
Living Stars of the Dead



1 Year
02-19-2017, 11:02 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2017, 11:02 PM by Vaax.)
Night had fallen, and the black male was admiring the beautiful scenery of the lake he managed to find upon his entry to this land. He sat along the beach side, small round pebbles underneath his paws. What he was enjoying the most about this scene however, was the reflection of the fireflies on the water. It was quite the seen in his opinion, and it was peaceful besides the occasional cicada or cricket. It was just the thing he needed to take a breathe and think, think about what he wanted to do in this new land. He was new, he knew nobody and he had left his family and friends behind to explore a discover something that may lead to being nothing. He knew one thing, a challenge for himself, he wanted to make a friend. A single friend, all that he needed as he entered this land.For all he knew, this land could be a desolate area with no other wolves in sight, but he may just need to look in the right places.

The dark boy turned his attention back to the scene before him as he finished his little goal setting. He thought about the story his mother once told him, it was about fireflies and how that each one represented a wolf's spirit. The ones that shone the brightest to you were those that you knew personally. He smiled at the story, and watched the fireflies dance in front and around him. They all seemed so different, yet they looked the same. A sole firefly, one that seemed to be one of the furthest away seemed to shine the brightest to him. He chuckled slightly, nobody he knew had died, at least not before he left. Still, he knew it was just a little story, but it was nice to just have a little imagination.



10 Years
03-05-2017, 09:59 AM
Ara had always enjoyed the scenery at Firefly Lake. Especially at night, when the world was silent and still. Much of the world was cloaked in darkness, illuminated only by the dim moonlight streaming from above. She wasn't sure why she went out on this night -- herb collecting wasn't particularly easy at her night, though her nose often helped in those pursuits far more than her eyes ever could on their own. The solitude of the night was calming for her; she had less worry about running into someone she knew, and feeling obligated to participate in conversation that she was far too polite to avoid.

She let out a quiet sigh as she neared the lake's edge. Its still surface was illuminated with hundreds of gentle, twinkling lights, a sight she had never quite gotten used to. The beauty of it still took her breath away, and a small smile toyed with the corners of her mouth.  Quickly she became away of something nearby -- the scent of a stranger touched her nose, not far from the spot she'd chosen. Paws carried her toward the sandier beach of the lake, eyes narrowing as she searched for him in the darkness. His coat made him quite difficult to find, and she lowered her head respectfully as she took a few wary steps closer to him. If he seemed aggravated by her presence, she would happy leave and let him have the entire lake to himself, though she found herself hoping he might not be opposed to her quiet company.