
Hide away


04-30-2017, 02:46 AM

There wasn't a move she made that wasn't thought out. She had lead the child through the fjord and taken him directly to the bifrost. It was the first half of her plan, the second half was a lot harder. The grove proved useful to her in crossing over her own trail a few times, if he had ever noticed and asked she just told him it was to keep his family from finding them to soon. She was then set to move on to the next section, crossing every waterway and muddling their scent in the water by splashing as much as possible. She skirted the lake to keep from getting to tired to swim and with a smirk as she reached the shore she plunged into the water as the mist touched the horizon.

It was almost dark now and the sun was on fire atop the water, making the water glow. The water was still cold from the winter but not so much so that she froze. Her legs worked even as her leg thronged and numbed. Her thick fur kept her warm enough. She didn't wait and powered on. If he followed then she was glad for it. The swim took maybe half an hour to complete but as she came out of the water on the other side she shook herself out. The fog had long enveloped her but she had known if she swam towards the center of it and straight then she would reach a shore. Her eyes scanned the sights she could see. Ancient dens loomed but the boats were what caught her attention first. There was no scent like the island had ever been touched before and she smirked. It was perfect. She could hide from Amon here and still be close enough to hear when she was called. The swim she could do without but it was the price she had to pay for this freedom. She turned her head and gave a true smile, not an ounce of her sadistic nature in it. Her eyes cast to where she hoped Miach was. The words left her mouth before she actually saw him. "Its our secret home. No grouchy uncles, and no rules, no curfews. A whole island just for us. What do you think Miach? We can go treasure hunting, hunting for deer, crab, fish. We can adventure until our hearts content." she gave a wag of her wet tail. This was the perfect place to not only play but hide away an army to rid herself of her family, well with some exceptions. Ana would be proud of her plotting mind. She already knew to play the perfect niece when she was called for and she would do so and keep him from finding her new home to ruin it with his rules. And now she had someone to stay with her. And you never have to leave. Your mine now Miach. they had everything they needed and that was it. A thought popped in her head and she gave him a second look. Perhaps they should put down a few rules. "Okay so maybe a few small rules. One, don't shit where we eat. Two, if I say hide you hide, don't stick around and ask questions, for your own safety. Three, you see big wolves that think they're god run, cuz likely that's my family and well the patriarch and me aren't on good terms right now. And finally you never have to leave this island cuz it's ours now. Oh and respect each other's privacy and stuff, I don't like sharing my stuff too much." there those were simple and easy to follow. Right? Yup. And she said everything like a normal kid to boot.

She hoped he was going to be lost after a bit and unable to find this shore and the mainland. Not like he probably wanted to.

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large
04-30-2017, 03:12 AM

They'd certainly traveled farther than he'd ever thought possible. As it turned out there was another continent further below the one he'd lived on. The bifrost had been interesting enough for the short time that they'd crossed it and then by the time they reached the end he was already bored of it. He'd been glad to be gone from the area and by that point they were already crossing into far better places. There were so many interesting things to focus on that his brain felt like it'd been overloaded. He didn't miss the way they circled back and how she led him through waterways and he did ask out of curiosity. Her answer that she was going to make sure it was harder to hide him from his family satisfied him for the time being. He didn't want his mom or aunt Faite to come and ruin his fun too early.

They reached a beach and he paused at it uncertainly. Was this the supposed fun place they were supposed to be at? It didn't look all that impressive to him at all. His eyes narrowed as he peered at Abyzou before he realized they weren't stopping at all. She'd already plunged into the ocean so he shrugged and waded in after her. Despite the fact he was almost as tall as her he had a harder time keeping up with her. Her muscles were mostly filled out and his legs still felt awkward and clumsy. He didn't complain - this would make him strong and he wasn't going to appear weak in front of this female.

He was kind of cold by the time they reached the isle's shore. His fur wasn't as thick as hers and he felt numb and tired. His muscles had never gotten a workout quite like this before, but still he didn't complain. He couldn't stop the flood of relief when his toes hit the beach. He thought he might collapse but he forced his weary muscles to obey him as he stood and looked around. He wasn't disappointed either. Crimson gaze scanned the area as he spotted some strange structures, lots of foliage, and what seemed like many fun places to explore and play. This was a hell of a lot more awesome than anything he'd ever laid eyes on before. It also seemed secluded, he couldn't smell anyone, which was perfect. He had they isle all to himself. Well, almost. He had to share it with Abyzou, but she was the one who brought him here so he supposed her presence was tolerable for the time being.

His head turned as Aby spoke to him and he noticed the smile on her face. It seemed like she enjoyed the place as well. Ears flicked as she mentioned something about grouchy uncles, rules, and curfews. So was she escaping from her family? It seemed like it from the way she talked about it. He couldn't complain about his family, but he didn't appreciate the not being able to leave the packlands rule his aunt had set. He wanted to be able to explore. How else was he going to learn things if he was kept cooped up in Lirim.

"Yeah, this place seems great." He muttered as his eyes scanned the horizon once more. It was hard to pick out where he wanted to go first, but it all seemed amazing.

His attention was forced back to Aby once more as she changed her mind about the rules. His muzzle crinkled as he turned to look at her again, but he listened without interrupting. He was hesitant, thinking he wouldn't like these rules, but half of them confused him. He couldn't imagine what he had to hide from, predators maybe? It was hard to tell. Then the something about a wolf who thought he was a god? He didn't understand that either. She at least explained that the patriarch or whatever and her weren't on good terms. Her uncle maybe? That at least explained why she wanted to be away from her family. He couldn't imagine wanting to leave any time soon now that they were here so he didn't mind that much either and the not sharing bit suited him just fine. He could be selfish too and he certainly didn't like the idea of sharing either. He liked the idea of owning the island though. It seemed larger than life and far prettier than Lirim's lands put together.

"Yeah, fine, fine. I agree to your rules or whatever. What's this problem with your uncle or whatever? And this god thing, what's that about?" he asked curiously, dying to know more.

Walk, "Talk" Think


04-30-2017, 04:42 AM

He didn't seem too enthusiastic about the island but he had yet to really see much of it. Of course she hadn't either but she was masking it for the fact that she wanted to seem like she had been here before. She wanted to finally be appreciated in another's world. Something about this felt completely right, like somehow as runaway they fit together. Ok so she had technically kidnapped him but he had wanted to come so it was also a little bit on the runaway side. She lowered herself and kicked her leg out to the side after turning to face him. It would probably no longer be secret that her leg was injured and she didn't feel a need to hide her pain for once. She had nothing to probe to him like she did the Abraxas family. Her face was for the first time in a long time alight by true happiness and joy. Perhaps it was because she didn't have to worry about the family finding out she was letting a mortal in on everything. Because at that moment that he asked her ears pressed back and her smile dropped. Her uncle was an ass and she hated him.

She gave a sigh and started with the somber topic. "To know my problems with my family will take a while but I guess I should start with their past, or what they think is their past. Their legends say that long ago a god ruled above them all, but was cast down to become mortal along with his generals. That's where the Abraxas family comes in. They are descended from this god, my aunt's and uncles are intent on regaining their place in whatever way they have to. The weak and inferior are purged and only pure Abraxas will survive them. My mother and her twin, as strange as it sounds are mates and siblings, perfect halves to the whole. They are also the eldest siblings. My mother wouldn't let impurity stand so inbred children would of been destroyed immediately most likely. That's where I come in. I am basically a "demigod", only through adoption am I family, but because I have mortal parents no one in my family could know. I resemble her enough for it to work and I was taught everything before I met the others so that's no issue. Only her, my uncle Adramalech, and myself know our secret, which I intend to keep it that way." she paused to look up at him and allow him to absorb that much.

She was quick to continue though not giving him the chance to question things yet. "Now I have respect for most the women in my family and my mother and Adramalech the most, because in my mind they aren't like the rest, and Adramalech is the true patriarch if you look at the age lineup. But somehow and I don't know how Amon has it in his head he is top and I just can't respect or agree with that. I did my best to stand up to him last time when he called the family to a meeting to claim that we would take a land in auster, the southern continent, and eventually I'm sure he will try to destroy the pack located somewhere in auster. Because I stood up to him by refusing to look at him or face him at first and I showed up late, he decided he had had it with me and hurt my leg with a threat that if I didn't straighten out my life Is forfeit. My mother did so too but hers was a nip to my ear and I feel was more for show. She was cooled off a few days later but I don't think my uncle will calm down. So I want him dead and he want me to be the perfect niece. What's worse is after I turn two, should I make it that long, I am expected to bear children with a strong "mortal" male, drop him just as soon as he's no longer useful and strengthen the family name. Im also to follow orders and do as he wants us to without complaint." she stopped and gave a sigh and smile to Miach. Hopefully she didn't overwhelm him.

She continued a few moments later with just a short comment. "needless to say, it's a lot on my shoulders and I only get to escape it when I slip away alone. But I figured if I found someone else honestly we could kinda just be kids together for as long as possible. And that's why I wanted to bring you here and get rid of your pack like we did." she was honest with him finally. She could just be herself here, torture something, play with a friend. Whatever she wanted. She was the only reason he was here now so the least he could do is be the friend she actually wanted and not judge. She stood them and smiled at him before turning and limping without hiding it now towards the largest structure. "come on its not gonna explore itself, I say we get as high up as possible so we can see everything."

Walk, "Talk" Think



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2017, 09:01 PM

Well his question had obviously hit a nerve, but he couldn't bring it in himself to care about it. His curiosity was piqued and he silently hoped she'd explain herself. After all he'd gone through all the trouble to follow her all the way here so in his mind she owed him that - even if this island was going to be fun and she'd gotten him away from his family for a while. Not that he hated them, but his need to explore and see something new had been far too great for him to be a good little boy and stick around in Lirim's lands until he turned one.

She began speaking and Miach let his rump fall to the ground unceremoniously as he listened to her story. She had his full attention as his ears flicked forward and his eyes rested on her as she spoke. Of course he'd been expecting a short story so he was glad he'd sat down. He listened as she explained the god thing (which he found honestly a little odd and a lot of crazy) but he didn't interrupt. He was fascinated in a way that a whole group of wolves could believe they were descendants of fallen gods, but then again he'd grown up without believing in any gods so far so he supposed he really had no room to say anything. The bit about her mother and uncle being mates was probably the oddest thing of all and his muzzle crinkled in disgust as he pondered over it. Mates ... with her own twin ... what the fuck? And then the part of her actually being adopted was probably the most interesting bit and it was a secret on top of it. He would definitely make sure to remember that bit of information in case she ended up pissing him off and trying to double cross him later. He could hold it over her head at least.

The more she went on the more he realized how fucked up her family was. Her parents were the oldest and yet neither were in charge, how did that work out? Then this male, Amon, Miach could already tell he didn't like him either. His head cocked as he stared at Aby's leg. He'd noticed that she'd been in pain, but hadn't really given it much thought. he couldn't imagine any of his aunts or uncles injuring him in such a way so why would hers. Then his brain went back to the bit about the weak being purged and he was confused all over again. Ugh. Yeah she definitely had a confusing family. Nothing was as fucked up as her explaining that when she was of age she had to have children with a mortal. He gave her a confused look as he pondered this idea. So basically she was a glorified breeding thing, yuck.

He almost pitied her life. He could somewhat sympathize with her and understood her need to get away from it. Had he been her he would have run away ages ago and said fuck being anywhere in that clusterfuck of a mess.

"Okay so yeah, your life is pretty fucked up." Was finally the only comment he could muster. "Your adopted, your parents are siblings and mates, and your uncle is a dick and then you're expected to breed at two and you all believe you're gods. That sounds wonderful." His words were dripping with sarcasm with that last sentence. He jumped up eagerly at the subject change though and his tail waved softly behind him as he scanned the horizon for something tall they could climb. His eyes rested on one of the hotels that rested on the island and he looked back at her.

"We could climb to the top of whatever that is. It seems to have the best view."

Walk, "Talk" Think