with one another, if their destinations were similar. "So Okami, where are you traveling to?"