
Wreckage Adoptions



9 Years
11-23-2017, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2017, 06:19 PM by Storm.)
*Brief Family History*

The Wreckage family originally started with three sisters who had a vary close bond and decided that they would go through life always being together. The original plans were to include their parents, but their parents both died when they were around a year old. The three ladies had taken a liking to the earth, the plants, and what uses they could gain from it. Healing back in their time wasn't vary well known so when the women discovered that plants are used to heal they took that use along with their love to travel to try and survive. Trading their healing and growing knowledge of herbs to trade for meat, cover, temporary sleeping quarters, and passage through lands. Then as they found more of a need for healing they began to expand their ideas for trading. Trinkets, alliances, ect. It wasn't until one of the sisters found attraction to a prisoner of a pack that they began to trade for other wolves. Of course this wasn't as simple as it seemed, it depended on the individual that they wanted. Now these wolves that they traded for, there was rules for them they were to stay with the sisters and protect them. This was how each sister gained their mates, each of there kids, and ect.

Most of the Wreckage women either have healing as Primary, or a secondary skill, but it wasn't always the case. There was plenty of times some of the women didn't want anything to do with healing. This was the case they would be taught trading and work with trading other things such as pelts, meats, and small animals. When the three main sisters past, three of their daughters took over and for years it has always been three sisters to lead the clan. Most often decisions would be discussed as a big family meeting, but ultimately the three leading sisters would make the final decision.

The clan traveled and grew and for many years didn't separate at all and that would have vary good luck and thrive easily. It wasn't until the years around Storm's birth did the thriving clan begin to fall on hard times. Healing was becoming a trade of many wolves so the clan was beginning to loose their main leverage for trading. Still the clan did not separate. It wasn't until the young Storm parted with the clan did the younger generations feel it was logical to fallow suit. First to leave after Storm was Frost, but his plans were to both find Storm and to find a suitable land for the clan to finally settle into. Not many of the elders are fond with the idea of settling, but as harder times continued more youth began to part from the clan, fallowing well set markers that Frost had left along his way.

*Important information*

The original family line consisted of wolves that originated from harsh northern conditions. Thick coats, heavy bones, and even built a bit tougher to endure harder elements. Overtime with the mixture of outside wolves that clan has become a bit diverse, but thick coats and darker colors still seem to be vary dominant in their line. Eye colors are also vary diverse due to the different lines bred into the clan. Mental disorders were vary few within the clan because who they brought into their family they were a little picky about. Any children that developed any mental disorders were immediately treated by the elders and if need be put on dosing of herbs for life as treatment. These wolves are vary family oriented and there was even rumors back in their line of partner sharing (most common in the first original sisters until they each found their own mate). Most pairings made lasted with little issues, but there was occasional murders if an outsider began to harm any in the clan. Decisions were always left to the elders, a council that acted as alphas to the clan.

*Current Wreckage Family on Ardent* And soon more to come!!

[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



9 Years
11-23-2017, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2017, 07:16 PM by Storm.)
Adoption Rules
  • I reserve the right to take back the character if it goes longer then one month of inactivity. I want these guys to be active and wonder all around Ardent.
  • Personalities do range with this clan, but they all have one thing that stays the same, they respect and honor their family. So this means no adopts hell bent on murdering or hurting other members of their family.
  • I do have a few purchased designs that can be used, but this does not mean you have to use them. You can certainly come up with your own design.
  • If you use one of my purchased designs they must stay here on ardent.
  • Names could be changed, but I would like to stick with the themes that are present. If any questions on names pm me please.

Current Adoptions

Hurricane & Rosebud Wreckage;; Hurricane had been a prisoner of war that the Wreckage clan traded with. Rosebud and her sister traded items for him and four others and brought them back to the clan. Rose fell in love with Hurricane and their love blossomed into pups. Rosebud is sister to Bluebelle, Violet, & Flint
Rosebud is black and grey in color. Hurricane is white, silver, and light grey in color

First Litter - 7 yrs of age (Spring)
Hail Wreckage ♂
Sleet Wreckage ♀

Second litter - 6 yrs of age (Spring)
Storm Wreckage ♀ - Taken by Bluetick

Third Litter - 6 yrs of age (Winter)
Frostbite Wreckage ♂ - Taken by Bluetick

Hagan Taint-Wreckage ♂ & Bluebelle Wreckage ♀;; Hagan was a slave forced to fight for his life within a pack that suffers from PTSD. While Belle was treating him for his disorder there was times he had grown violent with her and had almost killed her, but she was persistent and got him to the point he could live a fairly normal life without the worry of him attacking her or others in the pack. They also fell in love with each other.
Bluebelle is Grey and white in color. Hagan is white, tan, and cream in color.
*Note: Fen has made all the current designs and if looking for something other then what I have, I recommend getting Fen to make you one.

First litter - 6 yrs of age (Spring)
Anemone Wreckage ♀

Second litter - 5 yrs of age (spring)
Sakura Wreckage ♀
Arum Wreckage ♂

Third Litter - 4 yrs of age (winter)
Zinnia Wreckage ♀ - Taken by Bluetick
Magnolia Wreckage ♀ - Taken by Lolaf
Jonquil Wreckage ♂
Larkspur Wreckage ♂

Flint Wreckage ♂ & Clarice Bates-Wreckage ♀;; Flint met Clarice while he was out on a hunting trip. They were caught in a storm together and quickly bonded with one another. He invited her to the clan since she was a loner, she agreed and from there they fell in love.
Flint is black and grey in color. Clarice is Grey, white, and black in color.

First litter - 5 yrs of age (Winter)
Cobalt Wreckage ♂
Jasper Wreckage ♂ - Taken by Dragon

Second Litter - 4 yrs of age (Summer)
Clay Wreckage ♂ - Taken by Bluetick
Mica Wreckage ♂
Crystal Wreckage ♀

Third Litter - 3 yrs of age (Summer)
Morganite Wreckage ♀
Annabergite Wreckage ♀

Violet Wreckage ♀ & Karolek Sokolov-Wreckage ♂;; Her father was a trained and skilled killer for hire. Him and Violet met while she was out looking for herbs. He had taken a shine to her that was meant to be a one night stand, but when she discovered she was pregnant and found him again he had decided to stay, help her raise the kids. He never had the chance to fully fall in love with her because she died trying to give birth to the second and extremely large pup in the litter. Karolek then retired, stayed with the Wreckages and raised Iolanta.

First & Last Litter - 3 yrs of age (Winter)
Iolanta Sokolov-Wreckage ♀ - Taken by Bluetick
Anatoly Wreckage ♂ - Deceased

Useable Designs

Hagen x Bluebelle #1 - Taken by Lolaf
Hagen x Bluebelle #2
Hagen x Bluebelle #3

Design #1
Design #2
Design #3
Design #4
Design #5
Design #6
Design #7
Design #8
Design #9
Design #10
Design #11
Design #12

Adoption Form

<b>OOC name:</b>
<b>Appearance:</b> 200 words

<b>Personality:</b> 200 words

<b>RP Sample:</b> At least two paragraphs
[Image: pV7voRu.png]
[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times



10 Years
Extra large
07-22-2018, 10:11 PM (This post was last modified: 07-22-2018, 10:22 PM by Lirika.)
Which design? Branch sibling or
choice 2 Branch sibling
Sibling of? Branch
Name: Birch Wreckage (Olive x Maddox)
Gender: male
Skills: Healing and hunting (intellect and healing?)

Eye Color: deep, forest green
Height: 38" (would love to do 40" but no gems)
Appearance: medium build
Build// Sturdy, but far from brutish. As the name suggests, there will be a svelte sort of elegance to his form. He is no fragile waif, with strong shoulders and thickly muscled thighs. A deep chest forms a resonant voice, and allows for impressive endurance. Long of spine and torso, there is quite a bit to admire of the male. Burgeoning musculature around his legs and shoulders gives him an edge against fleet footed prey. He bears a thick, strong neck with powerful muscles that lend impressive strength to his jaws. A broad, almost boxy skull framed by thick cheek fur tops it all off. He is not quite as chiseled or attractive as most males, and he will remind you of that, but he isn't.. completely unfortunate looking. His muzzle is long and broad, and his ears sculpted.
Pelt// (design choice one)
Hues of ash and snow form a pallid base upon his form. He only becomes interesting when one raises their gaze from his feet. Along his topline, smokier hues rise from his shoulders to darken along his spine. Broken up by feathered streaks of his base ivory, the darker shades blot themselves over his limbs. His chest and neck are completely devoid of markings, extending into a sharp V down his forehead to the end of his snout. The rest of his face is splotched and blotted with grey, with the exception of a strange feathered mark around his right eye, and the rim of his right ear.
(design choice two)
One might assume he was meant to be a bird, from the feathered textures of his adornments. Built upon a base of ashen white, the male could almost match the trees for which he is named. Limbs wrapped in charcoal, and a topline feathered with dove grey. The most captivating of his markings are saved for his face. Coal lines his auds and his eyes. From his verdant gaze, they extend outwards like the wings of a bird. Matching streaks down the sides of his muzzle mimic them, feathering out towards his cheeks.
Stance// He holds himself with a careless swagger, often gazing off into the distance. He is not a rigid or disciplined creature, and it shows in the way he moves. At a walk, he moves lackadaisically, eyes roving and expression content.
Eyes// A shock of colour on an otherwise drab canvas, verdant green eyes. Likened to the boughs of a conifer, or the deep woods. They darken towards the pupil, a deep and rich evergreen, where the outer rims are a verdant hue closer to emerald.
Scent// pine needles, loam, and flowers.

Personality: (bisexual and totally chill with poly/open relationships)
Calm// Birch is rather unflappable. Some may mistake his constant chill attitude as apathy, but it is far from the truth. Rather, he simply doesn't feel the need to freak out about everything. He saves those moments for dire situations. He seeks to be a beacon of peace, or a steady rock amongst the raging rapids of life. It takes a lot to ruffle his feathers, and he tends to let most insults fly right on past. That doesn't mean that he ignores them, he simply chooses not to react. (He prefers to remember them for later dates)
Loyal// Family is critically important to Birch, who believes they are the glue that keeps a life together. Without those to lean on, one might descend into madness. He prefers not to do that. The male is loyal to a fault, where on occasion his inability to cut ties with those he's close to has led to some dark moments in his life. He simply holds too much love in his heart not to give it away freely. Should he oath himself to a pack or a leader, he will not abandon them, no matter the consequences.
Inquisitive// The male loves to get to know others, to learn their customs. Were it possible, he would make himself immortal simply to see what the world and its inhabitants can devise in the coming years. There is such a vastness to everything, and such a magic to the way that others make sense of it. It wouldn't be completely out of character for him to sit down with another, and ask them questions until the sun goes down and the moon rises high into the sky. He's simply a curious creature.
Charming// Birch has a way about him, of saying things and moving about, that draws others to him. Perhaps its the kindness in his heart, or the twinkle in his eyes when he talks. He flashes those pearly whites, and he can get his way surprisingly often. Perhaps growing up with a wealth of family has taught him to be cunning and creative, or he is simply so kind that none could deny him.
Reliable// Need a hand with a hunt? He's your man. Birch is terrible at turning others down, but he generally doesn't mind helping others out. You and your mate can't conceive? He'll be a surrogate for you. Someone needs to crawl into a badger den to retrieve a stolen heirloom? No problem. There isn't much that he wouldn't do for others, from the smallest of children to the mightiest of leaders. All you have to do is ask.

Ambitions: I would LOVE for him to reunite with Branch and work the trails with him. Gather goods for trading, make ins with the locals, whatever is needed. Also, he wouldn't be mad if Branch gave him a low rank and had him work his way to the top. I wouldn't be made either xD He would go out on hunting forays if needed, or trade with locals. I'd love to see him become a right hand to the pack, or just a treasured brother.

Plot Ideas: Two bachelors, kickin' it in the wild! Living the high life! Also, I can see him siring a few litters with some ladies in his future. Would love to get him a significant other, and maybe have him settle down at some point. He's really an open book, and I'd love to hear suggestions!

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



6 Years
Extra large

07-23-2018, 04:29 AM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2018, 04:46 AM by Elias.)
Which design? First choice and second choice.
Sibling of? Branch (Olive x Maddox)
Name: Moonlit "Moon" Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Navigation, Healing

Eye Color: Blue-gray when sad, silver outter edges of the iris otherwise that mask the blue pigment held closer to her pupil.
Height: 36", light build.

She had been dubbed Moonlit at birth for the way those obscure facial markings broke apart her piebald patterns. She is mostly pristine white, and what the piebald white does not cover is doused in dusty grays that hold patch and marking patterns not much unlike the moon itself. Her eyes are mostly iris, the whites of them hardly ever visible though even with all that iris-dedicated surface area, her color still manages to hide. They appear silver or light gray in most light, though when she is sad that color spreads across the surface of her iris to reveal the diluted blue pigmentation held within them. She is dainty and feminine, her steps carefully placed on lean limbs built for running. Her fur is thick, though short in most areas due to her time spent in Auster and warmer climates. Though she is not as small in stature as Storm Wreckage, their physique must have been pulled from the same strain in their DNA as her body-type near matches hers perfectly.

She is an adventurer; light and silent throughout most of her life though ever observant and intuitive. Her curious mind led her away from her family during her phase of maturation and brought her to the many wonders around Eastern Boreas and Auster. She has spent half of her life traveling and collecting jewelry and wonderful trophies that must have uses- to her, everything must have some significant use if not to simply be beautiful. She enjoys finding objects left behind by humans or even other creatures and purposing them for something. If she does not know the original intent for their use, she will make her own edits to her discoveries and find one for them. Her favorite discovery so far is a wind up music box plucked from the Castle in Auster, though she keeps it hidden from the rest of the world in the safety of her traveler's satchel.

She is elusive** and quiet, though kind and endearing. On her expeditions, it was not unlike her to go out of her way to help those in need that she encountered on her path. She is not a particularly ambitious healer, her desires always leading her more toward exploration, though what healing she does know had been learned on the spot to help take care of others in her company or to fix up herself when she was alone.

She took an extra week to care for a fledgling sparrow down in Auster, feeding him scraps of meat at all hours of the day to keep him alive until he was well enough to fly on his own. She has helped opossums cross rivers and raccoons become reunited with their parents. She has a soft spot for small creatures and children, doing her best to make sure they are well and taken care of before her exit to their life.

Although she is quiet, she is very smart. It appears the gears in her brain are always turning, always thinking about innovative ideas and what she could discover and invent next.

Ambitions: Gabori or Ferari at first, until she becomes more established with the social aspects of pack life. She will discover she is very interested in social relations both within the pack and outside of it, partially because she wants to make sure everyone under the Kesali flag holds integrity and good intentions. She will branch of to Lel and eventually Baxtalo. She is kind, especially toward outsiders and newcomers. Making sure that the image of Kesali is always seen as good and that the imprint they leave on the world is one of nurturing and good hearth would be her primary motivator for involvement in the pack. Well, that and her collections.
Plot Ideas:

1. I would like some conflict with perhaps a darker alignment within the pack. Maybe someone is too cruel for her tastes on their hunts, or too bloodthirsty and focused on sparring or battle. She despises the pursuit of violence as opposed to the pursuit of truth and it will cause her to voice her concerns frequently if she sees it, doing her best to steer her brother and Kesali down the right path. This darker alignment could hopefully be influenced by her as well, perhaps even becoming.. a crush? :O

2. The great invention of her life will be a stand made for an ancient telescope she also found in the Castle. She will set it up on pack lands for others to come by and look through. It will be held up by adjustable vines for wolves of different heights so that they may admire the stars and surrounding lands. She will begin to keep track of moon phases and relate them to her own estrus cycle and then the cycle of others, becoming a sort of fertility doctor within the pack as she learns the precise times to use fertility-boosting herbs.

3. To be a mother or caretaker. Though she loves discovering new things, she would love to dedicate her life to sharing her knowledge with children and watching them discover the same things she has all over again.

note; it's no secret that my muse is inconsistent at times. almost every character i play must be elusive to some extent, having motivation for going off on their own at some point. during my periods of low-muse, Moon will be off on her own adventures taking care of those in need or discovering hidden places and long lost treasures.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

Tag Me!



7 Years
07-23-2018, 08:49 AM
I’ll go ahead and accept Sin with design choice one for moonlight. And Denny with Birch for design choice number two :)



07-27-2018, 05:26 PM
Which design? Choice one and Choice two
Sibling of? Branch
Name: Cypress Wreckage (Olive Wreckage ♀ x Maddox Holmes-Wreckage)
Gender: Male
Skills: Healing and hunting

Eye Color: A deep ocean blue for design one, emerald green for design two
Height: 36'' (or 37'', depending on design), medium build



09-05-2018, 10:02 AM
Which design? Click! (Brought my own, hope you like it!)
Sibling of? Branch (Olive x Maddox)
Name: Aspen Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Navigation and Intellect

Eye Color: Blue
Height: 32" (mini wreckage)
Appearance: Aspen is a true Wreckage, and true to her lineage, she is blanketed is deep black with strikes of dark grays along the curvatures of her frame. Simple highlights to lighten the coal color that is the base of her makeup. In these respects, she resembles very much like her older brother Branch, and many others of their family. Even still, she has both light and dark blueish-silver strikes along her shoulders, making a rather beautiful display that catches the moonlight almost too perfectly. These same colors dash near the tip of her tail, as well as highlight the ends of the hairs along her cheeks and around her eyes. At a distant glance, one might even say she has fur like raven feathers, the way the dark contrasts the light, the way certain lighting can illuminate her highlights even further.
Aside from the more noticeable aspects of her makeup, Aspen has a slightly more unusual build than the rest of her family. Where the males stand taller than giants, she holds a more average, feminine build. Standing at best, around 32" and (after a good meal) weighing in at 115lbs, she is not the threatening warrior others in her family could claim to be. Instead, she is a spitfire, with speeds to rival even the quickest of hares. Though she is not short in any average gathering, with her family she certainly looks more like a young yearling despite her ever growing age. Her build is rather light, thus adding to her increasing speeds, but make it rather difficult to cause any real damage in battle or hunting. Aspen works very hard on her blows, just to seem up to par with the rest of her ever growing family.

Personality: Aspen is an Adventurous little girl who enjoys discovering nature's beauty in new and exciting lands. The world always seems so very large to her, but that does not intimidate her rather than urge her to consume it all with her own eyes. However, the need to explore doesn't over power her sense of Family, her need to come home. Aspen especially loves her big brother Branch, and has always looked to him as more of a father figure than a simple sibling of hers. Aspen is definitely a Playful soul if there ever was one. She can sometimes be called the class clown of the family, but she genuinely like to make others happy, and playing seems to keep the soul young at heart! She is Compassionate, always looking out for the well-being of others, even at the expense of her own. She seeks to bring joy to every life she touches, to better the lives of friendly wolves and to look towards a brighter future. Aspen is a bit of a Flirt when it comes to eligible bachelors, but never are so lucky as to meet her expectations nor pass approval from her brother's watchful eye. In that sense, some might even go so far to say she is a vixen; constantly close but just out of reach. Still, there is hope that one day a suitor will come along, pass every test with flying colors, and one day bring on a family of her own. But that day, is far, far, away.

Ambitions: What rank will they aim for in Kesali? Will they settle in a low rank or continue to work their way up to the council? Will they be willing to go out and make trades with Loners and Packs? Will they be willing to go out and hunt for treasure and things needed to keep the stocks up? Will they be a crafter and able to make things?
Aspen will find it rather difficult to settle into any one rank, at least at first, as she has a curious mind that always searches to learn and grow in all aspects of life. However as she settles more, gets a feel for things she truly enjoys, she might find herself in the Gabori role for a time. This role will give her the freedom to go out exploring, which she will learn to love, and she will be happy here for a time. Until she becomes more adapt in this trade, then she will be inspired to move up in ranking towards Patrin. This is where she will loose her love of finding hidden treasures however, and finding more interest in learning weather patterns and positioning of stars; hoping to one day know when to predict storms, and being able to find her way during the night using the map of the stars. This will eventually lead to her promotion to Lel. Still loving the thrill of adventure, but this time with a more important purpose as she will deal with pack trades and other business regarding the future of her pack and the packs of others. She will learn to be more calm, more respectful during this time, and eventual grow into a very mature woman and diplomat. This is where (I think) she will end her climb of power, and where her more playfulness will soon dilute to a mere pleasant behavior and attitude, and hopefully where she will begin to think more towards the future, and perhaps the legacy of the pack.

Plot Ideas: -Phew- Well most of her character devolopement was described in the ambitions section of this adopt. But perhaps I can whip up a few more ideas!
  1. Aspen will be out on adventures, meeting plenty of other wolves (of all characteristics, backgrounds, beliefs, packs, etc.), which I think will help get her more involved with other plots. But I also think this will be an opportunity for her to run into some troublemakers, and even more so (possibly) future enemies of the pack. But I haven't really worked that out quite yet and in truth, anything can happen out there.
  2. I would like for plenty of sibling bonding threads, as it is a big part of who Aspen is, to be completely devoted to her brother and his causes. Which then sparked this crazy idea of Branch asking his little sister to go out on crazy missions to discover secrets in other packs (but lets not get too carried away with that for now)Otherwise I plan on strictly developing her character as stated above.
  3. I want her to have plenty of Nav points as well as intellect, but I also want to get down to the grind and focus on the skills she needs to learn to become who I truly envision her to be. This has somewhat been a weak point with my other characters. And each will need their special TLC time to repair this. However my muse for Aspen is incredible since I saw her design and I have no doubt she will become a quick favorite of mine (plz don't tell the others).



4 Years
Extra large
09-05-2018, 07:56 PM
I love it Luna!!! Especially the design!! Accepted!!



3 Years
09-12-2018, 09:33 AM
Which design? preferred and back up
Sibling of? Branch ( Olive x Maddox )
Name: Wisteria Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Intellect and Healing

Eye Color: Preferred design: silver. Back up: periwinkle
Height: 30", light build

The runt of the litter, Wisteria was the last born and the last to grow. Hardly much of anything compared to her siblings, she stands as tall as she can at her thirty inches and barely weighs much of anything. With little muscle framing her bones, her body is light and hardly made of much. Made of monochrome hues, her body is primarily a light grey that gradients into a white at her underside and cheeks, however darken into black stockings on her legs (with a white toe on the front left!). The black returns on her face, giving her a unique mask that covers each eye the trails down the side of her muzzle before encompassing her maw entirely. To add to the mask, silver eyes peer out, giving her a slightly eerie look with the black around the eyes. The black reappears as minor stripes on her crown and flows down her back to settle into a dorsal stripe that runs down her tail. Off of that dorsal stripe come four more that fan off of her shoulders on either side. All together, she looks as if she belongs in a certain metal band...

Personality: subject to change based on ic interactions! also moderately based on me, so sorry for the crap here :< it'll get rewritten when she's more developed!
Wisteria was born the smallest, but was also likely born the smartest, at least if you asked her. While she isn't one to brag or boast about her skills, she does ride upon a high horse and think quite highly of herself. She's not afraid to offer herself if her skills match the skills necessary to complete a task and she'll even step forward if she thinks she's better for the job than someone else. While she's less likely to step on the toes of her littermates, she's all about bettering herself and would still be likely to push ahead if it's something she really wanted.

She's not much of a talker, preferring to watch others and observe rather than engage. However that doesn't mean she won't talk to her family and friends, it just means that she's less likely to interact if she has little interest in the conversation. She'd much rather watch and listen to whats going on and seem interested, but not really participate.

Based on her expressions, most think she's not approachable or easy to talk to. While she's known to have a bit of an attitude at times, what girl isn't? Her main problem is the 'RBF' that plagues her, combined with her eerie face marking. It's easy to scare others off when you aren't cheery combined with a pretty face!

Wisteria was not built for fighting, hunting, much travel, or anything that requires much physical effort. Her mind, however, makes up for that lack of strength and makes her much more useful in other areas of the Wreckage clan. Her intellect is through the roof, though her skill at healing isn't too far behind. She'd want to begin as a Chitries, earning her beginner skills as a healer while maybe going on a few adventures with the Gabori to find pretty things to adorn herself with, as well as to familiarize herself with her surroundings. Hopefully soon, her learning will allow her to rise up to a Drab and begin to learn even more about healing. Her desire for knowledge won't be quenched by just learning the art of healing, however, and she'll find herself sneaking off to make occasional trips with a Patrin or two, possibly a friend or a lover? In time, she'll even find herself possibly learning a thing or two from the Ferari, learning to make her own bandages for her patients or maybe even spoil herself or friends (or maybe that lover??) with gifts made by her. As she ages, she will settle hopefully into the rank of Pattríensis and take her first apprentice, teaching them as she was taught, maybe even teaching them to make bandages, too! After training an apprentice or two, hopefully her aspirations lead her into the role of Drabéngro, and then finally, with all the effort she placed into her learning, hopefully she would rise to the highest available rank for her duty, Drarnego. Her interests will always lie in other places as well, so she will often be found mingling with the Phuri, Baxtalo, Lel, Barvalimos, and the ranks mentioned before, however her loyalties will always lie with healing.

Plot Ideas:
1. I'd love for her to maybe be set up by Branch? I think it'd be pretty funny if he tried to play a little bit of matchmaker and tried to at least send her on a blind date? If it worked out, it'd be awesome! and also lolsy x)

2. Wisteria isn't good at hunting or anything, but maybe Branch could teach her a little? She wouldn't want to get super trained or anything, in fear of injuring herself beyond her own repair of course. She could in turn teach him some minor wound care!

3. bffs with moon; would def help her with the telescope

4. always open for suggestions!



4 Years
Extra large
09-12-2018, 09:45 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2018, 07:44 PM by Branch.)
I love her! Accepted with your first choice!



4 Years
Extra large
10-09-2018, 09:04 PM
Two designs are re-available for adoption


10-14-2018, 11:26 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2018, 11:28 AM by Poet.)
Which design? First choice
Second choice - I'd want the eyes to be yellow or brown though... if that's okay.
Sibling of? Branch
Name: Mimosa "Mim or Mimsy" Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Intellect, Healing

Eye Color: I'd LOVE for her to be partially blind in one eye, but I'm also happy to say I'd love for her to have yellow/deep brown eyes. In the first design choice, I really would love for her to have the pale blue almost white eyes, but that's a far stretch for any imagination.
Height: I'm thinking Mims will be 32 inches.
Appearance: Depending on the design I'm allowed to use, she'd be grayscale with varying degrees of grays, and some of the whitest whites. (wip)
Personality: Quiet. Inspired. Determined. Shy. To be honest, I assumed Miss Mimosa could be like a wolf with "sight," not a foreboding of sorts, but like a fortune teller/cooky crafter. She won't actually be able to see things or tell fortunes and such but she's good at reading people and has made correlations between these "signs" and things that happen. If that's not allowed, I'd probably just have her be some sort of crafty wolf with a little bit of healing knowledge. Nothing too crazy, but mostly she creates trinkets and such.

Ambitions: I'd love for Mims to work her way up to one of the top tiers. Mainly because of her "abilities." Since they aren't really real, or if they aren't even allowed, I think she'd aim for somewhere on the council, her highest ambition being Baxtalo. Realistically, I could see her being either a Ferari or a Drab. She'd be more determined to stay within the confides of the pack, at least that's what I assume. I definitely see her being crafty and finding knickknacks and treasures to use, I also see her making some from feathers and probably some nuts and berries.
Plot Ideas: I would definitely like to see Mimsy have some sort of "signs" of like impending doom or something and it not coming true, and at some point she doubts herself and worth in the pack. Perhaps even requesting a pilgrimage to trade with other wolves from other packs, perhaps even learning to regain her "sight" through some meetings or something, and realize that her premonitions are merely correlations not causation. I'm open to a lot for Mim to be honest. I'm not too sure. I usually like to let these things play out through the role play.

*this is sort of a WIP, so... yeah, but I'd love to see if this would be a possibility before I go further?*


11-07-2018, 10:46 AM
Gosh this looks great so far if your still interested :)



4 Years
Extra large
11-14-2018, 02:01 PM
Bumping! Kesali is up and running so they have a sure fire pack to go to :)



3 Years
Extra large
11-15-2018, 11:56 AM
Which design? 1st Choice
2nd Choice

Sibling of? Branch (Perhaps in Birch's litter?)
Name: Cypress
Gender: Male
Skills: Healing & Navigation

Eye Color: Pale Sea Green
Height: 33"
Appearance: (Based on Design #1) Pale as a ghost in most places, this male's coat is primarily made up of silver and soot. His underside is lightest, nearly white, white ashen grays draped along his shoulders and back. Darkest yet is a faint black bridling, atop his skull and over his shoulders. A dorsal stripe of the same black extends the length of his body and down his tail. Black is also present dusting all four paws, save for one white toe on the left forepaw, and marks the fur around his eyes and snout as well.

In build, he is deceptively slender. His coat is rather plush (murder in the summer, really) and one wouldn't easily guess the lack of stature beneath unless he was soaking wet. He tends towards lean and agile, which is fine by him, because he would rather heal than engage in combat anyways.

Inquisitive: Cypress has an insatiable sense of curiosity. He likes asking questions almost as much as he likes finding answers. From early puphood Cypress has been fascinated by how many things there are in the world to learn about. Even as he presses into adulthood, most sentences out of his mouth end in a question mark. Talkative: Cypress is the friend you never take to the movies with you. If a thought enters his mind the odds are good he'll decide to share it with the world. He loves conversation, and kind find interest in talking about pretty much anything. He'd tell a stranger his life story if they let him. Brave: Cypress is brave in the sense that he tackles new situations fearlessly. It's actually pretty easy to spook him on most days, all things considered. But when he gets excited by a new place or a strange discovery, a remarkable lapse in 'logic' and 'reason' can make him appear pretty brave. Regret is for the day after, right? Kind: Cypress is the sort of wolf who never really meets and enemy. He can make them, sure, but at first impression he assumes the best of you, and does his best to treat everyone respectfully. Call it bedside manner, but this generally affable male has a knack for making wolves feel at ease. A Bit Awkward: Of course, he's not all charisma and smiles. Cypress has a tendency to talk himself into a hole. Put his own paws in his mouth, so to speak. If he starts to doubt himself he will invariably begin tripping over his words. When things go poorly the young wolf becomes a rambling, stuttering mess. Hilarious for anyone who knows him well, but absolutely mortifying for him. A Bit Odd: To some degree, Cypress is just a smidge unusual. It's hard to pin down the precise cause, but most who meet him get the sense that the young male just experiences life in a very different way. Conversations tend to wander, with little regard paid to where they began or where they might go. He has a deep fascination with dreams, theories, and the unknown.

Ambitions: Cypress would like to become a roaming healer and trader. He would gladly go out and spread pack relations, while learning about the worlds different herbs as he goes. Eventually I see him settling down and either bringing a family to the pack, or finding one within.
Plot Ideas: I'd like to begin focusing on skills and getting to know his packmates. Eventually I would like him to maybe have a set trade route in the lands around the pack, he can just spend his days roaming and collecting things. In his older age I'm picturing... Idk, like the woods hermit local kids aren't really sure exists or not until he appears out of the blue, offers you tea, reads your fortune, tells you to follow the butterflies and then disappears again.



4 Years
Extra large
11-15-2018, 12:01 PM



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
11-16-2018, 10:24 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2018, 05:40 PM by Nyx.)
Which design? Bringing my own to the table:

Sibling of? Branch, preferably a littermate.

Name: Ivy Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Intellect, Fighting

Eye Color: Light Purple
Height: 36"
Appearance: Ivy largely takes after her mother, rather than her father, like most of the Wreckage family. She bears the typical varying shades of greys of the family, but has inherited her mother's pale tan hues. Layers of grey adorn her body, lighter around her forepaws, belly and chest, and fathering out to darker grey near her head, front limbs, and backside. That pale tan color is most prominent on the sides of her flanks, tapering off toward the end of her tail, down her back and forelimbs, as well as tipping her ears. A stark contrast to her more natural coat, her eyes are a soft purple.

As for build, Ivy stands at an unassuming 36". She has a lithe, feminine figure, her body lined with lean muscle and her limbs long and strong. She moves with careful grace and precision, the perfect embodiment of feminine beauty.

Personality: By all appearances, Ivy is a prim and proper sort of woman. As the first-born in Branch's litter, she embodies the 'older sister' vibe despite only being born minutes before him. She's instinctively a mothering sort of wolf, but of the strict variety, rather than warm and loving kind. Ivy has little patience for nonsense when it comes to her family, not at all opposed to frequent nagging and discipline when it calls for it. Of course, because of this, she can seem quite uptight - but only because she wishes the best for her family. She's the type to vehemently and blindly defend her family to outsiders, while berating them and wringing their ears privately afterwards for their poor behavior.

To those outside her family, she is all sharp edges and stiffness. She is cold and unyielding, not one who cares much for the business of strangers, and not one to lend a helping hand to others unless it serves her or her family in some way. She is resolute in her beliefs and thinking, not one easily swayed by others, and she has no interest in letting you try. Often the first impression one receives upon meeting her is that she's uppity and thinks quite highly of herself, but the truth is… well, that she does.

She's not all attitude and stuffiness, though, even if it can seem like it. Ivy is a scholar at heart, one with great passion for learning about both her family history and anything else she can possibly absorb knowledge about. Besides the pursuit of knowledge, she tends to be a crafter and a tinkerer, one who likes to use her mind to create oddities that can be either useful or merely whimsical. Besides this hobby, she isn't one apt to indulge herself in much, especially leisure activities... though she does have one particular and recently discovered vice - drinking. What she is less apt to be forward about is that, as well as being quite high-strung, she tends to be somewhat anxious in her own company and she finds that drinking helps take the edge off slightly. When she drinks, she tends to be a bit less uptight and rigid, and her quite silly and frivolous attitude then can be alarming for her family who don't know this side of her.

Ambitions: I definitely see Ivy as wanting a higher rank within the pack, as she tends to do best when she feels in charge and watching over others. xD Even if she didn't get there, though, she'd remain loyal and bound to her family. I definitely see her as an irritating motherly type, but one who has a peculiar mind and grows to be adept at crafting/tinkering with things as she discovers them.

Plot Ideas: No real big plot ideas, she isn't really the type to incite any chaos besides badgering her family and constantly badgering them to keep them in line.


11-16-2018, 07:27 PM
I love her!!! Someone needs to keep Branch and Birch straight lol! Accepted!



1 Year
Extra small
11-23-2018, 08:57 PM
[Image: rogue_pup_by_siienna-dcsqd7v.png]

Sibling of? Branch (littermate of Aspen)
Name: Briar Wreckage
Gender: Female
Skills: Intellect, Navigation

Eye Color: Purple
Height: 35 inches.
Appearance: Briar carries the Wreckage lineage like armor, birthed alongside Aspen and a multitude of other siblings, her coloration consists of a rather dark display. Blacks and on the edge of dark blue, she is a rather beautiful specimen. Constructed by genetics sought from generations of wolves, Briar sports the classic undereye marking - a silver that stands out from the overall darkness that she is shadowed with. The eye markings cascade to her cheeks in different directions, creaking whisp like motions as if an artist dipped their paintbrush and went for a noticeable but rather underwhelming look.

Her jaw is layered with an even darker shade of black, an inky masterpiece which strays to just the top of her chest before fading out into a lighter grey before returning with the classic 'v' shape across it. The top of her neck also holds the black, fading in and out in faded lines before transforming into feather-like spurts of color. Because of the color of her eyes, if caught in the right lighting, the coloration of these silver markings can appear to trick the eye in a specific way and come off as a lilac.

Her tail is ringed, the base consisting of the same coloration as her stomach and legs while also being adorned with markings that aren't that, unfortunately, aren't that noticeable unless, of course again, caught in the right lighting. Briar stands at the full height of thirty-five inches despite carrying the blood of behemoths.

Personality: The girl is no doubt one that is interested in the past - ever since she was a child, she was amazed by the wonders of stories of giants that stood on two legs and could make detailed weapons just like they could, who would tame creatures, who would have her own ancestors by their side and remain together for all eternity. Except they had not; thus, Briar has the hobby of collecting trinkets and anything she can find from bones to jewelry to weapons to clothes.

When she goes out to collect them, she usually comes home empty-pawed because she decided it was better for nature to keep it. Nevertheless, it captures her mind in perhaps the largest puzzle piece in the history of the wolves. Where had they gone? Would something similar happen to them? Perhaps that was why she was born so high in the bitter cold north, to make her strong; to make sure that she had a fighting chance. Once in a blue moon, she will collect an item that is in stable condition that she can absolutely not leave behind and will usually adorn the inside of her den with the intricacies of their beauty. Glass is sharp unless it's dull (which it usually is) but it reflects a lot, especially when washed in the river. Gems, necklaces, anything eye-catching.

Because Briar is a good girl, if the pack needs something, she will usually go out of her way and trade her findings with another pack or a traveler who possesses the specific item. Unfortunately, since leaving her home in search of her siblings, she had to leave behind her collection that she placed in a hoard far away, frozen in snow. A new start, a new story, perhaps.

Moving on from the collection hobby, Briar is rather easy going, but she is noble in heart. Kind and intelligent, she offers a lot of information on different things except for herbology because nothing confuses her more. Briar gets antsy when others attempt to explain to her different plants and medicines and poisons, because she just can't get it. It doesn't click. Unfortunately, this can make her snap at the individual which made the healers back home not want to interact with her. Needless to say, she never really had 'herb' friends. Despite this, she will usually always apologize because she was raised in a way that was considered lawful neutral.

Briar is generally quiet and has a Snowy Owl companion: Scout who she knew since he fell out of the nest when she was a pup. Their relationship is rather close and she often playfully refers to him as 'Old Owl'. Scout is extremely loyal to the Wreckage family for saving his life and raising him and is usually never far away.

Ambitions: Gabori.
Plot Ideas: Briar has come from the North in search of her siblings accompanied by her Snowy Owl companion Scout. If anything else pops up later, I'll be sure to pm you.
[Image: everestsig_by_siienna-dcsh79g.png]



4 Years
Extra large
11-23-2018, 09:00 PM
I love her!!!! Accepted!!