
The landing


04-01-2017, 02:09 PM
Their journey had been long and harsh but falcon had easily persevered. It was in the scared man's nature to do so. There had been a few that he figured were lost or likely ran back to the mother pack. Though there had been a few that he was certain were loyal enough to the cause and didn't mind the homeless ways so long as they had each other.

He stepped into the mouth of the cave as he stopped, her eyes turning to scan behind him. While no one was there he knew they wouldn't be far off honestly. Besides they would be guided by scent to him he was certain. Juju was the only one he was honestly certain could handle a night completely alone. She may not be like the rest but she did hold a certain kinship with the pack. He honestly had to say out of all of them it was her he definitely felt was closer to him, though don't get him wrong they were all his brothers and sisters. Constantine was still in his eyes just a baby though as were all the others. He knew each and respected each. It was his duty to know them all, their strengths and weaknesses, it's what made him a good leader. He liked to study each one individually though. He had hand selected each warrior, healer, and Hunter for this colonization task.

He gave a sigh and tipped his head back giving a signal howl, a short little one that would carry for miles. It was an honest invitation for his group to join him here. He intended for them to rest here and in the morning he would be gone from their sight once more. His eyes then were cast to the fading light of the sun, it was a dying day and a birthing night time it seemed. His eyes then looked to the cave. He could smell no scents that told of any inside nor of pack residence. It was safe enough. His short tail lifted high and he stood waiting. One back leg was stretched backwards and one beneath him. His front legs were both firmly under his chest, the positioning causing a slope to his back. His ears pressed forward as his scared face turned to the forests and fields that lay before the cave opening. He knew if he waited they would come soon enough, that or he would likely find a resident and have to disappear or attack one or the other.



5 Years
04-08-2017, 09:51 PM
Her fangs are sharp, she likes your taste,
Her head snapped up at the sound of Falcon's voice, and she gave a short wag of her tail - or rather, what was left of it. Without thought, Jumanji made her way toward Falcon, tracing his steps on the moist, cool earth beneath her paws. Her legs were in perfect sync as they carried her across the terrain and within a couple of short hours, she found herself at the mouth of a cave system. It was not what she had expected, but it certainly held her interest.  She moved with a silence that few wolves could achieve. There were odd patterns all over the wall from what she could see, but the pale woman could not make heads nor tails of what they could have been. This was not her concern right now, all she wanted to do was find Falcon and explore the caves they had stumbled upon.

Once she set eyes on him, Jumanji paused and spoke quietly, not wanting her oddly haunting voice to echo. "Are we to camp here, then?" She could see no issue with staying the night. They would be protected from the rain and the rest of their gang would fit inside the walls with enough room to keep out of her way. Waiting was the worst part of having a conversation, wondering what the other would say in response to her question made her a little antsy. Still, she did so out of respect for Falcon, and she trusted he would not make her wait too long for her answer. He understood her where others had refused to even get to know her, the least she could do was be patient. She understood that much about the world.

"Speaking." "You." Thinking
You better move post haste!!
Jumanji can be a violent creature, she is not the most stable of characters and it is hard to tell how she will react to certain personalities. Use caution when threading with her!



2 Years
04-29-2017, 09:21 PM
Traveling alone wasn't Constantine's forte, however the young man needed to get used to navigating and make it a skill. Tracking Falcon and keeping tabs on Jumanji's position wasn't easy, but it wasn't particularly difficult either. He wasn't surprised when he was last to the location Falcon had chosen, a cave that he had already relaxed inside of. He had certainly picked a good place, since it seemed so abandoned, but he wondered if there was a reason. Pushing the thought back, he slunk into the cave and almost collapsed against the wall, eager for a good rest.

"I sure hope so,..." he answered Jumanji, having heard what she asked when he walked in. "my legs are tingling." He yawned, laying out flat on his side and stretching until his toes spread. Lazy eyes opened then to wait for Falcons response, eager yet less impatient than their antsy friend. He sure hoped that they'd be staying the night here, and maybe catch a meal before heading out again, if not sooner than that. Connie was famished, but the boy hardly ate. He could use a bite or two now, though. However sleep called him, so laziness overthrew hunger and his growling stomach became the least of his concerns.