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07-26-2014, 05:59 PM

This place was interesting so far, he certainly hoped it would interest him farther. Yet he still had yet to find a place to call home. He had dropped by the old sunken ship but that seemed to be taken, so he was at the search for his own little haven. Shaking his white tail, it made him wonder what other stupid wolves were here. There were plenty of smart ones, which told Rentaro to watch his step. The life of a psychopath was rather complicated wasn't it. The amusing factor of watching the wolves prance about with their emotions made him sick if he was around them too long. This place would have been ideal if it were not for the pack being so close by. Rentaro made a snort, packs, he had yet to check out. If anything were to happen he would go for one himself, a royal boy was only fit for that yes?
He laughed at himself before settling down near a thicket, pale blue eyes looking at the light blue sky in contrast to his eyes. If he were a god he'd be able to tear it down wouldn't he? If it made him upset, oh how he'd cry if he could. Rentaro shook his head before returning his gaze to the land. Entertainment, it was what he lived for and what he would continue to live for.

?I speak?