
Warnings on the Wind



12 Years
Extra large
05-22-2017, 07:33 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

He’d departed from Marina and Tornach once he’d been certain she’d be safe with Tornach. He’d taken off at a fast, ground eating trot, forging across the river and barely pausing to shake the water from his coat before continuing on. His scarred elbow was twinging slightly by the time he drew to a stop near the Willows, sampling the scents heading north. There was a hard thump in his chest as he caught a fresh layer of Justice’s scent following the older trails left by her brother and father, but he wouldn’t be more than a few moments here..

He threw out an urgent howl for his sister, hoping she’d hear the urgency and hurry fast, then sank to his haunches, deciding it was better to sit and conserve his energy, and let the elbow rest a bit. For good measure, he shifted his weight fully back onto his hind end and left front paw, letting his right leg only just barely touch the ground as he waited for the familiar earth and silver form of his sister.

He would only stay long enough to warn Faite of the threat up north, so close to this border, and then he would be on his way, with full intent to push himself to catch up with a dogged yearling who meant to track down her family members.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

06-05-2017, 01:25 PM

It hadn't been very long since she had visited Regulus with Kairi and Rory so needless to say she wasn't expecting the howl from the crimson male. She'd been sniffing around, trying to pick up on any stale scents of Miach, but her efforts had been in vain. Nothing was remotely fresh whatsoever. Her only other option was going to different packs to see if they'd seen the little brown and silver pup. Her thoughts were easily torn away from her missing nephew and instead focused on her litter mate. What had brought him to Lirim so soon? Whatever it was, it sounded important.

She had recognized the urgency and haste in his voice so she wasted no time in loping towards him. His bright form was easy to spot from a distance and she could see him sitting down. She offered him a small smile as she approached, clearly happy to see him, but a small part of her sensed that this wasn't a social visit at all.

"Hey Reg, everything okay?" She questioned him with a slightly worried look.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]



12 Years
Extra large
06-18-2017, 08:43 PM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

Her swift response made him grateful, and he lifted his head to greet her. “No, I’m afraid it isn’t.” He began in common, then shifted into the easier tongue, knowing she’d see how serious matters were in the fact that he used the family language to warn her. There was a deeper level to the language than the casual use of common tongue that everyone could understand.

"Faigh do phacáiste le chéile agus sábháilte i gcroílár na Lirim. Bí cinnte aon cheann de do leanaí atá ar iarraidh, agus seiceáil le Zuriel a dhéanamh cinnte go léir a cuid leanaí slán chomh maith." His fathomless sapphires met her mismatched gaze, so much like their mother’s, wanting her to understand that this was urgent. His explanation was swift, fluently given.

"Ceann de mo chomhaltaí nua Rinneadh ionsaí agus iachall ag fear a ghlaonn féin Satan. Shades de donn, le masc bán ar a aghaidh, agus súile dearg. raped sé í, Faite, agus gortaíodh go dona í. Tharla sé suas ó thuaidh, agus tá Lirim Is le fada an pacáiste is gaire ó thuaidh."

He rose to his paws, fore-end shifting toward the north, even as he continued, still quickly, knowing he needed to be swift here if he was to catch up with Justice. "Tá sí le Tornach sa Raon; d'éirigh sí a fháil amach agus é a dhéanamh go dtí seo. Cad atá níos mó, a dúirt sí liom go raibh comharthaí nach raibh sé ina aonar ar bun ann, agus gur féidir iad a eaters mac tíre."

He stopped, though his paws shifted, ready to move again as he added with a heavy trace of worry for his pack members, "Creed agus rianta Valor tá ba chúis ó thuaidh, freisin, Faite. Féadfaidh siad a bheith i mbaol; chaill siad an gcruinniú cúpla lá ó shin, agus nach bhfuil mé gafa n-rianta áit ar bith ar fud bhaile, agus tá aon duine níos úire ná na cinn a fuair mé, agus Cirt leanúint orthu anois, agus mar sin ní mór dom a bheith imithe i ndáiríre, anois."

He frowned, finishing with, “Keep your kids and our niece and nephews, and Zuriel safe.” With that he stepped forward, aiming to dash a quick lick on his sibling’s cheek before whirling on his haunches and leaping forward toward the north, warning given. He didn’t doubt that his astute sibling would guess his intentions if he found the wolf that had dared harm one of his pack members. So he wasn’t going to let her stop him. Especially since he had to catch Justice.

There was an odd sense of grim humor that he was seeking justice, both as the wolf and an outcome in payment for the pain of his charge.


[Image: T8yHvja.png]



6 Years

06-19-2017, 12:46 PM

A sense of unease filled her as Regulus made it known that everything wasn't okay. She couldn't fend off the sense of paranoia that set in. Was the family okay? Was Celestial okay? She shifted on her feet as she waited impatiently to hear the news. She was slightly surprised when he switched to the old tongue, but it was refreshing to hear it again. It'd been a while since she'd heard it considering the only family member she lived with now was Zuriel. Maybe it was about time she started teaching it to her children?

It was barely a thought in her mind though as Regulus spoke. His first warning was vague and didn't help her paranoia over what was bothering her crimson littermate at all. What on earth had him spooked enough that he had to come warn her to keep her pack and family within the borders. What was worse was that two of Zuriel's children were missing. They were far from safe at the moment considering they weren't even at home.

She remained quiet though as Regulus revealed the news. A soft growl of alarm escaped her at the thought that one of Regulus' members had been attacked and raped by a male who called himself Satan. Who would dare be so bold as to attack a pack member? His news didn't get much better as he went on. She was relieved the hear that his pack member was alright and that Tornach had patched her up, but the wolf eater part struck a nerve in her. Cannibals?

And it just got worse. A sense of dread filled her now as Regulus explained that Creed and Valor's scents had led north. She shifted again uneasily - why would they have been heading north? Justice was following them too. Before she could open her mouth to speak though Regulus planted a quick lick to her cheek before dashing off. She understood his worry and his need to be swift about following his pack members. She also had no doubt that he could handle himself with whatever he came into contact with, but she was worried. What of Miach and Kane? She was going to ask him if he'd keep an eye out for them, but she decided against calling out after him. She'd just find the pups herself without giving Regulus something else to worry about.

-exit Faite-

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]