


07-27-2014, 08:21 PM

The Queen is furious and at the same time her ego has never been so large.

Her enemies flee rather than face her. They are cowards, and cowards are not suffered gladly to her. She'd rather face down a weakling than a coward, there is more honor in being weak. It's little matter now, though she'll keep searching for her enemy until her dying breath- it is time to move on. Its time for a change. That is why she is calling what as once Tortuga together, to announce these changes. They will be called Regium, a pack of royals and they will be great. This time she calls from the depths of the forest, and this time it is not the drums of war beating- but the drums of change.

Her song is renewed with power and strength as she summons them. This is their chance to flee the pack- if they cannot handle being great. She will make them great, and pack who's power cannot be denied. Now she waits, to say goodbye to the old and hello- to the new.

ooc: since there are a bunch of wolves wanting to leave tort, roman will give you a chance to request to leave here. (last pack meeting for a while, i hope. deadline for first post is... August 1st at 11:59 pm.)


07-27-2014, 08:28 PM

She was awoken by the howl and slowly her head would lift and she would nudge Talon in silence. She knew what this howl meant now and part of her wanted to turn and flee it's beckoning grasp. Why were they being called back so soon? She was worried, the uncertainty rippling off her in waves as she glanced down at Talon before lifting herself to her paws. Talon had talked her down, calmed her to a point where she had agreed to stay and this far there was no backlash. So slowly she would exit the den, shaking out her pelt as she waited for Talon to join her, smiling softly at him as if trying to show how brave she was despite not being able to feel it. They would walk with her sticking close, there to lean on if he needed it. When they arrived she was shocked to see that they were the first and slowly she would sit a shot distance away, not feeling quite as close to Roman as she had when they had first joined. But still she would nod respectfully to the queen and smile softly though she couldn't find her voice to speak.



07-27-2014, 08:41 PM

Winds of change sounded through many wolves' ears as of late. Even the place he once could call home had fallen prey to change. Sometimes it was such a wonderful thing, and other times: it could tear a world apart. A great howl rung through the forest, called instead of the lake where meetings oft were called. Before he would even approach, a deep sigh rumbled his chest, and he would stride forth, and his lyrics would sound, full of regret. "I am sorry, Roman. I do not believe it is in me to remain in this pack anymore. I do not believe I am one to uphold the responsibilities that you have bestowed upon me... I will be leaving Tortuga..." Quietly he would sit down, waiting for the last meeting he would attend to be adjourned.


07-27-2014, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 08:57 PM by Melody.)
Melody woke with a start beside her father as Roman's call reached her ears. She turned and looked to the man she bad come to love so much, and sighed when she realized he was in the same position as when she fell asleep. His eyes were blank slates and tears had left stains in the silver fur beneath his eyes. She would inch closer and draw her tongue across this spot, flinching when he blinked in response.

"Father? Are you in there?" She asked him, feeling foolish for expecting a verbal response. The most she had gotten out of him was a growl at the last meeting on sight of Isardis. The reaction had her excited and hopeful, only to be crushed again when he returned to his vegetated state.

With a sigh the girl rose to her paws. She bent down to pick him up again using her jaws ad she usually did. This time though, the man growled and rolled to his side, lifting himself up and exiting the den, much to her surprise.

Hazel eyes widened as she watched him take off in the direction of the call at a brisk pace. The girl quickly caught up to him and walked beside him until they reached the clearing. He sat down with a huff in the middle of the clearing, staring up at the alphess with blazing eyes. Melody joined him in his seating and leaned a shoulder heavily against him.



4 Years
07-27-2014, 09:26 PM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

She would answer to the call of her queen with grace. Her legs would push off in great strides to equal that of a one and as she arrived before her she would bow to show respect. "My queen." She would greet with more formality then she ever used. The woman looked furious but peaceful. It was something that Elli could not wrap her head around. She was forever a part of Tortuga and now Regium because she swore her allegiance to the queen and she saw nothing that would cause her to think ill of the woman she served. She would stand proud that day to be a loyal wolf rather then the rest which would depart and abandon them. They were all traitors to the crown and if they ever showed their muzzles to her then she would make sure they payed. She had not heard August's words. She would sit as she would await her monarch to speak.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]


07-27-2014, 09:41 PM

He had been wandering around the forest in search of something to do or a new place to explore when he heard a call from a woman. He became very curious at a rapid pace and he headed towards the call in wonder of what could be going on. He had been rather clueless at the time until he arrived and saw a few wolves sitting before him. He tucked his head into a bow as he introduced himself and made a request that he should have thought over first but did not regret. "Ma'am, I am Octavius Rook Amend and I heard your call. I wish to follow you as a faithful guardian." The words rolled off his tongue on his almost British sounding accent as he sat down before her in wait of judgement. He was about 2 yards away from her and he hoped that she would permit him the honor.

He thought of the possibilities to hone his skills in fighting, hunting, scouting. He was always working at becoming a better wolf, a more noble wolf, and he felt like he could do that in the new Regium. He knew nothing about the pack or it's queen but he knew it seemed to feel... right. That was what it was, it felt right.



6 Years
07-27-2014, 10:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 10:48 PM by Azalea.)

Azalea heard the queen call from deep within the dark of the forest. Her pulse jumped, heart kicking into an anxious state of overdrive. There was something in Roman's tones that excited Azalea. Her sense of adventure returning to her as she sprang through the wood like a young doe on strong legs. Free of cares, free of ailment.

She arrived to the meeting panting, spotting Roman and August easily. August was speaking quietly and Azalea thought nothing of the matter as she turned her gorgeous auburn head to look at the other wolves gathered as well as those just entering like she was. Many of them had been at the previous meeting in which proclamations of war had been made and then just as quickly cast aside.

It would seem that the Tortugan wolves were confused with how to act, many wolves choosing to leave rather than act when that was what Roman requested of them. It was offensive, even to Azalea. Loyalty was important and though Azalea had yet to feel entirely at home in this new, cold, lonely land she was still willing to give her all for the home she was provided here.

No, the hot little red head was not content to bow down and roll over ANY longer! She wanted to be strong. She wanted to surpass her Adravendi name and be known as more than just another of her kind.

Stepping before the queen Azalea gave an impressively respectful dip of her tiara. "Queen Roman." She gave a slight sly smile before moving on to sit down "mid pack" one might say.

"hear me ROAR."


07-28-2014, 08:40 AM

Valice had heard her queen's calls. They sounded different, an almost inspiring after hearing that Covari had fled. Just thinking of the cowards, she'd look disgusted. If it were up to her, the she wolf would fight. It didn't make any sense. Why leave your hard earned territory, ruin your pack reputation, and give your members dishonor? Siege or not, the dame would stand and allow a yawn to stretch her facial muscles before she would gallop towards the location of her leader's summon. Hopefully there would be a discussion over all that had happened.

Being in a hurry to perhaps be early for this meeting, unlike the one Valice had barely scraped into. She would come to the gathering location where several other wolves were located. She would find no important significance to them, other than her seated queen who still appeared angered from recent events. The dame would lower her head to Roman, addressing her respectfully. "Hello my queen."

"Wow the mood has changed quite a bit here," Valice would think, looking around and allowing her hinds to reach the ground. Finding a seat close to the pack was no longer an issue to her. Valice wasn't as shy. She just would not mind them unless they were addressing her.



Your Speece


07-28-2014, 10:04 AM
Once more a meeting was being called, though this time Shay was actually in the pack lands when he heard the howl. Stretching his way out of his herb cache he moved toward the sound in his usual strange, loose-joined amble. The alpha was calling from the redwoods this time and though it didn't sound quite so urgent as the last rather interesting call it still made it clear this was not optional. He ghosted in amongst his packmates, glancing around with his usual wide-eyed, faintly curious, and curiously blank expression. Emotions still seemed to be running rather high, interestingly. Had something new happened to upset people or were they still somehow upset about the war? He would have to do more observation before he could comfortably form a hypothesis, but it was very intriguing nonetheless.



8 Years
07-29-2014, 11:00 AM


in defense of the innocent

Qanik lifted her head at the call but for a moment could not bring herself to move toward it. So much had happened these last couple seasons, the elder did not feel like she could get her balance before the next hit. Flamesong's disappearance, then his reappearance, then her encounter with the wolf during her heat, seeing Flamesong at the last meeting looking like he was twice her age rather than younger, that disastrous last meeting with its unexpected show of nepotism in the form of the Armada Roman had brought from outside the pack to be the beta, but worse the threat of war - the knowledge that Roman had been about to bring them to war on the basis of paranoia and a single wolf trespassing, that she had not seen fit to consult Qanik or even to let her know out of courtesy despite the rank Roman had given her, that Roman had so lacked trust in her that she would keep such important things from her - a war barely averted by Shay's timely arrival with news of Covari's dissolving. She was tired nearly to the point of tears, her emotions were bruised, and all she'd wanted to do since that meeting was sleep.

But she levered herself to her heavy paws to make the short trudge through the redwoods to where Roman had called. Much of the pack had already arrived, and rather than bring herself into the spotlight - the thought of which made her stomach knot up nearly painfully - she remained at the back of the pack, lingering out of their line of sight as she seated her achy body with a soft sigh. So this was what getting old felt like then.


cowardice is the only sin


07-30-2014, 04:11 PM
Just when it was believed that war was upon them, with them making the first strike, all would dissolve into nothingness. He felt strangely empty, and yet, Suka was glad that no blood needed to be spilled. He was more than willing to give his life for his home, indeed he was, but he was not so eager to see the lives of his packmates be put on the line. The tan male had particularly worried for Gossamir... she was a fae who had become such a good friend, one of his original reasons for making this pack a permanent home. Now his hope lay in keeping his sister here, somewhere safe, until the day could come where he might be able to face down the demon that destroyed their family.

The male would arrive to find some members of the pack gathered, but Haruka was not among them. The male would tip his head to the woman, ears perked as he looked around at the rest there. Some were not with them... it was sad to say. August was even requesting to leave them, and Ritsuka would be sad to see him go. But Ritsuka knew his duties to his home... and he could not be so easily swayed to leave. It worried him that his sister was not here... but he prayed he could speak to her at another time on her absence. He would seat himself beside another woman, a white fae with a brown head, and gave her a smile. "I'm sorry I haven't properly welcomed you to the pack. Azalea right?" He would then look back to Roman, a look of respect in his eyes. "Lady Roman." He would then dip his head, waiting for things to begin.




08-05-2014, 08:52 PM

Gossamir held back in answering the call of her Queen. She was in a dark bitter mood and was still uncertain of what she planned to do with herself. Running into D?gmar again had not been pleasant, let alone the idea of fighting alongside her former Governess. Of course they hadn't really spoken a word to each other. But there was really no need, no secret to the loathing Gossamir felt for the old battle mage.

But alas, the war was not to happen. They had fed off the adrenaline and excitement and had nowhere to expend it. Covari had fled. Gossamir's mind drifted back to Roman's accusations and the young fae's fur bristled at the thought. No. She couldn't serve a Queen that didn't trust or respect her. It was mutually deterimental to the both of them. But how to tell Ritsuka? And what about Qanik? Gossamir entered the meeting in silence, thoughts still brewing in her mind.

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]


08-09-2014, 04:11 PM

All around her, her call faded into the thick forest and she would wait, her eyes narrowed impatiently. So many had already fled the greatness she was practically dragging Tortuga into. She wondered who else would flee. Kangi arrives first unusually unaccompanied by the charming lad, Talon. She wonders where he is? Next is August and the words that he speaks, causes her ears to fall flat against her head, her violet eyes narrowing into slits. Even August would betray her? "Leave." She speaks, her voice icy. Some things would never be forgiven.

Next to arrive are both Melody and Elli, and her gaze softens as she nods her head in greeting to both the she-wolves. A stranger dares to appear in the meeting she calls, and she cannot decide if she is more impressed or perturbed. She nods, giving him perhaps his first orders. "See me after the meeting." Then Azalea arrives, and a smile breaks the frown on her face. She nods in greeting, and speaks again "Azalea." A similar nodding greeting leaves her at Valice, and the same to Shay. She frowns slightly as Qanik arrives and takes a seat with the pack. Roman had been leading on her own branch, but since the arrival of Flamesong... she had seemed so distant. They needed to talk, her violet eyes searched for those of the snowy woman, hoping she'd meet her gaze and answer the unspoken question.

Finally Ritsuka and Gossamir, and she sighed waiting a few more moments to see if anyone else would appear. Her careful gaze didn't miss the absence of Satis and Faust, and she wondered where those two had gotten off too. She wasn't too worried about Satis. She knew where the oddities loyalties were. Faust was a different story. She'd scarcely seen him, even though he'd pledged to be at her side. He hadn't been at her summons for war- the last time she'd called the pack together,and she was starting to worry for him.

Finally, she would speak. "Thank you all for coming." She would begin softly. "Things have been hectic lately, and we're beginning to see the true colors of some of our pack-mates. Dayton, Esperanza, Chrono and now August leave our ranks." She couldn't hide the disappointment and disgust in her voice. "I open this meeting to any others who wish to leave the ranks of Tortuga, after you hear my news." Another pause. "Tortuga needs a change, and as such- I have decided the pack shall be called Regium, I'm rather tired of a name that means Turtles, as we are destined to be something greater." Her gaze rakes over each wolf, seeking to meet their eyes. "I know my calls of war were sudden to everyone, but I thank you all for your show of support. I know most of you must have concerns, and I urge you to voice them. However, if you would take to leave, and would not choose to follow Regium into greatness, I ask that you do so now." She falls silent, waiting for those that would betray her.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak

ALSO. Since packs are now being downsized to 26 wolves, Regium wolves must be active. All I'm asking of non-high ranked wolves is 2 posts a week, in some pack related thread. Whether its your wolf just meeting a pack-mate. Those with high ranking wolves, will need to personally skype me about activity stuff. If you go a couple weeks without posting your Regium wolf and aren't on absense, please don't get mad because they get bumped out. I want to keep the pack open for wolves being actively played! As always if you don't like this, you can just choose to have your wolf peace out.




6 Years
08-09-2014, 05:50 PM

Roman's thick frown as broken as Azalea greeted her and she was happy to be the one to "turn her frown upside down." Their brief but upbeat greeting seemed to lift Roman somewhat, especially considering that she had seemed less than happy with August. She hadn't attempted to overhear but it would appear that August was leaving, or else he probably wouldn't be exiting the meeting so quickly.

As the meeting would move forward Azalea would firstly note that as she began she sat alone, Qanik was there but didn't move to sit near Roman. Roman proceeded to name the wolves who had left, confirming her suspicions about August. The pale woman welcomed anyone else to leave, causing Azalea to snort. With how this pack was behaving Azalea wished for the rules of Glaciem, once you're in you must fight to get out. If they wanted to be cowardly then they needed to wear their shame.

The new name, Regium, was refreshing to hear although Tortuga wasn't that old on her tongue either. The pack name had been around for a long time, it was right for it to get a new one.

Roman wanted to hear from the pack then, about any issues they might have. Clearly Roman wasn't in a very diplomatic mood so she was truly curious to see who might speak up.



4 Years
08-09-2014, 06:03 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014, 11:52 AM by Elli.)

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

Elli had settled down on her back haunches comfortably while she waited for the others to arrive. Roman had greeted her with a soft nod and she had taken that as a sign to relax a little bit. August was a traitor, the thought occurred to her. Was this the same August who had helped welcome her all those months ago? It was slightly shocking but she knew that his leave would not be forgotten and she might have the opportunity to chase him from the borders with her jaws snapping wildly. The idea, in her mind, brought up memories of who she wanted to be. She was a healer, yes, but she also had a bit of a bloodlust that she had contained for her entire existence. Without further ado, Roman began the meeting. She took note of those who were around her, including a brave stranger. She just hoped that it would be peaceful enough to the point where she wouldn't need to waste any of her stores on the loner. Not like she would anyway.

Dayton, Esperanza, Chrono and now August. They had all left after they had pledged their loyalty. It irritated her slightly. They should have known what they were getting into from the start. Then Roman announced something that Elli did not expect at all. Tortuga was to be renamed to be Regium and there were going to be changes in ranks and laws. She smiled slightly. She was alright with it all and she understood the reasoning. Roman thanked them for their support in her summons to war that had never really happened. That was another thing, Covari's collapse caused her to be more irritable then usual. Elli had been a little more violent that she ever showed and she wondered if her fighting side was starting to appear. She hoped it was not, because then it might squash her healing half and she was a Curi. She wanted to be Cura. It was a war that ever raged in her mind. She sat there with a gaze of understanding. She was staying. "Queen Roman, I am a Regium wolf until my dying breathe and maybe even after."

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]


08-14-2014, 07:05 PM
Wolves had left them. Four in total thus far. Ritsuka would let out a small sigh, but shake his head. Two he barely new, but Dayton and August were more of a shock. Oh well, however. Those who were loyal deserved to stay, and those who were not could get out and stay out."[/color][/b] Suka would shift, standing tall. "I can not speak for others, miss Roman, but when I pledged my loyalty to this pack I thought it was not to be something to be easily shaken. I wanted to make this pack my home, through any changes or challenges we might face." The tan male's green eyes would shine as he looked at those who remained. "I want to see Regium, see all of us rise to greatness..." Yet his own words... did they not sound a bit hollow?

Perhaps Ritsuka feared the truth as well. He had wanted to stand and believe in Roman, kept pushing and even, perhaps, telling himself lies that would make things seem okay. The war on the Covari... he had told himself it was necessary. Needed. But Ritsuka was only a wolf, a wolf who could make mistakes clearly. He was young... and perhaps in his own hurt sought to believe in someone who he thought stronger. Wiser. Gaze would shift to his fellows. Something was amiss. Perhaps even in his own heart.




8 Years
08-16-2014, 12:52 PM


in defense of the innocent

The meeting begins, a slow start. A few of the wolves had left the pack after the declaration of war was sounded, which would explain their absence. Most of the pack remaining spoke up to offer their continued support - some remained silent. Qanik found herself terribly conflicted. Dread and doubt coiled in her chest like a snake, poison fangs tasting of betrayal sinking into her heart. Roman would have risked their lives for a war based on lies and paranoia, but she spoke of their leaving as a betrayal of her? Qanik had been conditioned over her life to complete and utter loyalty to pack and family, but she had always known that trust must go two ways. It was wrong, horrifically, terribly wrong for her to show any disloyalty that could hurt the pack, and yet... and yet.

She rose slowly to her feet once more, square muzzle set as though the pain were physical rather than simply emotional. Her denim-blue eyes remained steadily on Roman's as she spoke. "You all know that out of all of us gathered I have been here the longest. Only Ritsuka and Gossamir have been here as long as I. I was accepted into the pack by Deteste, a wolf most of you have never met, and promptly forgotten. He left the pack to Roman, a wolf none of us knew, a wolf who had never even been part of the pack. I had my doubts then." She paused, swallowed with a throat gone dry and hoarse. "Nonetheless I stayed and even grew to truly care for Roman as I care for all of you, as a family. When she was felled by the disease that swept through us I felt as though I had lost a sister, or a daughter. Perhaps I truly did."

Drawing herself up, she finally turned her head to bark sharply at the pack. "Roman failed in her duty as an alpha. An alpha cannot lead through selfish, childish whims. An alpha has a responsibility to the pack, to support and protect them, not to simply take all they have to offer and then incite fear and anger to take from them even more. She would have you laid down your lives not to protect the pack, but for reasons built of lies and personal vendettas. There was no poison - I was there when Gossamir told her this. Yet Roman persisted in speaking of Covari's alpha as a poisoner, as the one who brought the disease upon us. She holds up the alpha's trespass as another reason, yet that trespass was punished already. Since when have we required the death of trespassers? Some of you made your way into this pack through such means, yet we do not hold you so accountable. Instead of trusting us she brought in an outsider to plot this war with, telling no one else until the very last. She holds no trust in her packmates, in their abilities, but she insists that we trust her. No longer will I tolerate this injustice."

Her gaze returned once more to Roman and her voice softened. "I would have given you my life if you had but asked, Roman. But I cannot stand by and allow such childish pretexts to take the lives of wolves I call family. You are no fit alpha, and I cannot trust your judgement. I will live out my life as a rogue if need be, rather than allow your mistakes to rule over me." Her tail flicked once, betraying her agitation in a way her otherwise calm demeanor was not, and she turned her back on Roman. "Anyone who wishes to leave with me would be welcomed with joy. Anyone who would stay... I can only wish you luck. I will not be returning," she spoke to the rest of the pack, before moving slowly away from the gathering, away from the pack lands.

-exit Qanik unless stopped-


cowardice is the only sin


08-16-2014, 01:14 PM
Blind. A blind fool. Had he merely stayed because Qanik and Gossamir were still here? He thought hard about his sister, how her disappearance made his heart ache. The first... and the second. Their bond was no longer what it was. Was Regium to blame? Ritsuka's emerald eyes would fall on Qanik. She was, in many ways, like a second mother to him. He respected her. She had been there when he joined, as had Gossamir, and he would listen now to her words. Words that showed she saw far more than he did, and Ritsuka would rise, shaking his head.

"I suppose I'd best stop lying to myself, Roman. Qanik is right. Gossamir knew poisons better than anyone, and yet you doubted her time and time again. The herbs that you claimed were poisoned cured our members. The illness was an illness... nothing more. You claimed Covari a threat... yet as Qanik said you already maimed their alphess for trespassing. You were going to strike at them, risk all of our lives, without consulting us first. You made plans behind our back rather than putting the trust in those around you. How can a pack function if the members do not trust each other?" Ritsuka closed his emerald eyes.

"It's time to open up my eyes and see the truth. The others were right to leave, they saw all of this before I did. I wanted to stay with Regium... to make this a permanent family... but I can not follow a leader who does not trust her fellow packmates. Trust those who I would put my own life in their paws when it counted." Ritsuka opened his eyes, meeting the gaze of the white woman. "I take my leave, before your lies infect me further. Goodbye, Roman." With that Ritsuka would turn, following after Qanik. There were things he needed to do.

-Exit Ritsuka unless stopped.-




08-17-2014, 01:45 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2014, 01:46 PM by Gossamir.)

Roman was clearly in no better a mood than the sapphire-eyed girl. She barked out orders but Gossamir could barely pay attention, her focus still intent on her own inner turmoil. She fought with the decision she had to make. Roman was giving her a chance to leave and Gossamir intended to take it. After all? Roman had already betrayed her trust. A sarcastic smile tugged at her maw. Trust. Now that was something she never thought she'd get offended by. She'd lived much of her early life with nothing but deceit. However? the smile faded, however, she'd shown nothing but respect and loyalty to Roman. And even then the older femme still didn't trust her judgement. It was bitter pill to swallow. Gossamir stood but when she tried to speak the words would not pass her parted lips.

Gossamir's eyes squeezed shut and she looked sharply away as Ritsuka pledged his loyalty to the Queen. She wanted to be with him. She knew that now that there was a chance she might not see him again. It stung bitterly. Why had she not said anything about how she'd felt sooner? Back then it seemed like she'd have eternity to confess her feelings and now? ? Now what did they have but minutes?

And Qanik, Gossamir admired this woman in ways she couldn't express. Her sense of duty, her altruistic and brave personality. Things Gossamir knew she never could be. And in someways Qanik was very much like the mother Gossamir never had. The three of them had joined together, been a family from the beginning even when Tortuga fell and rebuilt around them. Ritsuka and Qanik had some how become cornerstones in the independent femmes world. So what to do? What was she to do?

Qanik spoke and Gossamir found her attention raptly held by the older femme's words. A slight twinge of jealous filled her breast at how Qanik was so easily able to speak the words and hurt that Gossamir felt. Her heart raced and she nodded at the points Qanik was making. The older fae turned to leave and then Ritsuka spoke and for a moment Gossamir feared he would reprimand the other but instead he took her side and moved to leave as well. They were both leaving too? She felt a rush of relief but also a pang of fear at how the others would react.

Gossamir stood. "Qanik said everything that needed to be said and I certainly can't say anything as eloquently as she can. But yes, I'm leaving too. I've been fighting with that decision for awhile. I'm sorry if you feel this is a betrayal but you betrayed me first. I gave you my mind, my body, my knowledge of poisons intricately and brutally learned?. and you deemed it.. me? worthless. I will burden you no longer? good luck." Final words spoke Gossamir to turned to leave.

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]