
I can do great things!



3 Years
04-05-2017, 06:20 AM
She wasn't quite sure just how she managed to find her way back to her father's pack lands, but the relief nearly stole her legs from beneath her as she realized she stood at the edge of one of the waterfalls that littered Sunset Falls. Her grey ears fell back on her crown and she looked around, baby blues finding nothing as she hoped for a familiar face, anything to tell her she was not only imagining the smell of her father's scent. It wrapped around her like a second fur, and she found herself closing her eyes, letting the weakening sunlight warm her soul for a moment. There was a thought of her siblings and father, knowing that eventually someone would be along, but for now she enjoyed the peace that came with homecoming. The princess was nervous about her latest chunk of missing time, and her mind tail spun into thoughts of her mother and what she could remember of the female. Would she be like her one day? Would she just lose her mind and abandon her family? Sure, there had been moments of awareness for her, but she was always lost and couldn't focus.

She needed her father, pronto! Letting back her head, Heather sang out for him to urgently come to her. There was no doubt in her mind that he would come for her. She was the princess of Fiori, she couldn't simply blackout and walk away one day. When her song ended, she lay in the moss that grew beside the water, hanging her snow capped paws over the edge to settle in for the wait. There was no telling if Leo would be busy. She only hoped he could forgive her for her long absence, Heather had only meant to stay gone a couple of days. She was learning about others and gaining sparring partners to train for challengers. Then, she got lost and panicked, and then nothing for a while until she became aware beside the falls. Heather hoped her father would make it soon, she felt as though she would break at any moment, and fear had a hold of her heart. What if they couldn't fix it?

"Heather." "You." Think.

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



9 Years
Athena I
04-05-2017, 09:41 AM

He had tried not to worry too much about his daughter, but after their last conversation it was hard not to. It was a large territory that Fiori owned. It was very possible they just hadn't crossed paths lately. He had always encouraged his children to live their own lives and go explore so maybe that's what she was up to. But... Some inkling in the back of his mind still nagged at him and made him worry. He had kept an eye out for her around the pack for the last few days, but he couldn't even find a strong trail of her scent. It wasn't like her to just disappear and he couldn't help but think of how Svet had just left out of the blue.

Relief washed over him as Heather's howl caught his attention from the direction of the falls. As long as she was alright that's all he cared about. He was over near his den in the mangroves when she called so it took him a bit to get over to where she was, but he hurried all the same. When he got to where she was laying near the water he smiled and glanced over her to check for any injuries or the like. He pressed his nose to her cheek while his tail wagged gently behind him. "There you are. I was starting to get worried about you."

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
04-08-2017, 12:45 PM
The girl wasn't quite able to get to her paws when the king stepped into view, the only thing she was able to do was release the breath she hadn't realized she was holding as a tangible relief washed over her. There was no way the brush of his nose on her cheek could be false, and in response, Heather turned her head and nudged her father's cheek as a sad smile spread over her face at his words. "There you are. I was starting to get worried about you." Heather let her tail thump lightly on the ground, but the gesture was half-hearted and clouded with worry. "You may have been right to worry, father. It happened again...I lost so many days this time..." Her voice broke with all of the worry and fear she kept inside her as she whimpered and looked up at Leo. "I need to find help." The admission took almost every ounce of pride she held within her, but she realized now that if she didn't find something to help her, she would end up simply walking away from her home. Heather wasn't so sure she could do what was needed, and that panicked her until she felt frozen inside. There had to be a way to get these spells under control, and the young princess was determined to find one.

"Heather." "You." Think.

Leo as Heather's father is free to crash her threads as he see's fit. Lionel as her close brother is also allowed to do the same.
Heather has boderline personality disorder in the event of extreme stress she can become aggressive and gloomy with no filter but will have no memory of these episodes after.



9 Years
Athena I
04-09-2017, 06:56 PM

The worry on his daughter's face made his expression falter a bit, but he tried his best to keep at least a little bit of his smile on his lips. Of course her news made his heart sink and his worry flare up to an all time high, but he didn't want to let her know that her condition scared and worried him. He knew this was hard enough on her and he didn't want his emotions to weigh on her as well. He wanted her to be able to depend on him and lean on him. "We'll find you some help, Heather, try not to worry too much." He was already running through possibilities of what they could do and what their plan of action could be in his head.

"Lets start with going to Amalia so we can at least see if she's heard of anything like this or heard of something that could help. If not then maybe one of the healers in Celestial will know something. Everything will be okay, I promise." While he spoke he settled down onto his stomach next to her and nuzzled the top of her head gently. His children really were the most precious things in his life so when he saw one of them so distressed over something he felt like he had to stop everything else in his life to make sure that it was taken care of. "Do you want to move into my den until we find a solution? That way I can keep an eye on you and make sure you don't get lost again."

"Talk" "You" Think