


07-26-2014, 01:54 PM
Come on make it easy

Say I never mattered

The first time I saw him was on a bus. There was something strange about him, and I kept staring at him. His black hair kept falling into his eyes as he read the book in his hands, and I glanced away as he looked up. There was a soft chuckle from him, and he finally spoke. "It's rude to stare." I glanced at him, opening my mouth to speak, but only ended up gawking at him. Silver eyes seemed to glow from his mess of dark hair, and his smile was actually kind of.....cute. Finally, I managed to speak. "I was only staring because......Of that book." The boy tilted his head, and raised the book. "Is it so shocking that I'm reading? Have I made that kind of first impression?" His voice was teasing, and I shook my head. "No. It's just....It looks like you would play sports rather than read." The boy chuckled again, and I glanced at him. "I'm Sebastian. The wolf." This time, I tilted my head. "The wolf? Is that some kind of nickname?" Sebastian nodded, and shrugged. "I guess. That's what people call me. I guess they remind me of one."

I smiled, and finally remembered to introduce myself. "Renee. Also a wolf." Sebastian smiled, and held out his hand for me to shake. "Nice to meet you, Wolf." I smiled, and shook his hand. "This is my stop, Other Wolf." I got up to leave, but the boy stopped me. "Could we meet again?" I glanced at him, raising my eyebrows. "Is the Other Wolf making his move already?" I said, teasingly, and he shook his head. "No. I mean, as friends." I glanced away, and relaxed. "Sure, I guess." Not the best move, but I wasn't thinking right then.

Sebastian smiled, and placed something in my hand. I walked off the bus, and stopped on the sidewalk. I glanced at the window as the bus moved by, but I couldn't see him. I glanced at my hand. The boy's messy writing was on it.

The lake at 6, Saturday night.

I stared at it, and tilted my head again. Isn't that the full moon, though? Not that I was going to object. It was going to be pretty that night. I walked inside, where my mother was cooking dinner. She glanced at me, and gave a knowing, sweet smile. "So you're finally going on a date?" I shook my head, ignoring the blush in my cheeks. "The purple necklace will bring out your eyes. You know, the wolf howling one."I was a big fan of wolves, and it seemed fitting. It was Friday, and our "meeting" was soon. Despite the fact that it wasn't a date, I was excited. I raced upstairs, getting my outfit ready. It couldn't be Saturday quick enough.

Somewhere along the way, I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up, my mother was cooking breakfast. The following hours passed by slow, until it was 5:55. My mother ushered me into the car, and we were there quickly. My mother left, and I watched Sebastian stand there until he noticed me. "You made it." He greeted me as he walked over. I smiled. "Why wouldn't I?" He shrugged, and sat down. "So, why did you drag me here?" Sebastian pulled something out of his pocket; a needle. Silver liquid shone inside it, and the boy held out his arm. "What is this?" Sebastian hesitated, glanced up at the rising moon, then answered me. "Silver. Put half of it in my arm, then run. Don't listen to anything. Don stop, don't hesitate. Get somewhere safe, and put the rest in your arm. Then you can come back." I pierced his skin with the needle, and pushed half of the silver down into his skin. Then I pulled it out and ran.

Of course I was wondering what was happening. Once I got somewhere safe, I hesitated again, then put the rest of the silver in my arm. I walked to back where Sebastian had been, only he was gone. Not missing. A black wolf lay on the ground, next to the lake. Glazed over silver eyes glared at me, the creature's sides un moving. The creature, whatever Sebastian had been, was dead. I felt nausea rising up in my stomach, and thought that it was grief. But it faded away into a overbearing burning and I fell. A pained noise, like a howl, escaped me, and I fell. Soon, I opened my eyes and stared into Sebastian's wolf eyes. In one final moment, I moved my hand to touch the fur on his face. Only I realized that it was a paw instead of a hand. After that, everything faded away until it was all black.

Sebastian's father was worried, and went looking for the two. So did Renee's mother. All the two found were two wolves, one with its paw on the other's face. A black wolf with silver eyes, and a russet wolf with blue eyes. They two were buried, side by side, recognized as animals instead of humans.

Run it up the flagpole[Lezette]



07-26-2014, 02:09 PM
That's a interesting short story, Croa! I liked it! :D


07-26-2014, 02:40 PM
I like it as well, though definitely rather sad ending. Though it also leaves a lot of questions in my mind.


07-26-2014, 03:03 PM
Great story, kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! I can definitely imagine this becoming a novel, if not, it was a nice short story.