
Colder, Colder


05-20-2017, 09:49 PM
Elpis could hardly believe that she’d been kidnapped not once, but twice now. This new male, Forsaken, had moved her out of the den and dragged her off to this large island… but at least she wasn’t alone anymore. There was a large boy here with her now… and Elpis was grateful for his company. His size made the little girl feel safe, and the child of death secretly tried to stick as close to him as she possibly could.

Her mismatched eyes of gold and green, from her fathers, were fixed on the ocean. She missed them… missed her brother. She missed Poe too… the raven had been a wonderful comforting presence of his own. She let out a soft sigh, feeling her tiny stomach give a rumble. She hadn’t eaten properly in days… didn’t know how to hunt… and was scared to try and learn. She wasn’t sure what plans this Forsaken had for them either… but she doubted it was good.

At least the other wolf had a pack that might come rescue him. She was sure her fathers were looking but… would they ever find her? Would she ever see Ceph again?

A sigh left Elpis’ lips and she eased onto the cold sand, fluffing her fur up against the chill. She didn’t mind the cold too much… She was an odd child fascinated with death like her papa before her. Cold reminded her of death… and maybe, she thought a bit morbidly, she’d learn to feel death’s embrace soon enough.


05-22-2017, 08:52 AM
Viho stood with his front paws just barely in the sand at the very beginning of the beach. He saw the girl that was captured here with him further down toward the water and his ears flicked unhappily. He shouldn't have trusted that man. He just couldn't bring himself to believe that anyone would want to cause him real harm. Well, that was until he got pulled away from his pack and family and out onto this island where he couldn't even tell which way was home. He felt more badly for the girl that was here than he did for himself. He was quite a bit bigger than the man that had them captured here, but this girl was so tiny. He hadn't even seen the girl hunt or anything so he was afraid that if he tried to escape she wouldn't make it.

He looked around to make sure Forsaken wasn't near by before he turned and went back into the trees that were behind him. It took him a little bit of time, but he managed to catch one of the rat-like things that he happened to see skittering into a den under a tree root. He was just glad his father had helped teach him some things about hunting. His stomach growled as he picked up the creature, but he knew Elpis needed it more than he did. He carried it back to where she had been laying and gently sat it at her paws. "For you," he said with a small smile before he sat back on his haunches, glancing around to make sure Forsaken hadn't snuck up on them.


06-19-2017, 03:22 PM
If death was going to take her it wasn’t going to be today. Elpis shifted her gaze towards the boy whom had been captured a bit later than she had. He was… bringing her food? Her stomach rumbled, and the emaciated femme flicked her ears thoughtfully. “You’re sure?” She asked, keeping her voice down as bi-colored eyes searched the land around them. But hunger had her gaze sliding down to the rat like creature… it was guilt that kept her from diving upon it straight away, instead lifting her gaze back up to the boy.

“Er… sorry we haven’t really talked yet.” Elpis shifted uneasily on her paws, her stomach giving another low growl. “I was hoping to see my papas… but I don’t know if they’ll ever find me all the way out here. I doubt that whatever that brown man, Forsaken, is up to is good either…” Elpis frowned deeply. “I’m Elpis Adravendi. What’s your name?”