
I'm Yelling Timber (Euli)

Vesta I


1 Year
07-28-2014, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 10:10 PM by Vesta I.)
Right now I have no idea if Enigma and Sin are being adopted out so I marked them as missing in her mind? Also a bit of storytelling? For Euli

She had not seen her father in some time and she did not know what to think of it. She was cursed with concern for the man who had been a major factor in her being on the earth. She cursed him for not visiting them and she cursed him for not even teaching her to fight before vanishing from her life. She wasn't taking it as well as she should have and so Vesta Armada found herself running as far from the den as she could though she would never stray too far from her mother because of her young age. She hissed and spat at the nothingness around her as she stomped around with anger blazing in her eyes. It was so unfair! He had taken her brother with him and that made her furious. He hadn't even taken her with him. She could have easily beaten Enigma if it was a fight for who got to go with him.

Kamikaze Airplanes in the night sky. Are we going down or will we fly? She was not going to fly. She was going to soar. She had to find one of her father's siblings that she had heard only stories about. Her father had told her stories of the successes of her aunts and uncles and she was eager to meet these wolves whom she could be proud to call family. For the time being, she was stuck to the only land she had ever known with Forsaken and her mother. Soon, soon, that would change.



07-28-2014, 10:28 PM

The russet pelted darling was wandering, as per usual. She wasn't sure if she wanted to seek out her father just yet, but sooner or later she would go see him. Later sounded nice, since getting a feel for the new lay of the land she'd grown to love seemed like a good plan before she met the great northern king. Tea cupped paws of deep rusty brown hues touched down upon the terra gently, heading in the general direction of the land locked vessel that seemed to be still sitting there on it's own. Auburn plume swept across her heels, and the porcelain masked lass felt a small rush of nostalgia at seeing the rusty, ice bound tanker. Even in her absence, some things had remained the same. Orchid toned optics scanned over the landscape, wondering if anyone lived here currently. There had been the old queen of Amenti here once, but it had been empty when she left, and she couldn't help but wonder if anyone else had seen the appeal in the warped wooden floorboards and taken claim of it.

The air told her it was mostly empty, but a single scent stood out to her the most. The petite woman began striding towards the small form quietly feuding with the world around her. One brow would rise, quirking curiously at the odd sight. Surely this little one must be near her mother, or was she lost? She remembered a time lost in a blizzard, on her own in this very territory, where she had met a man she thought she loved. Oh the naivet?'s of youth, they had made her act so fast then. She hadn't seen hide nor hair of the man since. She would stop a fair distance from the little one, just in case parents came in to save the day. Not that there was anything to be saved from- the ivory masked femme wasn't a big wolfess. Though the twin slash marks down her left cheek might give her an intimidating air. Scars earned through evasion of a growing fight between she and her elder- and larger, sister.

"Is something amiss, darling?" Her soft melodies would inquire, gentle and relaxed as she looked to the enraged youngster. Russet banner would twitch at her hocks, and the petite she wolf was quite curious to see what could have such a delicate looking child so upset. She would lower her tiara closer to the child's level, to seem a little less intimidating. However, she was nevertheless a stranger, and strangers could be frightening to children- scarred strangers a little more so.


Vesta I


1 Year
07-28-2014, 10:37 PM
Vesta Armada

Does it look like I'm joking to you?

She caught a scent on the wind and turned towards it with snarls and anger on her muzzle and features. Was something amiss? EVERYTHING WAS AMISS! She hissed at herself and looked to the woman. "My dearest father disappeared with my brother and left me with my mother and other useless brother." She confessed to the stranger in irritation. "EVERYTHING is amiss. He was supposed to teach me things. He was supposed to be my mentor but instead he left me." She added to it all before realizing she had never introduced herself. "I'm Vesta. Vesta Sinclair Armada." She introduced her first name which she was to be addressed by and then her full name for reference. She had no idea that she stood face to face with her father's half-sister. She was fuming and needed a wolf to calm her down before she exploded.

Vesta, being the foolish girl she was, wasn't even concerned that she was with a stranger. She did not fear the woman because she felt like nothing could harm her. She'd grow out of it soon... hopefully. Her pure white fur was bristling and she had a glare present in her golden eyes. Her teeth were bared but none of the anger displayed was towards Eulari but towards the father who abandoned her and left her with a rather peaceful mother.


07-30-2014, 01:42 AM

Suddenly the pup was awash with vocalized rage, a torrent of accusations that her father was less than a father to her. Oh did the auburn femme know a thing or two about that, she'd known nothing of her father but stories until she'd followed the rest of her siblings here. The wolfess' dark lips twisted into a sad, knowing smile. She empathized with the girl, knew at least a little of the pain she felt. She drew a few inches closer, keeping her movements slow and relaxed so as not to frighten the girl, who already appeared a flight risk. The poor lamb, she hadn't even had a chance to grow up happy, and here she was, stuck in a hopeless situation. Maybe she could help? That might be a nice thing to do, especially since it soon came to be apparent that this was one of her nieces- half niece, to be precise.

A smile would come to cross her pallid features once more, gentle and quite happy, despite the obviously less than joyous circumstances. Now she came close enough to have the girl within reach, and her haunches would lower delicately to the terra, plush banner sweeping across the ground to lay at her side as she sat. "Well, Vesta Sinclair Armada, it appears fate has smiled upon you." She crooned, orchid toned optics crinkling at the edges as she smiled kindly. Her cranium would remain somewhat close to the girls level as she spoke, so she wouldn't seem like the rest of the adults out there, big and bad and rude to little ones. "My name is Eulari Armada, and there's a pretty good chance I'm your aunt- or something vaguely close to that." She chuckled, dipping her head politely to the little one. It was not everyday she found new Armada's, and even rarer that they weren't straight out of Isardis' loins either.

She would allow a moment for that news to sink in, before she lowered her head further, elbows bending to bring her closer to the girl's stature (which wasn't too hard being as small as she was). Porcelain masked tiara would tilt to the side in the slightest, and one brow would quirk. "If you would like, I can teach you the things that I know. I mean, I haven't died yet, so I'm obviously doing something right." She chuckled at the end, since keeping the mood light made decisions easier almost always. Pressure couldn't follow laughter, at least not sincere laughter. It would be nice to mentor someone, especially a little girl who looked like a future treasure to the Armada lineage. It would also be wonderful to have a young lady not interested in tearing open everyone's throats- not that tearing open throats was always bad, it just wasn't always the way to go.

"Speech" Think "You"

Vesta I


1 Year
07-30-2014, 09:09 AM
Vesta Armada

Does it look like I'm joking to you?

She would speak and little shock would take over the icy white form of Vesta. This woman was her aunt? Which one? She had heard of many different aunts because, quite simply, her grandfather had gotten around... a lot. Eulari? The name was quite familiar. "My father told me of many aunts and uncles Aunt Eulari. My father's name was Sin." She suggested to the woman to perhaps aid in her aunt's realization as to who she was. When the other Armada offered to teach her a few things, commenting about how she did something right because she was still alive, Vesta could hardly contain the joy. She immediately grinned and nodded vigorously. "YES! I'd love for you to teach me!" She jumped up with a smile and she was on her paws in a second flat. She looked eagerly to Eulari.