
Blood Promise



5 Years
Dire wolf

04-29-2017, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2017, 10:57 PM by Naamah.)

This day finds her without Corvus, having sent him on a mission of near impossibility in order to gain a few hours to herself. She was proud of the deception, though she just knew the bird would bring back what she had asked for. It had been only two hours, but there was a maternal side in Naamah that she found was coming to life within her. Corvus was becoming something of a child, needing to be fed and tended to just like a pup, and in Naam's mind that is what he was. The notes of worry that were etched into her forehead said it all, she cared for the bird and relied on him now. She hadn't wanted Corvus following her where she would go today, so the clever witch tricked him into looking for the perfect trinket. Something she could keep with her and would remind her of the shadowy male they met, it had to be perfectly round, and mostly light blue.

The quest for her perfect blue, round thing would take ages. Plenty of time for her to confront herself about what was going on in her head. Lilith purred as if prompted to, like a cat getting a solicited stroking, mentally speaking to her charge, "Desidero umbra est. Negari aciem divinitatem et perfecta quaeri fortitudine." Naamah nodded her agreement and laughed aloud, "Haec autem duobus ex oculis eorum vultus meus verbum quod vir splendidis!" There was a dual tone to the woman's voice as she laughed in unison with herself, something that would normally scare the fur off of any creature. To hear such a thing within the halls of this particular cave, Naamah knew she could terrorize anything to death if she wanted.

There was usually only one reason that Naamah came to these caves, she knew of what they did to the mind. This is the place she first met her spiritual guide and lifelong add-on, Lilith. On cue, the goddess moved toward her through the walls. Her coat was dark, like Naamah's, though Lilith's was more black and less grey. White washed the woman's lips, ears, eyes, and toes as grey lined her face and legs. There was strength and a savage beauty about the apparition, and Naamah had always held a certain envy of the woman's pelt. "Walk with me, goddess." Naamah said, and began to stroll through the hallucinatory corridors of the caves.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
05-09-2017, 04:44 PM

Sauntering into the caves, she wore a crooked smile while appraising these strange surroundings. Hardly an herb-hunter's preferred hangout, not that it mattered. She'd just have to make do with what she stumbled on. No reason not to have a look around, right? Prancing and humming softly, the lady of darkness and sunlight made her way through the strange passageways, careful to be aware of the path she picked through the winding maze.

At one particular intersection she'd paused to choose a direction, one ebony paw raised, when a rumbling laughter came rolling through bouncing off the walls. Hardly one to be intimidated, Razi turned to her left to make her way boldly to the source of this sound, gold eyes aglow with interest. A chilling breeze filtered its way through the mysterious passages, ruffling Razi's thick fur on it's way to wherever air went in this place.

Little searching was needed for her to spot a dark woman up ahead, clothed in fur that looked like darkness itself, and ruby eyes surrounded by lighter accents. It wasn't often Razi found anyone who was not only far from bland in appearance, but tall. Goodness, this wolf would give some in her own family of giants a run for their money in the height department.

"Oh, my my. Who have I managed to bump into today?"

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-12-2017, 09:36 PM

Languid steps take the giantess through tunnels and deeper into the caves, unsuspecting that there would soon be company. The woman speaks to the air to the onlooker, playing both sides of her mind as she moves through her home away from home. Lilith walks along side her, the woman of smoke and mirrors no more than a parlour trick of the brain and the effects of whatever was in the air of this particular cave system. She was so involved in the conversation there was a sudden halt and a snappy snarl of alarm from the beastly heathen. 'Oh, my my...' The other female started, asking who she was. "You have done none of the bumping, you would be knowing it. I am calling Naamah, you are being?" She trailed off at the end, watching the other woman. Her plumage was interesting, but Naamah was more concerned with the reason for her interruption. "How am I be helping you this day?"

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



5 Years
Extra large
05-16-2017, 01:08 PM

The alarm the stranger gave was amusing, drawing out a smirk on Razi's inky lips. It was hard to be intimidated coming from a family dominated by giants. "Mm, I suppose you're right, lucky me then. Would have been a shame to spoil things with the first creature to catch my interest," she mused, eyeing the dark woman with a playful lilt to her speech. She could honestly say Naamah was not a name she'd heard before, it was intriguing, like the wolf herself. She didn't think many of the local ilk grew to such heights, so seeing the ruby-eyed behemoth was enough to pique her curiosity. "Razi Abraxas," she stated with a hint of pride, gold eyes flickering with all the things going on beneath the surface, betraying how lively she was just under the surface.

Slinking along an invisible line she paced a tad, mulling over Naamah's question a bit exaggeratedly, head tilted while she hummed softly, "Help me? Not in any particular way, I heard the sound of someone else making their way through these odd caverns and just had to see who it might be. What brings you to such a strange place?"

"Talk" "You" Think