

Marina I


7 Years
06-18-2017, 06:11 PM
The journey home can sometimes be the hardest to make. But for Marina, pregnant and still mending from her run in with that man... it took a bit more of a toll on her than she would have liked to admit. But Marina didn't mentioned this, no, not to her son. Nor to the other Celestian male, Castiel, who had aided them on the trip home. But Marina's main reason for silence was for the sake of her little Chasm, the light of her life, especially with her newest litter growing closer to being born. Soon Chasm was going to have brothers and sisters... soon she was going to be a mother again. The thought should have made her happy, given her past history, but this time it only made her feel ill.

Marina was eating a tad less, depression growing on her, though she tried to eat at least a tiny bit of whatever was brought to her. Especially if Chasm or Bones were the ones fetching it. She was doing everything in her power to keep her son from worrying further... but how long could she keep up a brave face? She was scared, no, terrified to give birth to these children. Something didn't feel right with them... and by the time she realized that it'd been too late to get rid of them. Currently within her den the mother to be looked at her swollen stomach, wondering how many of Satan's spawn crawled and writhed within her.

Marina flicked her ears back before shaking her head. It was no good carrying on this way... yet she still stewed within herself, allowing her suffering to go on. Marina... wasn't so good at admitting certain things. Letting others know just how much she was hurting was one of them... or if she was feeling sad at all.

A sigh passed her lips as her gaze shifted to the entrance of the den. Chasm would be back soon... how long would it be before her son realized she was acting off? How long would it be before he confronted her, being more of a parent than she was capable of being at the moment? That fact too made Marina feel badly. Her son should not have been stepping up to the plate to a position where his father should have been.

Another sigh.

Well... on the plus side they were home... here in Celestial where they ought to be. At least here they were safe...

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]



4 Years
06-21-2017, 09:09 PM
The adjustment had not been easy on him, but he had managed to bury his emotions and to focus on caring for his mother. So much happened all at one time that it was difficult for the young boy to wrap his head around it, plus he now had to take over his father's position in providing for his mother. She was still healing from her attack and laid up with a swollen abdomen. She told him that soon he would have new brothers and sisters, which he could only assume they were currently living in her abdomen. How, the boy couldn't even begin to figure it out. His time lost from his parents had been precious time to learn what he needed for life, such as the good old birds and the bees talk, though in this particular situation he wouldn't have wanted to know his his unborn siblings were made.

He and Bones had spent most of their time hunting, providing as much food as they could for Marina. Though right now it was mostly small mammals with the winter in full bloom. Bones had been growling because he had really wanted to explore the pack lands, but Chasm wanted nothing to do with that right now. He needed to make sure his mom would be okay and he was more determined to do so since he had sensed her odd mood. She had done pretty well hiding it, but the young boy was still able to pick up on the little things such as her decrease in hunger. Though part of him wondered if his siblings were eating up her insides and leaving her no room for food.

He wasn't as much worried as he was confused because he didn't understand everything that was happening. His confusion did change to worry at times, but he had little time to focus on processing. He instead tried to push things aside and just worry about getting food. He tried to keep his focus on that so his mind wouldn't become overwhelmed.

The boys trudged back to the den and calmly slipped inside both having large hares in their mouths. Chasm set his by his mother and Bones simply sat his in an open spot in the den. The little Devil the disappeared heading out of the den. He was going to take this time to explore like he wanted to. Chasm flopped on the ground beside his mother with a heavy sigh before his bi colored eyes looked to her to see if she was eating.