
Last week's star



4 Years
05-03-2017, 02:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-03-2017, 02:53 PM by Hailey.)

Loved you,
now I'm on my own

((Herb collecting: Horsetail))

Hailey had her nose down near the waters of these rivers. It was a perfect place for Horsetail to grow - with all this rain as soft as it was - surely there were some around. The plant was good for a number of reasons the use of the herb rolling over in her head. Letting her head raise as she shut her green eyes and hummed before opening them and spotting the herb a few feet in front of her. The petite female smiled widely and scrambled on her delicately white paws. Stopping in front of the small cluster in the sand that bordered the cool running waters.

She furrowed her brows and promptly used her paws to dig around it. If the roots stayed in tact herbs were always more potent. As such she enjoyed trying to keep them in tact. Even if she had nobody to use the herb on, even herself, she could use it to study it. Hailey had lacked finding a good den for herself to put a storage in. She wasn't aware of the local packs just yet and she was just as wary of stepping into these unknown lands as it was.



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-03-2017, 10:50 PM

Every so often, the black masked woman would find herself bored of Auster. Having spent the majority of her mortal life on the southern continent, Naamah knew almost every inch of the place. She had been quite the little explorer and a runaway in her puphood,  abusive parents seemed to encourage more independence than imagined. Today, however, Naamah was not completely herself. The dark witch was ill and short tempered, with winter approaching she found her tolerance of anything female diminishing, and more of Lilith was beginning to come to the surface. The banshee inside Naamah screamed for release, clawing and tearing away at Naamah's resolve until she finally gave the she-beast her head. Tempestuous and cruel, Lilith laughed with a dark satisfaction at having won the mental struggle against her charge. Naamah's pupils dilated until the mismatched red of her irises were only an outline, her body gained a relaxed yet regal stature and she carried herself with a careful grace. Her paws graced the earth with no sound, as if she floated like an apparition.

As she stalked forward, her head lowered to be level with her back, and she raised her tail to be parallel to the ground with a slight curve at the tip. Vos habe in mente ut satus est bellando? Naamah smiled internally as Lilith smiled physically. Deep husky tones formed the throaty laugh of the woman, her voice smooth as honeyed whiskey. "Eadem illa existimans quae cogitavit." Their temper and the odd bonding time that she had with Amon had her edgy and - even though she owned no territory - she felt a particular need to rid the area of females. Lilith was crabby and she moved along the banks of the Rio Grande until she spied a slip of white against the browning grasses of the riverbank. She halted, dilated eyes taking on an eerie intent as the very temperature around her seemed to grow colder. There was a sudden tension in the air as the dark goddess eyes the white wolf, waiting for the other to notice her staring.

Stalking forward, Lilith takes a few long stiff-legged steps and halts, eyeing the woman as her black flag raises to fly above her hips. There was a hum in her veins, a thrill at finding a perfect punching bag. There was little control to the woman, but she held herself back for now. Only watching and staying far back from her. Her fangs showed, white painted black lips lifting to reveal flawless white knives that were perfect for piercing. An audible nightmare came to life in the form of a heavy, rolling and very territorial growl ripped its way through her throat. Holding her position a few yards away, the goddess knows she can be heard. Lilith hated women, some could be tolerated, but on days like this one - and so close to winter - Lilith would rather attack than talk.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



4 Years
05-04-2017, 01:52 AM

After some struggling, the herb was coming up. Tiny strands of roots exposed from the earth - her ears perked up with the excitement that she discovered. Warmth spreading across her body as she took her teeth and delicately pulled it from its crevice. Hailey found this a more safe method to tugging it out. Not only did it make sure the plant did not get damage, but it also made it so she wouldn't go flying back by trying to remove it from its place in the earth. However, her herb hunting seemed to want to be interrupted. The scent of another wolf over powered the musk of the horsetail. Her ears second to catch the sound of a voice, her head turned towards the one who belonged to just a foreign accent. She found her heart jumping to her throat, while appearing rather dumbfounded on the outside. Her jaw was glued shut out of sheer nervousness of the large creature. Hailey was at least nearly a foot smaller - give or take two inches. Her green eyes staring up at this beastly woman.

The giant dark woman would give out a growl, definitely not a friendly one. Hailey was stuck with a plant in her mouth so she couldn't speak, but knowing how it was she doubted speaking would help her situation. Almost feeling like her paws were sticking to the terrain, she quietly tried to see if there was an area of escape. Hailey wasn't much of a fighter, though no doubt if she was forced to defend herself she wouldn't just submit. Not to such an unfriendly stranger! Her back paws found themselves taking steps back. Her hackles raised, or more the ends of her hairs stood on end in alarm. As her tail cocked to the right side, her body posture was eager to leave. Eager to get out of harms way if this was possible.

Hailey finally lowered her head, and ears pinned to the back of her head as she clung to her little plant as softly as possible. At one single moment she sought to turn her back on the stranger and promptly attempt run into the tree line. Hoping her speed would be enough to outrun the large bulky creature, she couldn't possibly keep up with Hailey. Attempting to take a sharp turn right  she scrambled her paws around hoping to cover her tracks. Spotting mud - she splashed her white body into it. Rolling around until it was caked - her scent masked with rain and now her white pelt ruined with dark brown. She tried to settle herself into a bush - hoping that the beast hadn't seen her. All while, trying to keep her horsetail safe, even if it had gotten a bit of mud on it.




5 Years
Dire wolf

05-04-2017, 09:53 PM

OOC: So Sorry, Naamah isn't very female friendly XDD

The heathen goddess knew she would be heard, and as the pale female pulled at her plant, Naamah stalked forward with the same growl. The white girl swung her head up to look at Naamah, the woman's face nothing short of demonic as she exposed deadly weapons to the female. The look in the other wolf's eyes told Naamah she would be a runner, but it hardly mattered. While the white beast might be smaller and lighter, Naamah's legs were longer, and her stride was much wider as a result. The strange woman seemed to be rooted in place until the deadly witch stalked forward once more. It was then that white coward was able to run, causing a rise of bubbling laughter to escape the dark woman. She did not hesitate to give chase, and they made a bee line for the trees. Only seconds separated them, and Naamah could hear the panicked paws breaking sticks and her body crashing against the limbs of low branching trees. The dark goddess followed the scent trail to the right, only to stop at a mud puddle.

The girl was clever, she could give her that much, but she was still female. Naamah had pulled her punches with Amon because she had asked him to do so. This woman would get none of that mercy or compassion. Tilting her head skyward, Naamah calls Corvus to her, and the pale magpie landed upon her shoulder.  "Invenies eam!" She says to the bird, his soft caw of acceptance had him going off to get a bird's eye view. The woman known as Lilith didn't need the help, however, a depression in the mud caught her attention and she grinned with wicked satisfaction. "Come out, come out, where ever you are being...I know you were moving this way." She makes a show of passing the bush that the muddy tracks led to. Smiling and giving a deep, throaty laugh, the woman wheels on her hind legs and dives into the bush that the white girl was hiding in.

Her jaws snap as she hopes to flush the woman out of the annoying foliage, aiming to bite whatever she could to get her out of the bush. Rage consumed her and she wanted to find some form of grip on the dirty white cur so that she could drag her and make her scream and fight and beg for mercy. She would never set foot across Naamah's path ever again!

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



4 Years
05-05-2017, 04:25 AM

Hailey scrunched up back within the foliage. Making sure her rump didn't get exposed - she was however trying to stay calm. The horsetail within her mouth her head was dipped backwards. Making sure the plant didn't become damaged, for all the trouble that this was causing she sure as hell wasn't going to let it go to waste now. Feeling the female's teeth come inches from her location the thrashing of leaves made her head go dizzy for a moment. Adrenaline now pumping through her veins she closed her eyes shut for a moment. Swearing that she heard a birds cry earlier meaning that there was a creature in the sky looking for her. Let the heavens help her, she swore she'd be more careful with things from now on. Well probably not, but it was worth a shot considering the situation.

With any luck maybe the female wouldn't think she was here and would move on. Hailey's white fur was already caked with mud. The whole forest smelt like mud! There was no freakin way her scent could be pin pointed. Even if she had left a trail. The white wolf began to crawl to the right, quietly letting her elbows and paws pull her away from the original spot. Then staying put for a few more moments, still praying that she and her precious herb were not caught.




5 Years
Dire wolf

05-06-2017, 12:59 AM

OOC: Sorry it's so short...

Rage burned cold in the woman's veins as she failed to find the white female in the bush. The dark goddess had been sure she was in there, but it mattered not. The witch always found what she wanted. There was a soft rustling off to Naamah's right, and the wicked woman smiled. "I will be finding you, mortale." Her voice was graveled with her anger, and came out on a vicious snarl, making her accent that much thicker. It was only a matter of time before the monochrome monster found what she was looking for, she never gave up a hunt. Diving headlong into the brush at her right, Naamah as Lilith snapped and forced her way through the bramble. There was nothing that would stop her from finding the white female and ripping her apart. There was no reason other than an instinctive drive to kill competition, an innate need to be the dominant breeding female in any terrain - seeing as there was no territory for her to claim. With the winter season nearing, the woman was nearing madness and would not hesitate to fight or kill her way to the top.

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



4 Years
05-07-2017, 07:49 PM

Things were getting a bit heated, with all of this her horsetail could have been destroyed. Hailey was growing frustrated as well as paniced listening to the rumbling of the leaves to the bitch who was chasing her. Her eyes shut tightly for a few moments until she could feel the heat signature of her little friend. Quickly Hailey finally scrambled on her paws and would head in the opposite direction of the woman. Like a bat out of hell she bolted from the bush and weaved through tree's trying to use her agility to get anywhere but here.

Her white pelt would soon be a blur as far as she was hoping. She'd gathered her herb and Hailey was now noticing the gravity of the situation. Hailey silently made a note to herself that she would need to join the ranks of a wolf pack if she were to survive. After all, it would give her a place to put her herb supply and heal all those who needed it.

-Exit hailey-




5 Years
Dire wolf

05-08-2017, 12:01 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 12:02 PM by Naamah.)

Lost in her rage, the woman snapped and snarled as she tore her way through the bush, pushing and breaking limbs and crushing leaves. It was all in vain, however, and Lilith knew this. The loud crashing sound of foliage being split by something caught her attention, and Naamah snarled under her breath. The other female ran like the rabbit she was, and Lilith switched gears. There was no need to be aggressive when all she wanted was for the other woman to leave. Howling a dark promise after the girl, Naamah snorts and turns back to walk along the bank of the Rio.

-exit Naamah-

"Naamah" "Lilith" Think Scroll over for translations.
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.