
Floral & Fading



6 Years

05-07-2017, 11:08 PM

It'd been what felt like ages since she'd last seen Regulus. Was it when Liar had challenged Regulus for Celestial? It was hard to tell anymore. She'd meant to visit him ages ago - it was wrong of her to neglect her family. She'd created Lirim and, as far as appearances were concerned, abandoned the other half of her family still residing in Celestial. She hadn't meant for it to seem like that, but a part of her was afraid to go back. What state would she find the pack in and, most importantly, could she face being there again. The death of Surreal still weighed heavily on her mind and she new seeing the plains again would bring all those hidden feelings to the surface. She'd sucked them up and shoved them down into the deepest recesses she could, trying to get over it so she could be strong for everyone else, but now she'd have no reason to keep them hidden anymore. She'd have to face them sooner or later.

She'd left early that morning, deciding to drag Rory along with her, so they'd make good time. Thankfully there wasn't too many territories to cross over until they reached Celestial and they ended up at the plains. Rory seemed excited and it put Faite in a good mood for the time being. Regulus had yet to see any of his nieces and nephews, at least from her, and she was happy to finally bring at least one of them along. They deserved to know the rest of their family.

She paused at the scent border and easily noticed the stones that had been placed there. How long had these been here? Her head cocked to the side as she studied them. Had they had a problem with others trespassing or was this just a preventative measure? Either way she had to give Regulus credit - it was an inventive way to mark the borders. Certainly a lot harder to ignore. Her head turned towards her son, already taller than her, as she looked at him as he spoke. "Momma, what are the stones for?"

"If you sniff you'll smell your uncle's scent here too. I'm assuming this is so the borders are marked better."

Rory seemed satisfied with her answer and Faite sniffed around for a moment longer. She could smell Acapella's scent quite clearly - did this mean her cousin had returned to Celestial. She couldn't pick up on Dagger's scent, nor did she smell Creed or a few of his children. Crucible's scent was also stale, but then again he was certainly older. Surely he wouldn't be patrolling the borders anymore - the same with Creed. It took her a minute to realize she was subconsciously procrastinating so she took a seat before the rocks and let her head raise as she let out a howl for her brother. It was best to just rip the bandaid off the wound and get it over with.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



2 Years
Extra large
05-07-2017, 11:32 PM

Rory hadn't had any objections when Faite had woken him up that morning to accompany her on a trip. He'd instantly thought about his siblings, how they'd probably wanna go too, but when he suggested the idea Faite shot him down. They'd get their turn for a social visit, but for now the journey would be easier if it was just the two of them. He was happy for some one on one time with her - she was often so busy that it was hard to get her to do something fun. A part of him believed that she had issues reminding herself to relax, but he hadn't asked her yet. His aunt Fortune seemed to do that for him though.

Since this was the first time he'd been out of the pack lands it was easy for him to get lost in all the sights. If his mother hadn't been there to remind him they had to keep moving he probably could have spent days exploring. He knew he'd at least remember to come back once he was a year old - then he'd be old enough to leave Lirim without the company of an adult. Sneaking out had never been an option so he had no problem waiting patiently.

Finally they reached the borders of his uncle's pack, a man he'd never met before, but he was excited. Then he noticed the stones on the ground of different shapes and sizes and he couldn't help but stare at them. "Momma, what are the stones for?" Her asked her curiously as he looked at her. She suggested sniffing and so he took a big whiff. Sure enough he could pick up on Regulus' scent easily enough. It was an interesting concept, covering the territory line with stones, and he smiled as he thought about it. It was a good idea if Faite was right about it. Finally she lifted her head back and howled and Rory sat down with her, eager to meet the other family he'd been told about.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
05-13-2017, 03:21 AM

Oh heck no! They were not going to leave her home alone and explore without her! The young girl tracked them from Lirim to Celestial, nose to the ground and tail wagging furiously behind her. Momma would be proud, wouldn't she? That she managed to track and follow them all the way! Earlier that morning, she had felt movement and then all of a sudden Rory's warmth wasn't there anymore. After a short time of trying to get back to sleep thinking that her brother had maybe rolled away, she realized that he and her mom had left. And she wanted to know where they were going! So the moment she woke up, she had carefully gotten out of the den without waking the others, and of course she was extra careful about not waking up her dad. Somehow she had managed, because he was usually on high alert. But maybe she had done a good job of tiring him out the day before with all the play time that she demanded of him, and her dad always delivered.

She continued to track down her mom and her brother, the girl occasionally tripping over her paws as she bounded forth, but it didn't stop her. Bi-colored eyes were wide at all the things she saw, and no matter how badly she wanted to wander off and explore, she didn't want to get lost. She was a good girl! At least, that's what she told herself. Mom and dad couldn't get mad as long as she didn't get lost, right? Soon enough, she heard her mom's howl and then spotted her and Rory sitting down next to a bunch of rocks. A mischievous grin spread across her face as she lowered herself closer to the ground, deciding to sneak up on them. Once she was close, she ran and jumped towards Rory, aiming to body slam him with all the force she could muster. Afterwards, she'd roll herself onto her feet and jump towards her mom, tail wagging madly as she laughed. "How come Rory gets to go on an adventure! I wanna go on one too!"

Walk, "Talk" Think




12 Years
Extra large
05-26-2017, 09:18 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He dropped the large bundle of lavender onto the pile of herbs in front of Solveiga’s alcove and smiled, pleased with himself. He’d been gathering since dawn, and she would probably be stunned at the size of the pile he’d compiled in the cave, comprised entirely of useful herbs. He’d retained a lot more than what one might expect from his early puphood of listening to Erani’s lessons in healing.

A call filtered into the den from the borders, and his head swiveled, ears perking to listen. He finally turned, surprise overridden by a sense of gladness to hear his littermate. She had done her best to keep Celestial afloat in his absence, and he understood her lack of visiting. A pack, and a litter of kids would keep anyone busy.

As he drew near, he spotted her, first, and then two smaller forms of similar coloring. In fact, as he drew nearer still he saw that the only difference in the two pups was gender and the eyes, as well as the female being much smaller than the male. His eyes flicked from the pups to Faite, and he grinned as he slid to a stop. “You, dear sister, have twins.” And from the whiffs of scent he could catch from her coat on the breeze, they weren’t the only pups in her litter.

His haunches lowered as he grinned down at the pups. “Hello! I’m your Uncle Regulus.”

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

06-05-2017, 01:25 PM

Rory seemed satisfied with the answer she'd given him. There was still the possibility she was wrong, but she figured Regulus could explain when he got here. Her attention had been focused within the borders so she wasn't prepared to see the fluffy russet colored form of her daughter as she launched herself towards Rory. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise and then annoyance and worry set in as she frantically looked over the smaller twin for injuries. When she found none she relaxed with the softest of huffs. Kairi was okay. She would have been happy to see that Fortune's tracking lessons had paid off if it wasn't for the fact that she'd followed them without permission. What if something bad had happened?

"Well you're on the same adventure now as Rory, aren't you?" She asked with a soft smile. "If you want just you and me can go on a different adventure without Rory later." She glanced towards her son to see his reaction, though he didn't seem to mind the suggestion she'd just made.

It was then that she noticed Regulus. It was normally hard to miss him approaching, but her kids were always good distractions. A bright grin spread across her face and her tail felt like it was waving faster than a runaway windmill. Her ears flicked at his remark and she chuckled softly. "I'm just glad they have some differences. They confused quite a few others when they were younger."

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
06-18-2017, 08:37 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

The crimson male smiled as Faite remarked on being glad the twins had differences enough to tell them apart. “Oh I can imagine.” He grinned down at the young ones before his eyes shifted to his sister, head cocking as he took her in.

“How’ve you been? I assume you know about father? How are you holding up?” He was mentally praying that Laisren had, on one of his trips in the direction of Lirim, told their sisters about Falk’s death. He had taken a while to heal, but things were picking up, and with the pack meeting, he was hopeful to see activity and life again. The stones along the borders from various members of the pack were telling him his hopes weren’t entirely in vain.

And there were other hopes, he thought absently, eyes roving to the two pups. He wasn’t quite seeing them. Not as themselves. He was getting older. Both his sisters had already had children, though in Zuriel’s case, the event that had transpired to bring her litter to the world made him feel queasy. Best not to think of that particular situation just now.

He didn’t feel old, not in the slightest. Their ancestors had lived for quite a long time. But he was finding that he felt ready to start his own family. Celestial needed a Future, after all. And he couldn’t help the brief flash of Solveiga’s face in his mind.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



2 Years
Extra large
06-23-2017, 01:42 AM

Okay so Rory was more than a little surprised when his sister showed up out of nowhere. Either way he was happy to see her, but a little guilt followed it when she asked why he got to go on all the adventures. A soft pout formed on his face before it faded away again. Well she was here now so she'd get to enjoy the adventure with him, even if the adventure was really just meeting some more of the family. He turned to look at his mother with an understanding smile when she offered to take Kairi on a private adventure later. That sounded pretty fair.

And then the male arrived not shortly after. Rory's eyes couldn't help but widen when he saw him. That was their uncle. His head swiveled to look towards his mother, then back to Regulus, and then once again back to his mother before finally resting on Regulus again as he tried to make the connection. How on earth was his mother so tiny and ... well ... normal colored and he was so large and red. Red. Redder than him and Kairi and he thought they were pretty reddish. He'd assumed that's what she meant when she explained Regulus but nope, he was like ... bright red. Wow.

“Hello! I’m your Uncle Regulus.”

He snapped out of it then and a grin formed across his face as his tail waved softly against the earth. "I'm Ruaidhrí." He greeted happily. He then sat back quietly as he absentmindedly listened to his mom and uncle talk. His eyes flashed to Kairi to see if she was any more shocked by his appearance than he had been.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: VZK9Ywk.png]



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Valentines 2020Trick 2019
06-30-2017, 04:59 PM

Bi-colored eyes looked up at her mom as she pouted, but when her mom spoke and offered an adventure later, she smiled and nodded. "Okay!" She wouldn't have minded if Rory wanted to tag along, after all, it was a lot more fun with someone to knock down (or try to). She sat down and waited for whoever momma was calling, and soon enough, a huge red thing came towards them. No, not a thing. A wolf! Her eyes widened as the male approached, and she could only stare in awe and surprise as the male told them he was their uncle Regulus. She was still speechless, but after Rory said his name, she then remembered she had a name too!

"Hi! I'm Kairi! You're big ya know? My daddy is big too! But not as red as you, me and Rory are red but not like that! Did you paint your fur? Or born like that? I wanna paint my daddy's fur, he has a lotta white so I think I can do it." She giggled. She always had the habit of talking a lot at once, but it was just the way she handled her energy. Seldom did she have simple or one worded answers like the others, no. She was too full of curiosity of others and for the world. Her tail smacked the ground repeatedly as it wagged, the girl too excited to have heard what her uncle said about someone's father.

Walk, "Talk" Think




6 Years

07-08-2017, 11:18 AM

Faite felt a small amount of amusement as Kairi pelted Regulus with a barrage of words. She'd expected such a reaction over her abnormal colored sibling. She flashed an apologetic look towards Regulus for a brief moment before glancing towards Kairi as she mentioned painting Zell's fur. She chuckled softly as she thought about it. He was mostly white - maybe it was something they could all three do together once he was asleep. Berries would be easy to find. Maybe they could find something to stain his pelt pink for a few days?

"Shh, we don't want everyone to know our plans. If you be good I'll help you find something pink to dye his fur while he sleeps." She said with a mischievous grin before turning her attention back to Regulus.

His words were enough to catch her attention as he questioned how she'd been before the conversation switched to Falk. Her browns knit together in confusion at his question about how she was holding up. What? Now she was concerned. Had something happened that she didn't know about? Had he gotten sick again? She assumed he hadn't been holding up well after Surreal's death, and he'd been sickly for a while, but surely he was okay?

"Wait, what about father?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]