
Teach me how to dougie


03-23-2017, 08:37 PM

Fable Ancora

It had been awhile since he had learned much of everything. He guessed that he understood, home was pretty quiet and Pa was getting older. A lot of the adults were quiet, so Fable knew that if he wanted things to happen he had to take it into his own paws. He didn't know too much about the world of fighting, but he had heard of the place simply called the Battlefield. Wide white paws lead him there, the faint scent of blood telling him he had come to the right place. The boy swallowed nervously, blue and yellow eyes shifting around. It seemed to be a dark place, the dry grass hissing as a faint humid breeze rustled them together. He was thankful that he waited for the sun to go down, at least now it was more bearable. Glancing up at the sliver of a moon in the sky, he stopped at a clearing far enough away from any other wolves, taking a seat.

Fable wasn't quite sure what to do, his head falling to the side as he peeked around him. Was he... supposed to howl for someone? How would he know if they were nice, or if they would help him learn? His nerves made him hesitate, but he was careful to keep that off his face. This was the downside of coming here, wasn't it? In Celestial he knew that they were just, fair wolves. But out here, there was no telling. Had he made a mistake?




12 Years
Extra large
03-23-2017, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2017, 08:52 PM by Regulus.)
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He’d been patrolling when he ran across Fable’s scent leaving the territory; heading northeast. Regulus’ head cocked curiously as he diverted his path to follow the trail. Fable had left the territory before, but he was a yearling now. Ready for a mentor in each of the skills. If they even had enough wolves to mentor all the youngsters…

His pace quickened as he drew nearer to the Field, slowing as he listened for the young male’s voice. Well, at least he knew which way the yearling had gone. As he found Fable, he grinned lightly, drawing abreast of the boy. “Hello Fable. Here to spar?” He could see the nerves on the yearling’s face and lowered his head to nudge encouragingly.

“To call for someone to spar, you howl, long and loud. Then you make sure the opponent knows what you’re after. Spar, no holds barred, etc. But remember; one of Celestial’s laws is to take a fellow pack member with you to witness your fight. I’ll be your witness today, if that’s alright with you?” He smiled gently as he imparted his wisdom and offer, waiting for the boy’s response before he moved away to sit at the sidelines.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]


03-23-2017, 11:19 PM

Fable Ancora

While he waited, he looked around at the area around him. Before too long he easily spotted Regulus on the horizon, immediately perking up. The tall male, although shorter than his alpha, sat up taller and took on a more stoic look. Had he done something wrong that would bring him here? His heart pounded in his chest, but settled when the older male greeted him and bumped up against him. Fable smiled softly at him, studying his face as he spoke. Oh, so he was supposed to howl! Nodding, he was about to do so but the red male went on, saying that he needed to bring someone when he was going to spar. Oh crap! That was a rule?! Swallowing back a whine he turned his head away as Reg moved to sit at the side lines. Crap. Crap crap crap. That was not a good start to his first spar. His ears pinned to his skull and he tossed his head high, letting out a strongest howl that he could muster. When his song was done he peeked back at his alpha, seeing if that was right. Of course he didn't mind that he was here, he just felt terrible that he had broken a rule. It made his stomach twist, but he shoved it down and kept his eyes moving, looking for a willing opponent. Now that Regulus was here he was even more determined to do well.



03-24-2017, 12:24 AM

Well, he officially gave up in finding his brother. His twin had vanished, not a trace to be found, and with all the searching he had been doing, Roc was growing extremely frustrated. He felt defeated in the sense that he felt like he had failed in finding his brother, but...what if Darrow didn't want to be found? Why would his brother disappear without saying anything? It was unlike him, and Roc began to fear that something happened to his slightly younger twin. He huffed as he sat where he was, tail thumping the ground like a foot tapping the ground with impatient thought. He wasn't sure what course of action to take now...he had no home to go to, his parents were gone, his brother vanished, and he had no idea if he had any other family. He felt utterly alone, and for the first time in his life, he didn't know how to deal with it. He had never been alone before, he and Darrow were always together. But this? This was an entirely foreign concept to him. And he didn't like it one bit.

He didn't know exactly what he was doing in the battlefield, it was his first time here, but he had been pulled in this direction for one reason or another. He wasn't frustrated to the point where he wanted to tear someone apart, no. The thought hadn't even really crossed his mind. But when he heard a howl ring out across the field, his interest was slightly piqued. He waited a long moment, wondering if he should even bother to investigate. Maybe though, it wouldn't be a bad idea? He hadn't thought about coming here to fight, but what else did wolves do when they came here? He got up then, and slowly headed over to the caller. He had nothing else going on, and who knew...maybe whoever was calling had seen his brother?

Upon arriving, he spotted a young male and nearby, the brightest wolf he had ever seen! Who the heck was that!? His attention was fixed on the red male, eyes wide in surprise as he forgot for a moment what he was doing here. Who was it that called? He wasn't sure what to say, or who to talk he acknowledged them both. "Hi erm...I heard someone calling, so...I guess I came to find out who it was?" Fail. He didn't know what he was really supposed to do, or who to acknowledge, or what the customs were in these lands. He looked from the young male, to the bright red male in turn, wondering what he was supposed to be doing exactly. He eyed the younger male for a moment, brows furrowing as he looked at him with some confusion...he had...similar markings like him and Darrow...was it just coincidence?



03-27-2017, 11:48 AM

Fable Ancora

Before too long someone showed up, but he looked just as confused and lost as he did. Fable's tail gave a wag as he stood up to greet him, eying the golden eye marks that were similar to his own. His white ones were more narrow, like tear drops, while his grew thick all the way around. It was still pretty close, and he looked over his shoulder to see if his alpha recognized him. Aunt Avalon had golden markings, so it wouldn't be out of the question. The Ancora family was pretty large. Turning back to the black and gold male, his smile grew when he said that he came because of the call. Oh good, they were both new at this! That made the large male feel a lot more at ease. Taking a few steps forward, he dipped his head towards his would-be opponent. He wouldn't attack out of the blue, not yet. "Hello! I called for a spar. Were you interested in having a friendly fight with me?" Fable asked, his tone soft and respectful. He had to make sure that he knew what he was getting into before just jumping into it all. "My name is Fable Ancora, and the gentleman behind me is Regulus Adravendi, the alpha of my pack. He is here to spectate the fight."



04-10-2017, 05:24 PM

He was so curious about the young wolf, he couldn't help but stare. Probably a little awkward if he were paying attention, but he didn't think about that until the other male spoke. "Uh, yeah, I am! I've never fought someone from here, so...forgive me if I do something wrong." Was there ever really a wrong way to fight though? He doubted it. When the boy introduced himself as Fable Ancora, Roc's eyes grew wider and he stood silent for a minute. "Wait, d-did you say Ancora!?" His voice was obviously full of a sort of disbelief and surprise, a smile slowly beginning to grow and show itself as his tail began to wag. "My name is Roc Ancora! So does that mean we're related?" In his unveiled excitement, he nearly forgot about the red male that was sitting nearby, and quickly he collected himself and dipped his head to Regulus. "It's nice to meet you, sir Regulus."



04-12-2017, 01:07 AM

Fable Ancora

He kept peeking back at his Archangel, making sure that he was doing this right. It was all new to him, but the other male spoke and said that he was new too. It make Fable's tail wag behind him, at least they were both on even ground! He blinked when the smaller boy's eyes grew wide, but he wore a similar expression when he spoke. Oh man, he knew his family was big but this was pretty cool! Letting out a laugh, Fable started to slip into a fighters pose, not wanting to waste much more time. "I guess we are!" He turned to greet Regulus, and he waiting until Roc's attention was on him again. "Ready?"

While he waiting for the golden marked wolf's answer, his legs spread an equal distance apart as his toes spread, claws biting into the field. His ears slicked back against his head as he awkwardly raised his hackles. It felt strange to make them stand up when he wasn't actually mad or upset. Taking in a deep breath, he tipped his chin towards his chest and rolled his shoulders forward, narrowing his eyes at Roc to hone in on his opponent. His head lowered to align with his spine, his tail raising to do the same. He felt ready, a bit awkward, but ready. Taking one last breath, he gave Roc a nod before he launched his attack.

Fable charged forward, hoping to close the 10 foot gap between them quickly with his long strides. He aimed to slam the front of his chest into Roc's nose, hoping to daze or stun his opponent. When his brothers used to hit his nose, it made his eyes water if it was hard enough. He wasn't too light on his paws because of his size, so he was hoping to use his brute force to maybe make the male slide backwards slightly, perhaps upsetting his balance. Without hesitation his jaws parted, his head lowering as he attempted to reach over Roc's head to try and latch onto his scruff. Twisting his head towards his left, his top jaw aimed for the right side of his scruff, close to his neck, while his bottom jaw reached for the left side of his neck, parallel to his top jaw. Fable hoped to bite down and maintain control of Roc's head, not wishing to do too much damage and going more for a pinching bite. This was one of his first real fights, and he felt like he was in the dark here.

Round 1/3(?)
Height: 40 inches
Build: Heavy
Notes: 10 foot distance agreed upon between Dragon and I.



04-14-2017, 10:19 PM

"I guess we are!" He wasn't sure if he was prepared to hear that, but given the fact they had the same last name and looked so similar made him feel less alone. His tail wagged just as Fable's did, a wide grin showing as the pair settled into defensive stances. He would have to ask more about it later, and how they were related. Maybe cousins or something? He and Darrow were the only two of their father's litter, so maybe this was one of his uncles kids! The thought excited him, and he would use this newfound energy of excitement to fuel him in the fight. "Ready?" The golden marked boy nodded, wondering just how hard he should be fighting against a relative. When it came to strangers, Roc had to fight with everything he had to protect him and his brother, but this was different. It was a friendly spar against family, so did that mean he had to pull some punches? He supposed it all depended on his larger adversary. Shaking out his pelt, Roc slid into a defensive stance almost as soon as Fable did. He widened his stance to hip and shoulder length apart, head lowering over his throat, bi-colored eyes narrowed, ears pinned to his head, hackles rising...though that felt weird having to force his hackles up without actually being angry. Did Fable feel the same? Nonetheless, he had to still defend himself. He flagged his tail out behind him to align with his head and spine, toes spreading and claws biting the dirt. Shoulders rolled forward to protect his neck, scruff bunching and teeth showing in an effort to intimidate and protect his face when he needed to. He was ready.

Fable nodded to him, an indication that things were going to begin. He was so ready for this. He watched the larger boy closely, muscles tensing and ready to move at the slightest sign of his opponent's movement, and once Fable launched forward, so too would Roc. Narrowed eyes saw Fable's chest coming at him, and with a four inch difference in height, Roc had to improvise and figure out what to do, and fast. He had never fought someone larger than himself, so this would definitely be interesting. As the two got closer to one another, Roc decided he would go head on and meet Fable head first. He ducked his head down, tucking his head further to his chest, aiming to drive his skull right into the lower part of Fable's throat with a head butt and potentially drive the wind from him when they collided. If that were to be successful, then he was sure some sort of bruise and a headache would ensue later, but for now the adrenaline kept the pain at bay. He kept his ground, however, putting force behind his retaliation so as not to be pushed back. Mere seconds after collision, he felt teeth upon his skin, but they would strike further back away from his head, with Fable's teeth striking where Roc's shoulder blades protruded from his back. He winced slightly at the pinching pain, light bite marks the result of his cousins attack. Focusing now on his own attack, Roc's jaws opened and he twisted his head inward and slightly to his right, face nearly muffled in Fable's fur as he sought to clamp down on the larger boys neck. Top fangs sought to bite into the right side of Fable's neck, and bottom fangs sought a grip on the lower part of Fable's throat. He would attempt to grip him there and possibly mildly suffocate him, though not anything deadly or dangerous. He just simply wanted to drive the wind from him.

He was no expert in fighting and had no idea really what a friendly fight entailed, so he was somewhat trying to follow Fable's lead.

Round 1/3
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy



04-18-2017, 11:19 PM

Fable Ancora

He wasn't expecting the gold and black male to charge at him as well, thrown off guard when his opponent dipped his head down out of reach. Roc's skull slammed into the bottom portion of Fables neck, a moderate bruise spreading on the base of his throat. He swallowed back a whine, and hesitated only for a moment in concern. That had to hurt Roc too. However he didn't wait for too long to bite, but his teeth latched down between the smaller males shoulder blades. The tang of blood filled his nose and made him Wang to pull back, it wasn't his intentions to hurt his family member in that way. Fable had to remind himself that this was a fight, and if he wanted to win he needed to tough it out. Because it wasn't the grip he was looking for, the white marked boy was quick to let go. Roc could still freely move his head, and in the hopes of ending this without too much damage, he wanted to control that part of his opponents body.

Quickly trying to plan his next move, he could feel Roc's neck pull as he moved to bite him. Fable then attempted to rear up on his hind legs, just high enough to attempt to wrap his front forlegs around his cousins neck. His right front legs attempted to wrap around the left side of his neck while his left front legs tried the same thing in the right side of Roc's left. He then tried to squeeze tight, hoping for a strong foothold. Because of his upright position, Fables weight shifted evenly across his back legs to keep him steady. His tail fanned out straight behind him for balance, parallel to the ground. This did not get Fable out of a bite, but it instead landed on his right breast, just an inch or so shy of his throat. Fable flicked at the pain, but it was also playing into his attack. He hoped that with a grip around Roc's neck he would be forcing him to keep his purchase, hopefully not able to draw enough breath through the thicket fur on his chest. Then he would have to let go. For now the wound on his neck was only minor, but he knew a grip could change that.

Taking a deep breath Fable pulled his chin towards his chest, his eyes remaining narrowed and his ears staying pinned. His back toes spread as his back claws bit into the field, hopefully aiding in his balance. His hackles remained raised as his head aligned with his spine, but only for a moment. Seeking to retaliate and further hold Roc hostage, Fables jaws opened wide as he tilted his head towards his left. Dipping his chin further into his chest, he aimed to grip the top of Roc's head. His top jaw aimed to close around the right side of his opponents head, directly below his ear, while his bottom jaw aimed for the boys left side of his head, in front of his left ear and more towards the center of his head. He hoped to bite down minorly into the thin skin, more just aiming for a firm grip. Hopefully this would all shove Roc further into his furry chest, suffocating him until he had to let go.

Round 2/3
Height: 40 inches
Build: Heavy
Notes: Extention allowed by Dragon



05-17-2017, 06:24 PM
He had made contact, and while he was sort of confused about what to do, he decided it was best to just go with what he knew. The boy knew how to fight, but he'd never fought someone he knew, let alone someone who was family. Then again, he had just met Fable and didn't know anything about him other than the fact they shared a last name and he was in a pack with the big red dog. So he shouldn't feel too bad, right?

All thoughts aside, he focused on the fight at hand. His headbutt was successful, his bite was also successful though it fell just short of his intended target. Eyes remained narrowed, tail lashed out to remain aligned with his spine, claws biting the dirt with toes spread, legs were hip and shoulder width apart now to keep his balance up. Ears were pinned to his head, teeth baring in a snarl as his muzzle wrinkled to make the skin bunch up around his face, hackles raised. He felt Fable rise up on his hind legs, his cousins forelegs wrapping on each side of his neck, though Roc didn't mind it too much. He kept his head down a few moments longer, deciding if he wanted to continue his grip on Fable, or if he should let go and seek another target. Split seconds would be the factor in his decision, and he'd decide to let go as Fable's head came towards him. With his cousin rising above him, Roc lunged forward with his hind legs pushing him towards Fable, the male attempting to shove his weight into Fable in an attempt to set off his balance. Next, his left foreleg would strike out, his other three legs taking his weight as he sought to hook his paw around Fable's right hind ankle in an effort to drag his cousin's foot towards him an an attempt to further upset his balance. Simultaneously, Roc's head snapped up, narrowed eyes saw Fable's teeth coming at him for a brief second before he decided to strike just below Fable's jaw in an attempt to counteract his attack [counter]. His head twisted slightly to his left, jaws gaping open as top fangs sought to grab a hold on the right side of Fable's jaw line while bottom fangs sought to grab the other side. He aimed to place his fangs on either side of Fable's jaw (where the jaws hinge) in an effort to grab a hold and keep him there, or make him back off.

Roc VS Fable for Dominance
Round 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Heavy
Notes: We decided to do 2 rounds instead of 3!

The Judge


07-01-2017, 07:08 AM
Due to Eve leaving the site the victory goes to Roc! As the fight is completed and this is not a case of default Roc may claim the full 15 points for victory.