
I've Seen Fire and I've Seen Rain



3 Years
03-24-2017, 09:26 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2017, 08:47 PM by Alarik.)

Alarik took a deep breath as he came to the top of another hill. Each seemed to offer him a more beautiful view than the last. He had been walking a long time now, exploring new places and just enjoying the mild summer weather up here in the north. Much better than the burning sun or stifling humidity found in other lands. No, Alarik had much too thick a coat for any of that. Up here the weather was perfect. Prey was abundant as well, and Alarik had eaten very well that last few days. But today he had decided to just walk. Life was good, he couldn't complain. But some days he just wanted to explore, see what else there was to be found. Today was one of those days.

While the young man walked, he had a lot of time to think. And Alarik was a thinker. Too much of one, in fact. Sometimes he tuned out completely, lost in his thoughts and his daydreams. But what else was he supposed to do? Life got to be boring sometimes. Where was the adventure he'd always hoped for? The closest thing he had to adventure was walking around on his own, finding beautiful new places to explore. Like this.

He'd never been here before. And too bad he hadn't reached this place earlier in the day, maybe it would have been easier to see all the wonders it had to offer. But maybe not. The warmth in the late afternoon light seemed to do something almost magical to the stone here. The marble. It's like it glowed. Alarik smiled softly in wonder and quickened his pace, wanting to get a closer look before the sun started to sink any lower in the sky. Another hour and it would be sunset. What would the marble look like then? Would it catch the colors of the sunset? Alarik couldn't wait to find out.

He sat at the edge of the dried river and swished his tail from side to side, ochre eyes locked on the veins of marble below. It really was beautiful. But what was the point if he couldn't share it with someone?

"Talk" "You" Think

Mercy I


5 Years

04-09-2017, 02:47 PM

Since running into Pyre, Mercy had been hugging closer to the north in hopes of running into the trouble marker. Her promise to mix things up had her on edge, still longing for some good fights. Licking her lips as she walked across the veins of marble, she kept her purple eyes peeled for the splotched wolf. On her hunt, she crossed the scent of a male that had a similar taste to the woman she had stumbled across. Oh, a family member? Lifting her head she glanced around, but the trail was starting to grow stale. Now this she needed to check out. She had mentioned finding a home for her family, maybe another one was up here searching as well. Plus, if they had some of her good looks she would be more than happy to show him a good time. Chuckling, her nails clicked softly on the stone as she slowly followed his path.

It was a pawful of minutes before she saw the shape of the male, russet markings scattered across his otherwise silver and gray coat. Oo, young blood too. Lips flipped upwards in a toothy grin as she cleared her throat, sliding down the hill to come to his seated form. Amethyst gaze drank him in, noting that he was actually a little bit shorter than she was. Ah, so the tall gene didn't seem to pass on to him. The scarred woman took a seat beside him, glancing over in a casual manner. Flashing him a toothy grin, she didn't ask to join him as she made herself comfortable. It wasn't like Mercy was ever the most polite wolf, why would she start now? "More Abraxas blood in the north? I don't think this world can handle many more of you." She said casually, letting out a velvety laugh as she curled her elongated tail around herself. Peering out across the dried up bed of marble, she waited for his answer as slight breeze ruffled her pelt.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.



3 Years
04-11-2017, 01:20 PM

The young man was content to simply sit and enjoy the view, his mind ambling about with no pressing worries. His eyes traced the veins of marble, lingering where the afternoon sun caught and sparkled in the rock. It reminded him of the way the sunlight shattered across rippling waters. It really was beautiful. But, after a few minutes, his admiration of the scene was interrupted by the hint of an unfamiliar scent in the air. And, seconds after that, the stranger made her presence known.

Alarik turned his head to take her in, brows pulling low over his ochre eyes. Abraxas? What was this woman talking about? He politely pulled himself a few inches away from her and leaned his head to one side quizzically.

"Forgive me ma'am, but I think you have me mistaken for someone else," said Alarik. "I am not of Abraxas blood. My family is Xanilov."

This he said in a polite, yet very matter-of-fact tone. He had always been taught to be proud of the fact that he was a Xanilov. And so, he would not hesitate to inform this woman of the error she had made. But nonetheless, he smiled at her. Alarik was nothing if not a gentleman. "Alarik Xanilov, at your service," he said with a chivalrous little bow and a swish of his tail.

"Talk" "You" Think