
the hard truth


07-27-2014, 01:25 AM
Her father was so ill that it frightened her. She didn't want to leave him for longer than required to catch a meal, or gather water from the lake, yet she knew that a meeting with her alphess was necessary. She had been meaning to meet with Roman for a while now, since her return to Tortuga, but hadn't found the chance. Then with Flamesong's sudden decrease in health, the poor girl was exhausted on her paws.

With thoughts of her future and worry for her family, Melody would seek out the den of the alabaster dame who had once accepted her into the ranks of her beloved pack. It seemed she no longer had trust in the secondary alphess of the pack, for her opinions of the family were tainted by her experience with Flamesong. It was really too bad.

The tri-colored girl reached Roman's den without any trouble. The scent of the pregnant dame was heavy in the air surrounding her nesting grounds. The thought of the future royal children made Melody smile. There was just something about youth that gave her hope. She hoped she would get the chance to meet them when they were born! She would have to make sure to visit upon hearing the news. Anything to keep her mind off of her father was a good distraction.

In the meantime, Melody would sit outside of her ruler's den and let a soft, respectful bark escape from her maw. "Roman?" She would call, hoping that the queen was not asleep.


07-28-2014, 12:42 AM

Her den was a spacious thing. She had gotten quiet lucky really. One of the red-woods had a hollowed out part of its trunk. The massive girth of the tree gave her plenty of room to stand and stretch- and provided room for couple other wolves. It would be perfect when she had her pups. The trunk shielded the wolves from the elements, and the leaves and grasses she had brought in and stuffed around the edges kept the den nice and warm. Mosses grew on the inside, helping to keep in the heat in the winder, and the floor had plenty of soft dried grass for her to lie on. Even Greek had made himself comfortable, he'd wallowed his self out a small nest, that he found comfortable, close to her but far enough away, he didn't get rolled over on if she moved in her sleep.

She had been awake for a while, though she had remained curled into a tight ball in the back of her den. She needed to get out an patrol, perhaps catch herself a small meal. She needed to get out and do a lot of things, but was taking a few moments to be lazy. When she heard a soft bark she lifted her head, blinking a couple of times. She stirred, and Greek grunted in his sleep with annoyance. Standing, she would shake slightly, shaking debris from her coat, before leaving her den. Blinking against the light of the forest, she shook her head, before looking over at Melody with a slight smile. "Good Morning Melody." She said softly, noting the exhaustion of the younger girl. "Is everything alright?" She inquired, her brows furrowing in concern.


07-28-2014, 01:11 AM
As the alabaster queen emerged from the hollow redwood, Melody would stand and dip her head in greeting. She was not usually one for groveling, but Roman had been so kind and done so much for her family, despite its imperfections. She owed alot of gratitude to the pregnant queen and trusted her more than she trusted most.

At the dame's greeting, Melody would offer a light smile, and then feel as it slowly slid off her face. A sigh escaped her lips and a paw would rise to swipe exhaustion from her eyes. It was an unusual sight to see the headstrong girl acting so vulnerable, but she had lost a lot of her strength lately.

"I fear all is not well, milady. My father is very ill." She began, and her mind would take her to his blank slate of a face. He would only stare into the distance as if he were waiting for something, or someone. Who knew? She could only say that he was not himself in the slightest.

"He has lost almost all of his weight, is nothing but skin stretched across jagged bones. He is unresponsive most of the time, though the other day he growled at me as I tried to feed him. He is almost like a words, just gestures, noises occasionally, and no way for me to tell what is wrong. He was always the healer, you know?"

Her tail had dropped between her legs, her eyebrow furrowed in worry as her mind raced through possibilities. She didnt know what to do, how to act, who to inform. She was lost.


07-28-2014, 02:37 AM

As she studies the other girl with concern, Melody seems worn down, and it worries her. As the other girl begins to speak, Roman's alarm grows. Flamesong had not appeared well at the meeting- and honestly she had slacked in checking on the male with all the chaos that had followed the canceled siege. Her ears flatten with concern. "Oh Melody. Has he been seen by Elli or Gossamir?" She asks, her tone soft with concern. If the two healer didn't know how to help him.. who would? "What can I do to help him, Melody? What can I do to help you?" She asks. She's already racing with possibilities. Should she go and seek another pack for healing advice? Would the two healers be among the mass exodus Tortuga was experiencing? What would Tortuga do without healers? She frets internally, keeping quiet so that the other she-wolf can speak her worries, and hopefully give Roman something she can do to help.

Greek Speak -- Roman Speak


07-29-2014, 01:38 AM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2014, 01:38 AM by Melody.)
At her lady's questions, Melody would find herself averting the amethyst gaze that bore concern into her soul. The truth was she could have been taking much better care of her father, she had just been having a hard time believing that there was truly something wrong. And then...

"I havent seen a healer Roman." She admitted with a slow shake of her head. "I...I thought I could fix him. And when he just got worse, I assumed he just needed time and he would be so ashamed to ask for help from others, he is such a proud man..." or she was a proud woman. She didnt want to admit that she had made a mistake. Yet she did so in coming to Roman for help.

The tri colored girl hoped that she wasnt too late. She would never forgive herself if he died because of her own stupid head. They needed a healer. Needed...something. What could Roman do to help? Why had Melody come to her with her problems instead of Gossamir or Elli?

A frustrated frown formed across the womans brow as she thought in silence. She did need help. All that she could get for her father. And for herself.

"I dont wish to trouble you, My Lady. I know I need to see Gossamir, or Elli. But I need to know...if it comes down to it...if hes in pain...what do I...? Do I...?" Her hazels blinked slowly and she averted her gaze to her paws. What would she do?