
[M]Fool's playground


02-26-2017, 04:29 PM

I'm headed straight for the castle

They've got the kingdom locked up

The fuck was up with this stupid heat? Honestly was it that hard to ask for the cooling temperature of spring? But then again with a curse like her families it wasn't like it was going to get any better. To top everything else off Aby had seemingly lost her way and misplaced her family. Though it's not like she couldn't live without them, especially those brats of Amon's.  They took away precious attention that should of been hers. She was getting bored of this place already and she had only been here for long enough to find a shallow stream to lounge in.

That's where she was right now, bored to death, lounging in a stream beneath a willows shapely canopy. She couldn't have thought of a better tree herself, obviously nature decided to take a page from her book. Of course she would of given the tree a darker tone and killed many of its sweeping branches. Though that's how she always pictured her garden, dead and with elongated shadows giving mortals something to truly fear. Of course she was probably the only Abraxas out there that wanted to deliver that touch of fear into mortal hearts. Plus that bit of healthy respect for her privacy and space. Her dark purple eyes scanned the surrounding area with that bored look to them. Her face reflected the same boredom.

Without a member of her family yo annoy or a mortal to torment things just seemed to quiet. She didn't like it. Her form rolled on her back,ears now beneath the shallow water though the majority of her face remained above it. Her front paws were lazily placed against her chest and her back paws stretched out behind her. Her tail was lax in its way, the fur on it and her body gently going in the direction the stream flowed. "The fuck is wrong with this stupid place? Don't they know I could have designed this place so much better, plus it would of had better winds and colder water's." her musings were lazy and more for herself than another. Her foul mouth she could care less about. Her mother had never really stopped her so why should she give a damn if words offended the puny mortals?

And there's an old man sitting on the

throne that's saying I should probably

keep my pretty mouth shut



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
02-26-2017, 06:55 PM

Lili had spoken about this place and how it was full of many different types of herbs that could be used for a multitude of things. They were still in the exploratory stages of having arrived in this new land, but he knew once his father made up his mind, the Gods and Goddesses would be set loose upon the mortals to reign down hellfire. Amon told them they were descended from a god, and as much as he wanted that to be true, he knew better. He and his littermates bled just like the mortals, even if they were a little harder to hurt. So Archon thought he'd take preventative measures and learn about some herbs that would be useful to him in future confrontations. But if he was to learn anything, he'd need the real expert; Lilith.

Still there was no harm in familiarizing himself with the vegetation so that when he did come back with Lili, he would atleast be physically familiar with some of the things that she'd teach him. He would follow beside the stream, since it appeared that most of the plant life grew along side it, if not nearby. A familiar scent would tickle his nostrils, turquoise eyes coming across the pale figure of Abyzou who was laying casually in the stream, seemingly bored. Massive skull would lower closer to the ground, brows furrowing. What was she doing here? Had she and her parents followed Amon and the brood? That seemed the most likely explanation. Regardless of how she'd gotten here, Archon was the first one to have discovered her; Amon would be very pleased to know of this.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

02-27-2017, 12:31 AM

TEAs it was, Amon was hot on his son's heels. The humidity of the day forced the dark brute in search of water, of relief. The smell of it drew him to this place long before the trace of something just as familiar. Another member of his family. Ears perked atop his head and he, like Archon he supposed, was drawn towards the scent. Lo and behold, there she lay in the water, belly up. He did not know quite what to make of his niece's antics, but his surprise at seeing her outweighed his otherwise negative judgement. "Abyzou," he greeted in a welcoming tone, uncertain if she could even hear him. It had been several weeks since he had last seen his brother and sister, and his sister's young whelp. She was the only survivor of her litter, but she bore enough spirit to more than make up for the absence of her littermates, in his opinion.

He did not know that Ana and Adra had followed so close behind him. "Where is your mother, young one?" he asked in a gentle yet firm tone. He sat, sweeping his tail around to curl beside his paws. He cast a look to Archon and found him equally surprised to find her there. He had not know either then. "I have sensed nothing," he directed towards his son, wanting to confirm beyond a doubt that this was a new development. Perhaps he ought to call his children in to scout the area, find wherever Anamalech and Adramalech were wandering and at the very least notify them of their presence.
"Talk" "You"  Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!


03-06-2017, 06:33 PM

I'm headed straight for the castle

They've got the kingdom locked up

Her peace was bound to be ruined she knew, yet the appearance of Archon and Amon were not to be expected by her. Her eyes cut to Archon first, her annoyance with the spawn of her uncle cloaked as he paid her attention. Amon spoke something though with her ears below water she couldn't quite make out what he said. A sigh escaped her. It seemed she would have to give up her lounging in order to listen to her uncle. That very fact made her want to growl at them for disturbing her day. Nonetheless she rolled over and shook her head to rid it of excess water.

She laid in the water, with her eyes on them. The dark purple gems latched onto their forms and studied them with mild interest. Her uncle's seemingly sweet tone sent her glaring at him. She was not one for sweet ways and she knew better than to believe any Abraxas was sweet in any way. Her voice rang out immediately to answer his question. Her tone served well enough to show how annoyed she was that he asked of her mother before trying to even give her the attention she deserved. "What the fuck do I look like, her keeper? Mother goes where she wants and does as she wants, I just happened to lose her this time. It won't be long and she will either come looking or uncle Adramalech will be sent to fetch me I am most certain.  Whether or not Amon listened she didn't care. His attention turning to Archon for even the split moment it did brought her jealousy bubbling to the surface. Her glare was turned on Archon and her hackles pricked along her spine. She may not be as big as him but she was youngest and thus deserved the extra attention, he was only competition for such.

Just as quickly as she had angered though she was calmed. A smirk on her face at a small though she had had. He wasn't going to hold a match to her one day. She would take him and his siblings down so only she could stand in the light. "So what exactly brings you to me uncle? It's not like you need the company of another God, so what's your reason for coming to me?" was she full of herself? Most definitely but Mother had yet to stop her. Did she underhanded ly try to manipulate the man? Most certainly. To play his game of God's was easy enough, same as with Adra and Ana. She knew to try to boost their ego before doing so so this would be a drawn out little game. Her tone held her new interest in her own game. It was a dangerous one she played for if she didn't get her way she might begin plotting against the man, or she might recieved a bite. Though for him to bite her would mean he would be angering his much older sister seeing as she seemed to like the ways of the girl enough to keep her around.

And there's an old man sitting on the

throne that's saying I should probably

keep my pretty mouth shut



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
03-07-2017, 08:23 PM

Almost as if Amon had been following him, which he assumed he had been, the patriarch of the abraxas clan would reveal himself beside Archon, looking equally as surprised to see Abyzou here. So his father hadn't known either that she and her mother had followed them here to this new land. Turquoise gaze would take a quick assessment of the surrounding area, finding no other figures that would indicate that his aunt and uncle were anywhere nearby. His father would question the whereabouts of his relatives, his tone much more gentle than the one that he typically addressed the brood with.

I have sensed nothing. Amon directed at him, confirming what the prince had suspected.
"Neither did I. I hadn't the slightest inkling that she nor my relatives were in these new lands." His attention would be diverted to his cousin as she rolled herself upright before addressing his father. Archon's brows furrowed deeply over his eyes at the tone Abyzou used to address Amon. Irritation bubbled beneath the surface at her insolence and blatant disrespect. He had half a mind to hold her head under the water and teach her some manners. His aunt hadn't taught her any respect. He noticed her purple eyes fix themselves on him after his father had addressed him and the young prince returned the glare, adding a flash of teeth to the display. He had no problem putting her in her place; he wasn't above disciplining family.

If Archon was beginning to seethe at the girl's words, he could only imagine what his father was feeling. The beast didn't take too kindly to being talked to the way that his niece was speaking to him. The prince was wise to keep any comments to himself, much more content in waiting to see what his father would do to his younger cousin.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
03-08-2017, 11:58 PM

Ana was in a particularly bad mood and it wasn't curbed at all by the fact that she'd finally narrowed in on her daughter's trail. She'd lost sight of Adra a while back, more content leaving him alone than her brood, which didn't help her mood whatsoever. It was broad daylight and the sun felt like it was burning into the more sensitive and exposed parts of her skin. It was why she preferred the night - in summer heat like this she sunburned easily. All the more reason to stay out of her way when she was like this.

A soft huff escaped her as she trailed after Abyzou. The willow trees at least offered ample enough shade so long as she flitted from underneath tree to tree. Their long tendrils tickled the fur as she swished through them easily as she followed the scent with her nose close to the ground. She could pick up the scent of water now as well as the clear scent of Amon's and one of his spawn. So they'd managed to find Abyzou? Well at least she'd knocked two birds out with one stone - she'd found her daughter and a few other family members.

She arrived just in range just in time to hear a portion of the conversation. She was particularly interested in the way Abyzou addressed Amon in a less than pleasing tone. Ana, perhaps, had spoiled her a bit too much. Given her ideas far too young about how precious she was as her only child, and a godling to top it off, but the albino female certainly still expected some respect be given. While she was sure her presence had been noticed already she decided not to linger any longer and made her way towards the group with a ghost-like swiftness.

"While I commend your ability to take care of yourself it displeases me greatly when you vanish like that. I can only assume Amon and his son were merely concerned as to my whereabouts and why you were alone. You aren't even a yearling yet." She said stiffly, chastising the young girl before glancing towards her brother and nephew. It seemed they'd all get to play catch up while she waited on Adra to get his ass back to her.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]



5 Years
Dire wolf

03-09-2017, 12:23 AM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2017, 12:34 AM by Amon.)

Amon could not remember the last time he'd seen Abyzou, but he was certain that she had not had this... disposition, then. Her words sank in slowly, slower than they might have otherwise, had they made sense. It had been long enough since Amon was spoken to in this manner that he couldn't find meaning in them for a heartbeat longer than he might have expected. "What the fuck do I look like, her keeper?" she asked. He felt heat begin to boil beneath his fur. "Mother goes where she wants and does as she wants," she tacked on. He drew in a deep, quiet breath. Archon, having answered Amon's question before dutifully and with the respect expected of a younger wolf, fell quiet.

With slow, calculated steps, Amon approached the water's edge. His niece was drenched, her already pathetic frame made that much smaller by the way her coat clung to her. His teal eyes had chilled, now frigid with the intensity of his rage. Were she not his kin he would rip her tongue from her mouth and feed it to her. As if she merited a visit from him and his children in the first place, as if his appearance had been anything more than happenstance. She thought far too highly of herself, and he would be overjoyed to shatter that false reality.  Looming over the smaller creature, he hissed out, "Mind your tongue, whelp. However lenient your mother is with this behavior, you'll find that I am not so understanding." He did not answer her question, and he would not. He was not at her disposal.

Anamalech's arrival could not have been timed better. Amon still fought the urge to lunge at the pup and hold her beneath the water until she begged for air. He wanted to grab the insolent bitch by her scruff and shake. Her apologies would be sweet, and they would fall on deaf ears. As it was... her mother appeared not long after. Amon's eyes whipped up to meet hers. He was certain that his rage boiled there, spilling out for her consumption. Under other circumstances, he might have been happy to see her. Under other circumstances, he might have greeted her and ask about her travels. Instead, he ground out, "Your daughter lacks respect," and said nothing more.

Abyzou's words still echoed in his mind, a hateful repetition that only fanned the flames. Let her spout off like that again, Amon decided, he had given her his warning. She'd best heed it. It is not so difficult to create pups, he reflected. About as easy as it is to discard them. If she thought her relation to him would protect her, she was dead wrong. Amon himself had lost two siblings to his father's judgement. After all, it was healthy to occasionally cull the herd...

"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!