
And what of you?


06-15-2017, 01:48 AM

He prowled in the dark of the aspen woods. His dove grey pelt bore the signiture of his father's kin, the tribal markings made in blood. The blood of his enemies dried and hardened on his fur in a symmetrical pattern except that over his eyes. Who would of known little Draven as he had been named would ever of had the heart to kill, but of course that was a ghost of long ago. A ghost he preferred to leave dead.

He stopped as he came to find what he had wanted. A herd of elk grazed and slept about thirty meters ahead of him. He was quick to sit before laying down. He would take his time and pick off a calf if he could. He couldn't take on a bull or a cow on his own. He wasn't stupid enough to even try. His empty eye socket was closed right now as the heat of this land brought flies and he protected it from the pests. His ears pressed back as he listened to the sounds of the night. This land would make for a good home though he wasn't certain it was what he liked. He liked places where others did not traverse easily. His pack would need something like that.

He remembered his run in with Ganta easily and his lip twitched in a snarl as he remembered it. His brother was a weakling and deserved nothing in his pack except slavery. His other siblings were yet to be decided. He shook his head to clear the thoughts and focus on selecting a target. He stayed down wind and hidden from them. Though he had his guard up, he assumed some of his siblings should they find him would want him dead, merely for being the son of the other woman. He didn't care about that though. He was a Hellstrom through and through.

Walk, "Talk", Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-15-2017, 02:26 AM

This place was...interesting. He had yet to trek the lands of Auster, though after coming across Ganta and being told about Shiro, he was on a quest to find and eradicate the creature. He would not allow the boy or...whatever he supposedly thought himself, to soil the Hellstrom name. Venomous amber orbs flashed through the darkness, his steps quiet, almost silent as he moved through the darkness. While it was considerable warmer in Auster than it was in Boreas, it didn't stop him from his task at hand. However, the biting hunger that gnawed at his stomach did send him in a detour. The alabaster male would change course, seeking out a meal before finding somewhere to bed down for the night. These lands were unknown to him, but he would make do. He was a survivor, always had been and nothing would stop him from it. He would survive until his dying breath, be it going out the same way his father did, or old age...though he doubted he'd make it to the latter. Not with all the enemies he had and revenge he planned on serving.

Dark thoughts would begin to scatter across his mind, a darkened soul bearing the sins of his father. His fathers sins were his own, and the male could almost laugh with delight. He always knew he'd grow up to be like him, it was inevitable after all. Before he could think more on it, the scents of deer crossed his path and immediately he sought them out. He moved in silence, and it wasn't long before the man came across the herd. Some were sleeping, a few were grazing. He was feeling particularly devilish tonight, his rabid hunger driving him to do what his inner beast wanted. And that was blood. The tri-colored male neared them, remaining in the shadows as he moved swiftly and silently, and once he was closer to one of the unsuspecting young bucks, he charged full pelt at it. A vicious snarl left his maw as the man leaped towards it, leaves and debris from the bushes he crashed through flying around him. The herd startled, though the one he sought would not get away. He was an experienced hunter, and the male would get what he wanted! Teeth snapped shut around the surprised bucks throat, and though it tried to flee with the others, its legs buckled as Enigma's weight dragged it down. He kept a choke hold on it, amber eyes narrowed as he viciously shook his head, tearing the bucks throat out. Blood spilled down his neck and chest, the warm tang filling his mouth as he tore away from it. With a gurgled cry, the buck faltered and took no more than a few steps before it fell to the ground, body twitching as it struggled to hold on to life.

But of course, the light would fade from its eyes as it bled out and gasped for air. Blood bubbling where he had torn its throat. He stood there, legs spread and head slightly bowed as he held on to the bit of skin, muscle, and fur he had torn away. His body heaved with heavy breath as he waited for the bucks final throes to subside. Once it lay still, a dark laugh bubbled up in his throat, the male rolling his shoulders as he dropped what he held. The rest of the herd had taken off, but he had won his prize.

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


06-15-2017, 03:16 AM

The quiet of the night helped him think. His choice of prey was made silently. A young buck with buttons just starting to push through. It was perhaps a year at most. He was about to move forward, then everything went to shit. "Fuck!" he dashed forward then, racing to gain his prey. The form of enigma was one he ignored for the fact that he wasn't going hungry tonight. He was quick to leap onto the back of the yearling and his teeth snapped into the skull of it. He tore into the flesh, it's cries were sweet on his ears. It fell and he was on top for a few seconds before it ended with him rolling onto his back and the side of his hips. The yearling was quick in rising though with its position in the heard it wasn't easy, though Riker all but forgot about the yearling as he was lost in the center of trampling hooves and panicked ungulates.

He had to make a quick decision, kill it or get out uninjured and alive. He was quick, rolling himself out of the fray. As soon as he was safe and he had done an inventory check of himself he gave a snarl. Looks like he was going hungry. His golden eye flashed to the one that ruined his hunt. A snarl breaking through his throat. He stood and shook himself off. The fuck was his brother thinking? Racing head long into a herd without back up or tactics really. He shook his head, frustrated with both enigma and himself. "Great, another idiot brother' as if that weakling Ganta wasn't enough. And this one smells like a bitch, literally." he approached him then opening his empty eye socket, displaying his battle wounds like trophies.

He had Vetter of intended on sharing that with me after fucking everything up. he stopped about ten feet from his brother. His eye was on him with a look of disapproval. He might of once looked up to enigma, but now he was on the same playing field. If he had to he would take the buck by force to avoid hunger tonight. "So how is it that the brother I once worshipped ends up here smelling like a bitch? And your sharing that aren't you, seeing as you fucked with my hunt?" he lifted the brow of his empty socket. The nagging question was if this brother had ever even noticed his disappearance and abduction. Though it had been a shit show with the siege so he doubted it.

Walk, "Talk", Think



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-15-2017, 04:21 AM

He paid no mind to anything else the moment he began to dig into his kill. Teeth ripped into flesh as Enigma began to eat, blood staining his alabaster fur as he dined. It wasn't until the words of a voice he hadn't heard for a long time cut the air, a rabid snarl ripping through his throat as his head pulled sharply up to look at the foul mouthed idiot. Enigma's eyes narrowed, venomous gaze zeroing in on his target. "What did you just say?" He snarled, teeth dripping with blood. He stood at his full height, tail curling over his back in a dominant display as he stepped around his kill. This insolent brat would regret his words...Enigma would make sure of that! Eyes remained on his new target, blood stained teeth bared as he drew closer a couple feet. He didn't recognize the other male at first, then realized he had said Ganta's name. He stared at him a moment longer, then remembered who it was.

"Draven..." He drawled out the name. A name he hadn't heard nor a face he had seen in a long time. Not that he cared...not after what he had just said. "I'm not sharing shit with you , you disrespectful cur! It seems you have no respect for those above you, but don't'll learn your place soon enough!" He snarled. He cared not why this boy was here, nor what he had to say at the moment. Enigma would not be disrespected by a half-blood! Not even a full blood brother! It wasn't his fault that the cyclops had failed to secure himself a meal. And he sure as hell wasn't sharing his, not after what his brother just said. "You just dug yourself an early grave!" The only warning he would give before launching himself at the other.

They were roughly eight feet apart, Enigma would push off with his hind legs to attempt a charge at Riker. Teeth were bared in a fearsome snarl, eyes wild with the light of battle. His ears were pinned to his head, hackles raised as his tail flagged out behind him. Toes spread across the ground, claws biting the earth as he attempted to close the distance. His eyes narrowed to slits, face scrunched for further protection. His head was lowered, chin tucked to protect his throat while his scruff bunched with the motion. He aligned his head and tail with his spine. He was ready.

Enigma would jut his left shoulder forward, aiming to slam it into the joint that held Riker's shoulder and leg together. He sought to dislocate his opponent's right leg, maybe even shatter it. As he attempted this, Enigma would raise his right paw, aiming then to slam it down upon the toes of Riker's left forepaw in an attempt to break his toes and pin him in place. Simultaneously, his head would twist to his (Enigma's) left, jaws parting as he sought to place his teeth upon Riker's head. Top fangs aimed to latch onto Riker's skull where his left ear was, bottom fangs seeking to place themselves just beneath the left side of Riker's jaw. He sought to attain a grip and hold with no intention of releasing should he succeed.

He would show this cur who the real bitch was...

Enigma VS Rikeros for: MAIM [facial disfiguration]
Round: 1/2
Height: 36"
Build: Medium

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


06-15-2017, 05:12 AM

His brother's rage drew a smirk to his face. So he struck a nerve. So what will you do about it? Gonna charge right in or be a weak idiot like Ganta? He seemed so easily offened and Riker was just getting started. The insult from Enigma didnt strike a nerve, he didnt give two shits what others thought about him. Why should he? No one had cared about him so he shouldn't care about anyone else. He narrowed his eye on his brother as he yelled at him, the only thing that struck a nerve with him was that. His lips peeled back in a snarling smirk. He was cocky and felt he had this no matter what. So his brother had turned into a brawler then, good. He could deal with that, use it even. Perhaps he would apologize later, but now it looked like Enigma wouldn't settle for anything but bloodshed.

His head lowered to align with his spine as enigma burst forward. His toes splayed as his legs spread and his hind end lowered as he readied to leap should he need to. His ears pressed back into his erect scruff. His tail lifted to show his own dominance. He had once been smaller than his brother but now they were on par. His moth opened wide as a snarl came out, not one of anger though, no one of the caged man he had been for the past three years. He was a survivor and a fighter.

He burst forward as his brother had done, not caring that he now aimed to shove his own shoulder into the same shoulder Enigma had tried to shove into his. His head dropped so Enigmaxs teeth would miss his face and bite into a rough and protected scruff. His teeth aimed to simultaneously bite into enigma's neck upon the side, on the right side. He didn't care if he scarred his brother, but he did hope the bite would tear into flesh and force his brother to feel pain that he had unbeknowingly inflicted on Riker as he had been a child. How had he done such? By not caring that he had been abducted of course. His shoulder took the impact and he could feel the bruise already forming. The feeling of it brought a snarl forth, it was the only feeling he knew from others and could count on being there daily.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Rikeros vs Enigma for maim: heavy Scarring
Round 1/2
36" tall
Medium build



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-15-2017, 06:01 AM

It would seem the once runty cur would meet him head on, though he inwardly smirked and laughed that he made no response towards his words. Perhaps it was the fact he hadn't had time to respond, if he had, then Enigma might have just ripped his tongue out. While it was a tempting thought, and while he would have loved to do so, ripping the grey males tongue from his skull was not on his agenda right now. His shoulder clashed with Riker's, a moderate bruise sure to well up there later, though he made no pained sound as adrenaline coursed through him. On top of that, there was no pain he couldn't endure. Not after what had happened in the siege. He was all too familiar with pain, so anything his estranged brother dished out was no more than a nuisance to the tri-colored devil.

Enigma made sure to keep his defenses in check. Eyes remained narrowed, his tail aligned with his spine. Head lowered and chin tucked, hackles raised and his three grounded limbs spread equally apart with weight evenly distributed. His right forepaw had made contact with Riker's left forepaw, and he snarled with satisfaction that he'd been able to succeed in at least one of his endeavors. However, he wasn't satisfied with where his teeth had made contact. As soon as he tasted blood when his teeth bit into Riker's scruff, Enigma released and pulled his head back. The tri-colored male would continue to strive for what he wanted, so as quickly as he could he'd open his jaws again and aim for his true target.

Riker's teeth would make contact on the right side of his neck near his chest, and while his dear brother was busy with that, Enigma would make his move.  He rose upon his hind legs,  head tucking further as he briefly looked down on his opponent. His hind legs spread evenly as he balanced his weight upon them, keeping himself sturdy to avoid being pushed back. Simultaneously, his forelegs would rise as he aimed to wrap them around Riker's neck. Left foreleg aimed to wrap upon Riker's right side, and right foreleg seeking to wrap around the left side as he attempted to get him locked into place. Jaws gaped open, drool and blood from his earlier kill mottling his teeth and dripping from his fangs. He lunged forth, aiming to latch onto Riker's face this time. Top fangs sought to grip just above Riker's right eye socket while bottom fangs sought a hold on the left side of Riker's muzzle. He wanted to grasp the gray male in a vice grip, to lacerate and disfigure his face with a deep bite, to tear flesh and muscle, potentially scarring him and wanting to leave nasty wounds that wouldn't heal nicely. If he could tear the eyelid of the empty eye socket, that would simply be a bonus. Furthermore, he would aim to press his weight into his brother, wanting to smother him while his brother bit into his chest. He'd make it hard for him to breathe by suffocating him with his fur. Maybe he'd learn to keep his mouth shut then.

Enigma VS Rikeros for MAIM [Facial Disfiguration]
Round: 2/2
Height: 36"
Build: Medium

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!


06-18-2017, 08:03 AM
As his shoulder and teeth connected there was satisfaction. He wanted more though and wouldn't settle for less. Even if he lost he wanted to give enigma a run for his money. Battling was how he sought to gain respect. He didn't care that the other probably would never truly respect him. After all even Ganta the weakling had said it, Enigma was one of the favorites. It was time to knock this dark prince down off that pedestal he held himself on. Half brother or not, Riker was just as much a child of Sin as Enigma was.

His toes throbbed with pain but Riker ignored it, he had bigger things to worry about. Not to mention he was used to it. There was a spray of blood as his brother latched onto his face and his legs wrapped around his neck. It was no matter to him. He snarled out his defiance as his grip of his brother sought to close tighter, aiming to dig deep into his neck. At that same moment he aimed to rip away from his brother, hoping to leave either a deep laceration upon the right side of Enigma's neck, or rip the chunk of flesh he held in his jaws from his brother. He wanted to expose the muscle beneath to the hot air. His own wound would be deepened and ripped open but he gave no shits. What was one more scar on a face no one could love? His brothers teeth had been planted at the top of his head and in the muscled area of his lower cheek, behind the eye. It was on his already blind side so he gave no shits.

He kept his defenses up as best he could. His lips peeled back and muzzle wrinkled to protect the bridge of his nose. His legs spread to keep him balanced, and his tail was out behind him to aid in this. His eye was narrowed for its protection, though he highly doubted that's what his brother truly wanted, after all why blind one that could prove a powerful ally. His scruff was stiffened and the hair down his spine stood on end to protect that. He couldn't guard his throat well in this position so he did the best he could to keep his head at an angle that would keep enigma from grabbing it. His ears pressed back and his tongue was pulled back to keep it from being bitten by his own teeth. His toes splayed in the dirt and nails dug in for traction as he pulled backwards with a yanking force.

Rikeros vs Enigma for maim: heavy Scarring (of the neck)
Round 2/2
36" tall
Medium build

The Judge


06-30-2017, 07:45 PM
Enigma vs Rikeros for Maim




8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
  • -1 I don't see how the shoulder slam could possibly shatter a whole leg
    -1  they're the same size and build, I don't think a paw slam would break Rikeros' toes and it certainly would not pin him in place
3/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • -2 where on the joint is he trying to hit and how?  This determines the success and logistics of the attack.
    -1 which right paw is he trying to slam into Rikeros?
  • Positioning
  • -2 at what angle is Enigma charging?  
    -2 I'm lost how Engima is twisting his head to his left but aiming for the left size of Rik's face.  It should be opposite.
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Damage
7/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 shoulder slam
  • +1 paw slam
  • +3 bite +1 hold
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 for each seen
10/10 for Injuries:
  • first round


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice Fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual

4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

ENIGMA’s round one total: 40/62



8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • -2 you need to state the outcome of all your opponents attacks.  What happened to the paw slam?
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
1/10 for Clarity:
    *posts are judged individually so you need to specific what part of your wolf's body they are using to attack and where they are aiming it, even if they're mirroring their opponent.
  • Attacks
  • -2 which shoulder is he aiming at Enigma?  -2 which shoulder of Enigma's is he trying to hit?
  • Positioning
  • -2 where on the right side of Enigma's neck is he aiming for?  An attack near the jawlline puts the positioning much different than one towards the shoulders.
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Damage
  • -2 how much damage did Enigma's fangs do to Rik's scruff?  You must specify the severity of the damage. -1 same for the bruise, you need to state how severe
5/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 shoulder slam
  • +3 bite
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
10/10 for Injuries:
  • moderate bruising to unspecified shoulder


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginning Fighter
  • +1 Beginning Navigator
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

RIKEROS’ round one total: 30/62




10/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • Realism
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Damage
  • -2 how much damage did the bite do to Enigma?
6/10 for Attacks:
  • +2 double arm wrap
  • +3 bite +1 maim attempt +1 grip
5/5 for Defenses:
  • +1 each seen
7/10 for Injuries:
  • -1 moderate bruising to shoulder
  • -2 moderate lacerations to lower right of neck


3/12 for Experience:
  • +2 Novice Fighter
  • +1 Beginner Intellectual

4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

ENIGMA’s round two total: 45/62



8/10 for Power Play:

  • Attempts
  • Godmoding
  • If/Than Statements
  • Excessive Movement
  • -2 you have Rik trying to dig his jaws in but also ripping back.  You should choose one movement or the other.
  • Realism
8/10 for Clarity:
  • Attacks
  • Positioning
  • Directions
  • Movements
  • Damage
  • -2 how severe is the damage of the jaw attack to Rik's face?  The position is good I just don't know how bad it is.
3/10 for Attacks:
  • +3 bite
5/5 for Defenses:
  • list valid defenses up to five
6/10 for Injuries:
  • -3 severe lacerations to face -1 exacerbated by pulling back while still in a hold


2/12 for Experience:
  • +1 Beginning Fighter
  • +1 Beginning Navigator
4/5 for Health:
  • pack status
  • unhealed event status
  • unhealed fight status

RIKEROS’ round two total: 36/62


ENIGMA: 95/124
RIKEROS: 66/124

And the winner is...

ENIGMA! RIKEROS must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.  Engima's maim is successful.


  • moderate bruising to shoulder 1 ooc week
  • imoderate lacerations to lower right of neck 2 ooc weeks
  • moderate bruising to unspecified shoulder 1 ooc week
  • severe lacerations to face 1 ooc month, will never fully heal and will scar

- Lunarcat7



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-07-2017, 01:03 AM

Satisfaction. That was all he could think as he succeeded in his attack against his brat of a brother. Teeth sliced down the brats face, flesh splitting and blood spilling onto his tongue. Enigma ignored the bites and bruises he had gotten, knowing that none of them would be as severe as what he had just done. And now that he'd hopefully taught the brat a lesson, he would release his grip, only after making sure his brother knew who was top dog here. Enigma waited for Draven to fall away from him, the alabaster male standing tall, tail curled over his back. Venomous amber orbs glowered at the bloodied and beaten whelp, "Next time, learn to keep your fucking mouth shut, punk! None of us are going to stand for your shit." And by that he meant he and his littermates.

He licked his muzzle clean of blood, ignoring the wound he had on the side of his neck. It wasn't anything that would kill him, really. He'd take care of it later, for now he was waiting for the brat to turn tail and run. Or at least acknowledge that he wasn't the one in charge.

Speech Thought Others


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!