
Even in these chains you can't stop me!



4 Years
02-19-2017, 04:27 PM
How was she supposed to keep her son safe with that...thing always trying to eat him? Little fucking rodent deserved death and more, but now she found that Lucifer had formed some kind of attachment to the beast. With a screeching bark once she was out of earshot of their home, Vianni called Corvus to her and continued her walk south. In this moment she hated Lucifer for bringing that brat to their home. She wanted to gut him for what happened and while she knew she would pay for it later, Vianni managed to escape him once again. Having to wait for Noctus to fall asleep, Vianni made certain she made no noise as she left their ship. Growling at her heart as it clenched in her chest, the silver hooded monster walked with her bird on her shoulder. Every time he would try to fly ahead as he usually would, the she-monster would call him back with a sad whimper and a small howl. She couldn't bring herself to speak through the lump in her throat and she understood now that Corvus had become as much of an asset as he was a weakness.

To feel so much for a creature who should be only a tool, Vianni knew it was dangerous. She would go to war for her avian son, would raise the call for blood if he was ever to be hurt. Noctus constantly going after him and throwing Vianni into a rage and therefore her husband, the monochrome queen made her way south to make sure her son would find someone to care for him. It shattered her to have to give him up, and the bird seemed to understand this, cuddling into the fur at her neck and enjoying his ride. It only hurt her more that he knew, and she began to sob silently as she walked, her tears seeming to rip holes in her eyes as they stood without falling. They grew to the point where she had to stop walking, her head hung low and her tail tip gracing the ground, her legs grew shaky and she couldn't take another step.

Corvus remained silent, not understanding the churn of emotions ripping through his mother, but knowing she needed comfort. He wasn't sure how to make her pain go away, but he had to try something. Hopping from her shoulder, he cawed softly as he hit the ground. Bobbing his head at her, he shook his tail to and fro as though he were dancing, hoping she would look up from her paws and smile at him again. She seemed so sad, so down, and he wondered why. When Vianni looked at him, she was able to manage a small smile and a soft, heartbroken laugh. Pulling him to her with a dark paw, she pressed her nose to his head, and called out to the shadows. Taking a deep breath, Vianni regained control of herself and rid her face of any hint of her tears.

"It is not safe with me, anymore, Corvus. Fear not, I will find someone to love you as I do. Someone to give you safety and food, someone strong and just like me. Do not follow me when I leave, I want you to stay with your new mother, be for her what you are for me." She swallowed the lump in her throat, though it came rushing up when Corvus took on his own sad look. "That fucking brat. Noctus will eventually catch you one of these days, and I would rather not have you dead...At least this way I know you continue on living and won't be a meal for a wolf wannabe." He cawed in understanding, moving further into the fur of his wolf-mother's coat. She would be his only mother, but he would respect her wishes. Right now, they waited to see what brand of monster would answer the queen's call. Raging silently at Lucifer and hoping the wolf who answered would be understanding of Corvus and his unique appetite.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-19-2017, 04:59 PM
Welcome to where time stands still,
Where no one leaves and no one will.
She wasn't ready to go back to Auster just yet, this continent was larger and more diverse than her own somewhat barren homeland. She had been so bored before she decided to come back to the world, and now she found it changed and new all over again. She had made it to the very southern side of the north lands, coming to rest at the red river of hell. She lay dozing a cove not far from the molten shore of the river, that is, until a rather striking howl hit the drums of her ears. It sounded urgent, important, and commanding. Naamah found the last part to be the most intriguing and so she found her ashen paws and moved confidently toward the screaming bitch in the distance. When she arrived, what she found was mildly surprising, and her mismatched rubies settled on the bird between the monochrome wretch's soot covered legs. What was this then?

The woman felt so sad, so angry, but it was hidden beneath an iron exterior and Naamah made no comment. Lilith buzzed and fluttered in her mind like a trapped butterfly in a jar at the sight of the female, raging against the bars of her cage at the sight of the regal lady before them. It was always the reaction of Lilith to rage and attack other women, she hated them, but Naamah found herself more tolerant if they were respectful. "Want is it you want, mulier. (woman.)" She said the last with a spitting tone, while she could be tolerant, the bitch had woke her from much needed sleep. It was strange for her to heed another's call to begin with, but in this unusual place there had to be some interesting wolves around. Perhaps, this would be worthwhile. If anything, she could make a meal out of bird and wolf.

Reserving judgement, Naamah waits and sizes up the pair before her. She wasn't sure what held her back, but there was something important to the woman to call the demon from her slumber.
"Naamah speaking." | "Lilith speaking." | Translations | Talking to Lilith / Thinking.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



4 Years
02-24-2017, 01:30 AM
She waited, and found that the longer any wolf took to answer her call, the more and more paranoid about being away from Lucifer she became. How furious would he be when she returned to him? Would submission even help this time? Her lines of questions were interrupted as the presence of another became too much to bear. Looking up as the shadows stirred and parted to reveal a beast of a woman, Vianni watched her and listened to the callous way she spoke. The way the Latin rolled off her tongue had Vianni smiling despite herself.  "Benefacitis lupus cum muneribus venerari." She spoke, her voice low and an unspoken threat echoing between them.

"Avis est donum. Quia video te respicere. Non possunt. Integer Corvus non quaero nunc instructa pulchre ad manducandum praestabit et appetitum habet unicum. Et ostendam vobis quid vult manducare. Corvus fur est, nisi ut dicam, et facit ea similis colligere speluncas ornare. Eripias tu illum tuom? Hanc...rem...uxor mea et custodit Corvus cibum rapere." Watching the ruby gaze of the stranger, Vianni gauges the reaction to her proposal. Perhaps the other would take it, perhaps not, she would have to keep trying. She couldn't take Corvus back with her, Noctus would catch him and she would lose her baby bird. The bird in question gave a short chortle and hopped forward to see the other woman better, his blue eyes curious, but apprehensive.
My whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.