
Plot with Nyx



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-29-2014, 07:44 AM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2014, 09:17 AM by Epiphron.)

? Anthem Destruction - Ludicael ? 5 years old ? single

Anthem is an innocent man with a heart of gold. He is developmentally disabled, and has been this way since birth. He relies on his family for care, and would not be able to survive on his own. He is fearful at times but deeply loving, despite the fact that his mental age is that of a child, and his social skills are deeply lacking.

Plots: He spends most of his time in or around Ludicael, so it is unlikely he would wander far from home. Last summer he unknowingly raped Virgil, and as a consequence, his sister Song castrated him -- not as a form of punishment, but simply so it wouldn't happen again. He could use some friends or companions, but a love interest is highly unlikely. I'd be open to a non-family caretaker, as well!


? Ara - Ludicael ? 1 year old ? single, but will be taken

Ara is a young woman that has dedicated her life exclusively to healing. She is composed and serious most of the time, and tends to be the kind to listen rather than talk. She is diligent to the core, and there is little she would rather do than study herbs and the art of healing. She has a thirst for knowledge that seems to never waver.

Plots: Currently, Ara spends most of her time with her parents and with her closest friend Novel. In the summer, Novel is going to end up being raped by Lel, and she & Novel will end up raising her children together as a couple. She can always use friends within the pack, especially healers, and possibly someone to confide in about her confusing feelings for Novel.


? Bronze - Ludicael ? 11 years old ? taken

Bronze is man advanced in both years and knowledge. He is often bitter and cold to those he does not know well, and has never been known for being kind nor compassionate. To his family, however, he is gentle and loyal, as nothing matters to him more than his loved ones. Time has softened him considerably, and he is no longer a blood-thirsty brute, but a much more subdued man, though his is still prone to anger when necessary.

Plots: Bronze and his mate Silent just discovered they will be having another litter of children, which is unexpected due to their age (they will only have one pup, but they don't know that yet). Other than this, not much is going on with him. I don't think he will be around for much longer. He is always open to talk, and possibly even to train wolves for fighting.


? Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias - Rogue ? 3 years old ? unsure

Epiphron is a self-professed queen who wears no title, and holds no crown. She is strong and regal, her confidence bordering on narcissism at times. The recent betrayal and disappearance of her husband has made her grow significantly more intense, and she is now searching for her calling in life.

Plots: I'm at a bit of a loss as what to do with her! Her childhood love Maverick recently cheated on her, and realized that he'd made a mistake and begged her for forgiveness. She is not ready to give him the satisfaction of allowing him to return to her side yet, and she is feeling guilty for wasting so much time building herself as a leader only to hand Seracia away. She is desperately wanting to reunite with her family and find something to put her energy into.


? July Kalendae - Rogue ? 2 years old ? single

July is a warm and vibrant man, who loves deeply and hates just as passionately. He is good at heart, protective of his family and willing to lay his life on the line for anyone of his blood. His temper flares up easily, but he doesn't love violence and truly provoking him would take a lot -- unless his family is being threatened.

Plots: Not sure what is going on with July either. He is probably joining Olympus to be with his sister. He could certainly use some friends, and possibly a love interest?


? Kaprasius Sigrunn Finnvi - Rogue ? 4 years old ? single

Kaprasius is part of the Finnvi family of vikings. He is an eclectic, animated man, whose entire being is devoted to the gods that he believes in. His idea of worship tends to revolve around bodily pleasures and the macabre -- sacrifices are not uncommon for the Finnvi family. He is often manic, his speech quick and erratic, often overwhelmed by zealotry and the frantic search for pleasure.

Plots: He is pretty open to anything! He is VERY bizarre and a bit twisted, so beware if you end up threading with him. Currently he is attending the Ebony spring festival and is eager to cause some trouble. He is always willing to teach others about his gods, and would happily convert (and quite certainly terrify) children into believing in his gods. As a side note, he has an incestuous relationship with his missing brother, and doesn't care who he engages with (be it male or female).


? Lysis Armada - Glaciem ? 1 year old ? single

Lysis is one of Isardis' youngest children. She is feminine and soft, with an air of regality that cannot be shaken. She has a strong personality and is determined to make her father -- and her entire family -- proud. She is sickeningly sweet on the outside, all grace and manners, but this is but a farce. She is more manipulative than she lets on, and can be borderline cruel in some situations.

Plots: Not sure where Lysis is going to end up. She is fiercely loyal to her father and to her siblings, and it would take a lot for her to leave them, let alone betray them. Currently she is growing interesting in fighting and training herself in battle, as well as branching out and meeting wolves that are not part of her family or Glaciem. I'd be happy to have her find a love interest, though it might be difficult due to her pride; they'd have to be pretty remarkable in one way or another. I don't think she cares if she's with a man or woman, but furthering her bloodline will likely be a concern in the future.


? Quintus Adravendi-Mathias - Abaven ? 1 year old ? single

Quintus is one of Epiphron and Maverick's oldest litter. He expected to raise high in Seracia's ranks, but the pack was given to someone else. He is cocky and boisterous, and since his childhood he has always felt entitled to things he did not earn. He is blunt and rarely withholds what he wants to say.

Plots: Quintus has just recently joined Abaven at the suggestion of Harmony. He will likely end up in a relationship with her, but honestly, he isn't that worthy of her affections -- I would love to see some drama revolving around this.


? Saga Destruction - Ludicael ? pup ? single

Saga is a quiet, detached girl, so different from her warm and kind family. She has grown significantly more distressed upon her mother's disappearance from the family. She has a tendency to be bossy and assertive on the occasions that she does speak up, which are far and few between.

Plots: I don't think I want Saga to stay in Ludicael for much longer. She is not terribly comfortable here, mostly due to Song leaving, and not feeling capable of expressing her feelings of anger and sadness. I was hoping someone could influence her to leave somehow.


? Talon - Regium ? 2 years old ? taken

Talon is truly a child stuck in a man's body. He was abandoned as a child, and has essentially lived on his own & with Kangi ever since. They have kept mostly away from others, knowing how terrible the world is and choosing to avoid the reality of it for as long as possible. Besides this, Talon is gentle and kind, timid at best but he is truly good at heart and would never willingly harm another being.

Plots: Currently he and Kangi are trying to tough it out in Regium. They are a bit shaken up by the talk or war and fighting, but Roman seemed decent to them and they are trying to give it a try.



6 Years
07-29-2014, 09:25 AM
aza pip

aza could also meet your finnvi wolf



6 Years
07-29-2014, 12:44 PM
Quintus and Caeto should meet soon, brother thread!

When Misty is activated, I'll be making an AW thread in the range. Talon can either find her (with kangi if desired) or we can have a separate thread somewhere else!

I can also offer Misty to July if you want to give it a try ^^