
Rather Be Caught Dead Than Be Weak

Forsaken I


5 Years
05-13-2017, 09:31 AM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2017, 11:10 AM by Forsaken I.)
The man breathed in and out in a huff of frost. Things had been a bit… interesting since his return. Not one, but two children had been caught in his trap, and the man had hidden them away here in the North. One had even shown signs of being imprisoned before… an emaciated little femme who bore the scent of his dear, dear brother. Forsaken snorted. He could give a shit about family anymore. He was here for his own reasons; to cause destruction and do whatever he damn well pleased. The start of that was going to be a slave trade… though he knew he was walking into dangerous territory considering one of the children was a pack wolf.

An ear flicked in irritation as his golden eyes fell on the vessel where his mother had once given birth. Birth to his siblings… the freaks. He snorted, a low growl forming in his throat. If he ever came across any of them… he’d do their father a favor and get rid of them. It was the least he could do after abandoning the family after their father’s death… after doing nothing to stop Arietta from killing herself.

Forsaken was no hero. Was that not obvious enough by his name? He paused, licking his lips. He could smell the scents of others, of blood, of decay at this place… but none were familiar. Whomever was here now had better not have dared to kill one of his little siblings. That was his job. Or the job of his littermates. They could rebuild Sin’s legacy in their own way… and perhaps it was for the better that they were all separate right now.

He dug his claws into the frost at his paws, throwing back his head and letting out a howl for those that lived within the ship now. Who were they? Were they worthy of living in such a vessel? Golden eyes flashed madly as he waited, expecting someone to come bursting out onto the deck like a bat out of hell to defend the territory. He hoped he wouldn’t be disappointed.



4 Years
05-13-2017, 09:50 AM

What was sleep? The woman was unsure anymore. Heated dreams had plagued her, and she snarled in the darkness of the ship at the memory of those dreams. It was enough to drive the demon from her bed and down the halls of the ship toward the captain's quarters. She knew her heathen king slept there, and she would find rest with him. If she could keep him from ripping her to shreds, that is. Her paws had just graced the threshold when she heard the echoing tones of masculine howls outside their metal home. Solara padded up behind her with a rumbling, yet soft, growl and hiss. "Is stranger, I bite it! I bite!" The young wolverine spit out her string of words, making Vianni wave her tail and smile despite the stranger at their door.   "Come, we will see who disturbs us. They have made a grave mistake." Dusty rose eyes look down into the blue of her companion's and she turns from Lucifer to track this new wolf.

Coming out on the bow of the ship, Vianni stares out and down to find the source of the sound. Her black rimmed ears perked and she gave a snarl at the male she found.  "What do you want?" She snapped down at him, the wind taking that moment to wash over the ship and spill down the sides of it. Lucifer would be up soon and she would have a new pelt to add to the bed they often shared. He would make a fine addition, and there was enough muscle on him to keep the pair fed for the day anyway. Her gaze was hard as she waited to hear his last request.
Beware the Cannibal Queen: Vianni is violently unstable, and is cannibalistic. Please thread with caution! As her mate, Lucifer Asmodeus is allowed to join any and all of Vianni's threads. <3 - Solara is her constant companion, and is never far from Vianni unless otherwise stated.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-13-2017, 11:18 AM
The demon king was awakened not by the sound of Vianni, but by that of a damned howl. A snarl ripped through the air and Noctus was quick with moving from the temperamental man's war path. He was pissed to be awaken. It was male and he was sliding from his bed quickly. His head dropped and he made his way through the bowels of the vessel. His tail swayed in anger as he moved. Noctus was at his heels but decidedly for his own benefit surfaced to stand near Solara. It was a smart decision on his part as Lucifer was in no mood to be around at the moment. He would just as likely eat Noctus as attack this male. Whatever stupid male it was he was in no mood to have him around Vianni. As it stood he wasn't about to let him board the vessel.

He emerged from the hole towards the belly of the ship. His body blocked this entrance and he snarled at the sight of the male before him. His ears pressed back and he revealed his fangs to the male. He was moody as fuck and about to rip this male apart if he didn't answer Vianni, whom he could hear above him. He might be a king but for Vianni he was an attack dog, a guard, and a keeper. He kept her there no matter what.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.

Forsaken I


5 Years
05-15-2017, 05:53 PM
There came the first of the beasts, a beautiful snarl given to his presence that sent a shiver down Forsaken’s spine. His ears twitched curiously, gaze soon sliding to the massive male that made himself known a moment later. Well well… so the bitch had herself an attack dog? Oh how delightfully sweet. It was almost as sweet as the twisted romance of his father and mother… though perhaps a bit less sad. Forsaken threw back his head, letting out a loud, maniacal laugh.

“Oh darling careful with your words now… You’ve got some bite in them.” Forsaken grinned widely, taking on a defensive stance as he shifted his gaze between the female and male. “Not looking for trouble, per say… Just visiting some old ruins of the past. Was hoping to find a sibling or two of mine… but I see a new King and Queen rule the roost~” Taking a moment Forsaken gave quite the intricate and elegant bow before rising once more.

“Though perhaps you might share with me if you’ve seen them? They need… eradicating.” His grin turned even more twisted and sick at this word. Oh yes… he wanted blood. But there were only certain wolves he longed for it from. These two were not his current quarry… though if they attacked him, well, he could just as easily decide to take a bite out of them too!