
Crimson Day



6 Years
04-19-2017, 10:26 PM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2017, 04:15 AM by Shrapnel.)

She'd managed to come across this "little" haven not too long ago - she'd been intent on exploring the southern lands to find a suitable place to den when she'd stumbled across the massive oak trees. Their size was impressive and the fallen ones had already proven to make a wonderful home. She'd taken no time in picking out a hollow one, big enough for herself, Adra, and Aby, and began filling it with pelts she'd collected from recent kills. At the moment there were only a few cleaned rabbit pelts, but she was sure there would be more to come. To make up for it she'd also gathered moss and some leaves and scattered them around to improve it's comfortableness. Soon it would be littered with more soft pelts and the leaves and moss would no longer be required.

The large oaks also provided the shade she needed. In front of the rest of the family she put up with the sun - she wouldn't parade about the weakness of her mortal body, but alone she often stuck to the shadows or came out at night if she felt the urge. There was no point in burning her pretty skin without good reason. It was easier on her eyes as well - there wasn't a bright sun glaring in them all the time which was another thing she liked about the territory. She hadn't decided if it would be a permanent residence, but so far it was proving to be a worthy one.

It was early morning when she exited the den she'd made for herself. The sun had barely risen to the tree line and a misty fog still clung to the air. It wasn't long before droplets hung from her short pelt, but she didn't give them any mind. She had no destination in mind, but she was intent on exploring a bit more before the day's end.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]


04-20-2017, 12:15 AM

She was sticking close to Anamalech. While she didn't particularly want to it wasn't like she wanted to risk finding Amon, not with his stuck up attitude. He didn't respect her one bit, and what was more he put a bruise on her gorgeous coat. A sigh escaped her as she laid beneath one of the oaks. The shade was something she was beginning to relish here. What Ana had said didn't really bother her, that was just Ana, but it was more of the disapproval of the family. Her head dropped to her paws as she adjusted her hip. She winced but made no noise and glared at the roots behind her. Her ears pressed back. Even though she wanted to be the perfect daughter for Ana she for some reason just found it hard to be. She couldn't just be respectful to everyone, but Ana and Adra were a desperate story for her. They had in her eyes rescued her from the abandonment of her biological mother. The noise of Ana emerging and moving along caught her attention for a brief moment. Her head lifted and watched as she moved.

She lifted herself and started after her mother. Her leg gave her a limp and caused her to wince at first, but she shook her head and made to follow her. She stayed quiet and kept her head down. Her teeth were clenched as she hid every ounce of pain from her mother. She didn't want to embarrass her again, even though they were alone.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
04-23-2017, 03:10 PM

Despite the fact Aby was silent, Ana's head turned a fraction as she spotted her pale coated daughter out of the corner of her eyes. She paused for a split second, deciding on what she wanted to do, before she turned to face her. It was quiet, no other family members around, and Ana was relaxed. She looked Aby up and down, judging the yearling silently, before she let her pale rump slide slowly to the ground as she rested.

"How's your leg, dear?" She questioned her curiously with a tilt of her head. She was still unaware of how much pain Amon had put her through, but Ana hadn't asked as of yet. Amon's larger size had certainly played a part in his actions and she imagined that whatever pain he'd inflicted it'd been enough to harm Aby enough for her to remember it. Their little altercation in the Bifrost was still fresh in her mind, but she was unwilling to bring it up anymore and let it be a distant memory at this point. It would do nothing but taint her good mood so it was shoved in the farthest recesses of her mind. At the very least Aby would tread on eggshells for the time being when around the rest of the family.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Sorry for the crap tag >.>
[Image: wVgAb8H.png]


04-24-2017, 07:21 AM

Her mother stopped and so did she. She was certainly no stranger to following in her mother's pawsteps and knew better than to run into her. Such things would likely earn her a bite or nip and she was in no mood to cause a problem nor deal with one. Amon had seen to that. Though she had to be honest she was feeling very moody, though she didn't think that had to do with Amon. Ana's words were caught and she looked up at her, thoughts grinding in her head. Answering that with the truth would make me out to be weak. The weak will be culled. But not answering with the truth could make mother angry if she finds out the truth. she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She truly didn't want to be on eggshells with her mother and Adramalech so there would only be one way to answer for now. Lie and hope she didn't see it until things had cooled down a bit. "There is pain when I move it but it is manageable. I won't hinder you or the family." she knew what was likely more important was the family remaining undetected with the pack in the area. As well as their mobility.

The wind shifting brought a more pleasant cooling sensation to her backside. She moved her leg and lowered herself until her haunches touched the ground and then moved her leg to be in a more proper position. She was careful with the movement and never let onto the pain that shot up her leg when she sat.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
04-26-2017, 12:21 AM

Aby had stopped in time not to run into her which by now it was something she was used to. After the first few times the girl had run into her before she'd learned rather quickly that Ana didn't like it. The pale woman waited patiently for the younger girl to answer her. Ears flicked idly as she listened to the sounds around them. Squirrels chasing each other through the tree tops, acorns dropping down in their wake, and the sound of birdsong surrounded them. There were other muffled sounds of different creatures, but she didn't think much of them. They were all insignificant in comparison.

She listened as Aby explained the amount of pain with a quick follow up insisting she wouldn't hinder them. For now there would be no hindrance considering they'd bedded down for a bit to explore. Aby didn't have to go far, but Ana certainly intended to look into the lands a bit further before they established something real. She was almost ready to believe the girl until she sat down and Ana noticed the careful way she moved her leg into the right position. She didn't note any grimaces of pain, but that didn't mean much in their family.

"I hope you're not lying to me. I'm in a rather good mood and if your leg needs looked at I'd rather get it over with now than later when it'll be in worse shape"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]


04-26-2017, 02:38 AM

She perked her ears as Ana talked. It seemed that telling her the truth would be optimal for her. She looked Ana in the eyes assessing the truth of her words. Was she really in that good of a mood. She couldn't risk a fuck up once more, after all her life was on the line. "Perhaps there is a lot of pain when I move it, but I'm not sure I can trust anyone close to Amon to look at it, as he has more than made it clear he dislikes me. Perhaps someone like Aunt Kasdeya would be suited to looking it over." she was careful with her tone and her wording, not wanting to allow her mother any reason to want her dead. No she was still useful to Ana, as she kept her from having a reason to breed just yet. After all Adra would kill any that touch Ana and if they were to breed it could cause an inbreeding monstrosity to form in Ana's womb. Though Aby was now a year in age so she would be expected to breed soon. After all how else was Amon to build his army.

Her gaze stayed on Ana for any sign that she had chose wrong. She waited for another moment, head lifted, ears up . Her chin was tilted just slightly and her hackles were lifted in anticipation of attack. Ana and Adra had raised her to be smart, and while she was they just didn't know how smart yet. She wasn't even fully aware of how smart yet. She was already planning out how to kill both Ana and Adra though if she had to, to survive. Both could be trusted with secrets but neither to not attack for a single word said wrong. Abyzou was much the same. Self preservation ranked above all other things though. A single question for Ana alone passed her lips. "Will you risk an inbred abomination with Adramalech now that I am a year and Amon will expect another litter or will you risk Adramalech's life?" It was something they all had to think of. Adramalech while not weak, could be killed if Ana chose a mortal too strong, though for one to not be strong enough would mean the pups wouldnt be either. Her tone was kept low and neutral with the slightest hint of curiosity. She was interested in Ana's answer. She knew she had at least a year before she would be expected to breed but Ana had less.

If Ana had children though she would have to ensure their death before they became a problem. And before Ana dotted on them to much.

Walk, "Talk" Think



6 Years
04-26-2017, 03:49 AM

Once again she was patient, ears still flicking idly as she waited for a response, and it seemed like Aby was reassessing her words. So there was some pain. She mused this over, trying to think of who could look at her leg, before her thoughts were interrupted by the rest of the sentence. On one paw she could see her reluctance about trusting the other family members, but then again in each situation she'd put herself in that situation. Even if she didn't like them, didn't know them yet, she had to make the effort to get in their good graces.

"Kasdeya's location is unknown to me." She murmured. She didn't feel like waiting to see if the woman would come around either. "Besides, you'll only get them to like you by earning your place. You should know by now only the strong survive in this family and you have yet to prove yourself other than them believing you're the sole survivor of your litter." She explained. "I can call Seth here to look at you or I can track down Razi." Those would be her only two options, but Seth's appearance would be far more convenient considering he was closer.

She noted the girl's hackles raised, nut like she'd said, she was in a fairly good mood. She would not attack her for now. So long as nothing was done to provoke her - her moods were fickle like that. Ana eyed her now, waiting for something else to be said, but what came out of the girl's mouth was not what she expected. Her jaws clamped shut with an audible click as she thought about it. It really was none of Aby's business, but she didn't see the harm in answering it. It was something she'd contemplated herself. Adra's jealousy was something not even she felt like testing, but she'd never had a reason to either. She'd never found a mortal worthy enough to mate with and Aby had been enough of a distraction to keep her from pursuing Adra. That and the thought of spawning bastard mutants made her nose wrinkle. They of course would be killed, but at least any remaining might prove to be better with two godly parents opposed to one.

"If I mated with a mortal they would die long before they'd have to deal with Adra." In that she was confident. She hadn't learned of a few common poisonous plants for fun. It was far easier than marring her pelt with needless blood when there were far more efficient ways to kill someone. Granted she loved bloodshed, but only when it was worth it to her. Killing her chosen temporary mate would require a quick death to make sure it was done properly. "For now I have found no worthy mortal man and I'd allow no inbred bastard to live so any mutants born of me and Adra would be obliterated." She explained. "Satisfied?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: wVgAb8H.png]