
Wind buffet



4 Years
05-03-2017, 03:35 AM

You make it hard to breath,
I see us in the deep end

The female probably wasn't having the best of the time here. The land under her paws was dry - even with the clouds hanging above her. It almost felt like a dry lake bed, the strip was barren of all life and it wasn't how she had planned to spend her afternoon. There was too much to explore in these lands, with that being said there were also unknown dangers that lay ahead for the young female. Hailey shook her head as the wind hit her in the face. Causing her to squint her eyes, as a small spray of mist that couldn't be considered rain also fell upon her. To get out of here though, she would need to press forward.

She sighed, and pushed on. Her head lowered to contradict the wind, being wary of cracks that might had a chance of swallowing up her own paws. Her green eyes falling to look only at the floor, when the wind finally died down she kept going. Only stopping when she noticed the sun peaking through the clouds. A quick break would not offend her body, so she sat and let out a relieved sigh even if it was filled with frustration.



3 Years
05-04-2017, 02:54 PM

Having left the barren lands behind, Varon found himself wandering yet into another area where the ground was seemingly harder than stone itself, and the weather as hot as ever despite the coming cold seasons. This area was even more merciless - the dry ground cracking, leaving holes wide enough for even a wolf his size to fall in. A strong wind blowing dry dirt into his face suddenly blinded him, and soon the foreigner had decided to turn around and head in the direction the wind was blowing to avoid such harmful particles. There was surely a way out of this area, but it was almost impossible to see anything with the bright sun blinding him as well. Purple orbs squinted tightly, paws feeling the hardened dirt beneath them. Why and how did such a horrible place exist?

For a few miles now the earthly-toned man had walked, still trying to avoid the treacherous areas as best as he could. Not the smell or the sight of water was near, and soon the heat would weaken him. Thankfully, Varon had a good sense of direction and knew that if he kept moving forward, this area would be left behind. Ears flattened, the man continued on, eyes still slightly closed to avoid the bright sun beaming off the bright land with it. Left paw would suddenly feel nothing but air as it went downwards, completely catching the male by surprise as he found himself falling forward. Instinctively a yelp would be released, body twisting as his right leg and back feet were already trying to stop him from falling into a small crevice that would cause a bit of injury if he was to fall (not to mention the difficulty of getting out).

Body now high on adrenaline, he held on tightly, scrambling back up onto the safety, yet chest clinging strongly onto the ground despite now having the majority of his weight up on solid dirt again. "Damn hole..." he would spit out, the pronunciation rather bad due to the rush of blood through his head. He would finally remove his chest from the ground and sit up, giving a few minutes for his body to stop reacting from the now passed danger.   



4 Years
05-04-2017, 07:06 PM

Hailey had been trying to soak in the sun, but she was finding it a bit too much even with it being autumn. Her ears fluttering as she annoyingly grunted, furrowing her brows forward. Usually she could find the positive in almost everything, well she could for one say that she was not dead so that was good. She sighed and finally decided to stand up and turn to continue on her way, not after taking one step forward however she heard the sound of a wolf falling into one of the bigger crevices to her right. Hailey didn't flinch, rather curiosity covered the green eyed creatures face. She was surprised really, expecting this little travelling event to go smoothly without any interaction. The wolf however seemed to have already saved themselves. Crawling out of the ground as if coming back from the dead, making the white wolf take a few steps back so that they were at least three feet apart from each other.

It clicked in her head that perhaps he'd now need some medical help. Hailey jumped a bit, her tail level with her spine wagged from side to side. A smile spreading across her face as she let out a friendly bark. She wasn't afraid of the stranger, there wasn't any tension in the air for her to care about that in this moment. "Excuse me, are you alright?" her head tilted to the right. She knew that she would only be able to give quick first aid in these conditions. If she could get him out of these barren wastelands though that would be perfect enough.

"My name is Hailey. I'm a healer and can help you." She introduced herself and lowered her head in a respectful gesture. She hadn't come across many wolves just yet and she wanted to get to know every single one that she met. Heavens knew her father was probably scolding her yet for being so naive. She didn't care - if she could patch up a stranger she would leave feeling a little better about herself.




3 Years
05-11-2017, 01:45 PM

Huffing and puffing for a moment, the earthly-toned man didn't even realize the body that was standing right in front of him. "Excuse me, are you alright?" Ears rose up quickly, muzzle following quickly to point up to see who had said these words so suddenly. The girl was as white as snow, emerald orbs the only color upon her body. This stranger seemed concerned for his well-being - he hadn't a clue why though. Regardless, her presence and the almost-potential death/huge injury event made him stay a little low to the ground, deciding not to act aggressive. "My name is Hailey. I'm a healer and can help you," with a bow of her head, respect clearly one of her first good attributes.

Adrenaline was soon subsiding, back legs kicking the rest of his body back up, now standing taller than the smaller friendly white female. There was a desire to just simply leave, but then he realized with a healer standing in front of him, he could see what was going on with a small sharp pain that kept coming back in his left hind leg. It would be vital to surviving alone.  "Uh..." there was a pause as Varon attempted to speak up.  "I am alright..." Ears pulled back for a moment before sitting down and pushing his left leg out.  "It is not related to the current situation, but... I do keep having a sharp pain in my left leg." Purple eyes would search for an answer from the stranger, hoping she could help out with it. The Russian felt rather shy of asking, especially someone he had just met, but she had a safe presence about her.



4 Years
05-21-2017, 01:37 PM

As soon as she was given permission Hailey was springing on it. The energetic white wolf approached and looked at him with asking permission to grab his left leg. In order to find out what was wrong with it she needed to do a couple of tests. "Where is the pain exactly? Your ankle, the middle of your leg, elbow?" she asked as she let his leg sit flat against the ground. If he couldn't walk on it then there was some possibility that he had sprained it, but what she was worried about was it being fractured.

"Also is it a sharp pain, or an ache?" Hailey's demenor seemed to be a bit different. She was concentrated on her task with her eyes glued to his appendage. There weren't any herbs around but she could probably collect some for him. Or give the man a basic description and hopefully somewhere along in his journey he would know how to treat his leg. For a loner it could be a death sentence with when they needed to hunt.
