
On Hold

Sparrow I


7 Years
05-07-2017, 12:34 AM
//Set just outside the pack lands//

Being at home for a while had been nice. Sparrow felt like she had been reconnecting with her family a lot more. She had spoken to Lark and Finch recently and both seemed glad she was back in the pack. For a moment, Sparrow wondered why she had wanted to wander so much in the past. Everything here seemed a little boring, but it was her home and her family. The only problem was the looming presence of Lillianna.

Sparrow still wasn't sure how to confront the woman and now she was making a move on Lark. Time seemed to be growing closer and closer. Soon all of this would have to explode like an abscess filling with pus until it popped. For now, it festered in Sparrow's heart.

Feeling a little conflicted, Sparrow made her way out of the pack. She wasn't planning on going too far, she just wanted to take a breath or two outside of... well, everything. The small girl sat in the shade of a tree for a while, then settled to just lay by it. Before long, Sparrow nodded off, forgetting her surroundings all except for the gentle breeze that rustled her fur.



4 Years

05-07-2017, 11:25 AM

Pere had been carefully skirting the edge of the packlands. Abaven she had heard about, was familiar even with some of it's members, but that didn't mean she necessarily wanted to tangle with them. No, better to stay a ways away. Her mind drifted to a tawny fae she had met from here, a shy but spirited girl who had done her best to stand toe to toe with her and Ricky. Peregrine did not notice a smile creeping onto her face until Tsiry tugged at one of her ears. "Oi, lemur to daydreamer, are you in there?" Peregrine snorted, and looked back over her shoulder. "That was a lovely rhyme."

"Whatever. Look, why did you bring us so close to these borders anyways? My fur is standing on end," the lemur groused, then looked nervously over her own shoulder. Unfortunately, all Peregrine could offer her was a shrug. Honestly she just like keeping tabs on things. It was good to have some general knowledge of the other packs, right? It definitely had nothing to do with a pretty girl. Nope, nope, nope. Peregrine opened her mouth to convince Tsiry of that when she crossed a familiar scent. At first she thought her mind was playing tricks on her, so she froze and leaned in to sniff again. No! That was definitely Sparrow!

Peregrine gasped and stood upright, looking left and right, trying to determine which way she had been coming from. The the right of her was the thicket which made up part of Abaven's territory, and to the left of her was a small tree, with a smaller brown lump curled up beneath it. The closer Peregrine looked, the more familiar the lump appeared. Her throat grew dry. Oh no... This was going to be brutal. She gulped, thought about giving Tsiry a heads up but ultimately decided against it, and then opened her mouth. "Sparrow? Is that really you?" She tried her best not to cringe, fearing what all the small woman would have to say to her. She had a lot of explaining to do...

"Talk" "You" Think

Sparrow I


7 Years
05-07-2017, 08:13 PM
//If the powerplay is too much, I'll edit!//

"Sparrow? Is that really you?"

Sparrow's mind only half registered the words as she awoke.

"Who else would I be?" she questioned sleepily, looking up to see who was asking.

It was Peregrine.

Sparrow blinked. This was a dream, right? Sparrow stood and stumbled into the other woman, "Pere," she mumbled. "Is this you?"

She smelled musky like the woods, unmarked by a pack scent. Sparrow could feel the heat radiating off of the woman.

This wasn't a dream, was it?

Sparrow stumbled backwards, blinking a few more times.

"Wait. Pere? It's REALLY you?"

Sparrow aimed to crash back into the woman. She was more happy than upset at this moment. Her tail made frantic, low sweeps on the ground as the small woman sought to lick and nuzzle Peregrine. She wanted to push herself into the other woman's chest (and under her skin if possible), nipping at her. Whenever Sparrow finally parted from the woman, she took a deep breath.

"Where the fuck have you been? You up and fought for a pack then left? Did you know-" Sparrow's voice dropped to a hiss, "- that I was willing to leave my family for you?" Sparrow stopped there. She had more to say, but she figured she'd let Pere explain.



4 Years

05-29-2017, 08:22 PM
OOC: Whoops cursing, watch out

Peregrine was at first astounded by the calm and mystic nature of Sparrow's approach. Once it became evident that she'd roused the woman from slumber, a slumber she apparently had not entirely shaken off yet, Peregrine tensed. She was obviously still in for the worst of it. She accepted the woman's embrace eagerly all the same. Sparrow was sweet, anf genuine, and passionate. They were all remarkable qualities in Pere's eyes, and damn her for being such a... such an irresponsible fuck up. "Wait. Pere? It's REALLY you?"

Peregrine squeezed her eyes shut and waited. After a breath she cracked one open, just in time to feel Sparrow crash into her side. Okay wow, affection was not what she would have guessed to find, but Pere was more than willing to just roll with it. A nervous laugh bubbled out from within her chest, occasionally resurfacing as the other earthen lass nipped at her chest and cheeks.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Okay yeah, that was the Sparrow she'd expected to find. Peregrine's ears pinned back against her skull, awash with guilt. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't- Look it wasn't my choice, Sparrow! I swear, I would have stayed if I could." She opened her mouth to spill out her tale, but the words stuck in her throat. She wanted to explain, but she couldn't imagine where to begin. It sounded like a fairy tale, and she didn't want Sparrow to think she was lying to her. She had been taken, and fed... fed something to keep her weak and dimwitted. Tsiry had stolen what food of hers she could, always keeping to the shadows. Tsiry had saved her...

Peregrine cast a quick glance in the lemur's direction, and found her vivd blue eyes alight with understanding. Peregrine was certain Tsiry knew where her mind had gone, and for a rare moment she showed her nothing but love and understanding. Peregrine blinked, and sighed. "I understand if you don't want me around anymore. Honestly I hate letting others down." In truth, it was why Peregrine did not make many lasting friendships. It was why she stayed on her own, because it was just easier that way. She was too much the sort to blow in on the wind, and out again the next day with no explanation. It was in her blood, it was who she was, no matter how hard she tried to change it. She had gambled with her future when overtaking Myriad, but worse than that, she had gambled with Sparrows and Ollie's and so many other's too. Her head sank, and she wilted. "I... I can go if you want me to."

Peregrine was pretty sure that Sparrow wanted her too. She kept her eyes downcast, a woman normally so robust and vibrant reduced to a dull, careless gait. It wasn't the first time she had been struck by guilt over what she'd done. Her hopes had been so high, and she'd been so arrogant, so drunk on power that she'd gone and put herself in danger. For the first time in her life she'd found people to truly love and care about, a reason to stay put somewhere, and it had been swept away from her anyways. So what was the point of trying? She had no desire to rekindle whatever Aerie might have been. The universe had made it clear that her role in life was to be nothing but a vagabond, a wayward wanderer with no home but what she carried on her back, right? And Sparrow deserved wolves who were able to keep her company, and stay by her side right? The inner monologue didn't seem to be doing her any good, but there was no stopping it now. Maybe she should have taken the long way around the pack after all...

"Talk" "You" Think

Sparrow I


7 Years
06-02-2017, 01:54 PM
Sparrow didn't know hoe to react when the spitfire woman's voice came out so low and filled with guilt. For a moment, Peregrine reminded Sparrow of Wren. The small girl's eyes dashed to the side, "Yeah, that's what Mom always said too," she spat under her breath.

Sparrow didn't mean to make such an accusation and quickly opened her maw to correct it. No words came out. She needed to try again. She stepped forward, "I- Pere, wait." Sparrow didn't know what to say or even think. She felt like time and time again anyone she relied on left her. She hated it. It kept her up at night. She wondered if it was her. Why was it always her? What was wrong with her?

She didn't want to drop the blame either. She wanted to know why. She needed to know something to move past it. She left her pack too, right? She expected her family to understand too, right? She needed to do the same, but she didn't want to be led in a loop like her father had been with Wren.

Sparrow rushed forward trying to make contact with Peregrine. She just wanted to be close to the other, even if it was selfish.

"Look, you don't have to tell me right away. I-" She hesitated, trying to choose her words carefully, "I'm so glad you're back and that you're okay. I just... I really can't stand being left alone. My mother, my friend from Imperium... you... They all just leave, okay? I really hate it... Why does everyone leave for so long?"

Sparrow's voice caught and she coughed. Her voice was trembling. This wasn't good. She felt too strongly, she needed to back up, "I mean- I don't need you by my side all the time, I just- I mean- as friends- It's just- It was so long... sudden... Are all out-of-pack friends like that? Are we supposed to be like this?"

The small girl felt so confused. Did she even have the right to be mad? She pulled back, trying to blink away the tears in her eyes. She went to speak again, but her voice just cracked. The small woman shook her head, "You said you didn't have a choice... Just, give me your reason. Let me know you aren't just making up excuses. You- maybe not right now, but I just need to know you aren't just playing with me..."

Sparrow backed up a little more, "I know it's selfish to ask that, I know it is, but I just- how do I know you're really back for real?"