
[Faite] Stay the night



4 Years
03-13-2017, 01:47 AM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2017, 12:08 PM by Jewell.)

She moved rather slowly at first, insecure in her movements as she followed the pathetic of the river. In her mouth was a fruit from the Orchard that remained half ate. As she entered the territory she didn't hesitate nor did she think about it truly. Without a parental figure she had no idea that trespassing was a big offense nor that she was doing so. The only thing that she knew was that the nightmares hadn't ever come back and didn't seem like they would ever come for her. The rainbow child moved with her tail wagging happily at this thought.

Her presence in this bright and sunny place wasn't hidden rather she moved with paws that were still growing and that stepped on alot of sticks and stones, creating sounds underfoot. Her voice rang out with a hum as she moved, her face reflecting the easy bubbly attitude she held. She didn't try to blend in or obscure herself, somehow feeling like she was protected so long as she stayed close to the river. Her two toned eyes shone with happiness as she looked towards the shore, where her paws suddenly stopped. She had never seen the ocean before and the shoreline that laid before her was breath taking. Her fruit was dropped and she burst forward suddenly with her breath coming in huffy of laughter as she stomped into the water creating splashes. The foam gathered towards her and she swatted at it. The weather here was beautiful and everything was gorgeous.

Can you see the nightmares?
I see them, and they scare me

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
03-16-2017, 12:39 AM

She hadn't been to the farthest part of the plains yet, but today would be that day! She raced across the land as fast as her little legs could carry her, though she supposed she wasn't that little anymore. She was a little over 6 months old now, but compared to her father and the rest of her siblings, she was considerably small. But it didn't bother her because that meant she could always ride on her daddy's back! Tongue flopped out as her paws kissed the ground, the summer wind brushing her fur as she went. Soon, smells she hadn't smelled before reached her nose, and she giggled as she put on more speed to get there faster and see what all there was to see! As the girl came to the top of a small rise, she pushed herself through some bushes (because going around was overrated) and she stopped once her head popped through.

She saw water, and sand, and lots of other things! "So this is where the river goes!" She always wondered where the water went, and now she knew! She started to wiggle her way out from under the bush, when suddenly she saw something bright and colorful down by the shore. Dual toned eyes watched with extreme curiosity, what the heck was that!? Squinting her eyes, she could see that it was another pup just like her! Oh how exciting! Her rump set to wiggling as her tail wagged back and forth with ferocity, and she tried to scramble the rest of the way out until she realized...she was stuck. She pushed with her legs and stretched her neck forward (as if that would help) but the bush would not release it's prisoner. She tried for several minutes, until finally she admitted defeat and flopped her head on the ground. Eyes wandered to the colorful puppy on the shore, whining since she wanted to so badly go and investigate. Ears perked then when she got an idea! Maybe the other pup could help her! "Hey! Heeeeeeeyyyy!!! Can you halp me!? I'm stuck!"

Walk, "Talk" Think




4 Years
03-17-2017, 04:19 AM

The appearanceof another pup went unnoticed by the girl for a few moments as she splashed about. She was exhilarated by the ocean here and her tail was curved over her back flagging her joy to the world. Her paws were sodden and dripping as she lifted them only to pounce back into the water, a giggle coming from her. She had long been used to being alone, being born an only child, that amusing herself was simple and easy.

The shout of someone had her turning her bright eyes towards the sound. Her head cooking at the foreign words. Whatever those words meant she had no idea. Perhaps the other was yelling at her for being noisy? No, couldn't be it. She turned and moved closer leaving the water and shaking out her pelt. She could always try to be friendly and find out right? It's not like this girl could be a nightmare.

As she got closer she sat only about five feet from her. Confusion was on her face clearly. Her big bushy rainbow curled around her side as she cooked her head at the girl before speaking in the tongue she understood. English wasn't easy for her and she barely knew many words of English.  "Parlez-vous français? Je suis Jewell, comment t'appelles-tu?" She perked her ears and waited for an answer, hoping she might have found someone who understood her.

Can you see the nightmares?
I see them, and they scare me

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



6 Years

03-18-2017, 08:25 AM

It was a warm sunny day, too warm if someone to ask her, and Faite could be found baking in the sun as she patrolled the border. The down side to her patrol was that it seemed like half of her pack were children. She could imagine that Fortune was off hunting somewhere, Ritsy too maybe, and she wasn't sue what the rest of them were up to. Maybe she should have bothered Zell to come with her? It was awfully boring by herself - she'd already become familiar with both territories by now and her heart still ached to explore. Being cooped up in the same two territories for so long as different from her past life style. Sure, she'd preach all day that she encouraged her members to leave on short adventures, but when it boiled down to it she was reluctant to leave herself for multiple reasons. Kids, the pack, she was the only alpha - it seemed as though she had multiple excuses.

Perhaps she should have gotten someone to come with her? Normally the borders were quiet (well they still were quiet) but she didn't often find foreign scents by the borders. If she did they were at the pack line waiting for her, but as she neared the river a strange scent fluttered to her nostrils on the wind. She came to a stop, sniffing the spot where the scent infiltrated the territory, and Faite's face contorted in a look of worry. If she hadn't been so focused on the fact that there was an intruder in her lands she might have noticed that it was the scent of a pup, but Faite wasn't worried about that one bit. Instead she was thinking of the male that had shown up on Lirim's lands and tested her patience until it'd resulted in a fight. She didn't want anyone like that anywhere near her family.

Her pace was certainly quicker now as she trailed after the other wolf. It was clearly following the river all the way to the spot where the river bled out into the ocean. As if things couldn't get worse she could now smell the scent of Kairi. She mentally face palmed herself - of course her young child had to find the intruder before she did. She moved at a lope now and was intent on finding them before anything bad could happen. What she didn't expect to come across was Kairi stuck in a bush (it seemed as though she'd been spying on the other wolf) and another young pup, roughly the same age as her own children, that was brilliantly colored. The first thought that came to Faite's mind was that this girl very much resembled a neon rainbow. Her second thought was that she could relax some. What harm could a pup do? Now the question was, where were the other girl's parents?

Now to get her daughter unstuck. She could worry about the other child in a moment. She padded over to her daughter and smiled softly at the humorous predicament she'd gotten herself in to. It was something she probably would have done when she was her age. "Here. Lets get you out of this bush and we can properly meet your new friend, how's that sound?" She didn't wait for her answer though as she padded around to the other side of the bush towards Kairi's hind end. She clamped down gently as close to her scruff as she could get before pulling backwards. A few moments later the bush shuddered and then Kairi came free. Her tail wagged softly behind her, glad she hadn't had to to tear the bush up just to get her out, before she padded to the other side to finally address their uninvited guest.

"I'm Faite, this one's mother." She introduced herself while pointing to Kairi with a paw. "Where are your parents?" That was probably the most important question. If they weren't far behind her, well she'd have more issues with a pair of adults following their child into claimed territories than a pup. She could handle the intrusion with the rainbow kid in front of her. She'd be less happy if any more thought they could just prance across the borders.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
03-23-2017, 02:42 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2017, 02:42 PM by Kairi.)

She thought that maybe her cry for help was going unheard, that is, until the rainbow pup started heading her way. Right away Kairi's tail set to wagging furiously which in turn caused her whole butt to wiggle with unconstrained excitement. Her eyes grew wide as the other pup got closer until finally, there were only about five feet apart. Kairi smiled, tongue flopping out as her butt calmed down and it was just her tail waving behind her. "Hi!" She exclaimed wholeheartedly. And then...the other girl spoke, and it was something Kairi had never heard before. Her eyes grew wider as she suddenly felt speechless for a moment, her whole body going still. What? What the heck kind of english was that!? She tried to register it in her head, but couldn't for the life of her figure out what had just been said. Was that her name? It had to be right!? "Hi! It's nice to meet y--" Before she could finish, her mom's voice cut her off and next thing she knew, she was being whisked out of the bush that had been holding her prisoner for the last several minutes.

Once she was free, her tail wagged happily as her mom set her down. "Momma! Look!" Of course, her mom had already seen the new pup, she was very hard to miss after all! Her mom questioned the girl, while also introducing herself. "And my name is Kairi! You have a reeeaaallly long name! But um...Pearl View Frances erm..." What was the rest of what she had said? It was so long! She couldn't remember let alone pronounce it all..."Anyway, Pearl View Frances is a nice name!" She giggled, smiling brightly at the exotic looking girl.

Walk, "Talk" Think




4 Years
04-01-2017, 01:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2017, 01:02 PM by Jewell.)

The appearance of a much larger female had her ears pressing back. Adults weren't exactly something she had met face to face since her mother was lost to her. At the other girl's words she cocked her head. That definitely wasn't French. Not by a long shot. So now she was going to have to use the infuriating English she knew, problem was it wasn't much. Her mother had barely spoken English so she was in the same boat. She looked at the adult as she spoke, there was one word she definitely knew for sure and one that was questionable. She then looked to the other girl as she butchered her French words, causing a giggle to rise. But the way she did it was questionable.

The word name kept being dropped but she wasn't sure what that meant exactly. Her English words piped up as she lifted a purple pad towards herself. "Call, Jewell." her ears went back up but her face was contorted with concentration. She didn't understand a lot but mother was a word she did know. It seemed as if the big one was asking where hers was so she gave a thoughtful look up towards the sky. Her paw lifted towards it as she gave a pointing motion. "Mother heaven." those words she knew well enough to know how to tell the female where her mother was. She just had to hope the language barrier didn't mistranslate too much.

Her two toned eyes then went to the child and she gave her a toothy grin. She knew she was at the moment slightly underweight, and maybe even underdeveloped due to have to survive off of fruits and rotting carcasses but it wasn't until she looked at someone her own age that she truly realized it. A look was spared at her own self and a slight pout was set upon her face. Maybe even a hint of jealousy was there at the girl before her but it was quickly washed away again with another smile just as bright as she was. She hadn't been spared the possibility of having siblings so she didn't have experience with other children but she knew how to be a good girl and sit while another had done business with her mother or to entertain herself while her mother had gone away to hunt or whatever adults did. She sat respectfully quietly then waiting for either a question she understood or the other girl to maybe butcher more french.

Can you see the nightmares?
I see them, and they scare me

Faite as Jewell's guardian is allowed in any and all her threads regardless of the tag. She may enter as she see's fit.

All of Jewell's French will have a span title over it, hover for translations.



6 Years

04-03-2017, 04:33 PM

Kairi was out of the bush in no time and Faite glanced at her child as she pointed out the very colorful pup. Such colors weren't an oddity to her anymore, but it was intriguing that she resembled a very neon rainbow. Naturally Kairi was excited and Faite had to hold back the chuckle as she called the other girl "Pearl View France." She highly doubted it was the girl's name at all, but she couldn't tell if what she'd said was foreign.

The girl introduced herself as Jewell and Faite smiled at her. It was a pretty name to say the least and certainly wasn't anything like Pearl View France. It was obvious English wasn't her first language which worried Faite slightly. How hard was this going to be for conversation? She seemed to struggles with Faite's one question, but she waited patiently until she lifted a paw to the sky to point and she got the idea of what happened to her mother when she said heaven. So her parent was dead? She was curious about Jewell's father, but she refrained from asking. He obviously wasn't around.

Now a big question rose to her mind. What was she going to do with her? She couldn't very well just let her wander off on her own again. The next pack she wandered in to might not be so friendly as her. Then there was all the predators and other dangerous things that would hunt such a small wolf. Not to mention starvation - that was her biggest enemy. Maybe she had other family?

"It's nice to meet you Jewell. Do you have any other family?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]