



7 Years
Extra large
02-12-2017, 08:31 PM

Laying on her belly, shivering slightly from the cold touch of the ice beneath her, Mara found herself staring down through the ice with mild curiosity. The very tippy top of a pine tree poked through the surface just between her front paws. How odd to see plants engulfed in frozen water like this... She reached out and nipped at the little scrap of needly twig, ripping it from the ice and spitting it out.

She'd been growing bored lately. Things were no fun lately, an odd thing for the lazy woman to think but she chalked it up to the absence of her only living sibling. Sure she'd hated being dragged all over the damn place for whatever crazy shit he had planned, but at least she'd known that with him around the intoxicating rush of adrenaline from a fight would never be far away. Of course she was more than capable of getting into scraps on her own, but with no motivation to push her Mara found she was more inclined to sink into her lazy nature unless pushed by some irritating canine with no sense of self preservation. Rolling onto her back she'd just relax, eyes sliding shut though sleep did not come to steal her from her thought so she'd just remain motionless, trying to decide if she wanted to go hunt something later.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.



4 Years
02-12-2017, 10:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2017, 03:26 PM by Vianni.)
Asena let me assume Luc was sleeping <333

She was feeling stronger today, the need to celebrate her healing dancing through her being. Small scabs formed where he had bitten her, the devil had claimed her as his and now that she was feeling better, she had the energy to lead him on a hunt for her. The wicked woman eased herself out of the floor, watching her mate with a mischievous grin on her face as she crept up on him without a sound to stir him. When she is fit, Vianni is an early riser, waking up in the earliest hours before the dawn, and she watched the devil lay on his bed. Even in his sleep the male projected an air of danger that Vianni found to be entrancing. She smiles as she stands there, then turns and moves stealthily through the halls of their metal home.

Once outside, Vianni nearly let loose a howl to announce herself as healed to the world. Strength had returned to her, thanks to Lucifer's care, though she wasn't sure how long she could keep it after this stunt. Taking a deep breath, Vianni grinned as she let her paws touch the snow and she moved to leave the first of many scent markers for her mate to follow. Slowly, she tested her trot, and then a steady, ground eating lope that carried her across the marble wash, through the twisting labyrinth of its cliffs and riverbeds. Taking a breathing break at the plains littered with sparse groupings of pines and other scraggly shrubs, Vianni looked back toward the Antiox, the sun just beginning to peek over the horizon. Once she was sure there would be no cramps or shooting pains from her abdomen, the monochrome killer made her way through the plains and back north toward the frozen woods.

By marking her trail for her lover, she ensured that she would not be alone for long. It would also serve to prove that she had not left him permanently, and hopefully she could avoid some of his ire. While she healed, she had done fairly well in keeping him relatively harmless. And while she felt moderately guilty about not telling him the entire truth about her healing progress, she had hoped to surprise him with it. Looking around at the area, Vianni noted the green color of the leaves that were encased within the ice. This is where she wanted Lucifer to find her. Moving through the peeking treetops, Vianni focused more on finding a good place to stand rather than what was around her.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
02-16-2017, 07:38 AM

He had been sleeping until the movement of his new companion against his side caught his attention. The little wolverine sitting up and spitting to gain his attention. His ears perked and a snarl was brought forth. The thing started with its repetitive racket as it leaped from the behemoths bed. "Boss, boss, boss, boss. Bitch boss. Boss, boss, boss, boss." the words made him snarl under his breath. Vianni's scent was heavy in his nostrils and he stood before leaping off the bed. What ever she thought she was doing was not going to pan out for her.

He moved with Noctus following closely. The small wolverine cub was doing his best to keep pace and with every step he took the words boss or bitch boss would come forth. Lucifer took his time emerging, allowing Vianni to think herself slick about ditching him. Though when he finally did he could see her in the distance moving. A snarl arose quickly and he ignored the fact that she was laying scent markers for him. If she thought she was going to leave she had another thing coming. He would tear her apart once more, make her weak once more. He was truly pissed off.

With a quick grab of the wolverines scruff did he take off. His paws were like thunder on the tundra as he tore across the frozen land. His eyes never left her rear and his snarls rolled like the demonic thunder it was. If she couldn't hear his anger then she would be certainly suprised by how fast it could rise. He could be riled up easily, and in the moment all the complacent nature he had had with her disappeared. He would force her beneath him once more.

As he came upon her he didn't stop only dropped the wolverine as he opened his maw. His teeth revealed themselves to her as his lips pulled back. His hackles danced with anger and his tail raised in his dominance over her. If she wanted to make it back to the ship in one peice she needed to submit right now or run back. He aimed to barrel into her his teeth aiming for the soft flesh of her hip. He knew where she had been hurting alot and didn't care much about her own retaliations to him. He was the king here and she would not be leaving his side unless he killed her himself. His anger manifested on his face easily as his eyes narrowed on her. Every claim he had on her said in unspoken body language and scent then. His testosterone levels were spiking and he was exploding in anger.

Noctus kept his distance but he stood with his tail aloft and eyes on them as he spat his own fury. The chant of bitch boss and boss coming forth quickly and at rapid-fire pace. Noctus' ruby red eyes were zeroed in on Vianni and Lucifer as Lucifer showed her just how dominant he could be. The snarl of words that left Lucifer's mouth was of all demonic nature and his possessiveness over the bitch. She was his no others and her running away wasn't happening. "Your mine Vianni! Mine!" every fiber of his being screamed at him that his only form of a bond was leaving him and he wouldn't have it. He would have never known this was a game to her, as he had never had such luxuries of playing games.

Lucifer Leviathan
I'm meaner than my demons

You should be scared of me


Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.



7 Years
Extra large
02-20-2017, 12:39 AM

Rolling on the spot where she'd defeated the sprig of green, Mara grunted, searching for another tree to tear apart simply for the sake of being destructive. Ripping a thin needley bit off of another tippy top, she was just beginning to find some amusement in this little game when the sound of claws clicking on ice drew her attention away from the slaying of scraggly green things. With needles hanging from her lips, Mara inched her way under one of the taller treetops, peering out from beneath a branch that rested on her head. What have we here? Some girl prancing about like she was hot shit. Grimacing at the idea of being found and forced to talk Mara shuddered. The girl seemed to have a mission, prancing here and there and fairly obviously trying to leave a trail. Was she leading someone here? Fan-fuckin-tastic...

Naturally her peace was destined to be further disturbed. That came in the form of a raging brown mass that came boiling across the landscape straight for the girl. Hot damn, was that what this lady was hoping to have happen? Probably not. The explosive behavior of this male was oddly thrilling to observe - he was clearly seeking an altercation with the girl, leaving no room for anything else. Mara couldn't recall the last time she fought someone who charged in with such force. The adrenaline rush had to be magnificent.

Deciding to watch their interaction for a moment since she wasn't really keen on introductions anyways, the woman stayed crouched in her spot, yellow-orange eyes brimming with interest. She chuckled quietly from her spot on the ground when he verbally staked his claim. She'd already been certain they knew each other, but hearing the man speak left her amused, wondering what the hell she had managed to witness.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: 1feWy51.png?1]

Mara is rude, lazy, and really likes to swear sometimes. She is not pleasant in the slightest.



4 Years
02-22-2017, 04:54 PM
The rustling of needles nearly had her turning to see what moved behind her, but the enclosing sound of a freight train held more of her attention and she barely spared the twisting of an ebony rimmed ear toward whatever the source of the sound was. It was smart to take cover, because from the sounds of those heavy footsteps, Vianni had pissed off the demon king again. This would be fun, to say the least. She knew now how to calm him when he was like this and she prayed to whatever heathen gods would listen that the tactic held true today. Dusty rose narrow on the little brown bundle that was between her king's fangs, hearing the spitting litany from the thing's jaws. It had been a thorn in her side since it arrived, the sight of Noctus soured her mood almost to the point where she was ready to meet Lucifer with defiance rather than soothing. Vianni valued her head, and while he came to her, she turned to brace herself for the impact of his massive frame against hers.

His teeth hit first, earning a snarling squeal from the grey shaded woman, her frame twisting with his contact to lessen the massive blow. The sound of tooth against hip was enough to make her fangs grate together as a peel of excited laughter left her. As he moved over her, Vianni plants her back against the ice, throwing her paws up to brace them against his chest and stomach. She reveals her own fangs in the form of a smile, a breathless laugh escaping her as he snarled down at her. The woman was truly insane to laugh in the face of his angry storm, to find delight in the force he hit her with, or the pain he caused her. But, despite the serious rage that was painted over his face, Vianni only found herself able to cackle beneath him. Her eyes flashed teasingly and she relaxed so that her front paws fell to her own chest. "Do you really think I would run? I am no coward, I would fight you for freedom if I truly wanted to. I like where I am, only wanted you to find me. Called a game, love." Her eyes found his. "Though, I heard something move earlier, just before you found me. May want to ensure there are no others around. I have plans." She points her nose to where she heard the rustling sounds earlier, then looks back to Lucifer to see if he understood her.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.