
A Lamb in the Lion's Den


04-21-2017, 11:52 AM
Birds sung their harmonious tune as it reveberverated off of the ebony brutes lobes. They flicked as he listened to it but paid no mind as time went on. To him they were only prey animals, why should they be singing when he could easily sink his teeth into them and swiftly end their song? A small sigh escaped him as Soul tried desperately to find any source of sustenance as his stomach gave a rambunctious and low-pitched growl. His eyes closed tightly as he whined from the bits of pain that shot through his now empty belly.

"Come on, stupid prey animals, come out. I'm not gonna hurt you I just want to dine on you," he spoke quietly almost as if coaxing and talking sweetly would get him somewhere, but alas it was completely in vain as he gave an annoyed huff before continuing onward. With the tall grasses he was walking through it would be heard to see any prey until it was too late, unless however if the prey animal was large but he knew he would probably need the strength of a pack for that sort of work.

All seemed lost for what felt like an eternity to the dark-colored male, but his dual colored eyes would shift when he met the eyes of a quail nearby. He licked his chops as he tried to stay hidden. But when he lunged forth at the animal, it flew off and in turn he collided his cranium into a rock that happened to be where the quail was sitting. He yelped from the collision and shook his head, sighing, and sitting his haunches on the ground. Hunting was definitely hard for him at this time, that was for certain.


04-25-2017, 05:32 PM

Pyrrhus had decided to take another trip away from Abaven, mainly for recruiting purposes, she was telling herself, and also to see if she couldn’t sharpen some of her skills while she was out and about. Besides, what could was she as a potential mentor, a potential high fighting rank, if she couldn’t take care of things herself? A smile graced the woman’s features as she pressed on, fiery gaze searching for someone who might be worth her investigating.

Truthfully she’d found the male’s scent trail a while back, tracking him along through the long grasses of the basin with her tail quivering in delight. Though he wasn’t as large as her, and honestly there had only ever been one wolf she’d met who matched her height, she was fascinated by the striking bright blue upon his coat. Another oddity… though not quite as odd as herself. Still he’d caught her attention and appeared to be a loner…

…and goodness what a sorry state he seemed to be in. She had to hold in a laugh as she watched his attempt at hunting a quail. For an adult he sure was rather bad at hunting!

She’d show him how it was done.

With a large grin on her face Pyrr lowered herself towards the ground behind him, wiggling her rear in the grass before pouncing forward with outstretched paws. “Rrrrraaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrrr!”

Walk, "Talk" Think


04-25-2017, 06:32 PM
The ebony and neon blue brute had focused so much on his quail and his screw up, that he would not expect to see a large, crimson wolf charging toward him and tackling him to the ground. His eyes would widen in absolute wonder and shock as his dual colored eyes locked onto the dame who now had him pinned. "If you're thinking about eating me, it will send a very bad message to your stomach. My meat is too gamy and fleshy to your liking I can assure you," he spoke, trying his best to act calm despite the fact he was scared beyond belief. He could tell this wolf could easily do damage to him if he didn't choose his words right. "Um, now if you would be so kind as to get off of me so that my mind can come to terms with your height right now and I don't appear as a tiny pup compared to you, Miss," he spoke, grinning nonchalantly as his smug attitude began to take affect.


05-16-2017, 02:36 PM

Pyrrhus grinned as the male beneath her began speaking. Oh goodness did he actually think she was really going to eat him? She began to let out several loud laughs, her body shaking with mirth. This. Was. Great. This male was great. Pyrrhus grinned cheekily down at her new little toy and leaned in, acting like she was going to part her jaws and take a bite out of him while he still lived and breathed, only to blow a burst of air at his face instead. Then she fell to the side, laughing again as she shifted away from the male. “Hehehehe! Who heard of a… a hahahaha a wolf eating another wolf! Hahahaha!” Little did she know their were cannibals who did just that. Instead she was blissfully unaware, taking all this as some huge joke by the pretty black, white, and neon blue wolf.

Walk, "Talk" Think