
Now my head is on backwards



5 Years
05-25-2017, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2017, 05:59 PM by Angra.)
(Rated M for cursing)

Through the hourglass I saw you;
I'll be damned if you slip away!
"Fuck." The first word out of Angra's jaws since the few minutes they had been there was due to, more or less, the sudden scent of herbs that had hit her so suddenly. Not to mention that there was the stench of other wolves, and she wrinkled her nose as if to get rid of the smell. But they had made it, to whatever this land was called; Mismatched eyes flickered towards the stone ruins, and she paused, just for a moment, before she passed to glance over it. "What the hell is this for?" Her question was directed towards Ahura rather than the air. She didn't trust the ruin, and altough a part of her wanted to touch it, she didn't know what it was supposed to do. Instead, she sent the rest of the area around her a glance before backing away from the stone and sitting down heavily, waiting for her husband. They needed to talk about the plans that they had. Hopefully those plans would require staying away from other creatures as much as they could. Angra didn't want to interact with them any more than she absolutely had to. Which may be too much for her to like; if she had it her way, she wouldn't interact with anyone but Ahura. A quiet sigh escaping her, she directed her next words to her brother again. "What the fuck are we gonna do here, anyways?"

Action | "Angra speaking." | "Ahura speaking."



3 Years
05-25-2017, 10:09 PM
Through the hourglass I saw you;
I'll be damned if you slip away!
Angra had not said a word since they had arrived, and it was something that really hadn't bothered the beast that walked by her side. As her brother, he had heard enough of the she-devil's nagging to last a lifetime, but he loved her. She was his family, his ward, something precious for their bloodline and the last remaining member of their family aside from himself. When finally her words struck his ears, they were strung and blended with some of her more colorful linguistic art, and it made him grin deviously at her. "Things were getting...too hot at home. I thought we could use a change of scene. Somewhere better to fuck shit up, with more places to hide should things get sideways." He had a deep voice, one that sounded as though gravel knocked together the way it rumbled. He wrapped himself around her back, putting her between his limbs and nipping up toward the base of her skull. "Calm yourself, love. Don't need bloodshed on our first day in town, we should save that for our house warming party." He wrapped his neck around hers until he could place his head on her shoulder and look up at her with bright, jade green eyes that beamed innocently at her.

The pair had never been a couple to do anything without a game plan first, and it would seem that even though she was in a bad mood, she didn't want to move forward until she knew their goal. To be honest, Ahura hadn't thought that far ahead, he only saw them get here. He only wanted them safe. Now that they were, he wasn't sure what to do with their safety. He knew he wanted to fuck shit up though, and they would do just that once they found a hideout that wouldn't mind the heat. 'What the fuck are we gonna do here, anyways?' Angra asked, her pretty voice rivaling that of any songbird, but her words foul as any crab's. Pulling his wife closer to his chest with his chin, Ahura chuckled into her ear. "I believe we should at least find a pack, they could provide protection while we come to know this land. You know they will have food. I hate having to go with the common rabble, but it would seem there is no choice. We can go around and decide which is best suited for our particular needs, and go from there. Other than that, I am all ears, my darling sister. The devilish male grinned and gave his mate's ear a lick, nuzzling into her ruff.

thinking. | you. | Ahura.
Beware the Mad Reaper! Ahura is a wolf capable of unspeakable violence, very adult language, and really bad moods! Thread with caution!



5 Years
05-25-2017, 10:44 PM
Through the hourglass I saw you;
I'll be damned if you slip away!

At her brother's grin, a mirroring one stretched across Angra's face. At his words, she spoke, her voice lowering from how it had been when she was asking about the strange object. She hadn't even realized that her voice had been raised slightly until she answered him. "But that gives them more places to hide before we can fuck them up." At the nip to the base of her skull, she raised her head, attempting to nip Ahura's cheek. At his next words, an overly dramatic sigh left her jaws. "I guess I can wait until later to beat the shit out of someone." It wasn't something she really liked to do, and she wanted to announce their arrival with something special, but it would probably be hard to do anything if they were being hunted down. And it wouldn't be very fun on their first day; or anytime, really. Angra liked the fighting, but she didn't like the aftermath all that much. Mostly because she was a bit restless for her next fight not long after.

She allowed herself to be pushed closer into Ahura's chest, relaxing slightly. At his plans, she sent him a look that she hoped would convey how unhappy she was about having to join a pack. There would be too much interaction; more than she wanted, at least. Which wasn't saying much, considering the only interaction she truly liked was from her brother. "You can't get mad at me if I beat some bitch to death." He knew how she felt about packs, but it seemed that there wasn't much of an option. She'd just have to deal with it, and try and avoid the others outside of mandatory meetings. "Let's at least join a pack that'll let us raise hell." She didn't have any ideas about what else they could do; her mate probably knew that she was itching to cause trouble as soon as possible.

Action | "Angra speaking." | "Ahura speaking."



3 Years
05-25-2017, 11:09 PM
Through the hourglass I saw you;
I'll be damned if you slip away!
The face she made was simply adorable, and the large male was smitten all over again at the displeasure upon her face. It was the same displeasure he concealed beneath his carefully blank expression, "If you beat up someone inside the pack, we would be ousted and hunted and would have to move again, is that what you want, sister?" His tone was a bit shorter than he would usually use with her, but he had no other choice. She couldn't keep this constant fighting up unless she found herself a friend or focused and actually applied herself to their spars. Ura gave his sister wife a deadpan look that said 'duh' in at least ten different ways. "Of course, I would only put my dearest mate in a pack that would make her giddy with happiness. And should anyone get too close, just call for big brother, and I will be right there. I will never leave your side, you are much too precious, I promise!" He smiled and rose, tilting his head to beckon her to follow him once again, perhaps they could find trouble on the way to find a home.

thinking. | you. | Ahura.
Beware the Mad Reaper! Ahura is a wolf capable of unspeakable violence, very adult language, and really bad moods! Thread with caution!