
On the war path


05-24-2017, 09:57 PM

The anger and sadness that was bubbling in her veins seemed to have no end and no sign of cooling. She was furious that she was powerless. She was angry that her brother wouldn't save himself. She was saddened by her father's death. There was no emotion that she could name that could describe how she felt toward Sonica at this moment. Some mix of disgust and rage was about as close as she could come to putting a name to this emotion. She had long since given up on crying and she had taken out her anger the best she could along the way, but it was about as useless as trying to break a diamond with a feather. Even just being back in this land was making her upset.

She needed something, anything really, to take her mind off of her reality. She supposed that she should go back to Abaven and apologize to Bass for leaving unannounced, but Liviana really didn't think she had the patience and self control to do such a thing. At least not yet. She stalked past the snow-covered boulders that dotted the area as her tail flicked behind her. Her stomach was growling, but she didn't care. She had a bite on her shoulder from a fight she had gotten into just a couple of days before that probably needed to be attended to, but she barely paid attention to the pain from it. Something needed to jolt her out of her war path, but she had no idea what that thing might be.

"Talk" "You" Think