
quiet things


02-19-2017, 06:09 PM

He's tired. He's always tired, lately. It's hard to tell what's going through Arsenal's head, and if anyone was to figure that out... the should let him know. He'd love to be privy to that information as well. The spring melt had come along and made everything squishy, mud clinging to his coat this way and that. Dirty. But that doesn't matter so much when no one is actually looking at you. He's thankful for that much, at least.

The apathetic creature finds himself surrounded by rocks, stacks and stacks, created by creatures with far bigger hands than you could imagine. Aliens, probably. Ancient gods. Whatever, same difference. He saunters, placing a paw on one of the lower slabs. At least it was stable. One paw and then two, and then four, climbing his way up. Arsenal is strong, and he moves in such a way-- large, but not without grace. All he had to do was put one foot in front of another.

When he reaches a comfortable, sunny spot, Arsenal settles. Head on his paws, a sigh in his lungs. Comfortable. A comfortable space to be tired. Eyes drifting shut, but not without being alert, enjoying the sun.

fall in love
or in lust, either one



9 Years
Dragon Mod
02-23-2017, 12:32 AM

It had been a very long time since she had gone beyond pack lands. In fact, she hardly ever did. Today though, her uncle had convinced her to get out and see the world. To see more then just the pack lands. It was hard convincing her simply because Abaven lands was her safe place. Security. Familiarity. Mostly her den was where she spent her time in constant depression, but today she was restless. No thanks to her yearly heat season. God she hated this feeling...She didn't know much about it, for she had yet to ask anyone. Usually she just avoided everyone so they wouldn't know that she smelled funny, and no one had ever given her the talk let alone explain to her what was going on with her body every summer. Then again, she had no mother around to teach her these things. Or anything at all.

So here she was, carefully climbing the stones to places unknown. It was refreshing, she be out and about. To be looking at something different. It was definitely out of her comfort zone, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad...right? Maybe she could even find some new plant she hasn't seen and take it back to Storm and ask about it. That was a thought. As she carefully traversed the rocks, she didn't notice the scent of someone else around. She was focused more on her thoughts. On what she wanted to do. And how to do it...



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


02-24-2017, 08:28 AM

Arsenal is a hulking creature when it comes to actually existing. He's not sure why that is, but that's fine. Genetics. Genes. Armistice siblings, all of them were flipping massive. Hulking, but moves easily enough. Rolling in his shoulders, stretching everywhere else. Not like he was moving at present. No, large, flat rock. Sunning himself. Enjoying it, really. What a gorgeous day, truly.

A stranger is slinking up as well, and he wasn't gong to really do... all that much. He didn't... particularly care? He should say something. Arsenal should say something. Say something aloud to her... yet he dozes still. A light breeze picking up, he can tell the scent is feminine. A woman.

"Watch your footing, there's a loose rock two thirds of the way to where I am," at least he's doing her a favor. Doing his part to be friendly, tail wagging, eyes still closed. Sunshine was something he couldn't really get rid of. He loved his sunshine, he loved his summertime. Everything else? That was a question, of course.

fall in love
or in lust, either one



9 Years
Dragon Mod
03-09-2017, 03:59 PM

The young girl focused on her task of finding something, anything that she could find to take back. That was what she had come out here for anyway. Maybe even something that might even quell the uncomfortable feeling of her seasonal heat. God she hated it. It made her feel awkward, self conscious. She didn't like the feeling it brought to her, and she didn't have any plans on quenching in the way that Kakashi had explained it to her. Since her mother hadn't stayed around to explain to her what being in heat meant, the task had been left up to Kakashi. She was glad she had gone to him to ask what was going on last year when it first started, because she had no idea what the hell was happening to her body. It sent a burning sensation through her, and now that she knew what it meant, there was really no way she could satisfy it. She had never thought about doing that anyway. It's not like there was someone back home that she liked, and probably the other way around too. She knew she had a crush on Starling, or at least she thought that's what she felt. She definitely had some sort of feeling for him that was more than a friend, but she never really acknowledged it until she had felt really sad and depressed after he left the pack.

She thought about these things, quite surprised that she was so focused on those simple thoughts. So engrossed in them, she jumped slightly when a strangers voice hit her ears and she froze. Crimson eyes flew wide, head turning wildly as her hackles lifted in surprise and slight fear. She wasn't alone? Of course not. Why did she think she would be beyond pack lands? She would spot the stranger lying on the rocks, and for a moment he looked like he was sleeping. But he had warned her about the rocks, so that meant he was awake. "Um, th-thank you for the w-warning." She swallowed, but hesitantly moved forward and around the small obstacle he had warned her about. "I-I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I didn't m-mean to.." She figured she owed him an apology for waking him up. She didn't mean to invade his space and disturb his nap.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!