
vantage point



3 Years
02-18-2017, 09:01 PM (This post was last modified: 02-18-2017, 09:01 PM by Lilith1.)

Get smart and nothing can touch you.  Lilith lives by that, breathes by that.  She's smart.  Bright eyes, her father's eyes, peering out into the great unknown.  A new land, a strange land, and she needs to take the reins.  Out from under the heavy handed rule of her father, away from the gaze of her siblings... family above all, but there's something nearly uncomfortable about being watched all the time.  Like they're waiting for you to slip up, like they're waiting for a mistake.  A false move.  She couldn't blame them-- it's what she looked for in them as well.  Lili is smarter than that.  She's smarter than all of them, as that's been proven.  

The blood born creature moves with a grace that's unmatched.  Her steps are high, gait easy.  Terrain unstable beneath her feat, but she's nearly catlike in the way she crosses.  No one would be able to find her here, no one would be able to catch her.  Get smart.  Get smart.  The words echo in her head, and she's untouchable.  Lilith is looking for plants, but she's also searching for something else.  A vantage point.  Somewhere far above everyone else where she can set herself and watch.  Watching, you see, is the easiest way to learn.  Watching and doing.  Get smart, get ahead.  

Around her the dusk falls, a comfort to the child with the bloody shoulders.  Soon her moon will be out, shining down around them all.  She's comfortable.  Always comfortable.  She traces the ground as she moves, learning the place, committing it to memory.  Nothing could touch her.  

follow no false light



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-19-2017, 04:53 PM

Amon watched as his daughter moved through the night with an easy grace. He lay atop a tall knoll, one he had labored to find, which let him look out across a vast swath of the rolling plain. He did occasionally lose sight of the girl as she wove in between hills, but never for longer than a moment. She seemed to be heading in roughly his direction, and he wondered if she too sought the view. The girl had always been a quick study, after all. He wouldn't be surprised to find her trailing in his footsteps.

Her coat was a regal cream and auburn mix, a trait won from their mortal mother but it had not lessened her godly presence, as he'd once feared it might. She wore it well, and it only added to the potency of her presence. "Lilith," he called to her, voice loud and hopefully carrying easy now that some distance between them had closed.  He intended to ask her what she was making of her day, and if she knew where the others had gotten off to. Amon had lost track of their intentions that morning, being too wrapped up in his own. "I hope the day is treating my daughter well?" he commented. After all, the usurper gods which ruled this mortal world often worked their magic to make Amon miserable, and his father often complained of the same. He wondered when his children would start to feel the same.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
02-19-2017, 05:57 PM

The bloody shouldered baroness catches her father's scent on the wind long before he calls out, and her course changes because of it. There was no disregarding the man that had sired them, the elder god. Still, young would inherit the earth. They would inherit the sky. One day, it would all be theirs. That was the feeling, they would take it over one day. Not that Lilith would say that aloud, not in front of Amon. She knew better. He was the king for now, and she would be carefully respectful of it. That was the thing with her father, with her siblings-- careful respect. Too smart for her own good.

When her name rings out, Lilith's pace picks up. There's a gait that she carries that none of her siblings can-- the graceful, slow lope of a dancer. Not necessarily dainty, but athletic. Poetry in motion. Though she is not the strongest, she is the smartest, the prettiest. At a careful distance, her voice rings clear as a bell. "Father." A greeting, her head dipping as she closes the remainder of the space with a gallant step.

"As always, and you?" She moves to his shoulder, his right side, sitting to look out over the knoll. This is what she wanted, this is what she was looking for. She is comfortable in her distance, not the typical daddy's girl her sister is, but enjoying the one on one time. This is where she would learn, in the den of the lion. The safe space she has, the veil that protects family. Polite, but in her father's personal space none the less.

follow no false light



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-19-2017, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 06:54 PM by Archon.)

They had been cast down from their rightful kingdom to lay waste to the pathetic mortal world, and lay waste they would. There was no point in throwing away the opportunity that they had been given; why not take advantage of it and make the most of it? Until the day that they returned to their rightful home, they would make this mortal realm theirs, through whatever means necessary. Those thoughts were on a continuous loop in the young prince's head, a mantra of sorts as he made his way through the new lands they had happened upon. Those were the words that their father had repeated to them time and time again since the moment of their birth, any time that they weren't around their mother. He remembered that his mother didn't like such talk about kingdoms and gods. She had tried to instill humility in her children, but seeing that she was no longer part of the picture, none of her lessons ever stuck. He hadn't cared much for things like being humble and kind, doing to others as you'd like done to yourself. His father taught him that he could take what he wanted, whenever he wanted and he believed it, to his very core. He was a demi-god, a prince of hell.

He and his littermates had followed their father to the new lands, though there hadn't been any plans upon arrival. Amon had set loose his spawn upon the land, asking only that they reconvene later that night. Archon had taken his leave not a moment after the lips had left the dark god's lips, knowing that he would be one of the first to return to their father's side come nightfall. He wasn't sure what he'd been expecting to discover upon his explorations, but it was certainly more than he'd actually come across. Not surprisingly there was nothing that was...noteworthy. Everything he came across was very ordinary and mortal. The only amusement he found was coming across wolves that inhabited these lands and watching them cower in fear at the hellion's paws, unable to understand what exactly he was. He would laugh in their faces and run them down, playing a cat and mouse game with them. He would eventually become bored and simply kill them, the blood of many wolves staining his jaws and throat like war paint. He entertained himself with those games until the sun started to disappear from the sky. It was time to return to his family.

Massive russet paws carried the beast in the direction that his father's scent directed him, moving quickly so as to make haste. Turquoise gaze took in the sunset, watching the brilliant colors flash across the sky as a parting goodbye until the next day. If there was one nice thing about this world, it was the sun rising and setting. Everything else was unimpressive and he could care less about, but watching the giant ball of fire in the sky rise and fall was something he thoroughly enjoyed, even in his days of puphood. As his father's scent became more pungent in his nostrils, another familiar scent tickled his senses; Lili. Lilith was the youngest as well as the smallest of the brood, but she was by far his favorite littermate. Of his sisters, she was the most beautiful and she knew it. She credited her good looks to both of her parents, though she looked more like their mother than their father, for which Archon had taken a special liking to his baby sister. He enjoyed being around her more than his other siblings.

His pace quickened with the knowledge of seeing Lili, secretly glad that he wouldn't have to be around his father alone. Darkness had just begun to settle around him as the figures of his father and sister came into sight, both having taken up spots on a knoll that overlooked that surrounding area. He came up from Lili's right, massive frame dwarfing hers as his nose pressed against her silken cheek. Lili. he rumbled into her ear, giving it an affectionate nip before raising his head to look at his father, dipping it in greeting. Father. His greeting was curt as he sat himself beside his sister, noticing that none of his other siblings had managed to make an appearance yet.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-22-2017, 08:49 PM

As her brother appears, Lilith allows herself to relax a fraction more. Something had always been in the air between the moonborn and Archon, in particular. None of the struggle, the bad blood, that came on the heels of the snake charmer. None of the superiority complex that came with her eldest brother. Things between the two had always been easier, and tonight was no exception. Yes, there was a relief that came with not being alone with Amon. The buffer zone, the pair that has always been the closest.

Lilith fits herself into the hollow of Archon's neck for a moment, pressing closely beside him. Gentle, a strange feeling, yet family comes first. "Brother," a long breath, seemingly one she's been holding. It's easier to be around him than the others. She is comfortable, she is comforted. The nip leaves her giggling, reaching down to push into her brother's paws. It's playful. Her tail is wagging, and she's... happy. She's quite happy.

"What did you do today?" The girl peers softly at her brother, head quirking to the side. Curious. Open. Pale in the moonlight, with her bloody shoulders and gentle gaze. Yes, among family, it is the easiest to be.

follow no false light



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-22-2017, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2017, 09:52 PM by Amon.)

Amon found himself relaxing in his daughter presence. This was right, this was what he ought to be doing. His own father's words echoed in his mind. Their only duty was to further their line, and find their way home. He had already begun on the first bit, but as to the latter? Well... Amon wasn't quite sure. For now, he was content raising his children. As his youngest daughter sat at his side, Amon found himself at peace, if only for a moment. She was a magnificent specimen, and the man felt more pride for siring her. Yes, he was indeed quite fond of his children. "Less so but still I press on, as always," Amon mused in his own odd way. Humor did not come easily to him, yet he chuckled. Was there such a thing as a good day when he was trapped here?

He eyed her again, and found pride there. Though her coat strongly favored her mortal mother, the woman she was growing into favored his line instead. Yes, this fae was a goddess in the making, and he thanked himself for it. Archon was fast on her heels, likely drawn by the scent of them. He eyes his son with the same fond familiarity. He had inherited Amon's titanic size and strength, a source of pride for the dark male. "Archon, I see you survived another day," he said in a dry tone. It might not come across as fondness to most, but for Amon it was all he knew. Lilith asked what his brother had been up to during their day of free reign, and Amon found himself eager to know the same. What had his son wrought out of a day without Amon's influence? What had Lilith? And where the fuck were his other children?
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf
02-22-2017, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 02-22-2017, 10:38 PM by Circe.)

Unlike her siblings, Astaroth had already taken a position atop one of the many hills, and she lounges from a few knolls away, gazing down and watching the critters below. A cocky smile graced her lips, but when did it not? It persisted even when she was wrong... Not that it ever happened. She was, of course, correct most of the time. Well... At least to the mortal beings. Those with Abraxos blood - and those whom she gained respect for who shared their name but not their blood - she could grudgingly admit when she was wrong.

Speaking of her siblings... Astaroth eyed them from afar, rejoining their father. Though she was also on the knolls, she had not yet spoke to her father that day beyond a simple greeting. Perhaps that ought to change; after all, she'd exchanged nary a word with her beloved siblings as well.

Grinning to herself, the behemoth of a wolf pushed herself to her paws and jogged slowly over to where they all were. Sure, it took her a bit longer than the others might - she wasn't larger than most of them, but she was a lot slower - but it meant she wasn't out of breath when she swaggered to the top of the knoll where her family was reconvening.

It seemed they were managing quite the nice chat when Astaroth burst in, the life of the party, of course. Even so, the look in her eyes - the cockiness - took a turn to fondness, and she aimed to bump shoulders first with Lilith, and then Archon. She managed to come up with the tail end of Amon's comment, and she laughed quietly. "I know, right? It's such a miracle. I marvel at it every instance," she teased, a wicked glint entering her eyes. Okay, maybe she couldn't help poking fun at her siblings, but it was all fun and games - although sometimes, she sure as hell was surprised any of them lived the day. With their godly genes, they sometimes... tempted fate a bit more than they should.

But then again, that's where all the fun comes from.

"Talk" "You" Think
Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-24-2017, 12:48 AM

He was no saint, not by a longshot. No one that ever came across the gargantuan would ever think to associate kindness, good or anything related, with him. There was the obvious fact that no one could deny; he was damn good looking. But that's as far as anything good about him went. He was a sinner through and through, but that's the only side of him that the outside world was allowed to see. He had a softer side of him, less blood-thirsty and ruthless that he allowed to come out when he was around his family, especially Lili. Of course his own family at times wasn't exempt from the hellion's true nature, but that was only under certain circumstances. Most of the time he was just a brother to his littermates.

Brother came his sister's soft breath, her lilting voice bringing a smile to his bloodied lips. The nip he'd given her elicited a giggle which in turn brought out a soft chuckle from his massive chest as he watched her push herself into his paws. He let out a soft growl as he raised one, letting it rest on top of her head, the pale crown disappearing beneath his appendage for a moment before he dropped it on the other side of her, dragging her into his embrace as he leaned down to nibble at the nape of her neck. The tip of his tail wagged in time with hers. It was nice to come back to her at the end of the day. She was a refreshing balm to him after he'd dabbled in his darker desires.

His father's dry words of appraisal brought his attention away from his younger sister, putting her question about his ventures that day on hold for the moment. To foreign ears they would've have sounded uncaring and harsh, but Archon knew better. The god wasn't one for tender gestures and kind words. Such remarks as the one he'd just gotten were by far the biggest means of affection he could receive from Amon. Just as he was about to respond to the man, an all to familiar voice cut him off; Astaroth his other younger sister. His turquoise eyes rolled in his skull at her remark. "And yet I can make the simple trek up a small knoll without loosing my breath." he shot back at her. He didn't miss the sound of her ragged breathing. She really needed to work on her stamina.

Turning his attention back to Lili and his father, having noticed the giant's interest in his sister's question, he supplied an answer. "Nothing terribly exciting. Just getting to know some of the locals while I was checking out the new place." A sneer twisted his bloodied lips as he licked at the dried blood that coated his bottom jaws. "I'm sure you have something more interesting to report little sister?" His siblings were slowly beginning to trickle in, but Archon knew that their father would be displeased that they were taking so long to show up.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
02-24-2017, 05:53 AM

They were coming out of the woodwork now, seemingly brought together by a shift of the wind. Lilith's scent was distinctive, as was Amon's... their siblings would know it anywhere. Lili, of course, had a tendency to smell more like plant life than anything else. She was used to that. Plants were kind of her thing, that which would eventually lead her to greatness. Their thinker, their politician. On occasions, the only thing that stood between her brother and leveling small villages... not like it was particularly important right now. As Astaroth appears, Lilith tucks closer into Archon, an ear flickering backwards for just a moment.

"It's a wonder nothing has caught you and eaten you yet, really." Ah yes, she's teasing. We'll go with that. Eyes glimmering softly in the pale moonlight, Lilith is on the verge of giggling. It's quiet, and it ever so slightly catches in her throat. Teasing. Siblings, of course, were the ones that could get away with it. She lived to tempt the fates, to hinge on the edges of reality. On the edges, the fringes, existing in a transient space that is neither here or there. Transient. Something about her really is.

"I've been studying the plants of the region, looking for herbs, and studying the topography of the area. This is a decent vantage point, but farther down, the land gets soggier and mossier." Lili's tail wags softly, pointing away toward the area she'd seen. An explorer. "It's absolutely rife with deer and other game, as well as herbs both... medicinal and otherwise." Lilith looks to her father for approval of her findings. It's against Archon that she remains curled up, warm, comfortable. She's spoken enough, she's said her piece.

follow no false light



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-26-2017, 09:01 AM

Amon was happy to see three of his children were quick to find him as the sun began to set for the day. This was their arrangement, when given the freedom to run about and do whatever they pleased. He did not like the idea of his yearlings being where he could not find them, and liked less the idea that they might go against his will. He looked to the horizon, scanning it for any sign of Daevas or Rahovart, and frowned. It took the shape of a thin, cold line on his lips. However, the children present before him did somewhat lift the titan's mood.

Astaroth's arrival was enough to upend the otherwise reserved greetings he'd exchanged with Lilith and Archon, as it so often was. The gentle, caring way the two russet-tinged wolves had with one another was something he had watched carefully. It was an interesting thing, analyzing where the preferences of his children lay, and while not something he deemed worthy of comment it certainly did not escape his notice. Archon was the first to speak of his day, and Amon found himself pleased that he'd actually been listening. His lips were crusted in blood as the boy grinned up at his father.

Amon chuckled and his lips pulled up at the corners. "And did the locals impress?" he asked, truly curious to hear more of who and what Archon had faced. The young prince was growing into an impressive specimen in his own right, clearly displaying a generous helping of the Fallen God's favor. Lilith, always keen to hone her intellect, had spent the day in study. Amon was just as pleased to find her honing the edge of her mind. She spoke of a soggy land to the south and he pondered for a moment. "Well done. Perhaps tomorrow you will lead us and show your siblings what you've learned." Lord knows it would do them all good to have a decent grasp of what plants to use when wounded... And what could be used on your enemies.

Amon turned again to Astaroth, the last so far to arrive but not the last of his children he expected to see. "And what of you, Astartoh. Do you have a report?" She was always a bit of a wild card, and he wasn't certain how he felt about her whimsical approach to her training. The young demigoddess was very aware of her lineage and her heritage, and Amon knew she too great pride in it. While the knowledge brought warmth to his chest, it was no excuse to be as cocky as she had become. Would her tale of the day impress? Or had she spent the majority of it lazing about? "And in our God's name, where the fuck are Raho and Daevas?" His mood was soured by their absence, there was no getting around it. They better have a damn good explanation.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Dire wolf
02-28-2017, 08:36 PM (This post was last modified: 02-28-2017, 08:36 PM by Circe.)

Astaroth gave her brother a grin. Huh, so it hadn't escaped his notice that she purposefully didn't bolt, huh? Well, he was wrong about one thing. "Huh, didn't expect you to develop hearing loss throughout the day." After all, her breath was perfectly steady - and had been, the entire time. She wasn't offended, though - there was no point in foolishness like that. He might be serious, he might be not, but really... who gave a fuck? So long as the Fallen God was pleased, she didn't care the opinions of others.

She did, however, listen nevertheless to her sister and brother's time spent. She nodded slowly to her sister's words in particular, and was about to add on when Amon stepped in and asked her, specifically, on what she had done. "Reconnaissance, mostly," she shrugged. "The locals - when you're not eating them - provide a rather good source of information, and a few were passing through. I managed to learn of a similar land as dear sister - perhaps it's the same one? A land called the Fern Gulley, to the south, that held herbs and poisons alike. I also learned that a wolf in the east, in a pack, had been poisoned. The wolves I listened to had not been the hunters for the poisoner, but rather encountered them. There's also two or three other packs in the eastern lands, for a total of three or four packs in the East." Really, eavesdropping and good acting truly did reap pertinent information. Of course, that wasn't what she did for the wholeday.

With a savage grin that bared her teeth in a predatory manner, she glanced down the knoll. She kept him secret, well, for a whole of a few minutes. Glancing at her family, she warned them drolly, "Please don't attack my companion when he joins us. He wouldn't like that." After all, he had served to be quite useful. And entertaining, and found the idea of a family such as hers... interesting.

"Quetzal, it's time," she sang out, her voice near on giddy with delight. Within moments, the snake - that would reach heights of taller than Astaroth, had he been able to stand straight - but he was a snake, and did not stand. The cobra made his way through the grass with ease, heading towards Astaroth. The wolf stood still as he reached her leg, and in an abrupt motion curled himself up her leg, over her back, and more towards her shoulders. When he was finally settled, he was draped loosely around her shoulders, the lower half of his body wrapped rather firmly around her chest and leg. His head was beside hers, and looked rather docile with his hood flattened, and with the wolves around - save for Astaroth - having no knowledge of the snake's true abilities.

Astaroth was smiling proudly now - not arrogantly, surprisingly enough, but a genuine, happy, prideful smile as she twisted her head to look at him, silent for now. She was rather surprised he hadn't spoken yet; he seemed quite talkative when she met him earlier. Of course, the intellectual snake was also a descendant of a god, though his own. Astaroth never expected to meet such a creature, a descendant of one of the gods who was thrown out with the Fallen God. "Meet Quetzal. He has quite the interesting knowledge of poisons, as well as... some tricks of his own. He is a descendant of the Feathered Serpent, who I believe may have been one of the gods to support our Fallen God." Still, Quetzal said nothing, and it piqued Astaroth's curiosity; what was he waiting for? Hmm.

"Talk" "You" Think
Circe has a male spitting cobra companion named Gwydion. Unless stated otherwise he is always with Circe.

Wanna plot with Circe? Check out the miscellaneous section on her profile!



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-13-2017, 06:12 PM

"It must be some of the blood that got stuck in my ears." he answered slyly, his words full of amusement. He would be quick to return his attention to his sire, who had asked him if the locals he'd run into had impressed. His handsome features would turn into a disappointed look before he would share his adventures.
"Hardly. If I'm being honest they were hardly worth my time, but I needed to stretch my legs. Most were terrified at the sight of me, either becoming frozen in place or making an attempt to flee from my grasp; neither option ended very well. There were some though, that decided to try and fight back; those were certainly interesting."

He would listen to Lili's recounting of her day's adventures, pleased that she'd found somewhere to collect and learn about this new region's plant life. While not the largest of the brood, she certainly made up for her lack of height with her intelligence. And then it was Astaroth's turn. She would recount the information she'd collected about the lands, which apparently happened to be inhabited by some local packs. That certainly piqued Archon's interest and he was sure it would pique his father's interest as well. They would have to scout out these packs and figure out how to dispose of them. There was no room for other posers. The Abraxas were the only ones deserving and fit to oversee these lands.

After his sister had said her piece, he had expected her to be done, but it appeared that was not the case. His brows furrowed over his eyes at her words; please do not attack my companion. Companion? What the hell kind of companion did she have? The prince's hackles rose along his spine and he brought himself up on all four paws, placing his massive body in front of Lilith's, ready to dismember whomever his other sister had brought along with her. What the hell did she need a companion for? His piercing gaze would find the shape of a serpent in the grass, watching as it made its way towards the she-wolf, climbing up her as she were a tree before settling on her shoulders, looking very at home on the silver wolf. A low rumble vibrated in the beast's chest at the sight of it hanging around his sister's neck. It was absolutely disgusting.

Astaroth introduced the reptile, claiming that it had some relation to their fallen god. Did she truly believe that? His demented sister seemed to. Archon would look towards his father, wanting to know what the God thought of his development before the young man voiced his own opinion.

"Talk" "You" Think