
What a wonderful day for murder



3 Years
Extra large
04-26-2017, 12:51 AM (This post was last modified: 04-26-2017, 01:05 AM by Shrapnel.)

He woke up early that morning to find his sister and mother still asleep. He'd slept by the mouth of the den already plotting his escape from the place. Half a year old and he couldn't even leave the pack lands, how stupid was that? If it hadn't been for that stupid fucker, he couldn't even remember his name, that had gotten himself attacked in pack lands he was sure he'd have been allowed to leave. Now that he'd ruined it Miach was pretty pissed off about it. He was tired of seeing the same lands over and over. He wanted adventure, and mischief, and something a hell of a lot better than sitting around doing nothing all day.

It was easy to sneak away with his family sleeping - he made sure not to make any noise as he slipped out of the den. He already knew that if anyone saw him leave or smelled his scent he'd be in big trouble so he headed towards the river first. He'd picked up a few tricks at least. Ritsy's scent had been washed away by the water so so long as he covered his scent he'd be good, right? He waded in the water and traveled down stream for a bit until he found a nice muddy spot where he then persisted to roll in it and coat himself thoroughly. He wasn't quite sure if it'd work but it was the only idea he had. He certainly didn't like the idea of being muddy for long, but he didn't want to be in trouble either. He was smarter than that.

Once he was thoroughly coated in mud he set off on land and constantly checked behind him to make sure he wasn't being followed. Good, no one in sight and he couldn't smell anyone either. He trotted over the territory line with a grin on his face and then proceeded at a dog to get as far away as possible. He didn't slow down until he was sure that he was a good distance away that he could slow down.

It was hours later when he finally stumbled across the underground river. He'd happened on it by chance but he easily took the opportunity for a drink and do wash himself off. The mud had dried long ago and had started falling off in clumps, but some still stuck to the longer parts of his fur and was starting to make his skin itchy. He'd caught a mouse not long ago so there was no need for food, but traveling in the desert had made him thirsty so he padded towards the river. He paid no attention to the roots overhead, nor the obvious beauty of the secluded landscape around him, as he headed towards the river. He waded in it until it came to his chin before ducking under the surface and washing himself until he couldn't hold his breath any longer. Once he'd cleaned off all the mud he headed towards the shore and stopped when it was chest level so he could drink his fill. Once his thirst was quenched for the time being he looked around. He'd gotten elaborate when he'd thought of how to sneak out, but now that he'd escaped for an adventure he had no idea what to do with himself. What was he supposed to do now? It was rather boring without company which was irritating. This was a problem he hadn't foreseen.

Walk, "Talk" Think


04-26-2017, 02:02 AM

What was she doing here? She really didn't know, well ok she was exploring. Not like she was suppose to be exploring the northern lands but she was a year old now and wanted to see it all. She really wanted to see these mortal packs too, after all she was originally a mortal, but through adoption she was a god, or rather a demi god. Maybe she wasn't as powerful as a true god but she was in her mind the link to the mortals success. If mortals wanted to survive they would come to worship and understand her and the abraxas clan were above them.

Her form moved with her limp. It was healing and starting to become a dull throb every now and again but she ignored it. There was a scent that had caught her attention. Dried mud and what smelled like mutt under it. Her senses were keen on whatever mutt had strayed into her path, a path of war. Of destruction, and eventually the death of inferior mortals. While she also wished Amon to die she wouldn't be the one to take him down of that she knew. She would need to learn to manipulate one of his children to do that. How ironic it would be too. The gods pet monsters turning on their master.

As she arrived on the scene she paused to lift her head and assess what she had come upon. A mere child in the water drinking his fill. This would be a bit of fun, time to test how godly she could be in the eyes of one mortal. She approached with her head up and face calm, coming from the shadows hoping it might loom like in the dessert heat that she materialized out of nothing. Perhaps if this kid thought her a god he might make it easier on her. She didn't speak only stood now at the edge of the water watching. A dark thought came to mind, take the mortal as a pet and when his usefulness was over she could kill him and dump his body where ever she wanted. She could wear his dark pelt like a trophy. He should be terrified upon meeting her family enough to make him behave.  She was heading straight to the top one way or another. She stood with her injured leg held lightly under her and did her best to leave little to no trace of herself in the shape of paw prints behind. She could do nothing right now about her scent but should his mortal parents come looking there was already a plan in place. She would make this child disappear with her. Her mother would be proud of her she was sure.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large
04-26-2017, 03:30 AM

It was easy to be consumed within himself and his thoughts. Mostly it was the exhilaration at the fact that he'd slipped away unnoticed that he was drunk on. He'd done it and now he was out here on his own having the time of his life. Ha! Well it wasn't really the time of his life considering he had no idea what to do with his newfound freedom, but it was better than being cooped up at home with nothing to do. He supposed he could have sought out Daelos to play, but that didn't sound nearly as much fun. Then there was the mentor he'd been assigned at the meeting. He'd spotted the male around and he was aware he was a hunter, but that didn't sound exactly fun either. He was all for learning, bettering himself, but at the time he had better things to do on his mind.

He was interrupted, something he didn't quite appreciate, by someone appearing out of nowhere. His irritation with her didn't compare to the irritation he felt towards himself at noticing her appear at all. She seemed almost like a desert ghost with how pale she was and the tan markings that covered her. His head raised as he studied her, water dribbling from his chin and plopping back down in the river, and red eyes roved over her body. She was cute and not frightening in the slightest. How could something be scary when she was older than him and nearly the same height?

Most importantly she was a stranger so that meant he didn't have to be nice, right? He couldn't be rude to the wolves in his pack, he'd learned that much, but she was free game pretty much. Then again he had wanted some company, even if she was short and completely unknown, so he supposed he couldn't complain too much. He hadn't been specific when he'd thought about wanting someone to be here with him. Maybe he could try to be nice.

"Who are you?"

Walk, "Talk" Think


04-26-2017, 04:42 AM

He wasn't quick with words which cause a prick of irritation in her. Her tail swished once then twice, though her mask never faltered. She knew how powerful she was and that perhaps her presence overwhelmed him. Then he spoke the most idiotic sentence he could of. Couldn't he tell she was a god, and gods didn't answer petty questions. She watched him with little interest. OF course she had to meet a stupid mortal that didn't realize when there were powerful beings around, though of course maybe she could use that to her advantage. Best to answer his question though and play nice until she could figure out how to get him to follow her into the den of demons.

"I am Abyzou, and what of you? What prey tell do they call you?" She was only half interested in his name. More so in whether or not he could be an easy target. Also in how to easily bring him back into the folds of the family. His pelt was interesting enough but not so much so that he could claim divinity as she could. He smelled of pack yet she found no borders near that she could scent. Perhaps he was a run away? Should he be this would be easy seeing as normally runaways didn't want to be found. "Would you like to go on an adventure perhaps? I know a place where we can do whatever we want and not get in any trouble for it.... but what am I thinking, you probably have to be home soon." she made it sound as if she was actually worried about this shrimp. Like she wasn't sure he could handle the fun she spoke of.

She of course had just devised a plan. She would get him to walk down the waterway with her a bit and then take him south to the bifrost, but not before she made her path so winding and crossing over itself that he would never be able to be found nor would he be able to find his way back. This planning was intricate and she was sure Ana would be proud. She would secure a mortal pet for the family and when he was no longer useful she would use his pelt to line her bed. Oh Abyzou, your so clever. Amon might even be happy with your pet.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large
04-26-2017, 10:10 PM

Miach waited, eyeing her with a slightly wary look, as she introduced herself. Abyzou was certainly a name he'd never heard before and her name wasn't any more recognizable unlike the Adravendi name. On this continent you couldn't want three damn feet without running into one so he hoped she didn't expect him to be impressed with her whatsoever. So far his impression of her was she was a short yearling, rather boring and far too formal, and no one of importance. Yep. That pretty much summed it up right there. He yawned, showing her all his pointy white teeth, before he looked at her again debating if she was company worth keeping around for now.

"Miach Animosus Adravendi." He finally answered rather flatly. Now his was a name he could boast about.

He shifted in the water as the current tugged at his pelt. He supposed he could have left at any point in time. He was clean now and no longer thirsty, but since the female had crept up on him he'd completely forgotten. He was easily distracted once more as she started talking again and his ears flicked forward with interest as she offered an adventure. His muzzle wrinkled at the thought of leaving with her, an absolute stranger, but then again he was bored. Conflict passed across his face as he thought about it. He still found her rather boring, but maybe it would be better if they went to this place. The comment about him needing to go home irked him. He could do what he wanted!

"Now why would I wanna go anywhere with you?" He asked, testing the waters, as he tried to figure out if what she was saying was true or if he'd be wasting his time. He wouldn't go with her if she was lying about this fun place.

Walk, "Talk" Think


04-29-2017, 11:56 PM

His name wasn't really of importance nor did it impress. She was more interested in what she might be able to do with him. She could torture him, maim him or even kill him. But then she would be out a potential toy. Perhaps she should just claim him in a fight right here right now, but then there would be evidence. Unless she could keep him in the water, then the evidence would wash away. Of course it wouldn't be that simple, he was almost her size. "Figured you were out for some fun, seeing as you smell of pack mutts. But I can't make you come with me now can i?" there was the one issue of location that she had to think of. Where would she stash him after she got him back to auster. She could remember the mist of an island off the shores, it could work. How to entice this kid though. Hopefully he was a rule breaker much like her. That would make it much easier, though she still had force.

Walk, "Talk" Think

Ooc: sry for the sucky post



3 Years
Extra large
04-30-2017, 02:35 AM

She didn't seem all that impressed by his name which was kind of annoying. He scowled slightly - she obviously wasn't from around here not to even recognize his name. He flicked his ears back as he listened to her. He was out for some fun, but so far he hadn't heard anything interesting that would entice him to break the rules further and go with her. At some point his family would notice his absence and it wasn't going to be worth it if she took him some place boring. He at least wanted some awesome stories to tell to make the rest of the kids in the pack jealous when he returned. He cocked his head, contemplating his options as he smirked at her. She definitely couldn't make him go anywhere, that much he was certain of, but it was amusing to think of her trying.

Finally he decided he was tired of being wet so he left her in silence as he waded back to the bank, purposefully near her, and shook himself off as long as he could. His fur stuck up in all directions as he turned to look at her, but he didn't bother grooming himself. "Alright, so I'll go with you if there's actually something fun to do and you're not pulling my leg on this. What fun adventure awaits?" She sure was being pushy about it, but he didn't think much of it. Maybe she was bored?

Walk, "Talk" Think