
Sin Progeny



6 Years
Dragon Mod
05-22-2017, 01:41 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2017, 01:52 AM by Sin.)

So evidently, Sin's kids are coming out of the woodwork and might be stirring up some trouble *cough

That being said, I've got one (maaaybe two but we'll see) that needs a player!

This particular pup is from Sin's last litter before he died, and their mother Ylva is also dead.
Siblings are Silva, and a brother that went missing a long time ago and is presumed to be dead too. Much sadness.

*Short History Recap*

The kids were born around the time Sin had raised the flags of Hellstrom, they were around when Abaven x Imperium lay siege to the newborn pack, so the pups had been ordered to head to the safety of Donostrea under Glacier's care. However, since Hellstrom didn't stand a chance, the pups had no home to return to and Sin had vanished to the north to take care of his wounds. On the way back to pick up his children, he had stopped to find a spar and was met with Cypress and challenged to a death match where Sin sadly lost. Silva witnessed the death, but the others didn't. Before his impending doom, he was pretty close to his kids and cared for them alot. Despite his darker demeanor, he always loved his kids and made sure they were always a priority. Meanwhile, Ylva didn't really care for her three kids and ignored them completely lol.

NOW THEN! This pup can be a boy or a girl since it never posted, or...had like 1 post I think. So it's pretty much open for anything.

Sin Isn't the nicest guy around. His coat is pure white with markings of his enemies blood staining his coat. His family lineage has different variations of color which include Albino, Melanism, slate blues/grays, cobalt-ish blue hues, white, black, silvers, russets. Eye colors vary as well. Heterochromia isn't common in his lines so far, but amber, green, blue, purple, silver, red are ok.

Ylva Is also on the darker side. Colors running along her lines are blacks and grays, possibly white. Eye colors also vary. Her eyes are mint green while her brothers are yellow. Insanity also seems to run on her family lines, considering her brother Diablo has no sense of morality and is quite the insane creature. So flaring aggressive issues may also be considered.

Name ideas (You can come up with your own if you wanna)
Girls: Eris, Coli, Duranie, Apollonia, Lust, Elvira, Gladys, Morven, Regan, Úna, Zorah
Boys: Recture, Randulfr, Mekiah, Blaine, Amarion, Barrett, Wrath, Pride, Sloth, Ōkui(Gluttony), Cyrus, Draven.

Alignments are mostly on the darker side of the spectrum, though can develop to...niceness if you must I: maybe. idk, the older siblings would probably try to beat them up if they were goody goods XD

I don't have any designs available right now but I can probably make some or you can make your own.

[b]OC Name:[/b]
[b]Character Name:[/b] -- Hellstrom
[b]Appearance:[/b] Site Minimum
[b]Personality:[/b] Site minimum
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] 150 words.

Remember, I reserve the right to take back the pup should it go inactive, be set inactive, not posted for a month, etc etc ya'll know the drill.

Lucifer I


6 Years
Dire wolf
05-22-2017, 02:03 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2017, 07:18 AM by Lucifer I.)
OC Name:Asena
Character Name: Rikeros Hellstrom (would of been known as Draven before he went "missing")
Design: with "war paint" without "war paint"
Gender: male
Riker takes more after his mother than his father, though it is easy to see. He is a large male standing at 36 inches and weighing roughly 120 pounds. His physique is gained not from his family lineage but more so from where he has been the past few years. He is barrel chested and tightly muscled. His fur is coarse and rough as if he had been unable to groom it for weeks on end at one time. His body bears many scars though most stay hidden under his fur, a few even have made his hide tough in places. His face though shows off his battle scars, mainly over his left eye socket, where the eye doesn't exist any longer, and one thickened one that runs down the right side of his jaw until it reaches under his chin where it stops about halfway. His lower left canine is also broken and made jagged at its tip. His right eye remains intact and just as golden as it was the day he opened it. His pelt is a light grey, like that of a dove, with only his ears edges bearing any darker color. the color is a dark grey on the marking. His fur wears the ""war paint" he obsessively applies. The color is a dark red and if one takes a closer inspection, one would find he has taken to wearing the blood of his enemies just as his father did. He keeps the markings even for the most part, except on his face where he only wears it on his right side as if the scars on the left are a war paint of their own.

There are many things that this male is but loving isn't one of them. For starters, he is harsh and can be quite judgmental. His past doesn't help this. He is considerably hostile to those he meets along his way. He's not one for beating around the bush, he says what he thinks and often it comes out vulgar and offensive to others. He doesn't care one bit if he hurts someone's feelings, nor if he has to hurt someone physically.

His time with sin isn't forgotten, nor the blatant lack of care from his mother. Though it has since been overshadowed with darker memories. Being forced to fight and earning beatings has forced him to become hardened to sentiment and attachments. At the same time he has a thing about obsession. It can be as little as obsessing over his pelt or something as big as obsessing over another being. Yet even if he obsesses with you he will have little to no care over if you live or die. His most current obsession is returning to Ardent and finding his father. He has the problem of holding a grudge over the man, for he never came looking for his lost son when he was needed most.

He has a sense of loyalty to himself and his siblings but a deep jealousy makes it impossible for him to care about them. He believes Sin never once cared for him and his siblings were his only concern. Such feelings have made him resentful of his family, though if they truly needed him he would stop at nothing to destroy everything in his wake to help them.

He is also ambitious in many ways and a dreamer in some as well. He believes fully that he will make the Hellstrom line greater than ever. He knows full well one day his father will bow down to him and he will be alpha, he will lead the pack to take down those that sought to take his father's down.

Other: He will not know of the fall of hellstrom because while squirrel took them to donostrea, he took his chance to turn back in the confusion and try to find sin in the attack(under the idea he could help) and was stolen by a lone male. he was then taken from Ardent and for years (until very recently) forced to fight in a sort of underground fighting "club", in his escape he might of killed some dudes, not that he really cares cuz he's freeeee to wreak havoc

Roleplay Sample: Rated m for cursing and mentions of abuse and gore
He moved silently as the sun barely touched the horizon. The early morning hours were cold and he could feel it with every breath, the fire of cold air on his lungs. His exhales came with clouds of heat. His eye cut into the land as if by just looking at it he could set it ablaze. It was better than being where he had been though he had to admit. Every scar marked him a wanted man, a murder. He gave no fucks about such a thing though. He had been forced to conform and his captor payed dearly for it. His blood had joined that of the others with a flourish that only a Hellstrom could provide. His punishment for caging the once soft Draven had been excruciating for him, though Rikeros had enjoyed every last moment of it.

As he came to a slowed stop he lifted his head and surveyed his surroundings. Everything was familiar here, the scents new but also old. The scarred man planted himself firmly as a snarling yell fell from his lungs. "SIN HELLSTROM COME MEET YOUR END BY THE FANGS OF THE ONE YOU FORGOT YOU FUCKING COWARD!" He was calling for blood, and not just any blood. Only that of his father would do for the brute. He would rip the life from the man and take his pack one way or another. Hellstrom would be his and nothing any of his brothers or sisters did would stop the man. He would kill them all if he had to. Today he would add the bones of Sin to the boneyard. His mouth was peeled with a snarl that spoke of every ounce of pain and anger he had because of the man. His eye watched for signs of his estranged father. If Sin did not come he would challenge every Hellstrom until he drew the man out, though he doubted he would since Sin cared only for himself, why else would he have allowed Draven Hellstrom to be stolen away and kept like some mans personal punching bag for so long. There was only one reason and it started with that stupid pack of his.
Lucifer is a grade A jerk. His threads and all posts are rated M for mature. He is cannibalistic and has a tendency to force himself onto anything with four legs. He is bipolar though so he can also be a very nice guy, though also could have a mood change mid thread. You have been forewarned.

As his mate Azariah is allowed in any and all of Lucifer's threads. Unless stated otherwise Lucifer is assumed to be accompanied by his companion, a Wolverine named Noctis.


05-29-2017, 07:09 AM
Asena, you get the adopt :) i look forward to seeing him around!