
Here there be dragons



5 Years
04-09-2017, 01:45 AM

Leto had somehow let herself be drawn even further north despite the rapidly dropping temperatures there that heralded the new season. The new season - her season. Autumn brought her heat cycle, making it by far Leto's least favorite season now where it had used to be one of her favorites. The leaves changing their coats to match her fiery colors had its appeal, but it didn't make up for the irritation of her yearly female issues. The cooler temperatures up here seemed to help ease the symptoms a little, made the star child feel a little less like she was burning up within her own skin, but the biggest draw was that the north was all but empty compared to the warmer lands this time of year. Less wolves meant less males dogging her heels, as if being in heat meant that she would lack the basic intelligence to realize that giving them what they wanted would mean she would be stuck dealing with birthing and raising a bunch of brats, even if she wanted to give them what they wanted, which she did not despite the heat that itched and burned in her. Even Leto with her scrappy, always-eager-for-a-fight personality grew irritable and tired of needing to constantly remind heat-crazed males that no meant no, so she retreated here where there were fewer wolves that she would have to put in the dirt for trying to mess with her.

Of course, up here her coat stood out even more, that night sky with its stars and nebulae against perpetually icy terrain, so she had thought agead and brought hide with her this time to build snares. She certainly wasn't going to be sneaking up on anything here to get a meal. Maybe she could catch some fish from under the ice...

Her eyes lit at the sight of the structure she had been angling towards all morning. Perfect - it would provide a convenient shelter for chilly night time temperatures and bad weather while she was up here. Rawhide dangling from her jaws, she prowled around the base of the huge structure, making sure she wouldn't be taken by surprise by any inhabitants. Last thing she needed was to stumble into a polar bear's den, or trip over a wolverine.

- Leto



4 Years
05-01-2017, 10:06 AM

Ganta took each step towards his original birthing place with a frown. He still worried for Roza… but he was glad that she didn’t want to leave him. That she thought they’d be able to change the mind of his corrupted siblings. A sigh passed the lips of the young man, his gaze turning longingly up towards the vessel where his family had once been whole. Sure his older siblings still hated him and his siblings… but it had been home. ‘Obscoro… Shiro… Mother… Father…’ Ganta thought to himself with a soft sigh.

But there were other scents mingling within the area. Some fresher than others… and the smell of death as well. Ganta wrinkled his nose as he kept trailing further, ghostly gaze almost expectant to see his tiny sibling here on the ship.

But Shiro wasn’t here.

There was, however, the scent of another wolf, and Ganta paused, an ear flicking back as he considered his options. He could always call out to the stranger… but what if they weren’t friendly? Sneaking up on them didn’t seem to be a good idea either because if they were friendly, yet startled, they might turn aggressive. The male sighed, expelling a breath of cold air out before settling on the deck quietly.

Gods this place had so many memories.

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