
To The Mountaintop



4 Years
04-12-2017, 03:10 PM
There comes a time in every wolf’s life when their top priority is amusement. Not finding food, shelter, or anything else, but just pure amusement. Esmee was at that point, just itching to find something to fight off her boredom. She could only sit still for so long lately, and it seemed like she had not spoken a single word to anyone in several weeks.  And so the female decided to hike up the cliffs, just to see what she could see. While others might complain about the exertion involved, Esmee actually welcomed it wholeheartedly. The shortness of breath, adrenaline, and sheer muscle movement required to trek continuously upward was actually desirable to her. The wolf had never been one to shy away from hard work, and her entire focus was obtaining her goal, which was getting to the top of the cliffs. That was far more engaging to her mind and body rather than just sitting around like a lazy lump.

The first part of the trek was easy; it was flatter and more stable than parts higher up obviously. Esmee quickly bounded up that section of the cliffs with ease. Anyone with rudimentary hiking skills or even one leg could do that. But, even so, the movements made her feel alive and good to be doing something productive for once. She felt encouraged to plow forward with each second that ticked by on the clock, and a determined aura seemed to mark her features. Esmee was like a steam engine on its track, only with less metal and smoke, and a lot more fur and oxygen.

When the climb began to get more difficult, Esmee had to press in a little bit more. Her paw steps became more calculated so she would not slip, and she had to draw on her willpower more often. It was during this time that the female was glad she fell into the medium size category. She was quick and surefooted enough to overcome obstacles, while having the strength to back it up. A fragile, dainty female might be fast, but with little supplement or stamina.  A brawny, butch female would be strong, but might not be agile or nimble enough. Thankfully, Esmee felt that she had an adequate mix of both or feats like this would be near impossible. And with that, the chocolate woman made it to the top.

Esmee inhaled deeply and let out a deep breath, her tail wagging a little behind her frame. Her heart beat in her chest, thudding heavily. Now that was what accomplishment felt like. The brown and black female felt like she truly deserved a reward of some sort for her efforts. Spotting the wildflowers growing nearby, Esmee bent down to pick up a flower, plucking it lightly from the ground with her teeth. She then proceeded to pluck another and another thereafter. This plucking was not a futile action though. What was the point of taking the beautiful flora if not for good use? Esmee wove the flowers together by the stems, to make a small decoration for her fur. It was not the most elaborate of designs, for one could only do so much with paws. It would have been much easier with flexible fingers most definitely. However, the she-wolf felt beautiful with it anyways. Somehow, someway, she got the flowers tucked behind her left ear and got it to stay there temporarily. It would not last long, but nothing of value lasts forever unfortunately. All things pass away. For the time being Esmee would enjoy her small victory though.

Mission accomplished.




4 Years
Extra large
04-12-2017, 08:02 PM
It was beginning to irritate Wesson that his family had not arrived yet. Glock, his younger opposite brother, had made it with him, but they were doing their own exploring. Colt, a brother in Glock's litter, was not far behind. Or at least, that's what Wes had thought a few days ago. Now he wondered if perhaps little brother hadn't been swallowed up by a monstrous sinkhole, or eaten by something. The kid could handle himself for the most part, so his absence was noticeable.

And have I mentioned irritating? jealousy prodded him with. What if the family had found something they liked better? He'd have to meet back up with Glock and make sure he was okay. He was capable, sure, but less likely than Colt to stay alive alone, and no MacNarah was truly meant to even be alone this long. What if someone was deceiving the others? They could be in danger. Wes toyed with the idea of turning and going back for them, but he'd been sent ahead for some reason... Better to wait a little longer for them to show. He didn't have any interest in getting chewed out for turning around.

Settled that he wasn't going anywhere but forward, Wesson decided to do a bit of exploring. They'd need somewhere to live, after all, and channeling his energy was better than letting it simmer. He didn't want to erupt at the first person he found. From a distance, he'd gotten his sights set on a very tall cliff, primarily driven by the idea of the challenge. His first two attempts to reach it, however, had been monumental failures. He'd seen the path from the beach and started by attempting to take an easier climb, first from the north side then from the south. Both routes were blocked by pack lands. Feeling his sour mood worsening, he'd made his way briskly back around to the shore and the tiny trail it offered.

Massive paws struggled to find purchase on the uneven ground, but his long legs and endurance made up for that. He made decent time, even if it was more than he liked, and worked out some of the rage that was simmering in his belly. Feeling calm(er) and enjoying a sense of pride for his effort, he took a deep breath at the top and looked over the field before him. His gaze fell, not on an empty landscape, but a tiny dark female with flowers on her head. She resembled his mother, he thought immediately, but not in color. Where Wesson's mother had a light brown coloring, this one was chocolate with a black stripe down her back. The ache that had stung his chest dissipated as he realized the resemblance was likely only in size alone.

Wesson toyed with the idea of heading straight back down the cliff, but only for a moment. Travelling with Glock had been fine and all, but when was the last time he'd been able to flirt with a lady? The brute was lonely and sick of being silent. "Evenin' darlin'," he drawled gruffly, taking a few steps in her direction.



4 Years
04-13-2017, 02:16 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2017, 02:19 PM by Esmee.)
Esmee had been so caught up in her trek and flower picking that she did not realize how oblivious she had been. Her laser-like focus got her to the top of the cliff like she wanted, but she did not realize anyone else was around. At the time it was just Esmee, and only Esmee, doing her thing. But the sound of another voice got her attention very quickly, and made her realize otherwise. Traces of light skepticism marked the female’s features within seconds, and relaxing after the hike would have to be prolonged. When Wesson took a step towards her, Esmee strongly resisted the urge to take a step back simultaneously.  That was a stupid move before, not paying attention all that time. Had it been another, more threatening wolf, she could have been in serious trouble. Esmee was confident in her own abilities for what they were worth, but she honestly was no fighter. She was very glad that no altercation had taken place up to that point, and hopefully it would not ever between them. The female made certain not to make that mistake again any time soon.

Instead of backing up though, Esmee made the conscious decision to step forward and rise to the occasion. There was only a small gap between them after that, perhaps a few inches. Although the brown male was nearly twice her size, Esmee was entirely undaunted. Size was no indication of past, present, or future performances. Size, like age, is only a number. It all depends on what one does with it when all is said and done. Esmee was curious as to what Wesson was about and what had brought him here. Maybe he was just as bored as she was or something like that, she did not know. There was only one surefire way to find out too; she had to ask him directly. Ask for amusement and ye shall receive it apparently.  

“Were you following me? I did not see you standing there before now, and then you pop up like one of these tulips,” came Esmee’s initial response. Her head cocked to the side so she was peering at Wesson sideways a moment. The female’s rose gold eyes then attempted to meet the male’s aqua ones when she turned her head again. Those eyes. How could she have missed those eyes during this whole thing? They stood out from his brown fur plain as day. “Where are my manners? It appears they abandoned me for a moment there. Good evening to you as well, Darling,” Esmee said. There was a slight dip of her muzzle towards her male counterpart in greeting. Esmee’s tone matched Wesson’s, though obviously without the drawl and gruff nature to it. The she-wolf was taunting him in a low key way, testing to see what his reactions would be to her. She was unaware of his name, so she could only call him what he called her. That was only fair, right?



4 Years
Extra large
04-15-2017, 04:45 PM
It wasn't often Wesson took anyone by surprise. Given his large build and heavy steps, stealth took effort he simply didn't desire to make most of the time. In a hunting or fighting situation, sure, but in every day life? Better that people noticed him. It was a sort of gift for them after all. He smiled, partly due to manners and partly as a result of of her reaction to him speaking up. She seemed to be pretty composed about it, but the fact that he'd surprised her was evident. To his surprise, she approached him and nearly closed them gap between them, apparently not the slightest bit intimidated or nervous. This was not a reaction he was used to.

Wesson was a social wolf and he interacted with others, male and female, on as regular a basis as he could. Due to his size, many were initially intimidated and kept their distance. Females in particular were typically nervous, but not due to fear of him. This one, though, she walked right up to him without a moment's hesitation and began teasing immediately. Wes wasn't sure how he felt about that, but uncertainty made him no less a gentleman. He raised an eyebrow at her accusation, but his smile remained. "Oh, no, ma'am. I was just lookin' t'explore this here cliff. Didn't mean t'intrude." He shook his head slightly as he spoke, as if to emphasize his point, but stopped when he caught her gaze.

He knew the look in those pretty pinkish eyes of hers. She'd noticed his own beautiful blue eyes, just like they always did, and they'd drawn a change of attitude from her. He couldn't help but smirk and wag his little stub of a tail in response. Every time. "Pardon me, sweetheart, appears I forgot mine too. My name's Wesson," he said with a little bow. They were so close, he had trouble not bumping her as he did so. "May I have the pleasure of knowin' yours?"


04-17-2017, 01:11 AM
Did Wesson have to chose the most tedious of paths all the time. A sigh escaped the mammoths lips as he leaped up one more ledge. His bulk was easily supported by this one but wouldn't have been by the one near the other one. His head lifted to look up at the some 15 feet he had left to go till he got to the cliff's summit. This felt like it was taking forever. With a huff did he move again, muscles bounded once more onto the next ledge. His paws splayed upon landing lending him a better grip. Of course he had been behind his brother for some time now but had only just now gotten within ear shot of him. He could hear him and another but beyond that he didn't care. Wes could easily care for himself just like the other males in the family. It was the girls in the family he had concerns for. They didn't normally like his views but it was how it was.

He made his way the rest of the way up only to leap up to the edge and sit where he painted for a few moments. There had to be an easier way up and down this cliff. His dichromatic eyes fell on the pair in the field ahead and he pulled his tongue back in his mouth. His he stood once more and moved to his brothers side with a calm and leveled gaze on the female. He dwarfed them enough at 45 inches though Wes was likely the heavier of the two. His stub of a tail was kept high and he gave the female a soft smile. He knew Wes could be a little much and overly flirtatious. His purpose would have to be to keep him from losing his head today then. Especially with a female right in front of him.

His thick accent and smooth as honey voice boomed forth in his greeting to her. It was also a way to confirm if his brother was in over his head. "ev'nin' miss. Ah hope nah brother ain't troublin' ya too much, 'nd is mindin' his pc's 'nd q's." the second part was said with emphasis and more to remind Wesson that she was in deed a lady and should be treated as such.



4 Years
04-17-2017, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2017, 08:01 PM by Esmee.)
Although Esmee initially wondered about Wesson’s appearance, there was truth in his words, and she was able to trust his explanation. It just happened to be a coincidence that they had both ended up at that very spot. It was a strange happenstance that they would both hike all the way the heck up the cliff perhaps, but still plausible though. The she wolf was able to drop her skepticism and just let bygones be bygones. “You are not intruding then; I was merely exploring up here and picking flowers too. Surely we can do it at the same time,” Esmee said with a small shrug of her shoulders. Or even together.

When they bumped into each other, Esmee was slightly surprised, but on the whole unaffected. No harm done, things like that happened sometimes. Being so close to him was her fault originally, so she widened the space just slightly so there would be enough room. As much fun as it would have been to continue canoodling like that, Esmee did not think that was dignified of her to do. Only females with no morals did things like that, certainly not queens. “I am Esmee. Pleasure to meet you Wesson, darling,” she said. She could not help but add in the little pet name at the end for kicks and giggles. Well, Esmee did not exactly giggle when others were around, but it did amuse her anyway. If she was “sweetheart” to him, then he would forever be “darling” to her. It was sort of a running joke that the female had concocted for herself, even if only for a little while.

Then another male showed up.

There was no denying that these two were brothers; Esmee deduced that straight off the bat. They both had strong presences about them, not to mention their color patterns, manner of speaking, and size. What were these two eating, dinosaurs? Whatever it was, it just had to be a lot of it. There was no way that a couple of bunnies could possibly sustain their appetites, absolutely no way. Esmee glanced back and forth between the two before letting a small smile form on her features. It was just enough to lightly pull at the edges of her mouth, but it was there nonetheless. At least these two appeared to be gentleman; otherwise she would have bit off more than she could chew there.

“Good evening to you as well, sir. And yes, he has been on his upmost best behavior up to this point,” Esmee said to Colt in reassurance. Her tail swayed gently behind her frame in good faith before stopping. There were teasing undertones that implied Wesson might not in the future though. “Esmee,” she said introducing herself to him, not forgetting to do it this time. “If you guys are up to it, perhaps we can travel together up here? Three might be more effective than two and one separate,” Esmee suggested. It was just a suggestion for them though; they could choose to do as they pleased.



4 Years
Extra large
04-18-2017, 11:08 AM
This interaction seemed to be going real well so far. The little female had excused his intrusion readily, and though he’d bumped her a bit with his head in his bow, she hadn’t moved too far off. He mumbled a quick “Sorry,” before she stepped back and finished speaking, introducing herself. “Esmee,” he repeated slowly. “You’ve got yourself a real purty name there, miss. Pleasure’s all mine. And you can call me Wes, or Darlin’, whatever suits your fancy.” He added the last bit with a wink, grinning the whole time. At least, until someone crashed their little party.

Sure, Wesson had been worried about Colt. In any other circumstance, he’d be overjoyed to see him. But did he really have to show up now? The kid was so righteous he stunk of it. Wes wasn’t in the mood to have to overanalyze every move he made or word he said just to avoid a scrap with his little brother. Now his whole meeting with the pretty little lady in front of him was under a microscope. He narrowed his eyes and frowned at his little brother. “Awh hell, Colt,” he groaned irritably.“

Wes watched his brother’s interaction with Esmee without another remark until introductions were through. He smirked at her and bumped his brother’s shoulder with his own. Fortunately he was one of few in the family tall enough to do it, only three inches shorter than his monster of a sibling. “Little brother, you know mama raised me better than to go and forget how to treat a lady. Have a little faith, will ya?” He turned his attention back to Esmee. “Fine by me, darlin’. Just help me keep an eye on this one so he don’t go gettin’ lost again.”


04-18-2017, 07:00 PM
She seemed slack jawed at his size, though Wes was equally as giant as him. Well okay he was only 3 inches taller but still both were giant. He couldn't deny that she was pretty which meant Wes was likely to try to see if he could make her fall all over him. As if he needed more of a reason to be so vain. Wes' groan received an eye roll and a shirt. Shouldn't he know by now that Colt would always try to keep him on the straight and narrow. His attention turned back to the tiny female before them. She was definitely petite, at just 29 inches and maybe 50 bucks heavy, or light. Definitely a maid of porcelain in colt's eyes. Colt was a man of honor and virtue, and this woman would quickly find that out. He would fight his brother if it meant keeping him from deviating from what was good. He moved towards the woman a soft smile on his face as she introduced herself. "It is good tha' he has been, other'ise ah'd 'ave ta whoop 'im one." he gave a pause as he moved his paw. His paw extended moving to be under her legs backside, his eyes never left her face nor did his smile leave his face. His leg then lifted hers hopefully as his head lowered, a press of his nose was aimed for the top of her paw. It was a gentleman's gesture and one he knew usually worked for non southern ladies.

As he released her paw he allowed a name to slip from his mouth. His. "Colt MacNarah." with that he stepped back once more to be shoulder to shoulder with Wes. Her question would not go unanswered as Wes seemed to be on it. He gave a chuckle and a shake of his head. He had not been lost at all, rather exploring and following his two other brothers. He gave him a nudge with his shoulder and a smirk. "Ah 'as nevah lost Wes, ah 'as behind yah tha 'ole time. But I dun see a problem wi' us all stickin' it out wi' one ahnot'r, yer welcome ta even join our fam'ly until ya find some place else ta go." the invitation was sent now to see if this girl would stick around so he could keep a better eye on Wes. After all if you put a pretty girl in front of him he would in theory stop chasing other tails until he got hers.



4 Years
04-19-2017, 05:36 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2017, 05:40 PM by Esmee.)
"It is okay," Esmee murmured back quietly at Wesson's apology. If they both just pretended like it never happened, then it never did. If the she wolf did acknowledge the bump fully, embarrassment might set in, and then she would be up a creek without a paddle. Er, up a mountain without a...something. And then Esmee would have no choice but to flee the scene, right when she was starting to enjoy herself too. Did he really just wink at her though? Esmee took a super secretive look over her shoulder just to make sure another female had not randomly shown up. There just had to be another girl around; no one had ever done that to her. Ever. Oh, heavens to Betsy. No, it was directed at her. She had to admit the dude had charm in his own unique way. But he would have to work a whole lot harder for Esmee to actually admit that aloud to him to his face. Or even behind his back to anyone for that matter. How many women had he charmed the pants off of before her? Esmee wanted to make sure that she was not just another number in his little black book before giving him too much credit. She would give a little, but not too much.

"Thank you, that is very nice of you to say, Wes," Esmee said, referencing his compliment. 'Darling.' She might not actually call him by his pet nickname all the time, but she was pretty sure she would always think it now. It just fit for whatever reason. He was stuck with it for as long as they were acquainted. And the chocolatey female found herself wanting to be more acquainted with the brothers, even after such a short term. They had barely gotten past the introductions after all, but that was the truth. Wes' reaction to his brother made Esmee smile wider. And Colt's response to that reaction made it all the more amusing. Obviously Wesson expected a little more alone time than that which was granted. To do what Esmee had no idea. But that would have to wait. Perhaps his patience would be rewarded, but that reward had yet to be seen. "And of course I will help you keep track of your brother," Esmee offered.

Apparently the brothers' mother really had taught them a thing or two about ladies and the manner in which they should be treated. Esmee was quite flattered by Colt's gesture, accepting it with as much grace and reserve that she could. If she smiled anymore, her cheeks might have gotten frozen like that. At least so she had been told as a pup. Esmee had to pull the rhetorical reigns a bit, because the woman did not want to come off as overzealous. She would keep some things under wraps because only floozy wolves put everything out there all at once. She clearly was no floozy. Esmee felt like these men would allow her to relax and that they could be fast friends, but she was not going to jump the gun. They made her feel like she fit in so quickly though.

"Thank you, Colt. I would like that very much," Esmee said as she tried to stand on her tip toes to press her nose to Colt's forehead. She then moved to Wesson again, attempting to do the same and put her nose to his forehead. But before doing that though, she purposefully tried to gently bump into him first, as they had done before. Simultaneously, she smiled gently at him.



4 Years
Extra large
04-23-2017, 06:19 PM
Wes couldn't say one hundred percent, but he was reasonably certain that his brother thought he was a bit of a man-whore. On the contrary, he was saving himself for the day he found the female he intended to spend the rest of his life with. Sure, he liked to flirt now and again (or all of the time if he was being honest), but he never acted on it. Some ladies were disappointed in that, but thankfully there weren't many of those types around to begin with. They were too easy, no conquest to them, and he lost interest too quickly to take another step. This vixen in front of him certainly didn't seem the type, and he liked it better that way. She intrigued him in the way that she met his comments with easy banter. It didn't hurt that she didn't seem to have lost interest when his equally handsome brother arrived.

Still, his interest in Esmee didn't warrant an invitation for her to stay with them in his eyes. She was a stranger to the family. Colt had know her a full minute maybe before offering her shelter with them. What if she posed a risk? Wes gave his brother a quick sidelong glance, but returned his gaze to Esmee quickly, a smile still pinned to his features. When she bumped him - intentionally he assumed based on her expression - that smile transformed to a smirk. His concerns weren't going anywhere, but he could enjoy this moment as he was in it.

He dipped his head slightly to make her reach easier as she pressed her nose to his brow. "That's an awful kind gesture," he said with a chuckle. "I s'pose if you're gon' be with us for a while, you'll have no trouble helpin' me keep track of my brother here. Now, what would you like us to help you with up on this here cliff?"