
For the family



6 Years
02-21-2017, 12:47 PM

Apathy and Chasm were growing fast. As the cloud rolled in for the day the male had gone out and hunted a small doe. It would be enough to feed his whole family that was for certain. Spending his time taking care of them was important after all he was a father above all things at these times. With a flick of his tail he called out for Marina and the boys. Sitting by the meal as he looked on. Already he had noticed the quirks that his sons had, but mainly how Apathy was just as his namesake. After all mental illness ran in the family and Liar more so could identify that easily. Apathy would never come to feel remorse, so of all things Liar would have to teach him harder than his other children about basic respect on a eye to eye level.

Chasm however was still close to Apathy. Things that he was glad over. Although his older children didn't seem to speak to him much these days. He had full faith that they'd come to him when they needed it. Liar closed his eyes for a moment, thanking Zakuro for the meal as he waited for his family to come towards him. After all, they had much to speak about.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.

Marina I


7 Years
03-02-2017, 10:12 AM

Both of her children had signs of darkness inside them and yet, for some reason, Marina did not worry as much as she initially thought she would on the matter. The rainbow-marked female found herself relaxing more and more lately, coming to terms with certain things as she watched her little ones grow. Sure she missed her older children, as well as her brother, but there was no doubt in Marina’s mind that she was happy. Happy being here with Liar and their boys. She felt like there was something almost… missing though… and when she took the time to wander a bit she searched to fill whatever part that was.

There was a bit of concern for her about both of her boys though. Apathy, being true to his namesake, didn’t seem to show any signs of remorse and Chasm… he seemed to hold something within his heart that put him above others, save for herself and his brother. Chasm could also be a bit of a finicky creature when things came down to it… but at least if she put her paw down he listened to her. Was this ever going to change for them, or were these traits ingrained into her children despite their age?

Ears perked as the female heard Liar call to her and their children. She had missed spending time with the uniquely marked male, and her children, having been a bit more distance than she would have liked as she shifted through some of her own thoughts and feelings.

It did not take her long to reach Liar, however, and the female crossed over to him with no hesitation. The meal, for the moment, was ignored as the she-wolf nosed his shoulder, breathing in slowly. Her reddish-pink eyes held an apologetic touch within them as she sat, a soft whine given as she looked upon him. “Things have been quiet.” The female remarked softly, wondering what Liar might have to say.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

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6 Years
03-09-2017, 11:09 PM

Worry crossed his face when he saw her. Beautiful she was and he hoped that he could give her a happy life if there was to be one. He'd noticed his best job was hunting, as his muscles and joints were beginning to bother him. He no longer saw Vadim around - Ash too. It seemed his elder children had chosen their paths after his failure to secure them a home. He was no longer the king he used to be, but that bothered him none. He had to stop living in the past. As Marina commented that it had been quiet he brushed his side against hers. Embracing the wolf as he gave her an affectionate nuzzle to her cheek. "It's indeed quiet, I worry for our boys since we don't have a pack." Liar knew being a loner wasn't so bad. However, he was born to a loner father who hadn't been so kind. Packs offered structure, things to do. At least to a point he believed both of their boys needed some sort of moral standing if they were to survive.

"There's a woman I know by the name of Faite. She has a pack called Lirim. If it's alright with you Marina. I'd like to take us there. Faite's an honorable wolf - she was once part of the pack I challenged for but I'm sure she holds no grudges against me. After all... I think my life of fighting is over I should let the younger generation take over and thing of a new task at hand. That and I wish to take care of you. With me around you have nothing to fear, you're important to me." Liar breathed as he pushed his nose into her fur farther. They had two beautiful children and in his life he hoped he could offer whatever he could to them and Marina as a whole.

This character can be very unpredictable and cruel, you have been warned.