
it's a wild life



3 Years
07-26-2014, 04:19 PM

Laughing so damn hard, and no one knew why

The dark pelted lass was curious to see what the ebony sand felt like beneath her small paws, would it be different from the other sand she'd encountered in her short life? Mismatched audits twitched as she detected the lap of water on the beach, serenity oozing from the air of this place. Sure, it looked dark and gloomy, chaotic even. However, the girl had become quite adept at sensing moods, and she found this place to be quite relaxed. Much like she was, with her tri toned banner sweeping across her growing heels. Delicate cranium was low between her petite shoulders while she walked, toxic eyes sweeping over the landscape. Pausing just at the edge of the sand, her gaze fell to the onyx sand, before she bunched the muscles in her legs and launched herself forward. Everything was always more fun if it hit you all at once, with no chance to back out. That said a lot about the femme, how she jumped head first into whatever she encountered. Her features lit up as she landed on the soft obsidian sand with a muffled thump, finding nothing different from the rest of the sand she found elsewhere.
With that escapade over, the girl kept walking, her paws hardly sliding over the sand while she traversed the terrain. Sure, she stumbled over her feet every now and again, but that was to be expected. The water called to her, the dark, cool depths inviting to her curious mind. It lapped up the shore evenly, demurely. Edging closer, she found that it was much colder than she'd thought, while it washed up and tugged at her toes. Grinning excitedly, she bounded forward. Up to her elbows in frigid aqua, she let out an excited bark as she noticed shapes in the water just in front of her. Fish! She continued leaping forward, snapping at the water in hopes of getting herself a fish. She'd never eaten one, at least not fresh. The last time, she'd found a half rotten one washed up on the edge of a river. Big mistake eating that one. Now, she wanted to see what they tasted like for real. Sopping tail whipped back and forth at her rear, whipping water everywhere at high speeds.
It didn't take long for the girl to end up soaked to the bone, and empty pawed. In a last ditch attempt, the patchwork pup dunked herself under the water, snapping her small jaws at the fish. All she earned there was a mouthful of salt water. Wide eyed and startled, she was above water quite fast. It did not taste good, and she'd swallowed half the ocean by now. Dragging herself back to shore, she shook herself off and decided not to go swimming for a little while now. A sick feeling started to grow in her stomach, and the girl felt her insides curl and knot. Oh no.
Once the thought crossed her mind, the girl retched. Her stomach spewed it's contents onto the sand, including the remnants of her last meal. Buckets of sea water came rocketing out of her maw, and the girl was left trembling on the beach. Emptied completely, sweat beaded along her delicate frame, gangly limbs shaking now. Dragging her feet, the little she wolf pulled herself away from her mess and towards a cleaner stretch of beach. Collapsing in a now tired and ill feeling heap of colourful fur, the petite lass closed her acid toned pools and let out a quiet whimper. The ocean was mean.

But the rest is forgotten