
Into the Darkness



5 Years
Extra large
05-09-2017, 09:45 PM

The hushed burble of the stream was hardly overshadowed by the sound of the falls it ran into, cascading down the rock face ever so gently, shimmering a pleasant jewel-blue color. With a deep breath she took in the sharp piney scent of the forest which mingled with the sweet aroma of herbs near the water. Not a bad spot to relax in, and relax she would. It'd been a bit of a journey to get here, with her stopping to take in the sights though not nearly as much as she would have liked. Unfortunately she'd decided it would be best to head over and meet up with more of her family for the time being - there would be plenty of time to go off exploring and to do more herb hunting once she'd been brought up to speed on what Amon and everyone else were up to. She couldn't be sure who all had come here, so they might very well be in need of a healer, especially considering the nature of some...

Reclining by the lazily meandering water at the bottom of the falls she would lean in to take a drink of the sparkling liquid, finding the clean, thirst-quenching taste delightful. For a while afterwards the dark woman sat, with her front paws just barely dipping into the water, watching it's surface and enjoying the cool evening air. The birds were only just beginning to cease their chirping as they bedded down, and Razi was sure she wouldn't be long behind them unless something should interrupt the serenity of this place.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-23-2017, 10:58 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2017, 11:06 AM by Amon.)

The evening was pleasant enough, Amon decided. He had come to favor this calm creek and the rich forests which surrounded it. He had no trouble find a meal, either in the water or out, and since gorging himself on fish he had taken it upon himself to have a peaceful stroll. The brute enjoyed these moments of quiet reflection, and in his mind he saw the faces of his children, as he so often did. Amon saw them less frequently now, but he had always assumed his first litter would leave the nest early. Their mother had given them wild and independent spirits, after all. His thoughts drifted again to Naamah, and to the future. It was time to begin again. Amon would do as his father had bid, but that did not mean he would focus solely on furthering their line. What was the point without a plan to step ahead. To step upward.

Running into a trail of his younger sister's scent was more than unexpected. He had not seen Razi for quite sometime, but Amon did not forget the scent of his kin. His behemoth head lifted and scanned the treeline for her telltale onyx and gold coat. Razi was... and odd one. He had been near his children's age when she was born, when her mother had tried to steal her away. The dim bitch had paid with her life of course, Amon had seen it himself, and Razi had come back from the encounter shaken and bewildered. Amon didn't suppose he blamed her.

He followed the trail of scent for only a few dozen paces before he caught a glimpse of ebony among the trees. "It seems as if more and more Abraxas are drawn here every day. I'd say I'm surprised to see you, but this is becoming rather common." His voice was level, and calm. He had not seen his younger sister in so long, he wanted to take stock of her before he decided the sort of woman she had become in the intervening time.
"Talk" "You" Think

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



5 Years
Extra large
05-23-2017, 08:31 PM

Her eyes were drifting closed, liquid gold disappearing under ebony lashes. She wasn't unaware of the man's presence; you'd have to be a damn fool to not practically feel Amon when he was near, she just wasn't going to scurry to stand at attention unless she had to. It was late, she was tired, and this place was absolutely perfect. It's be a crime to not enjoy it for every second she could.

Turning her head towards the behemoth of a man Razi gazed at him a moment. He was probably even taller than when she'd seen him last, if that was possible. One day an Abraxas may grow so big they touch the stars above them. Wouldn't that be a sight to see. "News travels quickly among our kin, you know. Between that and the sense I and others seem to be getting that you're on your way to accomplishing something others of our bloodline have not; I can't say I'm surprised at all that they are coming in droves."

Slowly she pulled her paws out of the cool waters, standing and shaking her fur out gently before turning to face Amon, gold eyes studying her sibling with a critical eye. There was power not only in his body but in his very presence, that much was clear even when he'd been some distance away. "Anamalech told me you were working on something down here. I believe Phenex was also on his way here when I met with him, did he arrive before me?" she wouldn't be surprised, she'd taken her time wandering this way and there was her little detour to other parts of this new continent.

"Talk" "You" Think