
Abraxas Pack??



5 Years
Dire wolf

06-06-2017, 10:27 AM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2017, 11:25 PM by Amon.)
Hey all! I just wanted to toss up a place for players of Abraxas family members (and other characters who might be interested!) to come and throw some ideas around for where we want to take our lovely Abraxases! Abraxai? Uhm... You know what I mean. Below are the ideas I've got so far. Feel free to hop in the discussion to suggest lands to claim, plots to plan, anything you've got to make this more interesting!



Risen Emperor: (1) The Emperor’s word is law. He or she who has been blessed by the gaze of the Fallen God must be pure and true in their bloodline. Their dedication to the Risen Empire is unchallenged, and unquestioned. As such, their word is absolute law. To some, the wolf holding this position may as well be a god. The Emperor speaks with the will of the Fallen God.

Lead General: (1) The Lead General is second only to the Emperor himself. The General is tasked with overseeing the Empire in it's entirety, whether it be in their homelands or in other territories held by Risen forces. The General is considered the lead advisory position as well. They expected to attend all war meetings and host occasional briefings to ensure the Empire stays a cohesive unit. May accept new members, deliver punishment as they see fit, and call meetings.

Heir: (1) The heir is one chosen by the Emperor. The heir will be he or she who seems to be the most driven and dedicated to follow the will of the Fallen God. If the heir is unfit to rule at the time of the current Emperor's death, the Lead General will take over until such a time arrives. May accept new members, deliver punishment as they see fit, and call meetings.

War Primary: (1) This is an advisory position. To achieve the rank of War Primary one must first have achieved a high skill point ranking (relative to other pack members.) The War Primary is in charge of communicating frequently with Lieutenants, and assisting in assigning teams of Soldiers to serve beneath the Lieutenants. They are also responsible for ensuring the apprentices are being adequately trained. They are trusted to develop their own training regime, whether it be pairs of mentors or frequent lessons, so long as it is being done. May accept new members, deliver punishment as they see fit, and call meetings.

Scout Primary: (1) This is an advisory position. To achieve the rank of Scout Primary one must first have achieved a high skill point ranking (relative to other pack members.) The Scout Primary is in charge of communicating frequently with other packs and conquered lands, and ensuring lower ranking scouts are completing their patrols.. They are also responsible for ensuring the apprentices are being adequately trained. They are trusted to develop their own training regime, whether it be pairs of mentors or frequent lessons, so long as it is being done. May accept new members, deliver punishment as they see fit, and call meetings.

Sage Primary: (1) This is an advisory position. To achieve the rank of Sage Primary one must first have achieved a high skill point ranking (relative to other pack members.) The Sage Primary is in charge of maintaining the Empire's stores of herbs and medicines. They are expected to remain current and innovative in their practices. The Sage is also responsible for educating others on the glory of the Fallen God, and inoculating new followers into their faith. They are also responsible for ensuring the apprentices are being adequately trained. They are trusted to develop their own training regime, whether it be pairs of mentors or frequent lessons, so long as it is being done. May accept new members, deliver punishment as they see fit, and call meetings.

Lieutenant: (3) The Lieutenants have a very important role in the Empire. The are the veritable backbone of the war front. Lieutenants will be in charge of a War Band, a diverse group of wolves, which they will be in charge of recruiting. The Lieutenant will be required to ensure they are trained to the Empire's standards. War Bands may be deployed for any number of missions, including scouting other pack borders, small raids and espionage missions, and of course seeing to conflict wherever it should arise. The Lieutenant will be responsible for organizing these operations. They report directly to the War Primary. It is a matter of pride to have the 'best' War Band, and Lieutenants are encouraged to recruit experienced fighters from outside the Empire.

Expert Scout: An expert scout is expected to be familiar with all lands in Auster and Boreas. An expert scout is expected to have at least Intermediate skill level in Navigation and have ICly taken place in several threads all throughout both Boreas and Auster. They are responsible for gather the Empire's intel. These wolves will be expected to often find themselves on other packs borders, gathering information on it's status and members. They are expected to know about certain weather events befalling certain areas and where the herds are stationed during their various migrations. These wolves are expected to take part in espionage missions as well as border patrol. An Expert Scout will lead teams of lower ranking hunters, and is expected to pass along their knowledge through lessons and other similar scenarios.

Expert Hunter: An expert scout is expected to be well versed in many various sorts of prey species, including hoofed mammals, fish, game birds and more. These wolves will OOCly be required to have at lease an Intermediate skill level in hunting, and have taken place in several large hunts IC. These wolves are expected to provide for the pack, aiding the elders and pups in particular. They will also occasionally be asked to aid healers when gather herbs and other necessary material. An Expert Hunter will lead teams of lower ranking hunters, and is expected to pass along their knowledge through lessons and other similar scenarios.

Expert Healer: An expert healer should be familiar with a vast variety of herbs and illnesses, and understand how those two things intermix. A character should have at least Intermediate skill level in healing and have participated in a wide variety of healing related threads IC. These wolves are expected to give frequent lessons and often lead expeditions into various lands, ensuring the pack is well supplied for whatever may befall them. Healers often take the role of Priest or Sage as well, and are encouraged to keep pack and Abraxas history in general alive.

Soldier: A soldier is a dog of war. These are fighters, true to the bone. Their job is to defend pack borders. Soldiers are expected to regularly attend border patrols and occasionally range beyond pack borders to scout out enemy forces. Soldiers should not be opposed to the idea of dominating/claiming others who reject or defile the doctrines of the Abraxas.

Scout: Scouts are the eyes of the pack. Their trade is knowledge, and this extends beyond simply knowing the land. A good scout is expected to know the land, its people, and its gossip. A scout can expect to become an expert scout after getting to know many wolves from many places, and returning to the Empire with the valuable snippets it has learned. These wolves may also be given the Subclass of Spy, which will direct them towards missions which favor the arts of espionage.

Hunter: Hunters feed and provide for the pack. These wolves are expected to be able to find not only food but shelter and water as well in times of hardship. Hunters are expected to occasionally venture on patrols with ranking Scouts to maintain their familiarity with various landscapes. Hunters are also expected to keep a keen eye while out and about, and aid in gathering information for the Empire.

Healer: Healers keep the pack strong, and are valued members amongst the ranks. Healers are expected to attend to the needs of ranking healers and continue their apprenticeships regardless of age until they are deemed ready to achieve a higher rank. Healers are expected to maintain their own stores of herbs, as well as contribute to pack stores as well. (It is highly encouraged that they partake in frequent gathering missions... This definitely isn't just Fox talking, either...)

Commoner: A commoner is a wolf who has not decided their path yet. These wolves may be in-between vocations or new to the pack, but they are not expected to linger in this rank for long. Wolves who stay as Commoners for an extended period of time may begin to be viewed as dead weight for the Empire. This is not a good position to find oneself in.

Apprentice: An apprentice is a pup aged 6 months to one year. They are expected to undertake lessons with several different wolves to decide the path they will want to pursue as they grow. These are valued members of the pack, whether they be Godlike or Mortal, and are to be protected at all costs. Apprentices are expected to learn fighting skills regardless of their chosen path.

Pup: Pups 0-6 months. These ranking members are expected to act as nothing more than children. Their Shenanigans are excused and should be turned into lessons whenever possible. The Empire as a whole is expected to be role models for these youngsters and steer them along the proper path. Pups have no duties or requirements within the pack until they reach 6 months of age. Pups of all birthright, Godlikes or Mortals, are to be protected at all costs.

Slave: These are wolves that have been subjugated by a Godlike wolf. These wolves are expected to do as they are bid or face severe punishment from any ranking Empire wolf who sees their misbehavior. Their lives are forfeit until such time as they are released from slavery. Must stay within pack boundaries. May not have contact without outside pack members unless supervised.

Captive: A captive is a wolf currently held by a ranking Godlike member of the Empire. They must stay within pack boundaries and always be supervised by a Godlike wold of the Empire. They are to be protected until further judgement is passed, but have lost their freedom to come and go as they please.

Traitor: These are wolves who have left pack boundaries without supervision while their integrity remained in question. Slaves, Captives, or loyal members turned treasonous, wolves who achieve this ranking are considered dead men walking. A bounty will be put on their heads, with instruction to retrieve dead or alive.

• Within the pack, unusual wolves seen to be gifted with Godlike genetics or influence would be held in higher ranking than those without. These Godlikes would expect respect and perhaps the occasional offering whereas the Mortals of the pack would be protected, given guidance, and promised a place of luxury in the afterlife. Is it a little cultish? Maybe. But thats part of the fun.
• Eventually, Amon would like to see multiple packs headed by Abraxas family members. He would do his best to establish as many as possible, to leave for his children and other family members. Whether he's successful or not, ambitious Abraxas wolves would certainly find time to shine here.
• All types of characters would be welcome, but be warned! The Abraxas are not always the nicest, and first impressions mean a lot. I think the line between 'Godlike' and 'Mutated/Malformed' is one each Abraxas char would come to terms with on their own. The same goes for their tolerance of Mortals. There would be no pressure for current Abraxas wolves to conform to this.
• Essentially, Amon is trying to start a legit Crusade to build his empire.
• The pack would likely be considered of a darker alignment to others. Alliances would be very difficult to form with them, as they would be unlikely to ever seem themselves on equal footing with a pack not led by an Abraxas wolf.
• GODLIKES: Leaders, ranking positions, encouraged to breed and grow their numbers. Respected and perhaps revered by lesser members of the pack. It would be very cool to even push this in the direction of certain characters being associated with certain gods, perhaps even... prayed to or expected to have real power, even if none exists. Idk, plots to explore later! Also expected to gather and provide for the pack of course, but they have Higher Duties™ to attend to most of the time, such as diplomatic work and war plotting.
• MORTALS: The meat of the pack. Mortals will be welcome amongst them, but they will certainly be in a different class. The Mortals of the pack are to be protected unless they act out against the Abraxas doctrine. Frequently these Mortals would be asked to play as missionaries, converting more over to the Fallen God's ways. Mortals aligned with the Abraxas packs would be promised a throne in the afterlife, a place of reverence and power, essentially a promotion to a Godlike entity after serving a lifetime as a mortal. Of course, this hinges on the Abraxas rising back to their Godly status...
IN SUMMARY! This pack would be great for all of our weird-as-hell designed wolves out there, and all those who believe they are Better Than You™. Ambitious mortals who want power and prominence may find a home with them, just as wolves in need of salvation or protection might too. I am hoping to set up political intrigue, high stakes alliances, and give ambitious players/wolves something to fight for!

This is a future plot, not necessarily something I'm looking to spring up right away! Amon needs to do a little bit more developing as far as his own tolerance of Mortals go, but he's aimed down a path to beginning viewing them less as annoying nuisances and more like subjects, which are very important factors when one is trying to rule anything at all. Sure, he'll probably always fall a little closer to the Fear side of the Fear-Love Machiavellian scale, but hopefully a little bit less prone to murder?

-- You have a character you'd like to see join the pack, and what you'd like to do with them
-- A plot relating to this you'd like to play out
-- Any questions!!
-- Any suggestions at all! Lands to claim, a name for the pack, rules or bits of structure, etc. There are so many players with an Abraxas now, I really want to make sure this pack is something we can all enjoy, and all would want to be a part of! <3

Amon is prone to foul language, insulting comments, and the occasional act of violence.
His children are welcome in any and all of his threads!



3 Years
Dire wolf
06-06-2017, 10:50 AM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2017, 01:23 PM by Skia.)
Skia is down to head a pack cuz she's ambitious yo

Also I vote they claim wreaths woods and Lazuli falls

(Skia would go for the runestones and dragons blood grove cuz she's mean enough to cut off the other two lands beneath that like that)



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
06-06-2017, 02:50 PM
For lands I'd say Gods garden because hello, god in it's name xD but that would also put them next door to Talis and Drag x amon have yet to meet, but he has met Naamah and Razi (and pyralis technically when i respond to the spar again), but if that happens then it might be interesting cuz Dragon is starting to believe in spirits and if pushed in the right direction might even start up some sort of spirit offering/ religious thing. Plus the two packs could be the defenders of Auster and chase out outsiders cuz let's face it, dragon is suspicious about them now and does not trust lightly anymore lol.
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
06-06-2017, 06:11 PM
Archon ruling a pack with Lilith at his side ;)



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
06-06-2017, 07:09 PM
god's garden makes sense to me! I need to think a bit on Pyralis, depending on how old the pups are when this springs up it will be difficult to say what she'll view her role as. If on his own Ashiel will definitely join and seek to climb up the ranks. Pyralis is a bit too much of a free spirit but with a proper rank for her wandering ways she could be convinced. ;)
Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!