
Take It Away


03-05-2017, 05:02 AM

It had been far too long. Far too long since she had drifted to the northern shores of these lands, and still she'd yet to find anything. She wasn't sure what she was looking for, but she had a feeling that she was supposed to be looking for something. She just didn't know exactly what that something was supposed to be. She panted in the heat as she walked, the woman so used to the arctic weather back home. She had stayed in the northern parts of Boreas since she came here, save for the one trip towards the west she had taken, but almost immediately she had turned around and gone straight back. The weather in these parts was too much for her. Her thick pelt was made for the harsh winter conditions, but she couldn't or didn't want to keep secluding herself in the north anymore. Now that she was completely separated from her tribe and everything she'd ever known, she had to start over...but how easy was it for a wolf her age to do that? While romance and the like wasn't on her mind, subconsciously she felt like the chances of that happening were slim to none. For now, she supposed she was more focused on just finding a new home...but where that new home would be was beyond her. She did recall that one pack she had accidentally trespassed into...and she had fled then too because she wasn't sure how to communicate properly. Hell, she didn't even know what a pack was! But that was because where she was from, packs wasn't what they called a community of wolves. But if she had gotten the concept, it was similar to a tribe. And never would be a tribe. Rolling her shoulders, her ears shifted as they caught the sounds of the water beside her. She walked in the shallows at a slower pace now, trying to cool off from the summer sun. Where would she go from here?

Walk, "Talk" Think



9 Years
Athena I
03-12-2017, 08:57 PM

He wasn't sure why he avoided this area of this lands so much, but it had been ages since he had come out this way. For the longest time he had dreamed of reclaiming the range and making his first home a home for him and his family, but that dream had long since been forgotten. He was happy with the life he had built in the mangroves and the falls over in the east, but a small part of him still missed his childhood home. He wasn't sure what had brought him out this way today of all days when the sun was high and temperature was right up there with it, but it was at least giving him something to do.

He looked up from his path for a moment and spotted the woman standing in the shallows of the river up ahead of him. It wasn't often that he got to interact with anyone not living within Fiori without having some kind of pack related reason to do so. Of course if she wasn't looking for company he would leave her be, but it never hurt to say hello, right? He padded toward her with a small smile on his lips, being sure to keep his posture friendly. "Hello there!"

"Talk" "You" Think


05-07-2017, 09:33 PM

Icy blue gaze was trained on the water to her side, watching the water swirl around her legs. She didn't mind the shallow parts of the river. As long as she stayed away from the deeper parts she'd be fine. She didn't even want to think about what might happen if she got swept up and away. Would the river carry her to the ocean? Would she come face to face with the sea wolves again? A shudder rippled through her body, eyes closing for a moment to calm herself. No, she wouldn't go into the ocean again. She didn't have the confidence to do that, even though it had been a year...maybe longer? She couldn't remember anymore. She let a breath escape her, trying to calm herself and push back that awful memory. She glanced back at her leg, the teeth marks still visible through the parted fur on her left hind leg. Scars. Forever scarred with puncture wounds that looked like bullet holes. At least she was alive though. At least she had managed to survive that day.

When she looked ahead again, sharp blue gaze caught sight of a reddish color, a male by the looks of it. She thought him handsome at first glance, his blue eyes fit well with the reddish orange of his coat. She slowed down even more until she came to a full stop, watching warily as the male approached. "Hello there!" Her ears flicked forward slightly, gaze narrowing just the slightest. His tone was friendly, though her look was one of slight confusion. That...was a greeting, right? It had been so long since she had talked to anyone, she almost couldn't remember how to say hello. Not in the common tongue, nor her native tongue. For a quick moment, her mouth seemed to open and close a couple of times, as if she were trying to remember how to talk. "Ainngai." She spoke, finally remembering how to. She doubted the male spoke her language, but she hoped he understood that she was returning the greeting, at least.

Walk, "Talk" Think