
Brother, my Brother

Twig I


07-28-2014, 07:41 PM

Slate painted limbs would carry her under the shade of the trees that filled their new home. It was a stark contrast to the island they had called their own for so long. She'd done the best she could to transition the children within her care, though she had to say even for her bouncing back had been a challenge. Living with many wolves she hadn't known previously was much like when she had first joined Valhalla, but she was better this time. Alpine gave her courage, her children gave her purpose, and she hoped that Crucifix would give her responsibility. Her soft form would search out that of her brother, she knew he was busy in his new position, and she wondered if she could take any of that responsibility. He deserved to spend some time with his family, she knew he wanted to play with his new niece and nephew. But protecting them seemed the more important task. She would tire of searching for him, haunches would shift to the earth as she let her head tilt back and ask him to accompany her.




2 Years
07-28-2014, 08:09 PM

The responsibilities of leadership, at the very beginning of his reign had been so demanding he had barely had a moment to spare for his beloved sister. She had come in with the other group of wolves and he had spoken to them all in turn, but short words like any must in a meeting. Now he wanted to find his sister more then anything else in the world, to reunite with her. He wanted to hear Twig gush about her beautiful children, to smile and show that radiance that had not been there for such a long time. He didn't know much about Alpine, but he had to give him that ? he had put the life back in Twig when no one else could.

Her call would summon him and with a smile he knew that she wanted to talk to him just as much as he her. He would bound quickly to her side until he could see her standing there. He would run to her and draw her into an embrace, tucking her head beneath his chin and taking in the familiar scent of her. He had always loved Twig the most in his family, well perhaps it was wrong to choose favourites the pair had simply always stood together, and he wouldn't change that for the world. The cross marked boy would simply stand there for a moment, taking in his sisters presence, her radiance and enjoying every moment of it. Since the day he had seen her outside Valhalla territory she had been burdened with horrors and sadness, and it was not until the moment he had seen her in her den with her children curled against her stomach that he truly saw his Twig again, whole, alive and loving every moment of it.

?Twig! I want to hear everything, your kids hadn't even opened their eyes now their running about causing mischief? he laughed, finally stepping back to now take in her eyes.


Twig I


07-28-2014, 08:50 PM

She didn't have to wait for very long, before she knew it the sounds of paws hitting the earth would alert her to the close proximity of the brother she loved so much. She'd find herself on her feet again, her paws carrying her to meet him. The love that she had for him was hard to deny, and now that she felt nothing but joy there was nothing that could bring her down. She'd let him envelope her into an irresistible embrace, closing her eyes blissfully and enjoying the moment with him.
Of all of the wolves she'd missed having in her life Crucifix was the the one that would shine the brightest. She craved the presence of the rest of her family, but she couldn't live with out Crucifix any longer. Her period of mourning was over, now it was time to go out and enjoy her life. "You won't believe how amazing they are." She'd laugh, unable to get close enough to him as he pulled away to look her over. She was back to a regular weight, after Themisto's death she had been under weight, during her pregnancy Alpine had made sure she was over weight, and now with the pups finished nursing she was back to perfection.




2 Years
07-29-2014, 04:39 PM

For a moment all Cru could do was take her in, to the shine of life and joy in her eyes to the glossy tone in her coat and the healthiness of her weight. This was Twig, the one he had always known and knew had still been hiding inside waiting for her moment to shine. The cross marked boy would let out a deep breath and his grin would stretch across his cheeks. His first words had been about her children and she seemed to light up all over again as she spoke of how wonderful they where. He would laugh at this and lead over to plant a soft kiss against her forehead. ?I bet they are Twig, actually I was meaning to ask you, when do you think they would be ready to begin training? I... that is, if your willing would love to take on one myself? he admitted with a sheepish grin. Already he was dreaming of spending what time he could with them, and what better way to make it productive then by training?

But it wasn't just the pups that he wanted to talk to her about and he would nod his head in a question for her to walk with him before starting to do so himself. ?Actually, Twig I know you'll have a lot of responsibilities to sort out yourself with your family but when you have the time I was hoping you could take on an advisory sort of role at my side, something of a Tier 1 rank so that you could have authority? he would explain. He didn't want to take her too often from the side of her family and with Sib as his secondary... he couldn't think of a more fitting role.
