
Oh my soul



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-15-2017, 01:08 PM
It had been... years, since he had been here for any purpose but to bear witness to yet another blow to his family. Death matches, pack challenges, wars, it seemed he was always on the peripherals of battle, but only once had he come here for himself. That was when he was a yearling, before everything had changed for him. He had fought and won against Ashmedai (what had ever happened to Ash? He was saddened to say that there had been no trace at all of the other boy when he had settled into Ash's family's old lands) and had known the rush of battle, before he had seen how ugly and meaningless it all was. That was years ago. Now he led a different life, a quieter life, but one that he had to be willing to be a guardian, to fight if necessary despite how much he abhorred it. And he had come to realize that he was woefully out of practice.

His chosen home was right near the battlefield, something that made him wonder if that hadn't subconsciously been a factor in his choice. If there was something in him that was broken, that craved the calls he heard and the battles he witnessed. Some part that revelled in the heart-pain of watching his loved ones enter battle. That needed it. It was a fear he kept buried out of a fear that talking about it, acknowledging it even to himself, would make it somehow true. But it was there, that worry, as he stopped on the field and raised his muzzle to invite a challenge. He had gone years without sparring another wolf. Was this worth the risk?

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


03-15-2017, 01:46 PM
The female felt as though she were far too rusty, even with doing her rounds around Abaven, to simply just sit idly by and let the world go on around her. How long had it been since she last felt the thrill of a battle, the battlesong roaring through her heart as she came toe to toe with an opponent. The femme yearned for that feeling again, to know what it was like to taste flesh, blood, and fur. Pyrrhus wasn’t necessarily blood thirsty per sae, but she was a warrior, and when she was idle her spirit cried out for that feeling.

Then again Pyrrhus had never dealt with loss the way with some wolves had. To her, getting to know someone was them giving her a fresh scar to her body. So long as she kept her sight and important bits she saw no reason to hide in shame at gaining a new one. There was a fire that burned within her spirit, that same fire that once burned within her grandmother, though the difference with Pyrr was she had the build to back up such a personality. But even with that build she knew she was far from a perfect fighter. She had to get stronger.

So it was to the battlefield that the she-wolf went first, her fiery gaze scanning the terra for any individual that might prove worth a challenge. Ears perked, and a smile graced her lips as she heard the inviting howl. There was a willing opponent somewhere on this field; she merely had to meet him.

So with thundering, massive paws Pyrr broke into a run in the direction the call had sounded from, slowing only once the other individual was close enough to hear her voice. “Ahhh the sound of battle edging closer. Do you hear it, friend?” Whenever it came to fighting Pyrr was in a good, friendly mood. She stopped fully, dipping her head to the smaller wolf. “I am Pyrrhus Kedieo, and I’d like the honor of being your opponent today, if such suits you.”



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-22-2017, 10:43 AM
Long moments seemed to stretch into infinity as he waited to see if his call would produce results. He wouldn't have minded if it had not - but the sound of pawsteps swung his attention to an approaching wolf. Blue eyes widened in surprise at the female who stood before him. A shade of red he'd only ever seen on his brother, and taller than he and Regulus both, with a strange fringe of hair like the mane of a young lion upon her head. Scars littered the wolf's body, and a strange collar held the talons of some great bird at her throat. She gave the overall impression of something alien, something unsettlingly supernatural, and Tor nearly took a step back despite himself. Her scent was of Abaven, though, and familiar despite the bad memories the pack-scent itself dredged up. Abaven was generally well-regarded as being honest folk, but Tornach still could not think of them as anything but the wolves who had begun the war that had destroyed Enigma's family.

He sighed out a breath into the heavy, humid air, a resigned sigh. He'd asked for a fight, he could hardly take exception to the sort of wolf to show up. He inclined his head courteously to her, though he held back from responding to her troubling words about battle, as if battle could ever be anything glorious. "I am Tornach Adravendi," he said simply, and settled himself into a warrior's stance. But he hesitated to attack - could not bring himself to charge into battle though he had begun this by calling. It simply was not in his nature. He sighed again, purely internally, and hesitantly put forth, "Perhaps you would begin? You seem far more... experienced, than I."

OOC: Sorry, I couldn't finagle Tor's character into attacking first.

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!


04-30-2017, 03:24 PM

Ooc:: Yay for being rusty~~ <3 Fighting post below.


Pyrrhus gave a respectful nod of her head when the man said that his name was Tornach, the last name holding little meaning for her yet. Though with as many of the Adravendi Clan there was within Boreas she’d surely learn more of the name sooner or later. She noticed the look of hesitation that seemed to cross over him once he took a warrior’s stance, and the woman’s fiery gaze softened. “You hesitate. Perhaps it is because the battling world has not been kind to you?” The femme observed calmly, swishing her tail. She seemed to pause for a moment before removing her collar, letting it hit the dusty earth before shifting it to the side.

“I know my way around a fight, and may live for battle, but I do recognize not all are this way.” Her words seemed kinder as she too slipped into a warrior stance, widening her position by spreading her legs equally on either side. She distributed her massive weight, something that could just as easily be a weakness as a strength, and made sure it was spread equally across her four legs. Her tail raised, striking out like a banner behind her to aid with balance during her attacks. Her claws bit into the soil as her fiery gaze narrowed, ears flicking back to help protect them from bites. She felt a bit more barren without her usual accessory about her neck… but she wasn’t going to give herself an unfair advantage or protection during the fight.

The femme seized the male up after that, scanning for a weak point. He was almost, though not quite, as tall as she was. About her father’s height, perhaps. This would be an interesting battle, for though he might not have been as willing to fight the fact was he had a capable body. The female let a low growl rumble in her chest, feeling the thrill of her own battlesong rising. If she could help this male by giving him a  friendly spar… then it just gave the fight more meaning.

Pyrrhus moved; kicking with her hind legs to propel herself along the ground. Her movements were like that of a tank, slower, but definitely heavier and full of power. The female had roughly eight feet to cover before she’d be upon the male, and once she was closer Pyrr jutted out her left shoulder in an attempt to slam the bone into the center of Tornach’s chest for some heavy bruising. She figured as long as she didn’t break anything, or leave any permanent damage, he couldn’t get too sore with her, right?

The female simultaneously aimed to slam her left forepaw, shifting her weight to that leg to add further strength to the attempted attack, onto Tor’s right forepaw. Then, to add just a little more oomph to her planned attack Pyrr adjusted her head in a downward slant to her left, Tor’s right. Jaws parted and a moderate bite was attempted; enough to break skin and draw blood but not enough to tear a muscle or do any lasting damage. Should her bite fall where she intended it to Pyrr would have a slight grip upon the area behind and above Tornach’s right foreleg on his side.


Pyrrhus vs Tornach for SPAR
Round:: 1/3
Height:: 45"
Build:: Heavy

Notes:: Distance agreed by Tea it was where Pyrr stopped cause Tor didn’t move. <3 Default time is 4 Days {one extra day}.

Walk, "Talk" Think

The Judge


07-01-2017, 07:11 AM
Due to Tornach failing to post in the allotted time the fight defaults in favor of Pyrrhus.