
Caelum child



10 Years
05-21-2017, 10:17 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2017, 11:11 PM by Caelum.)
EDIT: Designs to pick from if you wanna change her appearance: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

Alrighty, so since she's never actually been posted and it's been several months and I did say I'd take back adopts who were inactive and junk, THIS CHILD NEEDS A HOME!


She has never been rp'd or mentioned IC so far, so she is essentially a blank slate. You can change her name, her history and personality to your liking, go for it, make her your own special baby. Essentially I'm more adopting out her "spot" as a Caelum kiddo since I want Caelum to reconnect with her long lost baby. Also please note that when thinking of new names they tend to be latin(not always) and kind of sort of nature themed. You don't have to change things, but you can. Essentially as long as she is of a good alignment(or neutral but good is preferred and evil isn't reeally an option) you're good to go ahead and make her your own.

Her history can be found... somewhere. TL;DR, she(or he if you wanna totally change things up and make a boy, idc) is the child of Caelum and Zephyr. I believe she would have been like a year or younger when a raid on Cae and Zeph's pack left the majority of it's members dead. Only a small handful came away with their lives, including this kiddo. Unless they weren't present at the time, which is unlikely, the poor pup probably witnessed some pretty horrible things. None of the survivors knew there were others who made it out until they came to ardent, except for Caelum and Zephyr but that's another story. What happened after the attack to this poor youngster is entirely up to the adopter.

Go nuts, make this kid your own special creation if you so wish, you can probably change like everything even appearance tbh(don't quote me on that) cause she was never used, annd that's it. Fill out a form thingy to try and claim this child for your own.

<b>OOC name:</b>
<b>Character name:</b> (Keep her as Eura or change the name)
<b>Appearance:</b> 100+ words
<b>Personality:</b> 150+ words
<b>History:</b> (What went down during the attack for this character? What about afterwards?)



5 Years
Dire wolf

05-21-2017, 10:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2017, 09:14 PM by Naamah.)
crap, im sorry...I want her, I really do, but someone else might be able to do better than me :(
Lilith is mostly a voice inside Naamah's head, unable to be heard, unless otherwise stated. Naamah is a character who is prone to acts of violence and gore. Her threads are usually marked mature. Her companion is always assumed to be with her, except if stated otherwise.



9 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
05-21-2017, 11:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2017, 02:21 AM by Okami.)

OOC name: le Dragon
Character name: Roseus (Latin for: rose, rosy, pink, roseate, auroral, aurorean)
"I never paint dreams or nightmares...but I'm marked forever..."

While she may be unremarkable in size and stature, the woman has a way of standing out from the crowd. For starters, her base pelt color is a medium grey with silver hairs strewn across her bodice. Her secondary color is a brilliant and pure white, untainted by anything else save for what makes her remarkably beautiful. She bears floral type markings upon her tail, chest, face, ears, and left foreleg. Her hind paws appear to have been carefully dipped in white, her underside swathed with it as well. However, that isn't what makes her stand out from the rest. The delicate woman has the tendency to glow when emotions run high, that is to say, she literally glows. Her white markings give off a soft, warm glow depending on her mood. Usually if she's excited or emotional. She doesn't glow to where it's blinding, but more gentle like the moon. She was thought to have been born normal like everyone else, but thanks to the day when tragedy struck and when she thought she was going to die, her luminescence came out and has been a part of her ever since. She does what she can to hide it, believing that she'd be mocked for her abnormality. She struggles with that part of herself, just as much as she struggles with her missing limb. Her right foreleg was taken from her when she was young from a terrible attack, so she has lived nearly her whole life hobbling around on three legs. While she has gotten used to having a missing limb, there are times where she experiences "phantom limb syndrome." Despite the occasional pain the girl experiences, rosy pink eyes remain as bright as ever.

"She's got the eyes of innocence; the face of an Angel.
A personality of a dreamer and a smile that hides more pain than you can ever imagine."

Despite what happened to the girl in her younger days, she is still as innocent as ever. She is sweet and kind, though she retains a sort of reservation upon first meeting others and seems to always have her guard up until she is sure she can trust those she comes across. She isn't gullible or easily tricked, the girl a critical thinker when it comes to assessing others. She had been deceived before when she was stolen as a child, so she has learned to not trust so easily, no matter how badly she wants to. Roseus is generally a good judge of character as well, but not everyone is perfect. There may be times when someone slips through the cracks and ends up not being who she thought they were, deceit a common thing in her life. While she doesn't think everyone is good of heart nor has the best intentions, she likes to hope that they are. She dislikes being lied to, and so those who do will find themselves staring at the back of her head. She hates being lied to (who doesn't?), so she may end up turning her back for a time until one proves that she can trust them again.

[will add more if I get it]

Possible rape trigger warning
History: Things were good before everything went to Hell. During the attack, Roseus had managed to get out and flee with a few others, though it didn't take long before several rogues tracked them down and picked them off in the dark of night. Roseus ran as fast as she could go, but eventually, they'd catch up to her. Backed into a corner within a canyon where she had hoped to lose them, she knew she didn't have the strength or power to fight them off and escape. They came at her, a couple of them pinning her down and inflicting wounds to weaken the struggling child. Eventually she would fall unconscious, a result from the pain and loss of blood. Days later when she awoke, she was locked in a large den with several other females, also bloodied and injured. Captives to be used for "pleasure" as their captors called it. Terrified and weak from her ordeal, along with the lack of food and water, she waited out her days in a cramped den. One by one, the other girls who she got to know were taken out, some returned worse than they had previously been, while others did not come back at all. She didn't know what became of those other girls, but she would soon find out when her turn came weeks later.

They came for her one night while she fitfully slept, and although she walked without a fuss, they still pushed her around and humiliated her on the way to their destination. Once there, she was thrown to the ground and forced to bow down to the lead male, a gruesome looking man much bigger than she. He was scarred from many battles, the air around him screamed evil. Shaking, she remained crouched as the man approached her, a wicked and stained grin glinting in the moonlight, the sickening stench of despair and death upon his coat. She didn't know what he intended to do with her, all she could think was this might be her last night. She kept her gaze on her paws as he circled her, and eventually he'd stop right behind her. She didn't know anything about adult things, let alone what his intentions were until he began to mount her. However, through her rising panic, she turned and snapped at the man, teeth biting and cutting right through one of his eyes. He wailed as blood spilled from his face, the girl stunned at what had just happened. Before she knew it, the man issued a command to his subjects, ordering them to take her away and kill her, but not before they had their way with her.

She was dragged away, the girl kicking and flailing helplessly, but she of course, was overpowered. It was the longest night she ever had, and by the time morning came, she was beaten and bloodied, her body aching as she lay on the ground, unable to move. Her mind and body had gone numb during her ordeal. She had fallen into such a state of unconsciousness, that her captors thought her dead when they were done with her. She was left alone on the cold canyon floor. It took a long while, a few hours at most, before she tried to stand. However, she soon came to realize that they had taken from her not only her innocence, but one of her legs as well. She stared at the bloodied stump where her leg once was, gaze hollow as she tried to comprehend it. She'd finally pull herself to a painful sitting position, though it seemed as if all life had left her. She sat there for the better part of the day, blood steadily trickling from her open wounds.

That night, a passing wolf would find her, shocked at what he saw. He rushed to her, questioning her, asking her if she needed help, but his words were no more than an echo in her ears. Determined to aid her, the man managed to haul her out of the canyon, taking her to his den where he then proceeded to treat her. After giving her some herbal remedies to ease the pain and put her to sleep, he tended to her. It didn't seem like she would survive, so the man kept constant watch on her and hoped that she would pull through the fevers and infections she suffered. Several more days would pass, and at last she would begin to stir. As eyes fluttered open, the first thing that came into view was the man, and almost immediately she would send herself into a panic, at which point something strangely fascinating happened. Her markings began to glow as she struggled to her feet, her high emotional turmoil seeming to have triggered the phenomenon. Surprised by this, the male gently reassured her that he had helped her and that he was a friend. Hesitantly, she calmed down...thanking him for saving her life.

She was surprised too, about what she had just done. Though her fur didn't glow for very long when she calmed down, she wondered what had triggered it. She would remain with the man, and when it came time to leave the place of nightmares, he too would come with her. Together, they struck out for new lands, and thus would make their way to Ardent.

Other: She may have a male companion who I may or may not adopt out >.> <.<

Arrow is allowed to crash her threads, regardless of the tag



10 Years
06-06-2017, 12:37 AM
Roseus is accepted! <3