
A foreign wanderer



3 Years
03-24-2017, 02:52 PM

The wanderer continued to move around the new lands, blackened nose leading him with confidence. There was a lot of prey around the area, and he began to wonder if this was the place to call home. But today, the earthly toned man had wandered into a very eerie, yet peaceful place. Dry grass beneath large paws, and fog covering sight anything beyond a few meters ahead, Varon felt oddly restful here. There was a certain calmness in the atmosphere. It was not a place he'd ever been in before, and his old pack lands never had such a place of calmness. Back home, the Russian was used to colder climates, and the borders were large mountains that would take days to get around. It took him almost a week, and after months of traveling, the purple eyed beast had found himself on some new territories. Already he had hunted with a stranger, but there seemed to be a lack of other fellow canines. Or could he simply not find them? As an introvert, it didn't bother him to see a lack of other bodies, but it also worried him. Maybe others did not live here due to some disease or other threat he couldn't see? No, it was going over his head. Head lowered, he continued through the misty area, enjoying the lonely company.



03-24-2017, 07:44 PM

The boy had taken to wandering a lot more lately, excited by the new prospect of being able to explore the vast world. Besides, being at home was getting a little hard. He loved his pack and his family, but it was weighing down on him just how quiet everyone was. He was tired of feeling down and somber, his little meeting with Derecho had brought him a new sense of energy again. Plus he was only a year old! No sense in being sad all the time and wasting his life away. His parents seemed to be sad all the time, and it made them look really... old. It was a sobering thing to see, so he skipped out of the territory when he could. Today he wandered into the thick cloud of smoke, too large for even this type of heat to burn off. It was a welcoming breath of fresh air, the sun was far too hot on his triangle marked back. Squinting his yellow and blue eyes, he did his best to watch where his paws were going so he wouldn't step on anything, or trip on something. Carefully picking his way over the terrain, his tail gave a few quick wags of excitement. Even though it wasn't the most entertaining place he had been so far, it was still something new! Fable was making a contentious choice to try to look at the good things in life, trying to figure himself out as he grew from a child into a man.

So focused on his overgrown paws, he had no idea that there was someone in front of him until brown legs came into view. The tall wolf dug in his claws and halted abruptly, his head whipping up with a gasp. Lo and behold there was a stranger standing there, shorter than he was but a bit closer in height than most. Blinking, a sheepish smile grew on his black lips as he quickly took a few steps back to give the other wolf some more breathing room. He had almost run right into a stranger! How embarrassing would that have been? "Sorry about that! I was looking at my paws too hard," he said softly, a carefree laugh leaving his maw. "I'm Fable Ancora, nice to meet you!" His tail bounced between his hocks as he smiled at the stranger, glad that he was able to meet new wolves now that he was out and about.




3 Years
03-26-2017, 04:13 PM

Ah, the peace and quiet was starting to throw him off his direction, the foreigner now wandering around without a specific direction. While the nose was usually the first sense to catch someone nearby, it was the steps of a stranger that suddenly made the man stop, head pulling up and ears pushing forward to listen. Royal purple orbs strained themselves to see what exactly was coming closer. Lips were starting to tie back, revealing young white canines, ready to defend and protect. A few more moments passed before a shadow finally appeared in front of him, and only a second or two would pass after that before the large canine had stopped right in front of him, his own head low and obviously not paying attention. The Russian merely stood there, waiting for this idiot to realize what he was doing. Head raising, the multi-grey boy released a sheepish smile, revealing the odd colored eyes that he possessed. "Sorry about that! I was looking at my paws too hard. I'm Fable Ancora, nice to meet you!"

Although Varon was a full-grown adult, it was clear that this yearling would be a big man, as he was already bigger than even himself. Despite the sudden intrusion, the Slav managed to calm his nerves, fur upon his back flattening. Glancing over to the side, Varon hesitated for a response, not used to having to socialize with strangers. There were very few other wolves he had ran into since leaving his pack, so he was fairly inexperienced with such a thing. "Посмо-" he began to speak his own language before remembering that the common tongue was spoken around these lands. "Watch where you are going," he finally spat out quite bluntly, accent betraying his status here as someone clearly new. It was difficult to watch the young boy clearly happy to see the earthly toned man, unsure of why there was so much enthusiasm. Varon wasn't the type to make much conversation, and the idea of revealing his name to a stranger was just not a custom.

OOC: Hope you don't mind him being a little blunt! :)


04-10-2017, 12:03 AM

Fable's smile faltered at the earthen man's reply, but he nodded firmly at his words. His white and gray ears flicked back towards his skull, but there was still a light in his mismatched gaze. "I'm very sorry sir, I will be a lot more careful next time." He said in a strong voice, determined to make a good impression. He hadn't left the pack land too many times, this was the first time he had met another stranger and it wasn't a playful puppy. Learning was something that he loved, and this would be one of those moments. Shifting his weight on his paws, his gaze looked around the two of them. He didn't know what to say, but the young boy had a feeling that he would be the one to carry the conversation. He wanted to ask about his accent, but was that a rude question? His white marked head fell to the side as he looked back at the stranger, feeling pretty awkward but determined to make it work. "Where did you come from? I've never heard an accent like that, it sounds pretty interesting." Oh goodness, was that too much? Forcing himself to sit, he gave a hesitant smile as his tail sat stiffly behind him. It was all too clear that he was new to this, and he didn't want to ask too much of the stranger. Fable had already given away his name, but he couldn't force the other to tell him his. That was for sure rude. Mentally making notes, he waited to see if this would go anywhere or if conversing was a lost cause.

ooc// All good! I don't mind at all. <3 Good for building courage. xD




3 Years
04-17-2017, 06:45 AM

It wasn't long before the younger male was apologizing for the intrusion. "I'm very sorry sir, I will be a lot more careful next time. It was clear within the face, that this yearling was still fairly new to be on his own and wasn't especially prepared to meet someone as rough as him. There was a scent upon the boys fur that was familiar - the scent of many others, in other words, a pack wolf. There was a few moments of awkward silence, Varon feeling rather irritated and not in the mood to talk. Feeling that there was nothing left to say, the Russian began to turn around, giving one more glance at the yearling before taking a step forward. He didn't get far before more words began to spill out of his mouth, "Where did you come from? I've never heard an accent like that, it sounds pretty interesting." There was a bit of an awkward smile appearing on his face, brown ears pulled back at the sudden question.

Varon hesitated for a moment, looking into the heterochromia eyes before staring down at the ground. It wasn't a question that was new to him, but one that he didn't expect. "Uhh..." What would he say? Varon usually had no trouble just ignoring anyone he didn't wish to talk to, but this younger wolf seemed really interested. About a minute passed before a slight sigh released from him, turning back around and sitting down. Maybe he could trade information about his home for information about the lands here. After all, the boy was clearly born somewhere nearby, and it was best to know what he could expect. "I've come from a far north-west land, covered in clean snow, and many tall pine dance with the cold wind," purple eyes felt nostalgic speaking about his hometown. "What do you know of the nearby lands here?"