
Hard days made me



2 Years
04-18-2017, 01:23 AM
She'd been on her own for some time now. Her father had shown her and her sister how to hunt, luckily, since she couldn't depend on him for that now. When she'd been younger, it seemed like everything would be okay, even though their mother had left. Xephyris had been so caring, so dedicated... Saffron thought she'd be able to rely on him forever. All of a sudden, he'd up and left. She and Memphis had stayed together for some time, but they'd drifted apart, and now she found herself utterly alone. It wasn't like she couldn't handle it; she was perfectly capable, and she wouldn't let anything stop her from getting what she wanted. But it was just so simply boring! There was no one to romp and explore with, no one to do anything!

Small paws carried her quickly across the icy rocks that led to the waterfall, watching as a light, powdery snow fell from dull gray skies. It was an average day in the North, cold, bleak and snowy. It seemed like the warm season had just ended, and yet it seemed ages ago already. The cold winds and endless snow had returned, something she'd been used to since her birth. It never bothered her, of course, it seemed to her just the way of the world. It snowed most of the time, and for a short few months it was warm, almost too warm, and the plants grew, went through their cycles quickly, and then withered away into the state of the North that was most normal.

Her nails left dainty prints in the small amount of snow stuck to the rocks. A trail had begun to form behind her. She was aware, but unconcerned about the path she'd left that led straight to herself. Anyone bringin' a fight her way was welcome, but of course she wouldn't mind a pleasant meeting as well. Saffron didn't care what came her way, she was ready.



7 Years
Dragon Mod
04-18-2017, 02:21 AM
He'd been alone for such a long time now. One day he was with his fathers, and next thing he knew...they were gone. His sister had seemingly vanished, and last he remembered, her trail had been mixed with someone else and his parents frantic. But then everything was silent, and he had been left alone in the southern plains. He had waited and waited, but the hungrier he got, the more he couldn't wait. He couldn't hunt, hadn't been taught, so he barely got by with scraps he had found or managed to steal from others he came across. Almost none of it came without repercussions, however. He had been caught a few times, and this last time he had been left with a nasty bite to his leg. He limped northward, his right foreleg practically hugging his chest as he hobbled along. It made travel hard, and it made it even harder for him to take food, so he had to often wait until there were scraps left behind, if any.

He was almost a year old now, next season he would turn his first year, but damn what a shitty puphood he had endured. He felt numb almost, from the sudden abandonment. But he supposed this was his life now. He had traveled long hours of the night. It was easier for him to keep out of sight of those who might try to hurt him or chase him down because of his most recent injuries, and now he was thirsty. He had strayed up towards the waterfalls peak, hoping that there would be less population this way so that he could try to recover. He was tired though, so very tired from trying to hobble his way up, that he decided he couldn't do it anymore. The boy dropped to the ground, body huddled in the snow as he rested his head against the cold ground. He sniffed, shivering slightly as he tried to rest. Maybe...he'd try again in a little while.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



2 Years
04-18-2017, 02:38 AM
Only a few moments passed before she came upon someone. Just when she thought she was alone, someone else just had to show up. But as she approached them, she realized this young wolf really wasn't here for any trouble. It didn't look like he'd be getting up to anything; in fact, it looked like if he was left to his own devices much longer, he might die. She glanced around, wondering if there was any sign of some other soul with him. It appeared that he was completely, utterly alone, just as much as she was. She rolled her eyes, sighing - did she have to do this? Well, she couldn't really say no... She could be a cold bitch sometimes, but she wasn't just going to leave him there on his own. It was cold, it was snowing, he was certainly going to die if left alone any longer. She wasn't sure why she was doing this... it wasn't her responsibility. But she approached him, reaching down to nudge his cheek with her nose.

"Hey, wake up," she murmured somewhat softly, "Get up... Get up and I'll help you." She nudged the boy a little more fiercely. Perhaps the only reason she was doing this was because she was just alone as he was. Maybe if she'd been with her sister she'd have snuffed at his cold body and kept on walking. But today, she felt like she owed it to at least one other living being to make her existence known, to make a difference for someone else, so that she too would not fade away so easily. Hovering over the boy, who seemed just about her age, she waited to see if he would shuffle. Would he get up, or was he injured beyond what she could help him with? Well, she would find out soon, blue-flecked silver eyes scanning over his facial features, waiting for some sort of response.


04-18-2017, 03:57 AM
He was more or less out for a walk when he stumbled upon the scene. A mere pair of children before him and he was dumbfounded. How could anyone leave their children to wander alone. Fuck what was he spouse to do? Not help the pair? Not in his life would he have ever done so. It took him maybe fifteen minutes or so to do what he had but he had succeeded none the less. He moved towards them, his ears back at just the thought of a pair of kids starving and freezing up here. His mouth was slack jawed as he gripped the fawn. It was a late season babe but it should just do the trick to take the edge off their hunger until he could get his brothers together to take down a buffalo or something to the south. After all he wasn't just about to leave em here, the younger of the two especially.

He approached from upwind so as to give the pair a heads up. He didn't want em to get scared off because he was a mammoth of a male. Sure he had heard stories of males killing pups cuz they were competition and not their blood but colt was damned if he was letting that happen. As he came to be within feet of them he didn't wait to drop the food for them. Then with only a nod towards it he moved to lay next to the younger as a wind buffer. His deep southern voice came out softer and in concern for the boy as he looked him over. "Let 'im sleep darlin', looks 'ike e's ad ah tough run o it. Go on an' eat yer fill." he looked her over too and while she didn't look as bad as the younger child he still felt concern for her well being. He gave her a soft smile hoping to put her at ease before he spoke again. "You two got names? Also consider yerselves under protection of tha MacNarahs, we get you fed 'nd fixed up." he was leaving little room for argument over this. He wasn't about to let these two wander off alone anywhere. He would see to it they got the care they needed.



2 Years
04-19-2017, 01:24 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2017, 01:25 AM by Saffron.)
OOC: Okay I'm gonna let Cepheus catch up after this post!

When the boy didn't shift at all, Saffron glanced up, her silver, blue-flecked eyes scanning their surroundings. The rocky peaks provided little shelter, at least nothing that would be considered cozy for someone who looked very hungry and very cold. As she was trying to locate some form of shelter, it was then that she spotted something very large making its way toward her and the boy she'd stumbled upon. Through the falling snow, she wondered if it was a bear. She wasn't normally a fearful girl, but she really doubted her ability to fight off such a large enemy. She glanced uncomfortably to the boy at her feet. Was she supposed to just leave him? She might have to; what else could she do if he couldn't stand up and run by himself?

As the behemoth moved closer, it became apparent that it was indeed just a very, very large wolf, a dire. Oh great... did he live here? Were they trespassing? Saffron lowered herself, gray ears flattening against her skull while her silver eyes narrowed and stared at the giant coming ever closer. Her muzzle began to wrinkle defensively, revealing unstained, bright white fangs. However, he didn't seem very threatening at all as he moved toward the boy on the ground, dropping his clearly fresh kill. Wait, was this guy here to help them? Saffron couldn't help but to feel suspicious, unwilling to trust the adult, but she couldn't resist the meal offered. She might as well take advantage of it while she could.

She perked her ears when the man spoke, blinking in slight confusion at his odd way of speaking, but it was still easy enough to understand. She nodded to him and went to the fresh kill, settling down near it as she began to eat, glancing to the large male, then to the boy on the ground. She wondered if he was ever going to get up. She swallowed a bite and lifted her head when the man asked for their names. "I'm Saffron," she stated, then shrugged in the direction of the boy, "I've never met him before." She bent down toward the fawn once more and continued to eat, her eyes ever watching her surroundings.



7 Years
Dragon Mod
05-09-2017, 04:05 PM
The cold was taking over, his leg beginning to numb but it didn't take away the ache in his heart. Where did his parents go? What about his sister? He didn't understand it at all, and he wasn't sure if he'd ever find them. He was tired, and the cold made him more sleepy. The boys eyes closed, and it felt like he might go into a restless sleep, but before that happened, he thought he felt something touching him. Was this it? Was something going to eat him and put him out of his misery? "Hey, wake up! Wake up and I'll help you!" That was...strange. Was he dreaming? As his eyes began to flutter open, he heard another very strange voice that spoke...oddly. He was confused now. Was he dreaming? Icy blue eyes opened to find a young female, and with her was an older male. He looked at them, then spotted the kill on the ground as the girl began to tear into it. Did he...hear a name? Saffron? Who was the male? What or who were the MacNarah's?

He shifted slightly to get a better look, his leg tucked under him as he eyed the pair. "Who are you?" He questioned, though somewhat hesitantly and with suspicion.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!