
A Little Piece Of Heaven



6 Years

02-24-2017, 05:42 PM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

It was early in the morning when Faite awoke. She'd managed to get Fortune to take the kids for the night which was a relief. She'd hardly spent any time with Zell since the pups were born and she'd created Lirim and honestly she felt guilty about it. She'd had his kids, made a pack, and had even gotten him to join it. He'd done so much for her that it was about time she took the opportunity to spend some time alone with him. There was so much that they didn't know about each other and it was time to rectify that situation.

They shared a den, something that she felt was necessary since it would be easier on the kids, and she didn't mind it either. Back in Celestial the entire family had shared dens in the large cave-like system. It'd been comforting and this now reminded her of it, even though the entire pack didn't live in their den. It just happened to be a tad bit too small for that.

Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched out on her side for a moment as she tried to make the grogginess of sleep fade away. She blinked a few more times to wake herself up before she glanced over at Zell. It was so quiet without the kids with them that she couldn't quite bring herself to disturb the peace. They couldn't stay with their aunt Fortune forever though so she drug herself to a sitting position and brought out a paw to poke Zell softly on the side.

"Hey, wake up."


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
03-06-2017, 01:50 AM

Life was so different now. Definitely not what he expected, but he wouldn't have it any other way. He slept soundly, though his ears tended to move on their own from time to time since his magical parental awareness had kicked in since the kids had been born. Any little cough, sneeze, or wheeze sent his head bolting up every time, only to fall back down into slumber once he made sure they were alright at night. Of course, he was more than likely just over reacting and worrying for nothing. They were all healthy and energetic, nothing to worry about. When he felt something touch him, however, his eyes opened almost immediately. He noted that the kids were sleeping, so that meant...Faite? He shifted his head a little to look at her, blue eyes watching her in silence for a moment. They'd been sleeping in the same den since before the pups were born, and continued to do so even after. He figured it was more for their sake, as he still wasn't sure what to call the relationship between him and Faite. He had wanted to talk to her about it, but in all honesty he didn't want to feel like he was pushing anything. He figured it was better to let things go at their own pace. Not to mention the fact that he was no good at talking about his feelings...that probably didn't help things at all. "Are you alright?" He whispered, concern coloring his voice.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

03-18-2017, 10:38 AM
Faite Ethereal Adravendi

The good thing about Zell was that he was easy to wake up. She was a light sleeper as well since the children had been born so she was aware of how he woke up in the night if the kids made so much as a peep. It was nice to see how watchful he was of them. Their children hadn't been planned, she hadn't even known him really, and yet her stuck around to help her take care of them when she'd first told him of the predicament. It was admirable really. He could have just left her high and dry to raise them on her own, similar to how Zuriel was doing, and yet he'd chosen to stay instead. She was grateful for it.

She smiled at him when he woke up, staring at her silently with confusion and worry, and her tail waved slightly trying to reassure him that nothing was wrong. His voice rung out quietly and she glanced towards the sleeping kids for a moment. Good, they were still asleep. She looked back at him. "Don't worry, everything is fine." She whispered. "Fortune agreed to watch the kids today. Do you want to go do something? It's about time we had a kid free day to go enjoy ourselves." She wanted to get to know him better. She hadn't thought too much on where their relationship stood, but it was about time to figure something out. Later on down the line the kids would be older and she wanted to be able to explain everything to them if they asked. Plus she was curious to know what hid beneath that mask Zell had. He was nice enough, but Faite got the feeling there was so much more to him than met the eye.


I like to imagine
That you smile when you hear my songs

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
05-12-2017, 01:38 AM

He relaxed when she said everything was fine, though instinctively he cast another sweeping gaze across the pups, if only to reassure himself that they were completely fine. And...of course they were. They were sleeping peacefully, and when they woke, they'd be all over the place for sure. Blue gaze returned to Faite once more, her mismatched eyes reflecting in the little dim light they had. She explained to him that her cousin would watch the pups today, his ears perked when she went on to suggest getting a day together. Brows rose slightly in a bit of surprise, and secret want. They'd get alone time? He didn't think they had had any alone time since before the pups were born, so of course he'd agree to the idea. He nodded quietly, his voice was much deeper than hers, so he didn't want to speak inside the den any more than he already had since he was sure even his whispering might wake up the kids. Carefully, he stood up and kept his head low so as not to knock it against the top of the den, the male allowing Faite to lead the way out.

Once outside, he went a few steps away from the den before he let out a wide yawn, the large male stretching his body and each limb before shaking out his coat. He wanted to make sure he was free of sleep so he could focus on her, "What did you have in mind?" He asked curiously, tail wagging slightly. Even to this day, he hardly knew much about her. But he had observed her enough to get an idea of what she was like, and to date, he had no reason to dislike her at all.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years

05-21-2017, 06:43 AM

Her gaze constantly shifted to watch the pups to check for any signs of them waking up. For once it seemed like they were fast asleep but she still made sure to keep her voice down. She didn't want her plans for the day to be ruined by one little loud mishap. Her gaze traveled back towards the cream and wine colored male and her face instantly lit up as he nodded in agreement to her suggestion. She hadn't expected him to say no, after all how could you say no to kid free time after so long, but it was still exciting to visibly see him agree.

She rose quietly with him and slipped out of the den where they could talk more freely. They paused outside and she gave him the time to adjust to the morning. She eyed him as he yawned and she felt the contagious pull as a yawn of her own tugged free past gaping jowls. Finally, after she stretched and shook out the sleep from her fur, it seemed they were ready to start the day. Her tail mimicked his in a soft wave behind her as she tried to formulate a plan in her head. She had vague ideas, but she hadn't set anything in stone - after all, she didn't even know what he liked doing.

"Well we could go watch the sunrise since it's still early and then maybe go swimming?" It felt weird being able to enjoy a morning for once and suddenly being around Zell, she felt self conscious. The need to understand him better had certainly settled in and needless to say she felt more than nervous. She'd lived with the man for a while now - how was it that she felt like she barely knew anything about him at all?

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]