
~Fire and Ice~



2 Years
07-27-2014, 06:30 PM
The black wolf pup's coat was not used to the frozen world around him. Eyes were duller than before, as their different colors did not shine with the life that they once had. The snow crunched underneath him as since his form was shorter than those older than he, the young brute was burrowed deep into the cold and had made it impossible for him to move. Soon, he came upon a body of ice. He saw movement, tilting his head slightly. Fish could be seen moving from it, and his eyes soon started to show curiosity.

Aeolus began to walk on top of the ice, watching the fish swim from underneath. He was about to move once more, when the thin sheet of ice began to crack underneath him, causing him to fall into the frigid water. His eyes widened in shock as he tried to find footing on the ice that had been solid and stable for him to move onto, but, alas, the ice continued to give way.

The black brute whimpered and gave out small cries for someone to help him. The cold began to surround him, and if he was down in the cold for too much longer, his body would be too cold and the young pup would drown. He had lost his family, and now, he was thinking about giving up and joining them, but he continued to fight the water and get onto the ground as best as possible. The sheets of ice were surrounding him, but, every time he tried to move, the ice would break off, and it was a long swim to solid ground where he would be safer. Continuously he howled his small howls for help, trying to see if anyone would be able to hear him.


07-27-2014, 06:51 PM
The girl had not accomplished much since making Alacritis her home. She had made a few enemies, little friends, and no progress in her goal of gaining followers and beginning her own pack, as she had been destined to do since birth.

Today the ebony behemoth was wandering through the northern lands, her claws digging carefully into the frozen field for traction as she had trained herself. It was cold here and prey was scarce but Rizo needed to expand her comfort zone in search of inspiration. She was nearing a lake in the distance and was able to spot a small creature with a pelt similar to her own wandering out on the ice.

Emerald eyes would roll and a small chuckle would rise in her throat. Didnt the thing know better than to walk on thin ice just as the weather was beginning to get warmer? It must be hunting...or clueless. She shook her head in wonder and continued her approach on the lake. Her eyes were set on the small figure as it scurried out further, and she found her pace quickening. Was that thing...was that a wolf pup?

Suddenly the figure disappeared with a loud crack, and her ears picked up the high pitched wailing of a child in danger. The woman was running then, skidding to a halt on the edge of the ice, knowing she would do the creature no good if she fell through the ice herself.

Panic threatened to clutch at her throat as she combed her mind for any ideas, yet she was able to swallow down the fear and focus. "Don't give up, little one. I am going to help you!" She told the boy in her most soothing tones, hoping that she didn't scare him further.

Her emeralds scanned the frozen field for anything...anything that could help...a branch! The large dead tree limb was lying nearly ten lengths from the spot she was standing, and Rizo hurried over to gather it in her mouth. She dragged it back to the spot with little trouble, and used all her strength to swing it into the water.

Satisfaction shown bright in her eyes as the limb successfully broke through the ice, creating a path to the struggling form of the pup. "Grab onto the branch, child. Quickly now!" She commanded him. Her teeth had a firm grip on the dead and dry limb. Hopefully, the pup would have sense enough to swim the short distance to the branch and allow her to save his life.



2 Years
07-27-2014, 07:01 PM
Aeolus would turn as he saw a figure off in the distance. His eyes widened in shock as he continued to try and swim, but when the figure came closer, he realized what it was. It was a she-wolf, much older than he was. He was only five months old, and already he had gotten into mischief. His right blue eye and left green eye stayed focused as he would hear the dame's soothing tone and confidence.

He continued to swim further, keeping steady and trying his best to swim and move. The ice would break further, and soon, the female wolf had found a steady tree limb that had broken off for her to use. He would command him to grip on, and without arguing or hesitation, he snapped down onto the branch as he continued to move up the limb, using his teeth.

Soon, he was able to find traction on the solid ground, shaking off the water as he lied down and began to shiver from the cold. His eyes became duller as he continued to shake from the ever present cold that surrounded his miniature form. His eyes would shift to the she-wolf that had saved his life. Ever since his parents died, he had never seen anyone help him. He was thankful that she had helped him.

"Thank you, ma'am," he would say in a shaken up way. His tone was steady and a medium high tone since he was still young, and he wrapped his tail around him. He had not been used to the cold since his fur had not been bushy and would not be able to keep heat trapped inside.


07-27-2014, 07:34 PM
Focus was the most important aspect of her stance. She had a firm grip on the branch and a strong lock on the pups position. He was on the branch now, working his way across the wood to get closer to the shoreline. When he was close enough, Rizo pulled him the rest of the way in and then dropped the branch.

The poor child was shivering at her paws. He was very grateful to her and that caused a warmth in her heart that she hadnt felt since she left home. He was all alone just as she was. It felt good to know that she had played a part in securing his wellbeing, though her instincts were telling her that the saving wasnt truly over until the little guy had warm blood flowing through his veins again.

"It was no problem of mine, dear. But if you will allow me, I would like to get you warmed up. You wont survive the night in this state." She told him, hoping her serious tone wouldnt frighten him any further. The poor thing was scared enough as it was. She stood and pressed her nose into his freezing fur, hoping to feel his body working to warm itself up, yet all she could feel were his shivers.

"My name is Rizo, whats yours child?" She asked gently, trying to distract him from the cold as she bent to pick him up by the scruff.



2 Years
07-27-2014, 07:43 PM
Aeolus would continue to feel shivers surrounding his form. The wind continued surround him, as if he were being knocked around as the wind continued to cause his body to shake. His heterochromatic optics scanned the area as she heard the female wolf say her name. Rizo. What a unique name. Despite her serious tone, he could tell she was kind and meant no harm to him as she was trying to warm him from the cold that entered his bloodstream and caused his body to shake with it's dormant presence. He was stupid for have been walking on the ice, but at least before his parents died they had taught him to swim and to never give up without a fight.

"Aeolus," he would tell her with a kind yet somewhat shy tone. He wasn't one to talk unless he had a reason to or be was being addressed. "It's the name of a Greek God of the wind, that's what my family believed in anyway," he would say. He did not know that the Goddess Siri was worshiped here, or who did worship her, but he believed in many different things.

He closed his eyes, trying to regain his energy. He would talk to Rizo if she would have lied to know more about him or if she had any questions.


07-27-2014, 08:23 PM
Aeolus. An interesting name indeed. She nodded as he explained the origins of his name. "God of the wind, huh? Do you like to run fast? Just like the wind?" She bent down and gripped his scruff in her jaws, lifting him with ease before he had a chance to answer. She knew the situation had to be awkward for him. He was being carried by a total stranger to a strange place. She hoped that the boy would use the travel time to talk more about himself and keep his blood flowing.

The ebony woman walked quickly with the child swinging limply from her jaws. She knew there was a spot nearby where they would be able to get sun for a few hours before it went to rest. She could not allow the boy to freeze out here, all alone. Her paws struck the ground with purpose and precision. It was around here...somewhere.

Soon enough she found the stack of rocks that she had sunned herself on just the other day. The giantess quickly scaled the pile, being careful not to bump her cargo against the rocks. When she reached the top, she gently set down the wet bundle of fur and curled herself tightly around him, sharing her warmth. The heat from the rocks was seeping up into their pelts and Rizo knew that she had made the right decision.

With a soft smile, the woman looked down at the boy and sighed. "Where are your parents, little one?"



2 Years
07-27-2014, 08:41 PM
Aeolus remembered when he was called his name for the first time. He did like to run, but he had not been in the region to do it. "Yes, I did love to run, but I am not in the region to do it right now." He would open his eyes as life started to come back to him from the heat of the rocks. The smell of the warm sun began to enter his nostrils, and he would feel it begin to warm and dry his body.

She would ask him where his parents were, and sadness came over him. He closed his eyes as his tail wrapped around him. He did not wish to be reminded of his family, not after how they left him in such a horrible way. All he could remember them by was the blood that ran down openings in their pelts, eyes, nose, etc.

"They were killed by an epidemic. My pack was killed too as well as my siblings. I'm the only one left." He would tell her as he curled into a ball and listened to the sounds of animals and birds calling out their own tunes as the sounds echoed throughout his lobes.


07-27-2014, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2014, 09:47 PM by Rizo.)
She could tell that the little man was warming up. His shivers had subsided and he seemed much more comfortable. Having him nestled against her body would have been a very odd feeling if it hadnt been for her maternal instincts kicking in. It was actually a good feeling, surprisingly enough.

The smile continued to glow on her face, right up until he told her about his family. He was really alone in such a big world. It was heartbreaking! The smile fell from her face and her tail curled closer around him.

"Aeolus...that is so terrible. You are so young..."

The giantess was at a loss for words. The child was obviously still hurting from the experience, as he should. If only they had been in a pack closer to the heart of Alacritia...the remedy would have saved them all and the poor child would be leading a normal life. Learning to hunt...fight...heal...yet nothing would heal his mental scarring now.

She could at least keep his mind off of things, maybe teach him a couple of survival techniques. "Are you hungry babe? How about I see what you can do with a rabbit, hm?" She suggested and gave the boy an excited look.



2 Years
07-27-2014, 09:59 PM
Aeolus would hear her apologize for his loss. She seemed to have understood the feelings that had been locked up inside of his heart. His eyes looked into her emeralds as he was asked if he wished to hunt. He had never learned to hunt as much as he would have liked, and he would not in response to her question.

"Yes please, ma'am," he would say, his tone still shy yet kind enough as he stood up. His form was warm, but was still a bit wet from the cold of the water, and with a slight yawn, he began to chase his tail in a playful way. He liked to have fun even though he had not much time to have fun.

He leaped off the rocks, landing on the top of the snow as it was up to his chest, and he smiled and began to try and move around, waiting for Rizo to lead the way and make the first move.


07-28-2014, 12:25 AM
Warmth was all that she knew as she watched the boy chase his tail. Such innocence was something Rizo needed in her life. He was so sweet and so untainted. So pure. The smile on his face told the girl that he would be alright despite his damp pelt. And he was excited about learning to hunt!

Emeralds would swim with delight as the giantess rose from her spot and joined the boy at the base of the rocks. "Alright Aeolus; let me know what you smell. There is a small family of arctic hares nearby. Can you sniff them out without alerting them?"

A look of mischief crossed her features as she nudged her nose against the child's flank, encouraging him to go on and try.



2 Years
07-28-2014, 12:35 AM
Aeolus would hear the larger and older dame ask him if he could hear the sound of arctic hare, and the smell of them. His double colored eyes shown seriousness yet happiness as he walked through the frozen landscape, paws crunching underneath the snow.

He came close to a large, plumb hare close by. He knew that when you're hurting you had to be quiet as possible. The brute had not been hunting as much as he would like. But, because of his father, he knew a lot to get by.

A smile came on his face as he moved downwind from the hare. When he was sure the hare did not spot him, he leaped and tackled the hare down, snapping his jaws arouns his windpipe and shaking the life from it. When it was lifeless, he approached the dame and smiled, hoping he did ok.


07-29-2014, 01:21 AM
A huge grin grew on the womans face as the boy caught his prey. It seemed he hadnt even alerted the rest of the hare family in his killing! The little ebony child approached her with the kill swinging from his jaws, and she would find her tail wagging with pride.

"What a good catch little one!" She whispered to him so as not to alert the other prey of their presence. She gave the child a swift lick to his forehead before scraping a hollow into the snow with her paw. She aimed her emeralds at the boy and motioned for the hole. "Drop your prey into this hole and I will show you the way I was taught, though your way works wonderfully."

The woman would continue to smile, watching the boy as she dropped into her own hunters crouch. She kept light on her toes, rolling each step with precision so as to keep her weight distributed and soundless. Her ebony form would approach the figure of the oblivious hare, keeping her scent downwind of the creature.

When she was nearly two lengths away, Rizo launched herself forward with jaws open, taking hold of the creatures spine before slamming her foreleg down on its neck. With a quick and silent snap of bone, the hare was lying limp in her jaws.

It had only taken a few moments, and the dame returned to her companion and dropped her prey into the hole with his own. "My mother taught me that a long time ago." She chuckled lightly and sat beside her friend.

Emerald eyes would burn with the fire of youth as she would again turn her face towards his own. "There are many methods with which to hunt, child. The trick is choosing the best technique for each particular situation. You did quite well!" She praised him.